Title: Dr David Gould
1 Dr David Gould DG RTD
Electronic Proposal Submission System (EPSS) for
2The aims of FP6
- Focusing integrating Community
research - Structuring the European Research Area
- Strengthening the foundations of the
European Research Area
3Project selection based upon
- Evaluation by peer review
- Competitive calls
4Four ways to prepare submit a proposal
- On-line using the Electronic Proposal Submission
System (EPSS) - Off-line preparation followed by on-line
submission via EPSS - Off-line preparation followed by submission on CD
or diskette - On paper
5Basic principles underlying EPSS
- High quality data
- Elimination of repetition
- Low personal cost for applicants
- Ease of use access
- Independent of IT infrastructure
- Privacy of data via encryption
- Equality of opportunity (all languages)
6 On-line proposal development submission via
7The role of the Co-ordinator
8The role of the Co-ordinator
- Develops and submits proposal
- Downloads Access Online Information Package
- Registers
- Changes password
9The role of the Co-ordinator
- Fill-in/Updates administrative and Financial
forms - Uploads Text/Multimedia Files
- Checks Eligibility
- Downloads Forms in printable
- format/files uploaded
- Submit proposal
10The role of the Partners
- Contribute to proposal development
11The role of the Partners
- Contribute to online proposal development by
- Downloading accessing online information package
- Filling-in/updating administrative
- financial forms
12The role of the Partners
- Contribute to online proposal development by
- Checking eligibility
- Downloading forms in printable
- format/files uploaded
13Development and submission of on-line proposals
14Advantage of EPSS
- Quicker preparation
- You are sure that it is delivered on time
- You can always revise a proposal up to call
deadline - Signatures replaced by user id password
15Off-line Proposal Development
16Develop Proposal Offline
- Browse information package
- Fills-in/updates administrative financial
forms - Imports proposers administrative financial
17Develop Proposal Offline
- Checks eligibility
- Prints forms
- Finalises proposal
18Contribute to Offline Proposal Development
- Browsing information package
- Filling-in/updating administrative
- financial forms
19Contribute to Offline Proposal Development
- Checking eligibility
- Exporting administrative financial forms
- Printing forms
20Off-line proposal development
- CO expresses interest in a call downloads
off-line preparation tool (also available by
post) - Having prepared the proposal he/she can either
- requests a CO user id password and up loads
proposal - copy proposal onto a CD/diskette,
- print it post both
- print posts the proposal.
- The Commission has no access to proposals until
the closure of the call - Irrespective of the means of submission, all
proposals are put into electronic form for
evaluation - EPSS or submission on CD/diskette speeds the
22FP6 SYSTEM Layout (2004-2006)
CORDIS WEB-services (Electronic proposals
submission, evaluation information, experts
online registration, external evaluation,
project information, access to CIRCA Solution )
Experts (user info update)
Evaluation Information
Users (Co-ordinators Partners)
Panels Experts
Remote Evaluation
External access for deliverables
Panels/choosing the experts
EPSS Electronic proposal Submission System
ESP Evaluation Service Provider
Evaluation personnel
PMT, Proposal Management Tools (Eval/RankNego)
Approved proposals
CPM, Contract and Project Management
Proposals (data)User information
Financial transactions
Project/proposal info evaluation results
Early warning System Project information
Updating the code tables
Project information for external users
External Systems
Internal Systems
23Single system for e-transactions within FP6 for
- Contract negotiations
- Submission of project deliverables
- Communication between partners Commission
- Viewing of project documents (read only)
24Access to e-transactions
- For all their projects, the choice of control at
the level of - Individuals
- Organisations