Title: Telecommunication Technology Trends
1Telecommunication Technology Trends
- Gamantyo Hendrantoro
- Jurusan Teknik Elektro
- Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
- Seminar Sistem Telekomunikasi dan Informasi
- Surabaya, 29 Oktober 2015
2Sudut pandang
310 tren teknologi telekomunikasi 2015- menurut
IEEE Comsoc
- 5G
- Fiber Everywhere
- Virtualization, SDN, NFV
- Everywhere Connectivity for IOT
- Cognitive Networks, Big Data
- Cyber-security
- Green Communications
- Smarter Smart Phones, Connected Sensors
- Network Neutrality, Internet Governance
- Molecular Communications
41. 5G
- Goals
- Laju transmisi
- Kapasitas trafik hotspot (indoor)
- Kapasitas jaringan
- Keandalan
- Efisiensi energi
- Koneksi orang (human-centric) dan perangkat
(device-centric). - Targets
- From concept to trials and standards in 2015.
- Commercialization in 2020.
- Enabling technologies
- Device-centric architecture
- Millimeter-wave small cells
- Perlu perhatian khusus untuk outdoor di daerah
tropis. - Massive MIMO
- Smarter devices
- Native support for M2M communications
- Next steps
- Spectrum regulation
- Standardization
5Konsep Pengembangan 5G menurut METIS
(Osseiran et al, 2014)
6Pengembangan sistem multi-node/multi-antena untuk
(Osseiran et al, 2014)
7Milestones METIS untuk 5G
82. Fiber everywhere
- Improve connectivity
- Address demand increases from the use of
- high definition video,
- 3G/4G,
- streaming,
- and other broadband services.
- Use
- Access network FTTH/FTTC
- Backbone network Carrier Ethernet
93. Software-Defined Network Network Function
- IoT, big data, WSN, etc menuntut pengembangan
infrastruktur jaringan. - Pengembangan infrastruktur jaringan
- Dimensi yang sangat besar
- Heterogenitas tinggi
- Manajemen yang kompleks
- Decoupling of control plane and data plane
- Programmability on control plane for flexible and
efficient management and operation of network - NFV
- Decoupling of physical networ equipments from
functions that run on them. - A given service can be decomposed into a set of
Virtual Network Functions (VNFs), which could
then be implemented in software running on one or
more industry standard physical servers
10Tradisional vs NFV
(Mijumbi et al, 2015)
114. Everywhere Connectivity for IOT
- The IoT enables physical objects to see, hear,
think and perform jobs by having them talk
together, to share information and to coordinate
12Domain-specific applications Domain-independent
- Riset
- Arsitektur
- Elemen-elemen
- Standar
- Kriteria QoS
- Big Data, Cloud Computing
- Aplikasi
Al-Fuqaha et al, 2015)
135. Cognitive Networks, Big Data
- Jaringan kognitif yang dapat beradaptasi dan
merespon suatu event. - Elemen penting bagi pengolahan dan analisis
terhadap big data dari elemen-elemen jaringan. - Cognitive radio
- Limited spectrum resources
- Aplikasi DSA (Dynamic Spectrum Access) pada CCN
(Cognitive Cellular Network) - Devices with cognitive capability, called
secondary users (SUs), can dynamically search and
utilize the licensed spectrum resource not
occupied by licensed users, usually called
primary users (Pus)
146. Cyber-security
- Everything connected to the Internet can and will
be hacked. No one is cyber-safe. - Sophistication of cyber-attacks
- ? sophistication of cyber-protection
- Riset
- Device protection
- Encryption
- Authentication
- BYOD (bring your own device) solutions
157. Green Communications
- Telekomunikasi menyumbang 2-4 emisi karbon.
- 60-85 energi jaringan telekom dikonsumsi oleh
BTS dan switch. - Goal
- Intelligent management of total energy usage
168. Smarter Smart Phones, Connected Sensors
- Smartphone
- Tablets
- Connected sensors
- Vehicles (Smartcard)
- Urban areas (Smart cities)
- Infrastructure (Smart grid)
- Body-worn wearables
- Biomedical engineering
179. Network Neutrality, Internet Governance
- Net Neutrality
- a principle that Internet service providers and
governments should treat all data on
the Internet the same, not discriminating or
charging differentially by user, content, site,
platform, application, type of attached
equipment, or mode of communication.
1810. Molecular Communications
- MC
- Bio-nanomachines (e.g., artificial cells,
genetically engineered cells) communicate to
perform coordinated actions. - Molecular communications utilize biological
molecules both as carriers and as information. - Benefits size, biocompatibility, and
biostability. - Applications drug delivery system (DDS),
bio-hybrid implants, and lab-on-a-chip (LoC)
19Tren industri Indonesia
- Industri penyedia layanan
- Industri operator jaringan
- E.g. LTE-A, DVB-T2, PON
- Industri manufaktur (adakah?)
- E.g. modul dan perangkat Tx-Rx dan jaringan untuk
LTE-A, DVB-T2, kabel optik, satelit, radar - Industri komponen (adakah?)
- E.g. IC untuk Telekomunikasi, FPGA, bahan
metamaterial - Industri bahan mentah
20Tren kebutuhan nasional
- Kedaulatan dan kemandirian
- Teknologi manufaktur perangkat keras/lunak
telekomunikasi - Cyber-security, komunikasi taktis, underwater
acoustic communications, EWS, komunikasi bencana,
WSN, sensor, radar, sonar, satelit, etc. - Ketersediaan dan pemerataan layanan
- Jaringan satelit, jaringan kabel optik bawah laut
- HF
- important for specific applications such as
emergency communications, defense applications,
communication in remote regions, and humanitarian
projects in developing countries
21Bahan Diskusi Pertanyaan untuk PT
- Akan diarahkan ke mana penelitian bidang
telekomunikasi di PT? - Bagaimana agar penelitian di PT dapat mencapai
dua tujuan berikut secara bersamaan? - Memberi kontribusi ilmiah di bidang telekom
- Bermanfaat untuk industri telekom Indonesia dan
membantu memenuhi kebutuhan Indonesia
22Terima kasih
- Kontak
- gamantyo_at_ee.its.ac.id, gamantyo_at_yahoo.com