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I The English Colonies A) The first English Colonies were Jamestown and Plymouth 1) Roanoke settlement (1587) was the first English settlement in the new world. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: I

I The English Colonies A) The first English
Colonies were Jamestown and Plymouth 1)
Roanoke settlement (1587) was the first
English settlement in the new world. a)
117 men, women, and children left England and
landed in The Virginia Territory in
July. b) The area is now North Carolina
c) They ran out of supplies, so their
leader, John White, went back to
England. d) He was delayed by the
Spanish/English war, and he didnt
return for 3 years. e) When he returned,
everyone was gone and no one knows what
happened to them. 2) Jamestown Settlement
(Virginia 1607) was the first permanent
English settlement. a) In May, 105 soldiers,
noblemen, and prisoners went to Virginia.
b) They were sent by The Virginia Company
who wanted to make a profit like the Spanish
and French. c) They set up the settlement of
Jamestown in a swampy area by the James
river. They were both named for King James the
1st. d) They did not find any gold, and the
men were not farmers or hard workers. They
were not prepared for the winter. e) More
than half of the men died the first year from
starvation and disease.
d) They did not find any gold, and the men
were not farmers or hard workers. They were
not prepared for the winter. e) More than
half of the men died the first year from
starvation and disease. f) Captain John Smith
was the army captain. He took over and saved
the colony. His rule was If you dont
work, you dont eat. g) John Rolfe
discovered that tobacco would grow well in
f) Captain John Smith was the army captain.
He took over and saved the colony. His rule
was If you dont work, you dont
eat. g) John Rolfe discovered that
tobacco would grow well in Virginia. h)
Tobacco became a cash crop. It made a profit
for the people and saved the colony. i)
Because tobacco was difficult to grow,
plantation owners used indentured servants
and also slaves to do the work.
h) Tobacco became a cash crop. It made a
profit for the people and saved the
colony. i) Because tobacco was difficult to
grow, plantation owners used indentured
servants and also slaves to do the
work. 1) Indentured servants agreed to
work for a number of years, and then were
given land to have as their own. 2)
Slaves were bought and treated as
1) Indentured servants agreed to work for
a number of years, and then were given land
to have as their own. 2) Slaves were
bought and treated as possessions. j)
Virginia had a representative government
called The House of Burgesses. k) All
wealthy land owners could vote if they were
free, white, men.
3) Plymouth Plantation 1620 -Massachusetts
a) 102 separatists set sail on the
Mayflower. b) They came to America for
Religious freedom, and they were called
Pilgrims 1) A pilgrim is someone who
takes a trip for religious reasons. c)
William Bradford was their leader d) They were
supposed to go to Virginia, but they were
blown off course.
1) A pilgrim is someone who takes a
trip for religious reasons c) William Bradford
was their leader d) They were supposed to go
to Virginia, but they were blown off
course. e) They signed an agreement called
The Mayflower compact, which stated they
would stay together and vote to make laws that
were the best for the community. f) The
first winter half of them died.
e) They signed an agreement called The
Mayflower compact, which stated they would
stay together and vote to make laws that were
the best for the community. f) The first
winter half of them died. g) Samoset and
Tisquantum (Squanto) were two English speaking
Indians. They helped the English survive and
trade. h) The next fall, 1621, they had a
huge feast with the Wampanoag Indians to
show their thankfulness for surviving. It
is the first Thanksgiving.
g) Samoset and Tisquantum (Squanto) were
two English speaking Indians. They helped the
English survive and trade. h) The next
fall, 1621, they had a huge feast with the
Wampanoag Indians to show their thankfulness
for surviving. It is the first
II) The English colonies have been divided into
three groups based on regions and
similarities. A) The New England Colonies
(religion) 1) The land was rocky and bad for
growing crops. 2) The weather was cold and
wet. 3) There were excellent Harbors 4)
There were lots of forests (lumber) 5) They
built ships 6) They had excellent fishing
B) The Southern Colonies (Profit/Cash
crops) 1) The weather was mild and warm 2)
There were large rivers for transporting
goods. 3) The soil was great for growing
crops 4) They grew cash crops such as a)
rice b) indigo c) cotton d) tobacco
C) The Middle Colonies (trade) 1) They had the
best of the North and South 2) They had good
rivers and harbors 3) The weather changed often
and had four seasons. 4) They were called
the bread basket colonies because the land
was good for growing food such as a)
Wheat b) Rye c) Barley d) Corn e)
III) The Southern Colonies A) Roanoke (Carolina)
was the first English settlement (1587) B)
Jamestown (Virginia) was the first permanent
English Colony (1607) C) Maryland (Baltimore
settlement 1632) 1) Named after Queen
Henrietta Maria or Mary the Mother of
Jesus. 2) Started by the Calverts (Lord
Baltimore) for 2 reasons
C) Maryland (Baltimore settlement 1632) 1)
Named after Queen Henrietta Maria or Mary the
Mother of Jesus. 2) Started by the Calverts
(Lord Baltimore) for 2 reasons a)
Profit b) A place for Catholics to worship
freely. 3) Tobacco became an important cash
crop, but most people lived on small farms.
a) Profit b) A place for Catholics to
worship freely. 3) Tobacco became an
important cash crop, but most people lived on
small farms. 4) Most of the first colonists
were indentured servants. 5) Had a law
allowing freedom of religion.
4) Most of the first colonists were
indentured servants. 5) Had a law allowing
freedom of religion. D) Carolina (Charleston -
1663) 1) Carolina was started for profit, and
was ruled by Proprietors. (Owners) 2) It was
divided into 8 sections stretching from
Virginia to Florida. 3) In 1712 it was divided
into North and South Carolina.
D) Carolina (Charleston - 1663) 1) Carolina
was started for profit, and was ruled by
Proprietors. (Owners) 2) It was divided into 8
sections stretching from Virginia to Florida.
3) In 1712 it was divided into North and
South Carolina. 4) South Carolina grew indigo
and rice on huge plantations. 5) North
Carolina grew tobacco and corn.
4) South Carolina grew indigo and rice on
huge plantations. 5) North Carolina grew
tobacco and corn. 6) Charles Town became the
most important port for the slave trade. E)
Georgia (Savannah 1732) 1) Started by James
Oglethorpe as a way to get debtors out of
6) Charles Town became the most important
port for the slave trade. E) Georgia (Savannah
1732) 1) Started by James Oglethorpe as a
way to get debtors out of prison. 2) It was
started for profit . 3) Named after King George
the 2nd who wanted the land settled so the
Spanish wouldnt claim it.
IV) New England Colonies A) Massachusetts Was
made of two settlements Plymouth Plantation
and Massachusetts Bay 1) (Plymouth Plantation
1620) 102 separatists set sail on the
Mayflower. 2) (Mass Bay Salem/Boston 1630)
a group of more than 1000 Puritans came to
America. a) They came to purify their
religion b) John Winthrop was their leader.
c) Puritan leaders were very strict, and
believed education was important. d) When
children were 6, they were treated like
adults. When they were 13, they were sent to
do an apprenticeship. e) They started the
first public schools and college in
America. f) Puritans were very intolerant. B)
Rhode Island (Providence 1636) 1) Roger
Williams did not agree with the Puritan
leaders. He thought they should separate from
the Church of England.
B) Rhode Island (Providence 1636) 1) Roger
Williams did not agree with the Puritan
leaders. He thought they should separate from
the Church of England. 2) He was banished from
Massachusetts, so he started the settlement of
Providence for the purpose of Religious and
political Freedom. 3) He believed in
treating the Indians fairly, and bought land
from them.
2) He was banished from Massachusetts, so he
started the settlement of Providence for the
purpose of Religious and political
Freedom. 3) He believed in treating the
Indians fairly, and bought land from them. 4)
Anne Hutchinson did not agree with the
Puritans, and was also banished from
Massachusetts. She started her own
settlement. 5) In 1647 the two settlements
became the Colony of Rhode Island
C) Connecticut (Hartford 1636) 1) Reverend
Thomas Hooker left Massachusetts to start
Connecticut. 2) It was started for political
freedom 3) Any white, male, colonists who owned
land, could vote to elect their leaders. This
government was called The Fundamental
Orders D) New Hampshire (Portsmouth
1680) 1) started for profit by settlers from
Massachusetts 2) David Thomson was the
V) The Middle Colonies A) New York (New
Amsterdam 1609) 1) It began as the Dutch
Colonies of New Amsterdam and New
Netherlands 2) The Dutch purchased the land
from the Indians for 24 worth of goods. 3)
Henry Hudson claimed the land for
Holland. 4) The settlement was begun for
trade 5) The King of England gave the land
to his brother, the Duke of York, if he
could capture it.
6) In 1664, the Duke of York captured New
Amsterdam and re-named it New York. B)
Pennsylvania (Philadelphia 1682) 1) William
Penn and the Quakers founded the colony for
Religious Freedom. 2) William Penn was
given the land because the king owed his
father 80,000. 3) William Penn treated the
Indians fairly, and purchased land from them.
C) Delaware (1638) 1) Started by Swedish
settlers for Trade. 2) Divided from
Pennsylvania. D) New Jersey (1664) 1) Started
by Swedish settlers for Trade. 2) Became
the first colony for the Quakers.
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