1Family Snaps
2Family Snaps (2001)Renee Cox
3Man Lifting Child
4Beach scene
5Couple bw photo
7In Family Snaps, some sixty family photos
dating from the nineteenth century to the present
document this American familys life, from its
European and Jamaican roots to its contemporary
activities at home and on holidays. The family
photographs are the same as those found in most
family albums they record the birth of a child,
the death of a parent, the family vacations and
intimate moments at home such as father and small
son taking a bath together. Yet, in the world of
contemporary African-American art, which is
fiercely divided on issues of black
self-representation, there is plenty here to
offend those who wish to take offense.
Jo Anna Isaak, from the exhibition Renee Cox
American Family by Renee Cox and Jo Anna Isaak,
2001, Robert Miller Gallery Â
8Stand and Share
What do you think the artist is trying to
communicate through this photograph?
9Renee Cox