Title: Chapter 6 Geometry of Deformation and Work-Hardening
1Chapter 6Geometry of Deformation
2Common Metal Working Methods
Common metalworking methods. (a) Rolling. (b)
Forging (open and closed die). (c) Extrusion
(direct and indirect). (d) Wire drawing. (e)
3Work-Hardening of a Material
Stressstrain curves (schematic) for an elastic,
ideally plastic a work-hardening and a
work-softening material.
4Engineering Stress-Strain Curves for Nickel
Engineering-stress engineering-strain curves for
nickel. (a) Nickel subjected to 0, 20, 40, 60,
80, and 90 cold-rolling reduction. (b) Nickel
cold rolled to 80, followed by annealing at
different temperatures. (From D. Jaramillo, V.
S. Kuriyama, and M. A. Meyers, Acta Met. 34
(1986) 313.)
5Compression Tests on TiC at Different Temperatures
Stressstrain curves for annealed polycrystalline
TiC deformed in compression at the temperatures
indicated (e 1.7 10-4 s-1). (Adapted from G.
Das, K. S. Mazdiyasni, and H. A. Lipsitt, J. Am.
Cer. Soc., 65 (Feb. 1982) 104.)
6Shear Stress-Shear Strain Response of Al2O3
Shear stress t vs. shear strain ? for prism plane
slip in Al2O3 at various temperatures ? 3.5
10-4 s-1 for the solid curves, ? 1.4 10-4 s-1
for the dashed curves. (Courtesy of T. E.
7Stereographic Projections
(a) Representation of crystallographic directions
and poles (normals to planes) for cubic
structure. (b) Standard 100 stereographic
projection. (Reprinted with permission from C. S.
Barrett and T. B. Massalski, The Structure of
Metals, 3d ed. (New York McGraw-Hill, 1966), p.
8Standard Stereographic Projection
Standard 001 stereographic projection divided
into 24 triangles.
9Slip Plane and Slip Direction-Schmid Law
Relationship between loading axis and slip plane
and direction.
10Schmids Law and Schmid Factor
Effect of orientation on the inverse of Schmid
factor (1/M) for FCC metals. (Adapted with
permission from G. Y. Chin, Inhomogeneities of
Plastic Deformation, in The Role of Preferred
Orientation in Plastic Deformation (Metals Park,
OH ASM, 1973), pp. 83, 85.)
Comparison of Schmids law prediction with
experimental results for zinc. (Adapted
with permission from D. C. Jillson, Trans. AIME,
188 (1950) 1120.)
11Plastic Deformation- Rotation of Slip Plane
Stereographic projection showing the rotation of
slip plane during deformation. Direction P1,
inside stereographic triangle, moves toward P2 on
boundary 100111. Then, P2 moves toward
12Shear-Stress vs. Shear-Strain Curve for Nb (BCC)
Shear-stress vs. shear-strain curves for Nb (BCC)
monocrystals at different crystallographic
orientations arrows indicate calculated strain
at which conjugate slip is initiated. (From T. E.
Mitchell, Prog. App. Matls. Res. 6 (1964) 117.)
Generic shear-stressshear-strain curves for FCC
single crystals for two different temperatures.
Model of cross-slip.
14Shear Stress-Shear Strain Curves for FCC Single
Generic shear-stressshear-strain curves for FCC
single crystals for two different temperatures.
16Work-Hardening in Polycrystalline Cu
Average dislocation density ? as a function of
the resolved shear stress t for copper. (Adapted
with permission from H. Wiedersich, J. Metals, 16
(1964) p. 425, 427.)
17Work-Hardening in Polycrystalline Alumina
Relationship between flow shear stress and
dislocation density for monocrystalline sapphire
(A12O3) deformed at different temperatures.
(Adapted from B. J. Pletka, A. H. Heuer, and T.
E. Mitchell, Acta Met., 25 (1977) 25.)
18Taylor Model of Work Hardening
Taylor model of interaction among dislocations in
a crystal.
19Dislocation Cells
Development of substructure of Nickel-200 as a
function of plastic deformation by cold rolling.
(a) 20 reduction. (b) 40 reduction. (c) 80
20Kuhlmann-Wilsdorfs Work Hardening Theory
Schematic representation of dislocation cells of
size L, with activation of dislocation sources
from the cell walls and bowing out of loops into
the cell interior. (Courtesy of D.
21Load-Deformation Curve fro Concrete
Typical load deformation curve for concrete under
uniaxial compression the specimen was unloaded
and reloaded at different stages of deformation.
(From G. A. Hegemier and H. E. Reed, Mech.
Mater., 4 (1985) 215 data originally from A.
22Work Softening
(a) Compressive true-stresstrue-strain curves
for titanium at different strain rates notice
the onset of softening at the arrows. (Adapted
from M. A. Meyers, G. Subhash, B. K. Kad, and L.
Prasad, Mech. Mater., 17 (1994) 175.) (b)
Schematic linear shear-stressshear-strain curves
for titanium at different temperatures, with
superimposed adiabatic curve constructed
from isothermal curves by incrementally
converting deformation work into heat (and a
consequent rise in temperature.) (Adapted from M.
A. Meyers and H. -R. Pak, Acta Met., 34 (1986)
23Shear Bands in Titanium
Shear bands in titanium. (a) Optical micrograph,
showing band. (b) Transmission electron
micrograph, showing microcrystalline structure,
with grain size approximately equal to 0.2 µm.
The original grain size of the specimen was 50 µm.
24Rolling Texture
Perspective view of microstructure of Nickel-200
cold rolled to a reduction in thickness of 60.
25Texture Strengthening
Theoretical bounds on the Youngs modulus E of
Orientation dependence of yield strength and
strain to fracture of a rolled copper sheet.
26Common Wire and Sheet Textures
27Rolled-Brass Sheet
111 pole figure of a rolled-brass sheet.