Title: Children of the Holocaust: Puzzle Piece Research Activity
1Children of the Holocaust Puzzle Piece Research
Activitymaking text-to-self connections
- The Innocent Victims of Prejudice and Genocide
2Between 1933 and 1945, the Germangovernment led
by Adolf Hitler and theNazi Party carried out
the systematicpersecution and murder of Europes
Jews.This genocide is now knownas the
3The Nazi regime also persecuted and killed
millions of other people it consideredpolitically
, racially, or socially unfit.www.ushmm.org
4The Allies victory ended World War II, butNazi
Germany and its collaborators had leftmillions
dead and countless lives shattered.www.ushmm.org
5Your Assignment
- Look up a child of the Holocaust that you have
been assigned and will learn more about - Write Cornell Notes with a well written summary
on your child. - Create a commemorative puzzle piece honoring this
child. - Present puzzle piece and information about your
- You will research your child and create Cornell
Notes with a summary on your child.
7Here is how to find your child
- Type in Children of the Holocaust, The Museum of
Tolerance on a Google search - Find the Education Tab
- Click Teacher Resources
- Scroll down to find the Children of the Holocaust
- www.museumoftolerance.com
8Cornell Note Taking Form
Childs Name Date of Birth, Place of Birth
Website Title Museum of Tolerance
Family Background
Life in the ghetto, camp or in hiding
Circumstances of death or release
Miscellaneous/Extra Info.
Summary This would be a good place to use quote sandwiches.
- You will be creating a commemorative puzzle piece
about your child. - You will present your puzzle piece to the class.
10Create a Puzzle Piece
- Commemorate a victim of the Holocaust by creating
a puzzle piece in his or her honor. - PICTURE NAME of your child
- Information to remember about him/her
- Who was your child?
- Where did he/she come from?
- Was he/she sent to a camp, ghetto, or hiding?
- Did he/she survive?
- Include any interesting facts you would like to
add. - All written information must be TYPED and the
piece must be DECORATED. - Create something to be proud of. Try your best.
11Puzzle Piece Sample Layout
- Born December 31, 1934, Kippenheim, Germany
- Age 7, deported to the Theresienstadt ghetto in
Czechoslovakia - May 8, 1945, Inge and her parents were liberated
from the Theresienstadt ghetto - They emigrated to the United States in May 1946.
- Wrote I Am a Star
Inge Auerbachber