Title: Outcome of Conditional Grants
1Outcome of Conditional Grants Capital
Expenditure as at 30 June 2005Section 32 of
- Select Committee on Finance
- National Council of Provinces
- Presented by
- Jan Hattingh
- Intergovernmental Relations
- National Treasury
- 11 October 2005
2 First Quarter Spending
3Provincial Aggregated Expenditure
4Provincial Social Services
5Provincial Social Services by Province
6Provincial Education
7Provincial Public Ordinary School Education
(Programme 2)
8Provincial Education Personnel
9Provincial Education NPNC
10Provincial Health
11Provincial District Health Services (Programme 2)
12Provincial Hospital Services (Programme 4)
13Central Hospital Services (Programme 5)
14Provincial Health Personnel
15Provincial Health NPNC
16Provincial Social Development
17Provincial Social Grants (Programme 2)
18Provincial Personnel
20Provincial Capital
21Capital Year-on-year growth, 2004/05 to 2005/06
22Provincial Capital
23Provincial Capital
24Provincial Capital
25Provincial Education Capital
26Provincial Health Capital
27Provincial Capital Roads Transport
28Integrated Housing and Human Settlement
Development Expenditure
29Why Underspending on Capital?
- Possible reasons for underspending
- Inadequate focus on infrastructure delivery by
line depts - Poor project planning and management of
infrastructure delivery in spite of a relatively
stable three year budget system - No reason not to link procurement to fin year
- Culture of excuses (example funds committed)
- Poor governance arrangement where agency are
involved - Lack of clarity in roles and responsibility (PW
client depts) - Inadequate asset management system
- Poor reporting on expenditure and on progress
- Inadequate capacity (include staffing gaps and
skills) - Delays in processing of payments for completed
work - Treasuries must monitor SPIKE in last two months
of financial year - Should core function be fragmented?
- Decision to build class rooms
30Proposed solutions
- Infrastructure Delivery Improvement Programme
(IDIP) endorsed by Cabinet aims to improve
planning and implementation - Improve capacity and management systems in line
departments - Improving contracting arrangements with PW SLA
to better define client-agent relationships - Strengthen capacity for procurement, project
contract management in public works - Success of IDIP depends
- Commitment at all levels of government, esp
within depts - Improvement in information systems to support
needs identification, prioritisation
performance monitoring - Adequately functioning asset management systems
in place asset registers including assessment
of condition utilisation - Recruitment of appropriate skills (level of posts
vs required skills)
32Provincial Education Capex v/s Infrastructure
33Provincial Education Capex v/s Infrastructure
34Provincial Health Capex v/s Infrastructure
35Provincial Health Capex v/s Infrastructure
36Provincial Capital Roads Transport Capital
v/s Infrastructure Budgets
37Provincial Capital Roads Transport Capital
v/s Infrastructure Expenditure
39Quarterly Provincial Spending 2004/05 Financial
40Quarterly Provincial Spending 2004/05 Financial
41Quarterly Comparison between the 2003/04 and
2004/05 Financial Years
42Monthly Expenditure for the 2002/03, 2003/04 and
2004/05 Financial Years
43Provincial Monthly (Actual and Projected)
45(No Transcript)
46Conditional Grants Overview 1st Quarter
47Conditional Grants continued Overview 1st
48Provincial CGs Spending Rate
49Publication Dates for Provincial S32 Reports
- 2005/06 Financial Year
- 2nd Quarter (as at 30 September 2005) 28
October 2005 - 3rd Quarter (as at 31 December 2005) 30
January 2006 - 4th Quarter (as at 31 March 2006)
28 April 2006
50Proposed Dates for QPRs
- Practice Note 3 of 2005 (issued with effect from
01 August 2005) - National departments administering conditional
grants are required to table QPRs (including both
financial and non-financial information) with the
SCOF in the NCOP at the end of each quarter in
line with the requirements of Sections 19(1)(c)
and 21(2)(d) of the Act, Grant Frameworks and
Treasury Regulation 5.3. - Departments are required to provide the NT with
copies of the reports tabled at SCOF in NCOP.
The quarterly reports for each quarter should be
tabled by the dates provided below. - The dates are as follows
- First Quarter 08 August 2005
- Second Quarter 07 November 2005
- Third Quarter 07 February 2006
- Fourth Quarter 08 May 2006
51Detail on Conditional Grants by Grant Type
52Agriculture GrantsLand Care Programme Poverty
Relief andInfrastructure Development
- Objective (Schedule 5 Grant)
- To address the degradation problems of
natural/agricultural resources and improve the
social-economic status, and food security of
rural communities - First Quarter Expenditure
- Agriculture spent R9,3 million or 23,4 of the
R40 million allocation - Transfers amounted to 10
- Highest NC 299 MP 32,6 and KN 14,1
- Lowest GP 0 NW 0 and EC 0,1
- Service Delivery Outcome
- Department / Sector to respond
53Agriculture GrantsComprehensive Agriculture
Support Programme
- Objective (Schedule 4 Grant)
- To enhance the provision of support services to
promote and facilitate agricultural development
targeting beneficiaries of the Land and Agrarian
Reform programme and resource poor land-users - First Quarter Expenditure
- Spending of this grants is subsumed in the
spending of a range of programmes and therefore
no reporting is required - Agriculture spent R31,3 million or 12,5 of R250
million allocation - Transfers amounted to 10
- Highest FS 36,7 WC 19,6 and MP 19,6
- Lowest GP 0 NW 0 and LP 4,7
- Service Delivery Outcome
- Department / Sector to respond
54Education GrantsHIV and Aids Grant (Life Skills
- Objectives
- To ensure access to an appropriate and effective
integrated system of prevention, care and support
for children infected and affected by HIV and
Aids - To deliver life skills, sexuality and HIV and
Aids education in primary and secondary schools - First Quarter Expenditure
- Education spent R18,5 million or 13,6 of the
R136,3 million allocation - Transfers amounted to 25
- Highest KN 33,9 EC 16,4 and NC 13,2
- Lowest NW 0 and GP 0,4
- Service Delivery Outcome
- Department / Sector to respond
55Education GrantsNational School Nutrition
- Objective
- To improve the nutrition status of South African
children specifically to enhance active learning
capacity and improve attendance in schools - First Quarter Expenditure
- Education spent R168,6 million or 18,5 of the
R912,2 million allocation - Transfers amounted to 25
- Highest NC 27,9 MP 27,8 and KN 27,1
- Lowest WC 4,3 and LP 6,8
- Service Delivery Outcome
- Department / Sector to respond
56Health GrantsNational Tertiary Services Grant
- Objective (Schedule 4 Grant)
- To fund national tertiary delivery in 27
hospitals across the nine provinces, as
identified by the national department of Health
(DOH), in order to ensure equitable access to
basic tertiary health services by all South
Africans - First Quarter Expenditure
- Spending of this grants is subsumed in the
spending of a range of programmes and therefore
no reporting is required - Health spent R1 154 million or 24,5 of the R4
709 million allocation - Transfers amounted to 25
- Highest KN 27 FS 25,8 GP 25 and WC 25
- Lowest NW 7 and LP 10
- Service Delivery Outcome
- Department / Sector to respond
57Health GrantsHealth Professions Training and
Development Grant
- Objectives (Schedule 4 Grant)
- Support provinces to fund service costs
associated with training of health professionals - Enable shifting of teaching activities from
central hospitals to regional and district
facilities - Development and recruitment of medical specialist
in under-served provinces - First Quarter Expenditure
- Spending of this grants is subsumed in the
spending of a range of programmes and therefore
no reporting is required - Health spent R314,7 million or 20,7 of the R1
520 million allocation - Transfers amounted to 25
- Highest FS 32,5 GP 25 and WC 25
- Lowest EC 3,5 KN 11 and LP 10
- Service Delivery Outcome
- Department / Sector to respond
58Health GrantsComprehensive HIV and Aids Grant
- Objectives
- To Enable the health sector to develop an
effective response to the HIV/Aids epidemic and
other matters - First Quarter Expenditure
- Health spent R187,6 million or 16,5 of the R1
135 million allocation - Transfers amounted to 13,7
- Highest GP 27,7 and WC 22
- Lowest NW 9,1 LP 10 and FS 11,5
- Service Delivery Outcome
- Department / Sector to respond
59Health GrantsHospital Revitalisation Grant
- Objective
- To transform and modernise infrastructure and
equipment in hospitals in line with national
policy and to achieve a sustainable
infrastructure from which modern, equitable and
sustainable services can be delivered - First Quarter Expenditure
- Health spent R125,6 million or 12,2 of the R1
027 million allocation - Transfers amounted to 25
- Highest GP 43,9
- Lowest KN 0,9 FS 6,2 and NW 8,6
- Service Delivery Outcome
- Department / Sector to respond
60Health GrantsIntegrated Nutrition Programme Grant
- Objective
- To implement integrated nutrition activities
aimed at improving the nutritional status of all
South Africans - First Quarter Expenditure
- Health spent spent R16 million or 13 of the
R123,4 million allocation - Transfers amounted to 22,2
- Highest NC 29,9 MP 25,4 and EC 21,6
- Lowest GP 1 WC 7,3 NW 7,8 and FS 7,8
- Service Delivery Outcome
- Department / Sector to respond
61Health GrantsHospital Management and Quality
Improvement Grant
- Objective (Schedule 5 Grant)
- To transform hospital management and improve
quality of care in line with national policy - First Quarter Expenditure
- Health spent spent R20,7 million or 13,8 of the
R150,3 million allocation - Transfers amounted to 25
- Highest MP 38,8
- Lowest NC 0
- Service Delivery Outcome
- Department / Sector to respond
62Housing GrantsIntegrated Housing and Human
Settlement Grant
- Objective (Schedule 5 Grant)
- To finance subsidies the implementation of
National Housign Programmes and to facilitate
habitable, stable and sustainable human
settlements - First Quarter Expenditure
- Housing spent R1 072 million or 22,1 of the R4
843 million allocation - Transfers amounted to 26,3
- Highest NC 58,3
- Lowest WC11,7 LP 12,3 EC17 and KN 18,3
- Service Delivery Outcome
- Department / Sector to respond
63Housing GrantsHuman Settlement and Redevelopment
- Objective (Schedule 5 Grant)
- To fund projects that aim to improve the quality
of the environment by identifying
dysfunctionalities in human settlements - First Quarter Expenditure
- Housing spent R8,1 million or 33,1 of the R24,4
million allocation - Transfers amounted to 31,9 (Not all funds
transferred as per the payment schedule) - Highest LP 118
- Lowest GP 0
- Service Delivery Outcome
- Department / Sector to respond
64Land AffairsLand DistributionAlexandra Urban
Renewal Project Grant
- Objectives (Schedule 5 Grant)
- TO contribute towards the purchase of land for
the relocation and settlement of Alexandra
residents and other qualifying beneficiaries - First Quarter Expenditure
- Gauteng spent the entire allocation for this
grant but no funds were transferred - Service Delivery Outcome
- Department / Sector to respond
65National TreasuryProvincial Infrastructure Grant
- Objectives (Schedule 4 Grant)
- Help accelerate construction, maintenance and
rehabilitation of new and existing infrastructure
in education, roads, health and agriculture - Gradually increase the labour-intensity of
certain specific types of projects over the next
five years - First Quarter Expenditure
- Spending of this grants is subsumed in the
spending of a range of programmes and therefore
no reporting is required - Transfers amounted to 16,7 (Not all funds
transferred as per the payment schedule) - Service Delivery Outcome
- Department / Sector to respond
66Social Development GrantsSocial Assistance
Administration Grant
- Objectives (Schedule 5 Grant)
- To fund the administration of social assistance
grants - First Quarter Expenditure
- Social Development spent R541,6 million or 16 of
the R3 382 million allocation - Transfers amounted to 25 (Not all funds
transferred as per the payment schedule) - Highest NC 20,6 NW 20,4 and KN 20,2
- Lowest MP 3,1
- Service Delivery Outcome
- Department / Sector to respond
67Social Development GrantsSocial Assistance
Transfers Grant
- Objective (Schedule 5 Grant)
- To fund social assistance transfer payments to
eligible beneficiaries - First Quarter Expenditure
- Social Development spent R10 745 million or 20,7
of the R52 023 million allocation - Transfers amounted to 27 (Not all funds
transferred as per the payment schedule) - Highest LP 24,1 WC 24,1 EC 23,7 NC 23,1
FS 21,8 KN 21,1 and GP 20,7 - Lowest NW 5,6
- Service Delivery Outcome
- Department / Sector to respond
68Social Development GrantsHIV and Aids Grant
(Community-Based Care)
- Objectives (Schedule 5 Grant)
- To provide social welfare services to orphans and
vulnerable children who are infected by HIV and
Aids, within family and community context, in
partnership with non profit making organizations
(NGOs, CBOs and other community organisations) - To develop and support institutional structures
and professionals, community workers and child
and youth care workers through targeted training
programmes in order to ensure effective delivery
of services - First Quarter Expenditure
- Social Development spent R9,3 million or 6,7 of
the R138,4 million allocation - Transfers amounted to 60
- Highest GP 23,7
- Lowest EC 0 FS 0 and WC 0
- Service Delivery Outcome
- Department / Sector to respond
69Social Development GrantsIntegrated Social
Development Services Grant
- Objective (Schedule 4 Grant)
- To enable provinces to support and provide
appropriate social welfare services and
development interventions, and for immediate and
appropriate short-term relief to vulnerable
individuals and households who are not eligible
and not receiving any from of assistance - First Quarter Expenditure
- Spending of this grants is subsumed in the
spending of a range of programmes and therefore
no reporting is required - Social Development spent R18,8 million or 4,9 of
the R388 million allocation - Transfers amounted to 50
- Highest MP 23 and FS 23
- Lowest EC 0 KN 0 LP 0 NC 0 NW 0 and
WC 0,1 - Service Delivery Outcome
- Department / Sector to respond
70Sport and Recreation SA Grants Mass Sport and
Recreation Participation Programme
- Objective (Schedule 5 Grant)
- Promotion of mass participation within
disadvantaged communities in a selected number of
sport activities and the empowerment of
communities to manage these activities in
conjunction with provincial departments
responsible for sport - First Quarter Expenditure
- Sport and Recreation spent R2,6 million or 11 of
the R24 million allocation - Transfers amounted to 44,4
- Highest MP 43
- Lowest LP 0
- Service Delivery Outcome
- Department / Sector to respond