Title: Free Educational Alphabet Puzzle Game For Kids
1Alphabet Puzzles for Kids (APK)
Alphabet Puzzles for Kids (APK) is a free
educational game for kids (preschoolers). This
free alphabet puzzle is ideal for children
younger than six years. Improves your childs
ability to recognize images. (visual-spatial
intelligence) Makes your child adroit at using
his or her hands and fingers. (bodily-kinesthetic
intelligence) Improve his or her knowledge of
the English language. (linguistic intelligence)
5Benefits of APK
- Letter games for kids have many benefits,
including - Uppercase letters
- Letters with images
- Enhanced reading skills
- Fun and productive way to kill time
- Better hand-eye coordination
- Improved abstract reasoning
- Inspire interest in education
- Increase problem solving skills
- Give you a chance to spend quality time with your
little one
6Additional Information
Updated April 17, 2014 Current Version
6.9 Offered By Games 4 Tots Size 30
M Requires Android 2.2 and up Permission View
details Developer Visit website Emailgames4tots
_at_gmail.com 10501 Wilshire Blvd. 1202 Los
Angeles, CA 90024
7APK available at both play store and IOS Platform
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