No 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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No 1


No 1 1. We worship Thee, our Father, - O Thou who livest in the light, - and fully perceivest the heavens at a glance - gathered in Thy presence, - objects ofThine ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: No 1

No 1
  • 1. We worship Thee, our Father, - O Thou
    who livest in the light, - and fully perceivest th
    e heavens at a glance - gathered in Thy presence,
    - objects ofThine infinite love, - we praise Thy
    glorious name.
  • To Thee praise, honour, - almighty Creator -
    hallelujah! - Yea, glory, honour, - to the
    Saviour God - hallelujah, hallelujah.
  • 2. On us Thy face shone, - sovereign God, Father
    of grace, - through Jesus, Son of Thy love. - Our
    soul blessed by Him, - adores Thee, O God,
    glorifies Thee, - and celebrates Thee in this
  • to Thee praise, honour, etc.

No 2
  • 1. Let us strike up a holy song - to the glory of
    the only begotten Son, - the eternal Son of the
    God of love - by His death and by His life, - He
    revealed, infinite grace, - the heart of God, the
    access to heaven.
  • Praise, dominion, honour - to Jesus the
    Saviour. - Hallelujah! - Yes, glory, honour - to
    Thee, Lord! - Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
  • 2. Jesus, receive our homage, - Thou who wilt be,
    throughout the ages, - the song of the redeemed.
    - Saved by Thy wounds, - and healed by Thy
    bruises, - may we live as resurrected.
  • Praise, dominion, honour, etc.

No 3
  • 1. Jesus, our deliverance, - Thou hast acquired
    us - through Thy suffering, - eternal redemption.
    - Lord, crowned with glory, - in Thee we have
    peace, victory, - joy and blessing.
  • O precious Saviour, - seated in the heavenlies, -
    full of beauty, - of majesty, - we worship Thee,
    - and shall exalt Thee without end.

No 4
  • 1. Glory to Thee, eternal Father! (2x) - who hast
    prepared for us in heaven - a throne above the
    angels. - From Thee salvation descends, (2x) -
    Oh that to Thee may ascend a sweet tribute - of
    love and of praise!
  • 2. Glory to Thee, most holy Lamb! (2x) - On the
    cross Thou gavest Thy life to save Thy flock. -
    Of Satan, Thou wast the Conqueror (2x) - O
    almighty Redeemer, - glory, infinite glory to
  • 3. Yes, praise to Thee, Lord! (2x) - to Thee
    alone, power, honour, - to Thee dominion and
    glory! - Throughout all eternity (2x) - we will
    sing Thy goodness, - Thy great salvation, Thy

No 5
  • 1. O God, whose love gathers us, - around Christ
    in unity, - our tongues celebrate together
    - Thine eternal love. - Glory to Thy name - God
    our Father! - Glory to Thine unspeakable love! -
    May Thy children exalt it on earth. - While
    waiting for Thy blessed return!
  • 2. O divine mystery of grace, - Thou hast willed,
    from eternity, - to introduce us, oh our Father,
    - into Thine own bliss. - Glory to Thy name, etc.
  • 3. The desires of Thy boundless love - would not
    have been satisfied, - without seeing, in heaven,
    in Thy presence, - saved and perfect men. - Glory
    to Thy name, etc.
  • 4. Thy peace, Thy wealth, Thy heaven, Thy glory,
    - in Jesus are our treasures - soon, at His
    shout of victory, - towards Him we will rise. -
    Glory to Thy name, etc.
  • 5. O God! our souls are prostrated -
    before Thine unfathomable love - finish that
    which concerns us, - and hasten the day of
    Christs return. - Glory to Thy name, etc.

No 6
  • 1. Let us sing, in a holy song, - of the God of
    love, the God of peace, - who, in His wonderful
    goodness, - opened the way to heaven for us,
    become blessed objects, living witnesses of such
    precious favour - let us towards Him, with happy
    souls - raise fervent songs.
  • 2. Yes, our souls magnify Thee, - mighty God, God
    of love! - Our hearts trust in Thee - for time
    and for eternity. - Strength and goodness, grace
    and might - unite in Thee to bless us - thus the
    Church with assurance - awaits the eternal coming

No 7
  • 1. Through Jesus Christ we offer Thee - a
    sacrifice of praise - Through Jesus we adore
    Thee. - O Thou whom the angels adore! - O our
    God! be Thou blessed - by Thy gathered people!
  • 2. We were, in our sins, - all children of wrath
    - but snatched away from Satan, - in Thee we find
    a Father - O our God! be Thou blessed etc.
  • 3. Thou hast given us Jesus, - Thy heart gives us
    to Jesus - in Him Thou hast chosen us - for the
    eternal crown. - O our God! be Thou blessed! etc.
  • 4. He has promised, yes, soon - Thy holy Son will
    return to take us - to the home on high, - whence
    we love to wait for him - O our God! be Thou
    blessed etc.
  • 5. Then shall we exalt Thee - in the glory and
    the light, - then we shall repeat -
    with Thine entire Church - O our God! be Thou
    blessed etc.

No 8
  • 1. Glory be to the Redeemer, - to the only
    begotten Son of the Father, - who, to save the
    sinner, - came down to this earth! - O Jesus! be
    Thou exalted throughout eternity! (2x)
  • 2. Thou hast come, O most holy Lamb! - to suffer
    a cruel death - but, triumphant over the grave -
    by Thine eternal power, - Thou hast destroyed all
    the power of hell and of death. (2x)
  • 3. Thou who, full of love for us, - hast drunk
    the cup of suffering, - and given us, instead -
    the cup of deliverance. - O Jesus! be exalted in
    all eternity! (2x)

No 9
  • 1. Glory to Jesus in the Church, - for His
    unspeakable love! - He has won her for Himself, -
    she is His for ever. - In His Fathers house - He
    will soon lead her in - shining with His light,
    He will present her to Himself.
  • 2. Glory to Jesus in the Church! - Only one more
    moment of sorrow - before she is admitted - where
    there are no more tears. - During this sojourn of
    life, - triumphant over the grave, - the
    bride, raptured forever - will bless the Lamb
    without end.
  • 3. Glory to Jesus in the Church! - glory to our
    Redeemer! - with our sorrows He sympathises, - He
    bears us on His heart. - Time flees, the day is
    nigh, - may all in us show forth Jesus - may He
    find us irreproachable, - and proclaiming His

No 10
  • 1. Glory to the Lamb! Praise to the Redeemer! -
    in Him death has found its conqueror. - The enemy
    himself has recognised His power, - and the tomb
    yields obedience to Him. - Glory to Thy name,
    Lord Jesus! (2x) - Hell and death are conquered,
    are conquered, are conquered.
  • 2. As the Christ, by men rejected, - is seated in
    heaven, shining with majesty, - the Church also,
    unknown by the world, - soon will be clothed with
    splendour. - Glory to Thy name etc.
  • 3. Thou hast promised, Jesus, Thou wilt return -
    soon Thou shalt appear to call for us. - Kings
    and overcomers, brought into the glory - we shall
    sing the hymn of victory - Glory to Thy name etc.

No 11 (adapted, see Spiritual Songs Nº 98)
  • 1. Gazing on Thee Lord, in glory, - while our
    hearts in worship bow, - There we read the
    wondrous story - of the cross its shame and woe.
  • 2. Every mark of dark dishonour - heaped upon Thy
    thorn-crowned brow, - all the depths of Thy
    hearts sorrow - told in answering glory now.
  • 3. On that cross alone forsaken - where no
    pitying eye was found - now to Gods right hand
    exalted, - with Thy praise the heavens resound.
  • 4. Did Thy God even then forsake Thee, - hide His
    face from Thy deep need? - In Thy face, once
    marred and smitten, - all His glory now we read.
  • 5. Gazing on it we adore Thee, - blessed,
    precious, holy Lord - Thou, the Lamb, alone art
    worthy, - this be earths and heavens accord.
  • 6. Rise our hearts, and bless the Father, -
    ceaseless song even here begun, - endless praise
    and adoration - to the Father and the Son.

No 12
  • To Him who has saved us - and whose blood has
    washed us - be dominion and splendour. - Worthy
    is the Lamb to receive - riches, honour,
    strength, power, - majesty, wisdom and might (2x).

No 13
  • 1. Let us celebrate the Saviours love and might,
    deep humbling of himself and entire obedience. -
    He came and triumphed over all our enemies - He,
    through His cross - subdued them forever (2x).
  • 2. Let us celebrate the goodness of the Prince of
    life - for us He suffered the cross and shame -
    He has through His death delivered us completely
    - we are the objects - of His most tender love.
  • 3. Let us celebrate the Saviours perfect
    justice - He has overcome the devils cunning
    craft - He has conquered death, He is risen -
    His glory is our glory - for eternity. (2x)
  • 4. Let us celebrate, celebrate the infinite
    greatness - of Him who gave His life for us. - He
    is coming with splendour, and soon with our eyes
    - we shall contemplate Him - forever in Heaven.

No 14
  • 1. Splendour of God, of God perfect image! -
    Eternal Son, by the angels adored! - Glory to Thy
    name, to Thee, who, unreservedly, - shall be
    forever honoured!
  • 2. Thou camest from heaven offering Thyself in
    sacrifice, - and by Thee alone, God has been
    glorified - His holiness, His love, His justice,
    - Thy cross has magnified them all.
  • 3. And now, exalted by God Himself, - in
    the heavenlies, near the Majesty, - we see Thee
    girded with supreme glory, - Thee, Son of Man,
    resurrected Man!
  • 4. We adore Thee, whose crown - reminds the heart
    of Thy suffering and death! - Lord Jesus! soon
    around Thy throne, - we shall praise Thee in
    everlasting harmony.

No 15
  • 1. Thou dost bestow grace and glory, - O Lord our
    God, our Father in Jesus! - May Thy name be
    blessed in the midst of all the chosen ones, -
    whose happiness is to believe Thee. (2x)
  • 2. Thou hast given us Thy grace - which, O God,
    causes Thy sweet peace to flow into our hearts -
    happy, even here on earth, we have free access -
    to Heaven, where Thy face shines. (2x)
  • 3. Thou hast set us apart for the glory! - which
    crowns the Lamb in the holy city we shall be
    with Him in eternal bliss, - fruit of His atoning
    work. (2x)
  • 4. God of grace and of glory! - Objects of Thy
    love, having Thy Spirit, - we come to worship
    Thee in the name of Jesus Christ, - our holy
    Redeemer. (2x)

No 16
  • 1. To sing to Thee, God of love, of truth, of
    glory, - to worship Thee, to bless, to rejoice in
    Thee, - to celebrate the immortal victory of
    Jesus, - is our blessed portion, which our faith
    has grasped.
  • 2. Oh! blessed be Thy name, Thy marvellous grace
    - has wonderfully reached over to us - we were
    lying in darkness, and now the sweetest rays of
    Thy face are shining in our hearts.
  • 3. We are Thy children Thy sweetest name of
    Father - fills us with happiness, assurance and
    peace. - Thy Spirit, pledge and seal, instructs
    and enlightens us, - and close to Thee we always
    have free access.
  • 4. It is Thy love, Jesus, Thy death, Thy life, -
    by which we have received this unspeakable
    portion - may our hearts never forget - that it
    is to honour Thee that thou hast set us apart.

No 17
  • 1. Unspeakable fullness of the Godhead -
    inexhaustible treasure (2x) of power and love! -
    Eternal Son! (2x) glory of heaven! (2x) - O Jesus
    in Thy peace, Thy beloved Church - adores Thee
    and humbles herself! (3x)
  • 2. Thou art seated, O Jesus, at the right hand of
    the Father, - clothed with power, glory and with
    light (2x) - O Saviour God! (2x) With all our
    heart (2x) - bowed before Thee, we render Thee
    obedience, - wisdom, honour, power. (3x)

No 18
  • 1. In heaven, upon the Fathers throne, - we see
    Thee, O Redeemer, - in rest and light, - girded
    with power and splendour. - The work of grace is
    finished - Thou hast sat down in the holy
    places - on high, glory is given to Thee - all
    is submitted to Thee, O Son of God!
  • 2. We triumph through Thy victory, - Lord Jesus,
    mighty Saviour, - on high, and in the glory -
    forerunner of the redeemed! - Yes, as to heaven,
    our hope rests forever securely in Thee -
    steadfast assurance of our hearts, - blessed
    object of our faith!
  • 3. Homage to Thee, Head of the Church! - the
    Bride, object of Thy favour, - soon seated at Thy
    side, - without end, will bless her Lord. - O
    holy ecstasy, unspeakable joy! we shall joy in
    Thy beauty, - and in Thy love beyond telling -
    which will fill eternity.

No 19
  • 1. God of love, God of all grace! - We love to
    gather - under the sweet gaze of Thy face, - to
    praise and bless Thee. - That in peace, in Thy
    presence, - true worship to Thee be rendered -
    Bring gratitude to Thee - the sweet smell of
    Jesus name.
  • 2. O Lord! cause our souls to be filled - with
    the sense of Thy unspeakable goodness, - and our
    hearts to burn - with Thy boundless love - so
    that praise may overflow - from our hearts,
    through the Holy Spirit, - to sing Thy mercy -
    and Thy love in Jesus Christ.
  • 3. We love to take the place - in which Jesus
    work has set us - and we follow in His
    footsteps, - into heaven where Thou hast received
    Him. - It is there in Thy sanctuary, - constantly
    open to faith, - that the praise, O our Father, -
    through Jesus Christ rises to Thee.

No 20
  • 1. How beautiful is the unity of Thy Church! -
    Lord Jesus, how it pleases Thee! - In Thy love
    Thou hast given Thyself for her - Thy desire is
    to have her close to Thee in heaven.
  • 2. When it is Thy heart, Jesus, which gathers us
    - around Thee, in Thy faithful love - O! what
    happiness to worship all together, - and to show
    forth Thy death and Thy return!
  • 3. What sweetness is in this worship by brethren
    - where the Holy Spirit is our guide! - In this
    harmony of hymns and prayers, - offered by all
    with one accord and one heart!
  • 4. Yes, Lord, Thy presence is there, - giving joy
    and liberty for the heart, - and in peace, every
    faithful one realises, - its power and its
  • 5. And what will it be like in that day when,
    gathered, - in the heavens the Church shall see
    Thee! - Oh what rapture, what infinite joy, -
    when in the glory, she will adore Thee!

No 21
  • 1. To feed on Thee, praiseworthy Redeemer, - Thou
    hast invited us again this day. - In the midst of
    the wilderness, Thou hast prepared this table, -
    which reminds us of Thy love. (2x)
  • 2. Around Thee, Lord, Thy Church gathers - to
    announce Thy death until Thy return, - and we
    break the bread, we drink the cup, - which remind
    us of Thy love. (2x)
  • 3. Ah! Our iniquity laid on Thy head - a load of
    sorrow unbearably heavy - but now in peace we
    celebrate the supper - which reminds us of Thy
    love. (2x)
  • 4. As we taste this bread, this cup, - our eyes
    look for Thee in that heavenly abode. - Soon,
    having finished our pilgrimage, - we shall
    understand all Thy love. (2x)
  • 5. We bless Thee, Jesus, faithful, and tender
    Saviour! - In heaven it will be our turn to see
    Thee without a shadow, - and in the eternal glory
    we shall exalt - Thy boundless love. (2x)

No 22
  • 1. Thou dost set before us, (2x) - Jesus, of Thy
    suffering for our deliverance - a very sweet
    remembrance. (2x) - Yes this holy table, O
    adorable Saviour, - recalls Thy love, Thy death
    and Thy return. (2x)
  • 2. This cup and this bread (2x) - which Thy hand
    offers to us, of Thy unchanging grace - are true
    tokens. (2x) - In their mute language they tell
    throughout the ages, - to all the chosen ones,
    Thy love, O Jesus! (2x)
  • 3. Let us sing with one heart (2x) - both the
    unspeakable grace, and the unsearchable love, -
    of our Redeemer! (2x) - With thankfulness may we
    give glory and power, - with one accord, to the
    slain Lamb! (2x)

No 23
  • 1. Glory to the Lamb of God, (2x) - Who by His
    sacrifice, - in justice gives us, - access to the
    Holiest of holies! (2x) - Thou, adored by the
    angels, - accept the praises - of those who,
    through faith, are led to Thee. (2x)
  • 2. Saviour always merciful! (2x) - We love to
    remember Thee - while awaiting the glory - of Thy
    coming. (2x) - May this hour come, - when taken
    toThine abode - We shall tell of Thy goodness
    throughout eternity. (2x)

No 24
  • 1. Lamb, atoning victim! - We consider Thy love,
    - Thy blood unto death and Thy victory - for us,
    Thy redeemed people. - Gathered around Thy table,
    - our hearts celebrate Thy love - worshipping
    Thee, loving Saviour! - We await Thy glorious
  • 2. Children of a guilty race, - we have found,
    through Thy cross, - perfect peace, unspeakable
    grace, - strength and happiness all together. -
    Gathered around Thy table, etc.
  • 3. In Thee clothed with righteousness, - washed
    in Thy precious blood, - we recall Thy sacrifice,
    - which opened to us access to heaven. - Gathered
    around Thy table etc.
  • 4. O Beloved! Cause Thy life - to shine down here
    in all Thine own, - may every one of them glorify
    Thee, - Thou who showerest us with all good
    things. - Gathered around Thy table, etc.

No 25
  • 1. Before the Fathers throne - where the Majesty
    is seated, - our eyes, Lord, consider - Thy
    resplendent beauty. - The glory which crowns Thee
    - with its divine splendour, - shines on us and
    radiates - to the depths of our hearts.
  • 2. But the glory of Thy face - is not the only
    attraction, - because Thine unspeakable grace -
    shines, O Jesus, in Thy features. - Grace brought
    Thee down - into a rebellious world, - where
    Thou camest to serve, and take - upon Thyself our
  • 3. The soul remains confounded - before this
    blessed love, vaster than space, - as deep as
    infinity - and so our hearts desire - the time
    of Thy return, - to see, to fathom, to tell - the
    greatness of Thy love.

No 26
  • 1. Saints, let us draw near and may, in our
    hymns, - with love, the Lamb be exalted! - He is
    victorious, He is risen - let us all celebrate
    His magnificent glories, - we who are the objects
    - of all the love of Christ. (2x)
  • 2. He gave Himself for us in sacrifice - nothing
    stopped his unspeakable love - to save us from
    eternal darkness, - He came offering Himself up
    to the strokes of justice - oppressed, cursed -
    was Christ. (2x)
  • 3. We worship Thee, atoning Victim - Thou hast
    won all rights to our hearts - remembering Thy
    death and Thy sufferings, - we await the day when
    in glory, - we shall appear - as the Bride of
    Christ. (2x)
  • 4. We celebrate together at this table - Thy
    great love, holy Lamb once slain! - By Thee our
    hearts, safely harboured, - peacefully enjoy the
    unspeakable happiness - for which Thou hast paid
    - so much O Christ! (2x)

No 27
  • 1. Before the throne of grace - we adore Thee O
    our God, - to enjoy Thy face, we have - access to
    the holy place through Jesus.
  • 2. The bread of heaven, which satisfies, - has
    become our nourishment - in Jesus we have life -
    which is eternal.
  • 3. In return for the bitter cup - which He
    received from Thy righteous hand, - this Saviour
    humble and meek, - gives us the cup of salvation.
  • 4. Soon at the voice of the Archangel, - raptured
    to the heavenly abode, - we shall sing His
    praise, - we shall see Him. Oh! what a beautiful

No 28
  • 1. Thy children, under Thy loving gaze, - O God,
    gathered at this table, - happy to be set apart
    thus - celebrate Thy unspeakable grace. - Thy
    love is their only happiness - it dispels all
    their fears - and, under this divine embrace, -
    all their treasure is their Saviour.
  • 2. Washed in Thy blood, O Jesus, - they are made
    white, without spot - they once were lost - but
    now Thy bosom hides them - Who shall pluck them
    from Thine arms? - Who shall trouble their
    confidence, - when they have the firm assurance -
    that Thy love does not change?
  • 3. For Thy redeemed, O Lord, - how sweet is Thy
    memory! - Yes, we recall with one heart - Thy
    suffering and Thy victory. - Divine Saviour, may
    Thy love, of which we have the token here, abide
    unreservedly in our hearts until Thy glorious

No 29
  • 1. O divine favour! Inestimable treasure! - We
    know Jesus and His loving hand. - In His grace He
    took us from the midst of sinners, - to
    consecrate to God - true worshippers. (2x)
  • 2. The Holy God found righteousness accomplished
    - in the last Adam, who alone glorifies Him - He
    is His Beloved, the object of His desires, - Who
    in His perfect law - had all His delight. (2x)
  • 3. O God! Thou gavest Him in Thy boundless love.
    - He accomplished all for our deliverance - He
    is our righteousness and our sanctification, -
    His life is our life, - and for eternity. (2x)
  • 4. From eternal days, O unsearchable mystery! -
    Thou hadst chosen us in Thine unspeakable grace
    - and now, O God, Thy Spirit, every day, -
    reveals Thy Son to us - and Thy heart full of
    love. (2x)

No 30
  • 1. O Jesus, holy Victim! - Thou camest down to
    this lowly place - closing the pit under our feet
    - into which we were falling far from God.
  • 2. Thou camest, in our likness - to take upon
    Thee our griefs - to save Thy creature, - Thou
    didst become the man of sorrows.
  • 3. Thou only art our wisdom, - our life and our
    peace, - our refuge in distress, - our salvation
  • 4. O Saviour, ever faithful, - in Thee we shall
    abide - unto eternal life - Thou livest Jesus!
    We also shall live.

No 31
  • 1. To save the wicked, the Prince of life -
    suffered all the torment and the ignominy. -
    Glory to the Son of the Most High! - Glory to
    Thee, holy Lamb! - Possess our heart! it is Thy
    reward - Thou hast purchased it, Saviour God,
    upon Calvarys hill.
  • 2. Thy painful death abolished our crimes! -
    under our feet Thou hast closed the terrible pit.
    - Glory to the Son of the Most High! - Glory to
    Thee, holy Lamb! - We praise Thee, Lord, Thou
    whose sufferings - bought us peace, happiness,
    full deliverance.
  • 3. Yes, to enrich us with Thyself, with heaven, -
    Thou didst deign to become poor, Thou, God
    supreme. - Glory to the Son of the Most High! -
    Glory to Thee, holy Lamb! - Receive from our
    heart, love and homage - may it be, divine
    Saviour, Thine entirely.
  • 4. With the goodness of Thy love, adorable
    Shepherd! - before us, every day, Thou preparest
    the table. - Glory to the Son of the most High! -
    Glory to Thee, holy Lamb! - Thy beloved, Lord,
    filled with greatest joy, - enjoy the care and
    tenderness of Thy heart.
  • 5. We walk in peace toward our heritage! - Thou
    shalt be forever our true portion. - Glory to the
    Son of the Most High! - Glory to Thee, holy Lamb!
    - O divine Redeemer! to Thee who lovest us, - be
    strength, dominion, honour, supreme praise!
  • 6. For all eternity we shall tell Thy glory, -
    Thy great love, Thy holy victory. - Glory to the
    Son of the Most High! - Glory to Thee, holy Lamb!
    - Possess our heart! it is Thy reward - Thou
    hast purchased it, Saviour God, upon Calvary.

No 32
  • 1. Who shall celebrate, who shall understand, -
    the love which, from heaven, Jesus! brought Thee
    down - to this Gethsemane... this bitter
    Golgotha, - where Thou wast pierced by Jehovahs
  • 2. It is not, Lord! Thy heavenly hosts, - nor Thy
    works, so widely spread - nor the abyss of the
    sea, nor the heights of heaven, - which will be
    able to celebrate Thy marvellous love.
  • 3. O Jesus! Thy love and Thy unspeakable grace, -
    who shall exalt them, but these guilty ones -
    which Thou Thyself hast made - kings and priests,
    - and for whom Thou hast tasted death and its
  • 4. Yes, only Thy redeemed, with holy joy, - shall
    sing of Thy goodness, and bless Thy tenderness -
    Thou hast purchased them, Jesus, with Thy
    precious blood. - They shall be forever with Thee
    in heaven.

No 33
  • 1. We see Thee in agony, - taking the cup of
    sorrows. - We see Thee giving Thy life, - Thou,
    just and holy, for us, sinners.
  • 2. May Thy death, O holy Victim, - always be
    before our eyes! - Thy blood washed away our
    crime, - Thy blood alone opened heaven for us.
  • 3. O Christ! Thy deep love - touches and
    penetrates our hearts, - Thou hast died for the
    sin of the world - Thou alone art our Saviour

No 34
  • 1. O Thou, who in heaven hast prepared the place,
    - which Thine own, with Thee, one day shall
    occupy, - we want to celebrate Thy righteousness
    and Thy grace, - Thy love, O Saviour, Thine
    unspeakable love. (2x)
  • 2. Yes, Lord! We come into Thy holy presence - to
    enjoy the sweetness of communion with Thee - and
    yet down here, we feel Thy absence... - awaiting
    the day of the reunion. (2x)
  • 3. What a solemn moment for Thy holy assembly, -
    when Thou shalt introduce her into heaven! - With
    Thy peace, with Thy glory, she shall be satisfied
    - at the marriage supper, all of heaven
    witnessing. (2x)
  • 4. While waiting, Lord, we take on earth - this
    supper, which Thy love prepared for us and here
    we proclaim Thy saving grace, - Thy sufferings,
    Thy death and Thy soon return. (2x)

No 35
  • 1. Like a Lamb, Thou hast allowed Thyself to be
    bruised - for our sins, Thou the Saviour of the
    world. - O tender love! O deep love! - to save
    us, Jesus, Thou camest to die.
  • 2. In that moment when our iniquity - made Thee
    suffer the most cruel pain, - Thy death broke our
    bonds and chains - Thou hast obtained for us
    grace and blessing.
  • 3. Amen, Lord! Amen, power, honour! - to Thee,
    Jesus, glory, wisdom, dominion! - from now on our
    hearts can say to Thee! - Blessed be Thou,
    all-powerful Redeemer!

No 36 (adapted, see Spiritual Songs Nº 69)
  • Thou, Lamb of God, didst shed Thy blood, - Thou
    didst our load of misery bear - and hast exalted
    us to share - the rank of kings and priests to
    God. - To Thee we render evermore - The honour,
    glory, praise thats due - might, power, and
    glad obedience too, - and in our hearts we Thee
    adore - Amen! Amen! O Lord, Amen!

No 37
  • O holy and glorious Lamb! - Thou hast left the
    divine splendours - for a crown of thorns, - and
    hast redeemed Thy precious flock, - we strike up,
    here below - the sacred hymn of victory. - O!
    before the throne of glory, - when shall we sing
    of Thy love? - Come then, Lord! Amen! Amen!

No 38
  • 1. O supreme love! (2x) - O deep humility! - The
    Son takes on our nature. He comes, bears the
    curse (2x) - and dies upon the tree - to save His
  • 2. But the Christ, Son of the mighty God, (2x) -
    for our sins put to death, - rises with power. -
    We, His chosen ones, celebrate (2x) - the triumph
    of Jesus - His glory is our hope.
  • 3. By Jesus Christ redeemed, (2x) - in Jesus
    raised, - let us sing with greatest joy! - O
    Lord! in the heavenlies (2x) - Thou art
    victoriously seated - Glory to Thee, Glory

No 39
  • 1. We contemplate Thee in the glory, - O precious
    Saviour! - tasting the fruits of Thy victory, -
    powerful Saviour! Forever in the sanctuary, - at
    the right hand of God Thy Father, - Thou who
    camest down to earth, - humble Saviour!
  • 2. For us Thou hast become a curse, - O precious
    Saviour - Thou hast suffered the utmost agony, -
    O precious Saviour! - Thy blood shed, Thy flesh
    bruised - purifies us from all sin... - through
    Thy death we have life, - tender Saviour!
  • 3. We love to await Thee from heaven, - O
    precious Saviour! - hast Thou not said I come to
    take you, - powerful Saviour? - O unspeakable
    happiness! - to see Thy adorable features - and
    to be like Thee, - divine Saviour!

No 40
  • It is Thee, Jesus, it is Thy grace, - Thy cross,
    Thy precious blood, - it is the look of Thy face,
    - which makes us righteous and happy. - Our
    souls, in peace, trust - in Thee, beloved
    Saviour, - the author, the source, the cause - of
    our eternal bliss.

No 41
  • 1. O beloved Saviour, in Whom our souls hope! -
    from the power of death Thy death has delivered
    us - Hallelujah! Hallelujah! (2x) - In Thy
    faithful love, (3x) - our joy is full.
  • 2. Thy blood has washed us from all our offenses
    - the glory of Thy heaven will soon receive us -
    Hallelujah! hallelujah! (2x) - Yes, already our
    faith (3x) - triumphs in hope.

No 42
  • 1. Thou hast loved us unto death, - Saviour full
    of tenderness - for us, Thou hast overcome Satan
    - even to his fortress. (2x)
  • 2. O! how they weighed on Thee, - alone, in that
    dark hour, - the forsaking, the anguish and the
    terror - of our sins without number! (2x)
  • 3. And now, the roar of the waters - which rolled
    over Thy head, - has given place to the divine
    rest - of Thy perfect work. (2x)
  • 4. Around Thee, Thy redeemed, - still on this
    earth, - enjoy the bliss - of the Fathers house.

No 43
  • 1. The Lamb of God, Christ dies - upon the cross
    (2x) -immediately the veil is rent - at the cross
    (2x) - The holiest of holies is displayed, -
    access to God is opened to us - through Thee,
    Jesus, who offered Thyself - upon the cross. (2x)
  • 2. Thou wast lifted from the earth - upon the
    cross (2x) - for us Thou hast drunk the bitter
    cup - upon the cross. (2x) - It is finished,
    through Thy love - the believer washed in Thy
    blood, - knows that he is saved forever - by the
    cross. (2x)
  • 3. Amidst shame Thy glory shone - upon the cross
    (2x) - the victory was Thine, Jesus - upon the
    cross. (2x) - To Thee, throughout eternity, - be
    strength, honour and majesty - for the triumph
    won - upon the cross! (2x)

No 44
  • 1. Angelic notes, - harmonious choirs - harps and
    hymns, - fill the heavens! - In the vast
    universe, - may the new song - always be started
    afresh - around the Lamb!
  • 2. In the midst of the throne - Thine own shall
    see Thee - not a crown - is missing from Thy
    brow, - and Thy pierced hands - show both - Thy
    past suffering, - and the love of the cross.
  • 3. O infinite grace! - Thou wast slain - Thou
    gavest Thy life, - Thy blood flowed, - That in
    the sanctuary, - by all honoured, - our God, Thy
    Father, - may be adored.
  • 4. Angelic notes, - harmonious choirs - harps and
    hymns - fill the heavens - honour, strength and
    glory - homage without end, - to the God of
    victory, - to the divine Lamb!

No 45
  • 1. Son of the most High, Thou, the Admirable one,
    - upon Thy brow shines in its splendour - the
    unspeakable love of the Father, - and the
    greatness of His glory. - Thy hand upholds the
    vast world -which Thy voice drew from
    nothingness - all tells of Thy deep wisdom - and
    extols Thee, O mighty God!
  • 2. In the bosom of the Father, in His presence, -
    His delight every day, - one with Him in His
    power, - one with Him in His love, - unsearchable
    mystery! - leaving the glory of the most holy
    place, - Thou didst want to come into a guilty
    world - to die, Lamb of God!
  • 3. Supreme love, infinite grace! - We see Thee,
    divine man, - from the humble manger to the agony
    - following Thy painful path. - Stranger, hated
    on the earth, and even by Thine own forsaken, -
    at last Thou hast taken the bitter cup - in the
    garden of Gethsemane.
  • 4. And Thou hast borne, holy Victim, - in those
    dark hours of the cross, - the judgement for our
    crime, - all the weight of divine wrath. - O
    Lord! we render to Thee glory. - For ever, in
    holy rapture, - our hearts shall sing Thy
    victory, - Thy love conqueror of death.

No 46
  • 1. Pure, unsearchable love, being of God supreme,
    who, to reveal Himself, gave His very Son, - into
    this world, overtaken by the darkness of sin, our
    eyes could see Thee and our hands have touched
  • 2. Thou didst shine at the cross, when during the
    three hours of darkness - which deepened the
    shadows upon a blind world, - the perfect Man,
    the Son of the holy God, of the powerful God,
    went through abandonment, wrath and death.
  • 3. Thou hast suffered, O Jesus, Saviour, Lamb,
    Victim! - Thy infinite look searched the vast
    abyss, - and Thy infinite heart, under this
    momentary weight, - bore our eternal punishment.
  • 4. He says It is finished, bows His head,
    expires! - and lo suddenly the veil is rent -
    washed, justified, perfect, we enter into the
    holiest, - into the full brightness of Gods
  • 5. Ah! sovereign victory of heavenly love! - Thy
    cross shows forth the glory of the Holy Father, -
    and saves us, and fills our mouths and our hearts
    - with the eternal hymn of the true worshippers.

No 47
  • 1. Thou, the eternal only Son, in the bosom of
    the Father, - delight of His heart in the
    heavenly abode, - before time was Thou hast
    thought of the earth, - to which Thou didst wish
    to descend and humble Thyself one day.
  • 2. Thou hast found Thy delight with the sons of
    men, - Thou hast come in a body formed by God
    Himself - humble child, Thou wast born lower
    than we. - O profound mystery, acclaimed by the
  • 3. Thou who hast searched our miserable state. -
    This abyss of evil in which we were submerged -
    Thou hast given Thy life for us, O adorable
    Saviour! - Thy blood was shed to take away our
  • 4. O risen Christ! We sing Thy victory - Thy God
    has crowned Thee with power and honour, - and
    Thou art calling for us, Jesus, to see Thy glory,
    - to be near Thee in eternal bliss.
  • 5. Glorified Lamb! Tender Saviour! - O Thou who
    hast loved us with an infinite love! - Gathered
    together to Thy name and filled with greatest
    joy, - Lord, we worship Thee. Be thou forever

No 48
  • 1. O Thou whose heart loves us, - God full of
    grace and love! - We enter into heaven itself -
    to worship Thee in this day. - Thy family is
    gathered, - O Father, under Thy gaze - in Thy
    Son Thou hast blessed us - in Him Thou hast set
    us apart.
  • 2. For Thy children, what glory - to contemplate
    the mighty God, - and to sing the victory - of
    Jesus Christ put to death! Thy family etc.
  • 3. What grace, O tender Father, - to know Thy
    love, - while waiting upon the earth - for the
    return of Thy Holy Son! - He is coming
    unspeakable happiness! Sing, - Church of the
    Lord, - soon you shall be like your powerful

No 49
  • 1. To love Thee Jesus, to know Thee, - to rest
    upon Thy bosom - to have Thee as friend, as
    Master, - and as drink and as bread - peacefully
    to savour Thy grace - to taste the holy benefits
    - of Thy death, powerful Saviour, - what an
    unspeakably sweet savour!
  • 2. O unspeakable happiness, - to have Thee as
    Shepherd! Always tender and helpful, - Thy heart
    cannot change. - In Thy boundless love - Thou
    hast come down - to seek Thy sheep Thyself, and
    take them into Thine arms.
  • 3. Thou dost fill us with Thy grace, - Thou
    knowest us by name - Thou leadest us in Thy
    footsteps - toward the heavenly mansion - Thy
    desire is to enquire - about our weakness and
    ills. - What love! Thou dost continually want to
    forgive and to heal us.

No 50
  • 1. Jesus is our supreme friend. - O! What love! -
    He loves us more than a tender brother. - O! What
    love! - Here family, friends, all passes away -
    happiness appears and vanishes away - His heart
    alone never wearies. - O! What love!
  • 2. He is our eternal life. - O! What love! - let
    us celebrate His immortal work. - O! What love!
    By His blood our soul is washed - In the
    wilderness He found us - and in His grace He
    saved us. - O! What love!
  • 3. He offered Himself in sacrifice. - O! What
    love! - To bless us is all His delight. - O! What
    love! - To His voice may our soul be attentive, -
    always in peace, never fearful, - near His heart
    quietly live - in His love.

No 51
  • 1. Glory throughout the ages - to the great
    Saviour God! - To Him undivided dominion and
    honour! - May our souls , - in holy rapture, -
    ever exalt, proclaim the Lamb which was slain.
  • 2. Our souls adore Thee - Thou who, in heaven -
    art glorified, honoured - by the eternal choir! -
    Crowned with honour - in the divine abode - upon
    Thy brow shines grace and love.
  • 3. Soon without a veil, - Thy splendour shall
    shine - radiant Star - risen in our hearts. - Oh!
    What joy! Our eyes shall see Thee, - and Thy
    saints shall unceasingly rejoice in Thee.
  • 4. To Thee be the glory, - O eternal Son! - Thy
    death, Thy victory, - opened heaven to us. - To
    Thee who lovest us - for eternity, - supreme
    praise, - strength and majesty!

No 52
  • 1. Form our hearts by Thy Spirit of love, - to
    desire Thy glorious return - and our eternal
    home, O Jesus, Prince of life! - Amen! Come,
    Lord, - crowned with glory and honour. - Appear
    in Thy splendour to the eyes of Thy saints.
  • 2. Thou hast promised, yes, with our own eyes, -
    we shall see Thee appear in the heavens, -
    raptured into Thy holy presence, transformed into
    Thy likeness. - Amen! come Lord, etc.
  • 3. What bliss for Thy chosen ones- in the
    brightness of Thy divinity! - What unspeakable
    delight! - ...already what sweet foretastes! -
    Amen! Come Lord! etc.
  • 4. Come, Lord, come! is the cry of faith -
    which the Bride sends up before Thee. -
    Expressions of love! ...May the Holy Spirit make
    them a reality in Thy Church. - Amen! come Lord,

No 53
  • 1. Mighty Saviour, who alone is our life, - bless
    Thy saints, strangers here below. - In Thee,
    Jesus, our souls trust - may Thy love direct all
    our footsteps.
  • 2. Ah! Keep us from turning towards the world -
    other glances than those of a traveller. - May
    we, fleeing the filthiness of sin, - Draw
    happiness from the living waters.
  • 3. Fill our hearts with the sweet hope - of soon
    being forever with Thee - and, until the day of
    Thy holy presence. - Ah! grant us to see Thee
    through faith.

No 54
  • 1. In heaven, where the glory is promised, - our
    desire is to see Thee by faith. - Come, O Lord!
    Take away Thy Church! - Introduce her, close to
    the Father, with Thee.
  • 2. It is there, Lord, that all is joy, - Songs of
    triumph, unspeakable pleasures - There no more
    mourning, no more pain, nor sadness, - There no
    more worries, no more griefs, nor sighing.
  • 3. There, close to Thee, we shall have no more
    storm, - There, we shall be sheltered forever, -
    a complete calm shall be our portion, - we shall
    enjoy eternal peace.
  • 4. Lord Jesus! We love to wait for Thee -
    towards Thee, we lift up our eyes. - O Redeemer!
    rise, come, take us, - and rapture us with Thee
    into heaven.

No 55
  • 1. Our tongues proclaim - Thy soon return - our
    hearts long for Thee, Bridegroom full of love. -
    Prince of life, - mighty Redeemer! - Thy Bride
    calls Amen, come, Lord!
  • 2. Soon, Thy glory - we shall inherit, - and by
    Thy victory we shall triumph. - Prince of life,

No 56
  • 1. Already for us shines the dawn - of an
    unending bliss - Lord! But a few more moments, -
    and we shall all be in Thy bosom. (2x)
  • 2. If time flees and carries us away, - near to
    the Leader of our faith - toil will soon cease,
    - and being close to Thee is rest. (2x)
  • 3. O happy day, when in Thy glory - to the eyes
    of Thine own Thou shalt appear! - with the shout
    of victory, Jesus, - Thou shalt take us to
    Thyself. (2x)

No 57
  • 1. Lord Jesus, whose love is unbounded, - Thou,
    the brightness of the glory of God, - come! come!
    appear in Thy incomparable beauty! - Turned
    toward the holiest we wait for Thee.
  • 2. Thou hast saved us, we are Thy workmanship, -
    and in heaven we shall serve Thee, - see Thee,
    Jesus, bear Thy image, - and forever adore Thee,
    and bless Thee.
  • 3. Alleluia! What holy joy! - Behold the marriage
    of the Lamb is coming. - around Thee we shall
    sing without ceasing, - O Beloved, the new song.

No 58 (adapted see Spiritual Songs Nº 179)
  • 1. Brightness of the eternal glory, - shall Thy
    praise unuttered lie? - Who would hush the heaven
    sent story, - of the Lamb who came to die?
  • 2. Came from God-heads fullest glory, - down to
    Calvarys depth of woe - now on high, we bow
    before Thee - streams of praises ceaseless flow!
  • 3. Sing His blest triumphant rising - sing Him
    on the Fathers throne - Sing till heaven and
    earth surprising, - reigns the Nazarene alone.

No 59
  • 1. With one heart let us praise our God, our
    Father - The hymns of the saints always please
    Him. - Let us celebrate His love while on this
    earth - and let us rejoice in a perfect Saviour.
  • 2. With one heart let us praise our God, our
    Father - for we are washed in the blood of the
    Lamb, - the virtue of which, by the new way,
    gives us a free and sure access into the divine
    sanctuary. (2x)
  • 3. With one heart let us praise our God, our
    Father - our Leader has broken the bonds of
    death - risen in Him, through Him our souls hope
    - to reach the happy haven of eternal salvation.
  • 4. With one heart let us praise our God, our
    Father - for us the Lord hath sat down in the
    heavenlies His glorious rest after the bitter
    cup, - is the perfect peace of His dear sheep.
  • 5. With one heart let us praise our God, our
    Father - we await Jesus who is coming from
    heaven - and by His great power will take us up
    from the earth - He wants to gather us with Him
    forever. (2x)
  • 6. Yes, we praise Thee, our God, our Father -
    God of peace, God of love, Whom our faith has
    apprehended. - In our weakness Thy grace
    enlightens us - and having nothing in us, we
    have all in Thee. (2x)

No 60
  • 1. O Jesus! How Thy name, for a faithful soul, -
    Is great and precious! - What love, what
    blessings, what grace, it brings to mind, - what
    a glorious salvation! (2x)
  • 2. Thou, the Son of the Highest, Thou the Beloved
    of the Father, - Thou, the glory of heaven! -
    Thou camest from the midst of the light, to bring
    us - the gifts of Jehovah (2x)
  • 3. To sinners, to the children of a guilty race -
    and worthy of death, - Thou camest to manifest
    the ineffable favour - and the peace of the
    mighty God. (2x)
  • 4. To Thee, Redeemer, our souls belong - All in
    us is Thine. - Cause our hearts to burn with Thy
    love, - make us live by faith. (2x)

No 61
  • 1. Hold us close to Thy heart, O Saviour of our
    souls! - Keep us in Thy peace. - Increase in us
    the flames of a holy fervour - guide us forever.
  • 2. To come near to Thee, is all our longing, - O
    holy Emmanuel! - Thy love is for us the source of
    life, - for it is eternal. (2x)
  • 3. Glory to Thee, Redeemer! Thy faithful love -
    cannot deny itself - Thou hast gathered us under
    Thy wing, - for eternity. (2x)

No 62
  • 1. Yes, we have in heaven a good and tender
    Father, - whose decrees preceded time - the
    Mighty God, the Almighty in whom our souls hope,
    - and who, from above, protects his children.
  • 2. By His Beloved Son He poured His life into us,
    - Redeeming us by His precious blood. - He
    elected us for the infinite glory, - and Jesus
    only is the way to heaven. (2x)
  • 3. Thy wisdom, Thy grace, and Thy power unite -
    to guide us to the blest abode. - O God! For us
    Thy care never fails - by night, by day, Thou
    dost follow us with Thy gaze. (2x)
  • 4. Tender compassion strength in the day of
    trial, - grace and pardon, forbearance, sweet
    peace - from Thy heart full of love, flow out
    like a river - which is never exhausted or
    emptied. (2x)
  • 5. For such great love, what can we render to
    Thee, O gracious Father? - Ah! Give us obedient
    hearts. - May the divine character, shine upon
    our brows - by Thy Spirit engraved upon Thy
    children. (2x)

No 63
  • 1. In the pastures of Jesus feeding with
    assurance - of the sovereign shepherd let us
    taste the boundless grace - let us savour the
    waters which flow night and day. - From the
    throne Thy love established for us.
  • 2. Let us rest peacefully in His rich pasture -
    We have nothing to fear in the strong storm -
    Jesus Christ is for us and always with us - may
    we ever stay close to such a tender Shepherd.
  • 3. For us His heart burns, that heart full of
    tenderness - His strength is made perfect in
    weakness, - our powerlessness is our safety - he
    who desires nothing apart from Him, can do all in
    His goodness.

No 64
  • 1. Perfect, eternal rest ever to serve, adore
    Thee! During the endless day, - Thee, Lord, Thy
    saints shall praise rapt, in mute ecstasy,
    casting their crowns before Thee, prone at Thy
    feet they fall, anthems of joy to raise (2x)
  • 2. Thee shall we contemplate - gaze on Thy face
    adoring, Saviour and Bridegroom - Lord, beauty
    supreme above! Sounding the soundless depths,
    measureless heights exploring - heights of Thy
    peerless grace, depths of Thy boundless love!
  • 3. Jesus from Thee alone borrowing light
    transcendent - Sun, Thou, of righteousness,
    lending Thy lustrous rays - radiant, Thy bride
    shall wear, through the long age resplendant,
    glory immaculate - Thine own perfections blaze.
  • 4. Us wilt Thou contemplate - pearl of Thy
    hearts deep longing, travail of Thy lone soul,
    fruit of Thy wondrous cross! Then wilt Thou rest
    in love! Thou wilt rejoice in singing, - Rest in
    triumphant love, singing for joy oer us. (2x)

No 65
  • 1. Yes, complete well-being, - true happiness
    here below, - is to have Jesus for Master to
    follow Him step by step.
  • 2. Nothing can stop the flow - of His love with
    which the loves us, - He bought us for Himself -
    He is ours forever.
  • 3. Never, His faithful love - will fail our
    wishes. - It is an eternal spring - which will
    never cease.
  • 4. He desires that our hearts love Him, - without
    let, - for He is, unchanging in His love.

No 66
  • 1. Incomparable treasure - tender and faithful
    friend! - Thou who alone wast able - to conquer
    the enemy! - Keep by Thy power - our spirits and
    our hearts, - Thou, who, by Thy presence, - dost
    fill us with gladness.
  • 2. Delight of life, - imperishable bread, by
    which our soul - is satisfied in hunger! - In
    extreme weakness - Thy strength is made perfect,
    - and even in trial - Thy voice makes us rejoice.
  • 3. O Saviour full of grace! - Give us each day, -
    in contemplating Thy face, to taste Thy love. -
    Without its sweet influence, life is like death
    - to enjoy Thy presence - is the happiest lot.
  • 4. Jesus, our wealth, - our only true happiness,
    - since, in our weakness, - Thou dost keep us,
    Lord, - from our hearts the adversary - cannot
    steal the peace, - nor from the love of the
    Father - ever separate us.

No 67
  • 1. O Thou, who didst break our bonds, - Jesus
    Christ mighty Saviour! - In shame and in sorrows,
    - Thou dost comfort our hearts.
  • 2. By Thy saving grace - the work is perfected in
    us - and we are Thy reward, - O Jesus, heavenly
  • 3. Thou hast given us life - may our souls every
    day, - to Thy yoke be subjected, - happy in Thy

No 68
  • 1. Jesus come fill our souls with Thy love, - and
    make them burn by Thy flame night and day. -
    Precious Redeemer - now in heaven, - subject our
    hearts - to Thy sweet dominion - may they, -
    Beat and long for Thee only Lord.
  • 2. For Thine own Thou hast known - utter sorrow!
    - Thou hast suffered, Jesus! - and wast made a
    curse. - O Saviour, almigthy, - how great is Thy
    love! - Ah! May all our hearts, - seeing Thy
    tenderness, - praise Thee, O dear Saviour. -
    Exalt Thee without end!
  • 3. For us all, in the holy place, - now Thou art
    praying - Thy heart presents to God - Thy
    beloved sheep. - O sovereign Shepherd, - holding
    us in Thy hand, - may our hearts always - rest
    upon Thee, - committing to Thee, Lord, - all
    things in peace!
  • 4. Thou dost feed Thy flock - with the riches of
    Thy grace. - Upon us Thou hast set Thy seal - we
    shall see Thy face. - Supreme and good Shepherd -
    who cannot change, - may Thy divine love - fill
    our souls! - and in our hearts, the flame burn
    night and day.

No 69
  • 1. Thy grace reaches, O Lord, unto heaven. - Thy
    truth rises unto the clouds - by Thy love our
    souls are confounded - and will meditate Thy
    mysterious works.
  • 2. Filled with the goodness of Thy love. -
    satisfied at the river of Thy grace, - make us
    walk in peace before Thy face, - serving Thee
    humbly every day.
  • 3. The source of happiness is in Thee, - in Thee
    who alone art love and light. - May Thy Spirit,
    without ceasing, O our Father! - lead our steps
    and keep our heart.

No 70
  • 1. To live of Thee, source of every happiness, -
    to rejoice in Thy light, - to see Thee, for us,
    before the Father, - what sweet rest, Jesus, for
    our hearts!
  • 2. The love of God gave us Jesus, - and through
    Jesus peace was made - justice has been
    satisfied - it will no longer have any claim on
  • 3. Oh! What happiness! Lord, through Thy
    goodness, - access to heaven is made easy - and
    the christian, with a peaceful heart, - moves on,
    for he is redeemed.
  • 4. Lord Jesus, should we not love Thee? - Thou
    who hast given Thy life for us! - Thou, whose
    infinite tenderness - comes every day directing
    our steps?

No 71
  • 1. O Lord, Thy loves unbounded, so sweet, so
    full, so free my soul is all transported
    wheneer I think on Thee.
  • 2. And yet Thy loves unchanging, and doth recall
    my heart to joy in all its brightness, the peace
    its beams impart.
  • 3. Yet sure, if in Thy presence my soul still
    constant were, mine eye would, more familiar, its
    brighter glories bear.
  • 4. And thus Thy deep perfections much better
    should I know, and with adoring fervour in this
    Thy nature grow.
  • 5. Still sweet tis to discover, if clouds have
    dimmed my sight, when passed, eternal Lover,
    towards me, as eer, Thourt bright.
  • 6. O keep my soul, then, Jesus, abiding still
    with Thee and if I wander, teach me soon back to
    Thee to flee,
  • 7. That all Thy gracious favour may to my soul be
    known and, versed in this Thy goodness, my hopes
    Thyself shall crown.

No 72
  • 1. Thou dost teach us, Thou dost comfort us, -
    during Thine absence, O Jesus! - For Thy Spirit
    and Thy word abide with Thine elect.
  • 2. Thy voice is always to be heard - in Thy
    precious oracles, - and Thy Spirit, that we may
    understand them - touches our hearts, opens our
  • 3. The memory of Thy great love - thus passed on
    among Thine own. - In the desert we see Thy glory
    - and taste the heavenly blessings.
  • 4. Yes, this word of life - is like one of
    Eschols grapes, - its savour strengthens us, -
    in the midst of an arid ground.
  • 5. But soon that sweet ministry - will end for
    Thy dear flock - and face to face, in Thy light,
    - we shall speak to Thee, holy Lamb!

No 73
  • 1. O Thou, who dost live in the highest heavens -
    God full of tenderness! - in love Thou art
    looking down upon Thy children. - God of glory
    and of love, - by Thy Spirit of truth, - Thou
    dost always lead us.
  • 2. We know Thy sweet voice, - Jesus, faithful
    Shepherd - At the cross Thou hast bought for us,
    - eternal life, - Lord, by Thy Spirit of love, -
    Thou dost pour out upon us each day - some new
  • 3. In a little while we shall see Thee -
    resplendant in glory, - and in Thy bosom we shall
    enjoy - the fruits of Thy victory. - Throughout
    all eternity, - we shall celebrate Thy goodness,
    - Thine atoning death.

No 74
  • 1. Thou hast come down, Lord! from the eternal
    glory, - and desired to be our neighbour down
    here - Thou stooped down to us in Thy divine
    love. - To heal the deadly wound in our hearts.
  • 2. And soon, forever, in the Fathers house - by
    Thyself introduced, Thou wilt gather us. - We
    shall be with Thee we shall see, resplendent, -
    Thy grace and Thy beauty in the pure light.
  • 3. O Jesus, be praised! - the firm and sure
    expectation of our ravished soul is that blessed
    moment - when, we shall be clothed with glorified
    bodies, - and caught up to the eternal abode.

No 75
  • 1. Let us sing, brethren, let us sing of our
    tender Father - His supreme goodness. - May in
    the midst of His saints, His lovely name, be
    exalted everywhere on the earth (2x)
  • 2. Who should more than we, His adopted family, -
    celebrate His love? - Which angel can speak of it
    in a more vivid way - in the sacred abode? (2x)
  • 3. Let us, then, celebrate Him, - who, wants to
    place us, one day, higher than the angels - Yes,
    to Thee, holy Father, be honour and praise - for
    Thy boundless love! (2x)

No 76
  • 1. For us, Christians, O what happiness - when we
    shall see the face - of Jesus, our Redeemer, - in
    heaven where nothing passes away. (2x)
  • 2. To be with Thee in the highest, - each bearing
    Thine image, - and tell with the blessed - Thy
    glory forever and ever! (2x)
  • 3. To be with Thee, see Thy beauty, - to taste
    Thy tenderness, - to enjoy Thy rich goodness, -
    What boundless happiness. (2x)
  • 4. For with Thee is that rest - which our heart
    hopes for, - divine end of all our work - in the
    house of the Father. (2x)
  • 5. Let us listen to the voice of the Bridegroom -
    who tells us unceasingly - I come quickly! Be
    ye comforted. - then no more sorrows. (2x)
  • 6. Take courage then, O pilgrims! - let us lift
    up our heads - hasten our steps, gird up our
    loins - deliverance is at hand. (2x)

No 77
  • 1. Lord! sanctify - our days, our moments - make
    our lives - honour Thee continually. - May we be
    penetrated - by the happy influence - of Thy
    presence - in our midst.
  • 2. May we always - walk by faith - and in
    distress - look up to Thee! - Happy is the one
    who rests - upon Thy mighty arm. - We have
    everything - when we have Thee.

No 78
  • 1. Jesus! my Fortress and my Rock, - my great
    Deliverer! - What enemy can approach me - under
    Thy protecting arm?
  • 2. Thy grace, O God, hath forgiven me, - and Thy
    heaven is mine. - Surrounded by Thy might, - I
    can do all things by faith.
  • 3. Deliverance is in Thine arm, - and love in Thy
    heart. - What happiness! Forever Thou shalt be -
    my glory and my Saviour!

No 79
  • 1. To walk in Thy presence, - faithful and tender
    Saviour, - in humble assurance - in Thine arm, in
    Thy heart, - seeking naught but to please Thee -
    in all that we do - it is heaven on earth, it is
    perfect happiness.
  • 2. Thus, before Thy face, - we can, every day, -
    by Thy Spirit of grace, - taste Thy love. - Thou
    alone art our expectation, - O our Redeemer! -
    and our satisfied soul - finds in Thee its

No 80
  • 1. In Thee, Jesus, my heart draws nigh joyful and
    without fear - to my God. - Before Him, through
    Thee, without blame, - I have free access to the
    holy place.
  • 2. In Thee, Lord, I am at rest - I know Thy
    tender and good heart. - That faithful heart is
    my refuge, - Thy precious blood my ransom.
  • 3. In Thee, Lord, I do not fear - any danger in
    the wilderness. - Where Thy steps have shown me
    the way, - Thy love covers me.
  • 4. I am in Thee, should death come, - I can
    expect it without fear - my life is bound to
    Thine, - and like Thee I shall live again.

No 81
  • 1. Every perfect gift comes down from the Father
    of lights - He answers my prayers, - He loves to
  • 2. Father of mercies, - Thou dost sustain me
    every day - by Thy grace Thou dost grant me - to
    know Thy love.
  • 3. Oh! What ineffable love - I find, O God, in
    Thy heart! - Oh! What unsearchable love! - What
    treasure for the sinner!
  • 4. Ah! in Thy holy abode - I may draw nigh to
    Thee - Should I live or should I die, - Thy
    heaven is open for me.
  • 5. Glory to Thee, my God, my Father, - Thou who
    hast first loved me! - to Thy heart my soul is
    dear - possess me entirely.

No 82
  • 1. Who else have I in heaven, - who else on this
    earth - but Thee, my Saviour, - my Shepherd, my
    guide, the friend of my heart?
  • 2. Who else would, - who else could, - seeing me
    suffer, deliver me from anguish and succour me?
  • 3. In Thee, Saviour God, - I have peace of heart
    - Thou hast done all for me - and upon Thy
    justice my faith is founded.
  • 4. For me, what happiness - to know, Lord, - As I
    know it, - that Thou art favourable to me, that
    Thou hast made peace for me!
  • 5. Eternal salvation, - is the prize, the goal, -
    towards which I run - Lord, to reach it, to Thee
    I turn.
  • 6. I live then in peace, - for I know - that,
    even in death, - Christ is my shelter, my
    support, my fortress.

No 83
  • 1. Thy words, always faithful, - Lord, will never
    change - and my soul, believing them, henceforth
    - has nothing to fear.
  • 2. I know, sweet thought! - Yes I know it, - none
    of Thy sheep will be forsaken - mighty Shepherd,
    Thou hast promised it.
  • 3. Objects of Thy supreme love, - they rest in
    Thy bosom - neither the world, nor hell itself,
    - shall pluck them out of Thy hand.

No 84
  • 1. Lord, Thou dost direct my steps - toward
    heaven, my home - my God, Thou dost not forsake
    me - in Thine infinite grace. - Toward me , in
    Thy favour - Thy love shines, O my Saviour, - my
    treasure and my life.
  • 2. Ah! without the walk of faith, my life is
    dull but, O my Saviour, in Thee, - in Thy mighty
    virtue, - is my refuge, and my shelter, - and
    every day Thou dost show me - Thine overwhelming
  • 3. Until the day when I shall see Thee - in
    eternal glory - when in Thy bosom I shall exalt -
    Thine atoning death, - Thou wilt be my portion
    and my fortress, - my gain in life and in death -
    my joy and my victory!

No 85
  • 1. Meek Master - who hast carried my sorrows, - I
    am Thy recompense - for all Thy travail. - I was
    miserable, - but I am Thine - Thine unspeakable
    grace - did all for me.
  • 2. In Thy mercy keep - my soul forever, - in the
    enjoyment - of Thy sweet peace - uphold me in
    weakness, - when languishing heal me, - and keep
    me always - near to Thy heart.

No 86
  • 1. I know, that perfect joy - which Thy Spirit, O
    Jesus sheds into a heart - I am happy, yes my
    soul is contented, - since I know in Thee I have
    my Saviour.
  • 2. Thou hast loved me, vile creature, that I am -
    even to offer Thyself, a victim for me - Thine
    own blood has washed away my stain, - and by Thy
    death, I live for Thee.
  • 3. What then could I desire on earth, - since I
    am the object of Thy love, - since, from early
    morn, Thy grace daily goes before me O meek
  • 4. If on my pilgrim journey, - trial and sorrow,
    cross my path, - can I forget, during this short
    stay, - that one, redeemed, is not an orphan?
  • 5. Yes, Beloved, tis Thee, Thy tenderness, -
    that leads me step by step under Thy gaze, -
    could I then groan in sadness - on my way to the
    heavenly abode.
  • 6. Ah! that my soul pursuing its course, - may
    rejoice, O God, in Thy fellowship - yes, that my
    heart, full of strength and joy, - may peacefully
    taste, the unction of Thy Spirit.

No 87
  • 1. The Lord is my portion, my salvat
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