Dr Sonia Monteiro - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Dr Sonia Monteiro


H2020 in a Nutshell Dr Sonia Monteiro Research Officer (OVPRI) Ext. 3054 s.monteiro_at_ucc.ie Dr Allen White Research Officer (CACSSS) Ext. 2438 allen.white_at_ucc.ie – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Dr Sonia Monteiro

H2020 in a Nutshell
Dr Sonia Monteiro Research Officer (OVPRI) Ext.
3054 s.monteiro_at_ucc.ie
Dr Allen White Research Officer (CACSSS) Ext.
2438 allen.white_at_ucc.ie
February 21st 2014
Horizon 2020 (http//ec.europa.eu/programmes/horiz
The new EU research and innovation funding
programme (2014-2020)
Whats new
A single programme bringing together 3
programmes/initiatives Coupling research to
innovation Focus on societal challenges facing
EU society Simplified access, for all
companies, universities, institutes in all EU
countries and beyond
the 7th Framework Programme for Research
Technological Development (FP7), the innovation
aspects of Competitiveness Innovation Framework
Programme (CIP), the EU contribution to the
European Institute of Innovation and Technology
H2020 Organisation
(No Transcript)
Excellence in Science
European Research Council http//erc.europa.eu/fun
Starting Grant
Consolidator Grant
Advanced Grant
Scientific Excellence Any field of research 2 to
7 years post PhD Track record of early
achievements Up to 1.5 million for up to 5
years 1 stage submission/2 step evaluation Call
closes 25 March 2014
Scientific Excellence Any field of research 7 to
12 years post PhD Track record of early
achievements Up to 2 million for up to 5
years 1 stage submission/2 step evaluation Call
closes 20 May 2014
Scientific Excellence Any field of
research Leaders in their field (based on
track-record of previous 10 years) Up to 2.5
million for up to 5 years 1 stage submission/2
step evaluation Call Closes 21 October 2014
Marie Curie Individual Actions http//ec.europa.eu
EF European Fellowships
GF Global Fellowships
EF Reintegration/Return Panel
Any field of research Researchers working within
or outside Europe Host Institution in Europe 12
to 24 months Grant provides Salary Contribution
to research expenses Call details 12 Mar 11
Any field of research Researchers working in
Europe 24 to 36 months (includes 12mths
reintegration in Europe) Grant provides
Salary Contribution to research expenses Call
details 12 Mar 11 Sept
Any field of research Researchers returning to
Europe (into a long term research position) Must
have worked in Europe before moving abroad Grant
provides Contribution to research
expenses Call details 12 Mar 11 Sept
Marie Curie Institutional Actions http//ec.europa
ITN Innovative Training Networks
COFund Co-funding of regional, national
international programmes
RISE R I Staff Exchange
Any field of research Joint research training
and/or doctoral programmes European Training
Networks (ETN) European Industrial Doctorates
(EID) Joint Doctorates (EJD) 4 Year
Projects Call details 11 Dec 09 Apr 14
Any field of research Promote international and
inter-sector collaboration A joint research /or
innovation programme Two-way secondments of RI
staff with in-built return mechanism 4 Year
Projects Call details 11 Dec 24 Apr 14
Any field of research Co-funding new or existing
regional, national, international
programmes Provide international, intersectoral
and interdicisplinary research training Up to 70
Co-funding 36 to 60 months Call details 10 Apr 14
02 Oct 14
Future Emerging Technologies (FET)
H2020 Organisation
Tackling Societal Challenges
Societal Challenges http//ec.europa.eu/programmes

Health, demographic change and wellbeing
Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine
maritime research the bio-economy
Secure, clean and efficient energy
Smart, green and integrated transport
Climate action, resource efficiency and raw
Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies
Secure societies
Holistic, trans-disciplinary approaches to
challenges and questions Less prescription,
allowing applicants freedom to come up with
innovative solutions Strong emphasis on expected
impact Projects implemented through
consortia-based teams Minimum 3 Member or
Associated States Project Duration 3-5
years Workprogramme released every 2 years
Proposed Work Programme Cycle
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
  Strategic Programme     Strategic Programme     Strategic Programme          
Work Programme 1 (plus tentative information for 2016) Work Programme 1 (plus tentative information for 2016)   Strategic Programme     Strategic Programme     Strategic Programme      
    Work Programme 2 (plus tentative information for 2018) Work Programme 2 (plus tentative information for 2018)   Strategic Programme     Strategic Programme     Strategic Programme  
        Work Programme 3 (plus tentative information for 2020) Work Programme 3 (plus tentative information for 2020)  
            Work Programme 4
Focus areas Strategic Programme 2014-2016
Personalising health and care for quality of life
Sustainable food security Blue growth
unlocking the potential of oceans Smart cities
technologies Competitive low-carbon energy
Energy Efficiency Mobility for Growth (efficient
transport) Waste a resource to recycle and reuse
Water innovation boosting its value for Europe
Overcoming the crisis new ideas, strategies and
governance structures for Europe Disaster-resilien
ce safeguarding and securing society, including
adapting to climate change Digital security
Work Programme Structure
Work programme is organised by thematic areas
Societal Challenges
Health, demographic change and wellbeing Food
security, sustainable agriculture and forestry,
marine, maritime and inland water research, and
the bioeconomy Secure, clean and efficient
energy Smart, green and integrated
transport Climate action, environment, resource
efficiency and raw materials Inclusive,
innovative and reflective societies Secure
innovative societies
Work Programme Structure
Each area is then divided into different calls
Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies
Overcoming the Crisis New Ideas, Strategies and
Governance Structures for Europe The Young
Generation in an Innovative, Inclusive and
Sustainable Europe Reflective Societies
Cultural Heritage and European Identities Europe
as a Global Actor New Forms of Innovation
Work Programme Structure
Each call comprises several topics
Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies
Overcoming the Crisis New Ideas, Strategies and
Governance Structures for Europe EURO-1-2014
Resilient and sustainable economic and monetary
union in Europe EURO-2-2014 The European growth
agenda EURO-3-2014 European societies after the
crisis EURO-4-2014 Political challenges for
Europe The Young Generation in an Innovative,
Inclusive and Sustainable Europe YOUNG-1-2014
Early job insecurity and labour market exclusion
YOUNG-2-2014 Youth mobility opportunities,
impacts, policies YOUNG-5-2014 Societal and
political engagement of young people and their
perspectives on Europe Reflective Societies
Cultural Heritage and European Identities
REFLECTIVE-1-2014 ERA-NET on Uses of the
past REFLECTIVE-7-2014 Advanced 3D modelling for
accessing and understanding European cultural
assets REFLECTIVE-9-2014 Social Platform on
Reflective Societies Europe as a Global
Actor INT-1-2014/2015 Enhancing and focusing
research and innovation cooperation with the
Unions key international partner countries
INT-2-2014/2015 Encouraging the research and
innovation cooperation between the Union and
selected regional partners New Forms of
Innovation INSO-1-2014/2015 ICT-enabled open
government INSO-2-2014 Understanding and
supporting business model innovation
INSO-3-2014 The economic impact of the
Innovation Union INSO-6-2014 Platform for ICT
for Learning and Inclusion INSO-7-2014 Towards
joint programming under Horizon 2020
Topic Structure
  • Structure of topics in the work programme
    reflects the challenge based approach
  • Specific Challenge sets the context, the
    problem to be addressed, why intervention is
  • Scope delineates the problem, specifies the
    focus and the boundaries of the potential action
    BUT without overtly describing specific
  • Expected Impact describe the key elements of
    what is expected to be achieved in relation to
    the specific challenge

(No Transcript)
Funding Instruments
Research and Innovation Actions (RIAs) Funding
of all activities and participants 100 Top
down Min 3 participants in 3 MS or AC Main
activity type Research and Development Activities
All activities can be covered Small Targeted
Projects to Large Integrated Projects
Innovation Actions (RIs) Funding of all
activities and participants 70 (except
non-profit organisations 100) Top down Minimum
3 participants in 3 MS or AC Main activity
type Innovation activities activities close to
the market Support and Coordination
Actions Funding of all activities and
participants 100 Top down Min. 1
Participant Main activity type Support and
coordination activities Activities Actions
consisting primarily of accompanying measures
(standardisation, dissemination, communication,
networking, coordination or support services,
policy dialogues and mutual learning exercises
and studies, including design studies for new
MS Member State AC Associated Country
Evaluation Criteria of H2020 Proposals
Quality and efficiency of the implementation
Contribution to the expected impacts listed in
the work programme under the relevant
topic Enhancing innovation capacity and
integration of new knowledge Strengthening the
competitiveness and growth of companies by
developing innovations meeting the needs of
European and global markets and, where relevant,
by delivering such innovations to the
markets Environmental and socially important
impacts Effectiveness of the proposed measures to
exploit and disseminate project results
(including management of IPR), and to manage
research data where relevant
Coherence and effectiveness of the work plan,
including appropriateness of the allocation of
tasks and resources Complementarity of the
participants within the consortium (when
relevant) Appropriateness of the management
structures and procedures, including risk and
innovation management
Clarity and relevance of the objectives Credibili
ty of the proposed approach Soundness of the
concept, including trans-disciplinary
considerations, where relevant Evidence that
proposed work is ambitious, has innovation
potential is beyond the state of the art (e.g.
ground-breaking objectives, novel concepts and
The weighting and thresholds for the different
criteria for each call are set out in the work
Leadership in Enabling Technologies -
NMP Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials,
Biotechnology and Advanced Manufacturing and
Focus on developing European industrial
capabilities in specific focus areas, or Key
Enabling Technologies (KETs) Micro- and
nano-electronics photonics Nanotechnologies Advan
ced materials Biotechnology Advanced
manufacturing and processing
Leadership in Enabling Technologies - ICT
  • Components and systems
  • Advanced Computing
  • Future Internet
  • Content technologies and information management
  • Robotics
  • Key Enabling Technologies Micro-
    nano-electronics and photonics
  • Factory of the Future cPPP
  • International Cooperation actions (EU-Brazil,
  • ICT Cross cutting activities
  • Internet of Things
  • Human-centric Digital Age
  • Cybersecurity
  • Support to NCPs
  • ICT Innovation actions
  • Access to finance
  • Innovation policy support

ICT in Societal Challenges
Health, demographic change and wellbeing Food
security, sustainable agriculture and forestry,
marine, maritime and inland water research, and
the bioeconomy Secure, clean and efficient
energy Smart, green and integrated
transport Climate action, environment, resource
efficiency and raw materials Inclusive,
innovative and reflective societies Secure
innovative societies
How can you get involved in H2020? Network and
build links with potential partners Who are key
players? Who has been involved in previous
projects/stakeholder groups? (http//cordis.europa
.eu/fp7/projects_en.html) Become an EU evaluator
General Information on becoming an Expert in
H2020 http//ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/e
n/experts Registering as an Expert -
esktop/en/experts/index.html) Join European
Technology Platforms or other relevant
stakeholder groups Some areas, such as Marie
Curie and the ERC, are bottom-up so you could
start early thinking about potential proposal
ideas for H2020 Engage with NCPs and National
Delegates (http//www.horizon2020.ie/)
to download H2020 Support Network brochure go
to http//www.enterprise-ireland.com/EI_Corporate
H2020 Participant Portal http//ec.europa.eu/resea
Useful Links
EC Horizon 2020 website http//ec.europa.eu/progr
ammes/horizon2020/ Innovation
Union http//ec.europa.eu/research/innovation-unio
n/index_en.cfm EU International Strategy for
Research and Innovation http//ec.europa.eu/resea
rch/iscp/index.cfm?pgstrategy European Research
Area http//ec.europa.eu/research/era/index_en.htm
Policy Areas of the European Union http//europa
.eu/pol/index_en.htm EU Consultations http//ec.e
Supporting Trans-disciplinary Collaborations Upcom
ing UCC Initiatives
Series of Information Sessions (March- Sept
2014) Tackling Societal Challenges and Developing
Trans-disciplinary Collaborations Developing
Policy Impacts in Research Methodologies in
Trans-disciplinary Research Learning Lessons
Building Partnerships Matchmaking
event Information Sessions on Specific Funding
Programmes (in collaboration with NCP support
Network) (dates tbc) Session on Specific
calls/areas (e.g. Health Climate Action Digital
Humanities) (dates tbc)
Thank You Questions?
Networking COST (www.cost.eu)
Brings together researchers and experts in
different countries working on specific
topics Does NOT fund research, but supports
networking activities such as meetings,
conferences, short term scientific exchanges, etc.
COST Actions
Researchers from a minimum of 5 COST
Countries Around 130 000 p.a. for up to 4 years
(for a network of 19 countries) Cooperation with
Non-COST countries is welcome Inter-disciplinary
proposals are welcome
Benefits of participating in COST
Development of international networks
Participation in cutting edge research Actions
can be the foundation of applications to H2020
other international programmes
ERA Nets
AIRTN The Aeronautics ERA-NET AirTN - Air
Transport Net - is one of the key enablers
for the prosperous development of aeronautics in
Europe   ANIHWA ERA-Net initiative started on
January 1st 2012 aims to increase the cooperation
and coordination of national research programmes
on animal health and welfare of farm animals,
including fish and bees. ERA NET ROAD ERANET
ROAD II (ENR2), which helps Europes road
administrators get better value for money through
coordinated road research procurement and, as a
result, rise to the challenge and bring in the
solutions Europe needs.   ERA-AGE ERA-NET will
help Europe meet the ageing challenge by
consolidating research resources and expertise,
and optimising the impact of research on policy,
practice and product development. Ireland is an
associate partner. ERA-ENVHEALTH Coordination of
National Environment and Health Research
Programmes - Environment and Health
ERA-NET   HERA Humanities in the European
Research Area - Joint Research Programme   ICT-A
GRI Coordination of European Research within ICT
and Robotics in Agriculture and related
Environmental issues   IMERA Implementing
Metrology in the European Research Area
Plus   NORFACE NORFACE has offered unique
opportunities for participating funding agencies
by developing common research funding
instruments, thus creating opportunities for
facilitating and building new networks of
research collaboration in the social
sciences.    RURAGRI Facing sustainability new
relationships between rural areas and agriculture
in Europe   WOODWISDOM Networking and Integration
of National Programmes in the Area of Wood
Material Science and Engineering in the
Forest-Based Value Chains
Improving EU Performance Selected UCC Initiatives
H2020 Information Sessions on Specific Funding
Programmes (in collaboration with NCP support
Network) H2020 Legal and Financial Workshop H2020
Workshops (in collaboration with Sean McCarthy)
EU Mentoring Programme developed in
collaboration with Sean McCarthy ERI Marie Curie
Fellow Recruitment Programme Post-Call and ESR
Analysis (e.g. ERC) Targeted proposal writing
workshops Project costing Workshops Implementation
of UCC EU Strategic Framework Establishment of a
Project Support Office PrimeUCC
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