Title: Un-hardening Phenomenon of SCW
1 - Un-hardening Phenomenon of SCW
- (Soil Cement Wall) Built in Organic Soils
Chung R. Song, Ph. D, PE
Department of Civil Engineering The University of
Mississippi University, MS 38677
2Presentation Order
- Job site description
- Problem description
- Researches
- Remedy
3Job Site DescriptionDeep Excavation
- East coast of South Korea (Samchuck)
- Deep Excavation D20m
- Strut SCW Wall
- Ground Condition
- -Fill GL.-0.5 to -0.7 m, Loose
- -Alluvium sands, silts, clays GL.-0.7 to 18.6
m, N2 to 13 - -Weathered zone GL.-15.5 to -19.3, Ngt40
4Problem DescriptionConstructed SCW did not
Clayey soils were suspected as the culprit. Took
the clay samples and performed lab. tests.
No. Natural Water Content () Liquid Limit () USCS Organic Content ()
1 43 35.2 CL
2 44 33.2 OL N.A.
3 N.A. 39.2 OL 4.82
4 N.A. 34.2 OL 4.82
Based on lab. test results, the culprits were
narrow down to the clayey soil itself and organic
5Expected Strength of SCW
qu (kg/cm2)
qu (kg/cm2)
Curing Time, Day
6Typical Cures for Hardening Trouble of Clayey
Soils and Organic Soils
Item Chemicals
Clayey Soils Add cement, lime, NaOH, and(or) Ca(OH)2
Organic Soils Add cement, CaCl2, Ca(OH)2, and(or) NaSiO2
Lab. tests were carried out with above chemicals
mixed with field soils.
7Lab. Test Results
8Field Prescription Results
CaCl2 2 additional 22 cement was prescribed
considering the poor mixing condition in the
field. When applied to the job site, the SCW
walls were hardened nicely. Shovel excavation was
not possible.
- SCW hardening trouble was caused by the organic
clayey soil in the job site. - To effectively control the hardening trouble in
the job site, additional cement and Calcium
chloride turned out to be most effective. - Addition of Sodium silicate di-oxide increased
the initial strength but decreased the long term
strength, and therefore it was not prescribed for
this project.