Title: ???a???? ?d????
1???a???? ?d????µe?? ap? ???t??a
- ?? ?????a?? Spa???d????
- nikos_at_science.tuc.gr
- ????? ??
- Ge???? ?µ?µa ????te??e??? ???t??
- ?a???, 6 F?eß??? 2012
2?e??e??µe?a pa???s?as??
- ??sa????
- ?d????µe?? ap? ???t??a ???a???? ????sµ???? Model
Driven Engineering (MDE) - ?d????µe?? ap? ???t??a ????te?t????? ????sµ????
Model Driven Architecture (MDA) - ??a pa??de??µa ??a t? ???ssa UML
- ??a???µµata ?atast?se??Statecharts
- ?etat??p? statechart se ??d??a
- ?etaµ??t??? statechart
- ??t?µat? pa?a???? ??d??a µe t?? xPand
- S?µpe??sµata
3? e???te??? ep?st?µ?????? ?????
- ? ???a???? ????sµ???? ? ?e???????a ????sµ????
(Software Engineering, IEEE, 1990) efa?µ??e? µ?a
s?st?µat???, µe??d??? p??s????s? st?? a??pt???,
?e?t?????a ?a? s??t???s? t?? ????sµ???? - ??a d?ad??as?a a??pt???? ????sµ???? (software
process) apa?t? sta e??t?µata (Boehn, 1988) - ?? ?a ?????µe µet?
- G?a p?s? ????? ?a s??e??s??µe ?a t? ?????µe
- ??a µe??d?????a a??pt???? ????sµ???? (software
methodology) e??a? ??a p??d?a?e??aµµ??? ?a?
???a??µ??? s????? te?????? ?a? ?a????? ?? ?p????
??????? ap? p???? ?a? µe p??a se??? ?a
???s?µ?p??????? ?? te?????? (Tolvanen, 1998)
4???a???? ?d????µe?? ap? ???t??aModel Driven
Engineering (MDE)
- MDE (Beydeda et al., 2005) e??a? ? s?st?µat???
???s? µ??t???? ?? p??ta????? e??a?e?a ?a???? t??
????? ???? t?? ????? ????sµ???? st??e???ta? st??
f???t?t?ta, d?a?e?t???????t?ta ?a?
epa?a???s?µ?t?ta t?? ????sµ???? - ?as??eta? se µetas??µat?sµ??? µ??t???? ?a? se
µetaµ??t??a (Jouault and Bézivin, 2006) - ???a? ? de?te?? epa??stas? t?? p??????µe???
de?aet?a? µet? t?? ???sa?at???sµ??? st??
?p??es?e? µ??a???? ????sµ???? (Service-oriented
Software Engineering SOSE)
5????te?t????? ?d????µe?? ap? ???t??a
(Model-Driven Architecture, MDA)
- ? MDA e??a? µ?a a???te?t????? s?st?µ?t?? p??
ßas??eta? st?? f???s?f?a t?? MDE ?a? ????e? t??a
ep?peda µ??te??p???s?? e??? s?st?µat??
????sµ???? - ?p?????st??? ??e???t?t? ???t??? Computation
Independent Model (CIM) - ???t??? ??e???t?t? ??atf??µa?Platform
Independent Model (PIM) - ???t??? S???e???µ???? ??atf??µa?Platform
Specific Model (PSM) - ???st??e ap? t?? Object Management Group (OMG) t?
6?etas??µat?sµ?? ???t???? St? UML
- ?f?? d?µ??????sa t?? d????aµµa pe??pt?s?? ???s??
t?? UML ??at? ?a ?e????s? p??? ta ???a
d?a???µµata ap? t?? a??? - ?e p??a se??? ?a p??? ta d?a???µµata ???ta ta
d?a???µµata t??e?? ?et? a?t? t?? d?ast????t?t??
- G?at? p??pe? ?a? ??a a?t? ?a ta ?e????s? ap? t??
a??? ?a? a? ?e??s? ??t? - ??? µp??e? ?a µe ß????se? a?t? ?
???te??-st?af?? µ??a???? - G?a ?a d??µe p?? ???eta? a?t?
7???sµ?? ?e??pt?s?? ???s??
- Use Case Vehicle Reservation
- Precondition A customer wants to make a
reservation for a vehicle. - Description The customer selects pickup and
return locations, as well as the pickup and
return dates and times. The customer selects
the vehicle type.The system presents all
matching vehicles. If the customer requests
detail information on a particular vehicle, the
system presents detail information to the
customer.If the customer selects a vehicle, the
system gets the customer information (full name,
telephone number, email address). The system
presents information on protection products (such
as damage waiver, personal accident insurance).
If the customer either accepts the reservation
or rejects it and the use case finishes.
8?etas??µat?sµ?? ?e?µ???? se ???t??? (Text to
Model Trans. T2M)
- ??s?d?? ?e????af? ?e??pt?s?? ???s??
- ???d?? ?????aµµa ???e??
- ?a???e? ?etas??µat?sµ??
- ??s?ast??? (???e?? µe ??t??a G??µµata) -gt ???e??
- ??s?ast??? p??sd????st??? ????? (???e?? µe ??t??a
?????a G??µµata) -gt ?d??t?te? ???e?? - ??µata (???e?? µe ?????a G??µµata) -gt
- S?s?et?se?? t??e?? ef?s?? e?????? t?t??e?
- ????d?? t??e?? ef?s?? a?af????ta? µ??? se µ?a
9S??ta?t??? ?????s? t?? ???sµ?? ?e??pt?s?? ???s??
- A customer wants to make a reservation for a
vehicle. - The customer selects pickup and return locations,
as well as the pickup and return dates and times.
- The customer selects the vehicle type.
- The system presents all matching vehicles. If the
customer requests detail information on a
particular vehicle, the system presents detail
information to the customer. - If the customer selects a vehicle, the system
gets the customer information (full name,
telephone number, email address). - The system presents information on protection
products (such as damage waiver, personal
accident insurance) - The customer either accepts the reservation or
rejects it and the use case finishes.
10??t?µat? ??µ??????a ??a???µµat?? ???e??
?e? t? e??a s?efte?!!! ?p??? ?a ??at? ?st????? µe
t?? ep?????? t?? ???st?
11?pe?e??as?a ??a???µµat?? ???e??
12?etas??µat?sµ?? ???t???? se ???t??? (Model to
Model Trans. M2M)
- G?a t?? ap????e?s? a?t??e?µ???? se s?es?a?? ß?s?
ded?µ???? p??pe? ?a µetat???? t? d????aµµa t??e??
se ?????aµµa ??t?t?t?? S??se?? (Entity
Relationship ER Diagram, Wimmer et al., 2007) - ??s?d?? ?????aµµa ???e??
- ???d?? ?????aµµa ??t?t?t?? S?s?et?se??
- ?a???e? ?etas??µat?sµ??
- ???? (Class) -gt ??t?t?ta (Entity)
- ?d??t?ta (Property) -gt ?a?a?t???st??? (Attribute)
- S?s??t?s? (Association) -gt S??s? (Relationship)
- ?d??t?ta S?s??t?s?? (Association property) -gt
????? (Role)
13?????aµµa ???e?? se ?????aµµa ??t?t?t?? S??se??
14?etas??µat?sµ?? ???t???? se ?e?µe?? (Model to
Text Trans. M2T)
- G?a t?? ???p???s? t?? s?st?µat?? se Java
- ??s?d?? ?????aµµa ???e??
- ???d?? ??d??a? Java
- ?a???e? ?etas??µat?sµ??
- ???s? (Class) -gt Java class
- ?d??t?ta (Property) -gt Java class property
- ?d??t?ta S?s??t?s?? (Association property) -gt
Java class property - ??? e??a? µe p???ap??t?ta gt 1 t?te ???s?µ?p???se
t?? ???s? java.util.Vector - ????d?? (Method) -gt Java method p?? ????e?
(throws) ??a UnsupportedOperationException - ?a??µ???? ?a? ??a C
15???p???s? Java
- ???e?? Customer.java
- import java.util.Vector
- public class Customer
- private Object _fullName
- private Object _telephoneNumber
- private Object _emailAddress
- public VectorltReservationgt _myReservations
new VectorltReservationgt() - public VehicleType _select
- public void getCustomerInformation()
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException()
- ???e?? Customer.java
- import java.util.Vector
- public class Customer
- private String _fullName
- private int _telephoneNumber
- private String _emailAddress
- public VectorltReservationgt _myReservations
new VectorltReservationgt() - public VehicleType _select
- public String getCustomerInformation()
- return new String("Name "_fullName
- "\nTel. "_telephoneNumber
- "\nEmail "_emailAddress)
- .....
16???p???s? C
- ???e?? Customer.cpp
- include ltexceptiongt
- include ltvectorgt
- using namespace std
- include "Customer.h"
- include "Reservation.h"
- include "VehicleType.h"
- void CustomergetCustomerInformation()
- throw "Not yet implemented"
- ???e?? Customer.h
- include ltexceptiongt
- include ltvectorgt
- using namespace std
- ifndef __Customer_h__
- define __Customer_h__
- include "Reservation.h
- class Reservation
- class VehicleType
- class Customer
- class Customer
- private string _fullName
- private string _telephoneNumber
- private string _emailAddress
- public stdvectorltReservationgt
_myReservations - public VehicleType _select
- public void getCustomerInformation()
17??a ???a?e?? CASE (Computer Aided Software
18G??sse? ??d???? S??p?? (?ed???)
- O?a?a ??a a?t? a??? e?? ???? pe?a?t??? ?a
a?t?µat?p???s? t?? pa?a???? t?? ????sµ???? - ??? µp??? ?a ???s? ??a? d??? µ?? µetas??µat?sµ?
- G?a ?a d??µe ?a? t??
19G??sse? ??d???? S??p?? (? ped???) Domain Specific
Languages DSLs
- ?? G??sse? ??d???? ?ed??? ap?te???? µ?a ?at?????a
???ss?? p????aµµat?sµ??, ?? ?p??e? ????? ?? st???
t?? a?t?µet?p?s? e?e?d??e?µ???? p??ß??µ?t?? st??
d?ad??as?a a??pt???? ????sµ???? a??? ?a? ?a
?p?st??????? t?? e?????? t?? ???ss??
µ??te??p???s?? - ?.?.
- ???ssa ??a pa??????? p????aµµat?sµ? (Ada)
- ???ssa e??tapa?t?se?? ß?se?? ded?µ???? SQL
20? G?aµµ? µ?d?? ?a? ? e??????? ??aµµ? µ?d??
(Kleppe, 2009)
Run a nuclear power plant
Business Concepts
Autonomous Negotiation
Business Process
Design pattern
Entity bean
Virtual zero line
Database table
If statement
Hardware zero line
Memory location
21???t??a, ?etaµ??t??a?a? ?etaµetaµ??t??a
- G?a ?a d??µe t? s??s? t???
22?etas??µat?sµ?? ???t????Model Transformation
- ?etas??µat?sµ??
- ??s?d?? t? µ??t??? p???? Ma p?? e??a? s?µf??? µe
t? µetaµ??t??? MMa - ???d?? t? µ??t??? st???? Mb p?? e??a? s?µf??? µe
t? µetaµ??t??? MMb - ??sse??? t?p??
- ???t??? se µ??t??? (M2M)
- ???t??? se ?e?µe?? (M2T)
- ?e?µe?? se µ??t??? (T2M)
- ?e?µe?? se ?e?µe?? (T2T)
23?? µetaµetaµ??t??? ecore
- ??? Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF)
24??a µetaµ??t??? ??a ta ??a???µµata ?atast?se??
- ??ta p??? ta ???????a µetaµ??t??a, µ??t??a,
???sse?, ?a?? p?? ???s?µ?p?????ta? a?t? ??p??
e??a? p??? ?e???t??? ??a µ??a - ?se?? ??????ete ?aµ?a ???ssa µ??te??p???s??
- ? ?a?, ? UML
25?????aµµa ?atast?se?? ??a t?? ???? Reservation
- ??at?µe t? ??µµ?t?t?? t???? Reservation ap?
t? ?????aµµa ???e??
26??a???µµata ?atast?se??
- S?µß??a
- Start state
- End state
- Basic state
- And state
- Or state
- Condition state
- History state
- Transition
- Transition Expression ec/a
27?????aµµa ?atast?se?? ??a t?? ???? Reservation
- Assume that once a reservation becomes
accepted, then it is in a waiting state
untilthe client picks up the vehicle. The
client then returns the vehicle and completes
the lifecycle of the reservation. Before the
client picks up the vehicle he can cancel the
28?etas??µat?sµ?? ???t???? se ?e?µe?? (Model to
Text Trans. M2T)
- ??s?d?? ?????aµµa ???e??, ?????aµµa ?atast?se??
- ???d?? ??d??a? Java
- ?a???e? ?etas??µat?sµ??
- ???s? (Class) -gt Java class
- ?d??t?ta (Property) -gt Java class property
- ?d??t?ta S?s??t?s?? (Association property) -gt
Java class property - ????d?? (Method) -gt Java method p?? ????e?
(throws) ??a UnsupportedOperationException - Basic state -gt Java class public static final int
property - Event -gt Java method. ? µ???d?? ??e? ??a switch
??a ???e basic state. ??µ?????e?ta? µ?a int
µetaß??t? state p?? de???e? st? e?e???p???µ???
basic state (Douglass, 1998)
29Reservation Class
- public class Reservation
- private boolean _accepted
- public Customer _myReservations
- public ReservationSubSystem _hasReservations
- public Pickup _selectedPickUp
- public Return _selectedReturn
- public Vehicle _selectedVehicle
- public static final int Not_accepted 1
- public static final int Not_started 2
- public static final int Picked_up 3
- public static final int Completed 4
- public static final int Cancelled 5
- private int state Not_accepted
- public void setPickup()
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException()
- public void accept()
- switch (state)
- case Not_accepted state Not_started break
- case Not_started break
- case Picked_up break
- case Completed break
- case Cancelled break
- public void pickup()
- switch (state)
- case Not_accepted break
- case Not_started state Picked_up break
- case Picked_up break
- case Completed break
- case Cancelled break
30??a ?????aµµa ?atast?se?? µe pe??ss?te??
31??a ??af??et??? ?????aµµa ?atast?se??
32????p??es? µetas??µat?sµ?? ?? µetaµ??t???
- ?? µetaµ??t??? ep?t??pe?
- ?a ??????µe µe t?p??? t??p? a?t? p?? ????aµe p???
µe e?e??e?? ?e?µe?? - ?a ???s?µ?p???s??µe t? Eclipse Modeling Framework
??a ?a p????µe a?t?µata e??a?e?a epe?e??as?a? t??
µetaµ??t???? ?a? a?apa??stas? se Java - ?a ???s?µ?p???s??µe t?? Java ? p?? ??????
ep?p?d?? e??a?e?a ??a ?a ?????µe µetas??µat?sµ???
33?etaµ??t??? ??a???µµat?? ?atast?se??
34???s?µ?p????ta? t?? Xpand t?? EMF
35?p?peda MDA st? pa??de??µ? µa?
- ?????aµµa ?e??pt?s?? ???s??
- ?????aµµa ???e??
- ?????aµµa ??t?t?t??-S??se??
- ?????aµµa ?atast?se??
- Java
- C
36?etas??µat?sµ?? ?e?µe??? se ?e?µe?? (Text to Text
Trans. T2T)
- ?p??e?te ?a s?efte?te ??a? t?t???
- G??eta? ?p?te p????aµµat??ete
- ?ta? ???ete compile
- C source file (.c) to executable program
(machine language) - Java source file (.java) to Java interpreted
file (.class)
37???a e??a? ? d?ad??as?a p?? a???????saµe
- ????eta? s?µf??a µe t? ?etaµ??t??? ?e????af??
??ad??as??? ???pt???? ????sµ???? SPEM (Software
Process Engineering Metamodel) t?? OMG - S?µß???sµ??
38??a ??ad??as?a ???pt???? ????sµ????
39S????? - S?µpe??sµata
- S?µe?a e?daµe ta
- MDE Model-Driven Engineering
- MDA Model-Driven Architecture, CIM, PIM, PSM
- M2M, M2T, T2M, T2T transformations
- EMF, Ecore, Xpand
- DSL Domain Specific Language
- Automatic code generation for UML statecharts
40??daµe t?? te???????e?
- Object Management Group
- http//www.omg.com
- IBM method Getting form Use Cases to code
- http//www.ibm.com/developerworks/rational/library
/5383.html - Eclipse Modeling Tools IDE
- http//www.eclipse.org
- Visual Paradigm tool
- http//www.visual-paradigm.com
41???a??st? ??a t?? p??s??? sa?
- ??µa? d?a??s?µ?? ??a pe??ss?te?e? p????f???e? ?a?
e??t?se?? - ????? Spa???d????
- ????? ??
- ???ast???? ?fa?µ?sµ???? ?a??µat???? ?a?
??e?t??????? ?p?????st?? - Ge???? ?µ?µa
- ????te??e?? ???t??
- ?.?s? ????te??e???p???, ??????p?d?a??, 73100,
?a??? - G?afe?? 137.B.94
- ???. 30 28210 37744
- Fa? 30 28210 37842
- ??. ta?/µe?? nikos_at_science.tuc.gr
- ?st?se??da http//users.isc.tuc.gr/nispanoudakis