Title: TESOL
2Useful suggestions
this book
3It's brought to you by.....
Kusuma Tanchamrus
Faculty of Liberal Arts
4Chapter 1 Planning for Teaching and Learning
- Exploring learning processes -
Assessing learners' language needs - Planning a
course - Choosing the right coursebook -
Designing your own materials
5Chapter 2
6Meeting Learners' Needs
- Responding to learning needs in the
classroom - Using pair and group work - Working
with large classes - Keeping your class in good
order - Mature learners - Supporting learners
away from home - Designing feedback
7Chapter 3 Language Work in the classroom
8 - Teaching vocabulary - Teaching
pronunciation - Teaching listening - Teaching
reading - Teaching speaking - Teaching
writing - Teaching grammar - Making good use of
your coursebook - Collecting natural language
data - Exploiting authentic written texts -
Exploiting authentic spoken texts - Using
literature - Games for language learning - Role
play - Using the news
9Chapter 4 Implementing Self-access
10 - Setting up a self-access facility -
Choosing self-access materials - Designing
self-access materials - Supporting self-access
from the classroom - Training learners to use
self-access materials
11Chapter 5 Using Information and Communications
12 - Helping learners to get started with e-mail -
Setting up computer conferencing - Choosing
computer-aided learning packages - Designing
computer-delivered assessment
elements - Giving learners feedback using e-mail
13Chapter 6 Assessment
14 - Designing classroom tests - Giving feedback
on classroom tests - Getting learner
self-assessment going - Getting learner
peer-assessment going - Preparing learners for
public examinations
15Chapter 7 Personal and Professional Development
16 - Using professional journals - Doing action
research - Starting a teaching portfolio -
Building your teaching portfolio - Managing your
time - Dealing with stress - Working as a
part-time teacher - Coping with your paperwork
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