????? ?????????S S?????S - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

About This Presentation

????? ?????????S S?????S


( ) 1923, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ????? ?????????S S?????S

????? ?????????S S?????S
  • ?? ?e????? ?p?µe??t???? ????da? (???) ?d?????e
    t? 1923, e??a? ??µ??? ???s?p? ??µ?s??? ???a??? µe
    a??et? ??????s?. ?at? t??? ?a???e? t?? ?????????
    ????te?a? ?? ??µ??? ???s?p? ??µ?s??? ???a???
    ep?pte?eta? t?p???? ap? t? ?p????e??
    ?e??ß?????t??, ????ta??a? ?a? ??µ?s??? ?????.
  • ?? ?e????? ?p?µe??t???? ????da? ??e? s??p? t??
    p??a???? t?? ep?st?µ?? st??? t?µe?? p??
    s?et????ta? µe t?? e?d???t?ta t?? µe??? t??, t??
    te?????? ?a? t?? te???????a? ?e???? ?a? t??
    a???p???s? t??? ??a t?? ??????µ???, ????????? ?a?
    p???t?st??? a??pt??? t?? ???a?, st? p?a?s?? t??
    a???? t?? ae?f???a? ?a? t?? p??stas?a? t??
    pe??ß?????t??. S???e???µ??a, t? ?e?????
    ?p?µe??t???? ????da?
  • ?e?et? µe d??? t?? p??t?ß????a ? ?pe?ta ap?
    a???es? ? a?t?s? a?t?te??? ? se s??e??as?a µe
    ?????? ??????????? ? ep?st?µ??????? f??e?? ?
    ep?µe??t???a ?p???d?p?te s?et??? ep?st?µ?????,
    te?????, te?????????µ???, ? a?apt???a?? ??µa p??
    e?d?af??e? t? ????????? s?????. ?p?s?? d?at?p??e?
    ap??e?? µe p??t?ß????a d??? t?? ? ?pe?ta ap?
    p??s???s? ??a t? s?et??? µe ta ??µata a?t?
  • G??µ?d?te?, ?pe?ta ap? p??s???s? t?? a?µ?d???
    a???? ? ????? f?????, t?? d?µ?s??? t?µ?a ?
    s??d??a??st???? f????? ?a? µ?sa se ?????µe??
    e????? ??????? d??st?µa, ??a ?p???d?p?te ??µa t??
    a?µ?d??t?ta? t??.

????? ?????????S S?????S
  • S?????e? stat?st??? st???e?a se s??s? µe t?
    te????? d??aµ???, t?? te?????, ep?st?µ?????,
    ?atas?e?ast??? ?a? s?et??? ß??µ??a????
    d?ast????t?ta, ta te????? ?????, t?? e??p??sµ?
    ?a? t?? te???????a, ?ata?t??e? stat?st???? ?a?
    pa???e? s?et???? p????f???e? p??? t?? a?µ?d?e?
    a???? ? ?????? f??e??.
  • ?a???e? t? s??d??µ? t?? ??a t?? ??t?a ?at??t?s?
    ?a? efa?µ??? t?? a?apt???a??? p????aµµ?t??, t??
    a???p???s? t?? f?s???? p????, t? ße?t??s? t??
    p???t?ta? ????, t?? p??stas?a t?? pe??ß?????t??,
    e?p??e? µ??? ? se s??e??as?a µe ?????? f??e??
    s?et???? µe??te? ?a? ??e??e?, s??d?a
    p??d?a??af??, ?a????sµ??, s?µß?se?? ????? ?a?
  • S?µß???e? st?? e?p???s? p????aµµ?t?? te??????
    pa?de?a?, st?? a??pt??? t?? e?????a? ??e??a? ?a?
    te???????a?, st?? a???p???s?, a??pt???,
    p????aµµat?sµ? ?a? d??????s? t?? te??????
    d??aµ???? s?µf??a µe t?? a?apt???a??? a????e? t??
  • ???µe???e? t?? ????? ???µ? µe a?a?????se??,
    d?µ?s?e?se??, e?d?se?? ? µe ???? p??sf??? t??p?
    ??a ?p???d?p?te ??µa t?? a?µ?d??t?ta? t??,
    e??a??e???ta? ?a? ß?????ta? st?? e???te??
    ?ata???s? t?? s?et???? ?eµ?t?? ?a? p??ß??µ?t??.
  • ?et??e? se d?e??e?? ???a??sµ???, se e??se??
    ep?µe??t?????, se d?e??e?? e??se?? te??????,
    a?apt?sse? s??se?? µe a?t?st?????? ???a??sµ???
    ????? ?????, ???a???e? s???d??a, e???se?? ?a?
    ???e? e?d???se?? ??a t?? p?????s? t?? s??p?? t??.

????? ?????????S S?????S
  • ??e?e??e? p?a?µat????µ?s??e? µe ?esµ??et?µ???
    a?µ?d??t?ta. ?? e???se?? t?? p?a?µat????µ?s????,
    af????? ??µata te?????? d?ast????t?ta? ?p??
    ????d?µ???, µ??a????????, d?af???? ???t???
    p???t??, ? p???t?? µeta?? t???, ??p. ?p? ta
    ?s?da t?? p?a?µat????µ?s???? t? ??a t??t? e??a?,
    s?µf??a µe t? ??µ?, d??a??µata t?? ?e??????
    ?p?µe??t????? ????da?.
  • ?? ?e????? ?p?µe??t???? ????da? se s??s? µe ta
    µ??? t??
  • ??e?e??e? t?? e?et?se?? ?a? ?????e? t?? ?de?e?
    ?s??s?? epa????µat?? t?? ???a?????.
  • ???e? ta µ?t??a t?? ???a????? ?a? ep???µ??
    te?????? ??afe??? ?a? ep??e???se??.
  • ?e??µ?? ??a t?? e?sp?a?? t?? ??µ?µ?? aµ??ß??
  • F???t??e? ??a t?? apas????s?, t?? ?????????
    asf???s?, t?? p??a???? ?a? p??stas?a t?? ??????
    t?? µe??? t??, t?? ep?st?µ????? p???d?,
    e??µ???s?, ep?µ??f?s? ?a? s??e????µe?? e?pa?de?s?
  • ??d?de? e??µe??t??? ?a? ep?st?µ????? t?p? ?a?
    ???e? e?d???? e?d?se??.
  • ???s??e? t??? f??e?? s????????? e?p??s?p?s?? t??
    µ??a????? se d?ast????t?te? s?et???? µe t???
    s??p??? t??.
  • ?e?et? ??e? µ??f?? epa??e?µat???? ??????s?? ?a?
    e??as?a? t?? µe??? t??.

????? ?????????S S?????S
  • ?s?e? s' a?t? pe??a????? e???s?a ?p?? e?d???te?a
    ????eta? ap? t?? s?et???? d?at??e?? t?? ?d??t????
    t?? ??µ??.
  • ????af? st? ???
  • ???e ???? ??p??µat????? ???a?????, p???e?µ???? ?a
    as??se? ??µ?µa t? ep???e?µ? t?? e??a? ?p???e?t???
    ? e???af? t?? sta µ?t??a t?? ?e??????
    ?p?µe??t????? t?? ????da? (???). ? e???af? t??
    ???eta? a?t?µata ef?s?? ? ?p???f??? µ??a?????
    pe??se? ep?t???? t?? e?et?se?? (??apt?? ?
    p??f??????) t?? ?de?a? as??se?? epa????µat??.
    ?et? t?? e???af? ? ???? µ??a????? ?aµß??e? t??
    a???µ? µ?t???? µ????? ?a? t? s?et??? ta?t?t?ta.
  • ?e??fe?e?a?? ?µ?µa ??at?????? Ste?e??
  • ? ?d?a t?? ?e??fe?e?a??? ?µ?µat?? ??at??????
    Ste?e?? ß??s?eta? st? ?aµ?a, st? ??e????s?
    ??ate?a ??e??e??a? 3.
  • ????f??a ep????????a? (22310) 31181, 31182 Fax
    (22310) 27026

(No Transcript)
????? ?????????S S?????S
  • ??????????S ???????O?-???GG???????? ?????O????
  • ?a epa??e?µat??? d??a??µata t?? ???a?????,
    d?aµ??f????ta? a?????a µe t?? e?d???t?te?. S?µe?a
    , ?p?????? st? ???a, ?? a??????e? e?d???t?te?
  • ????????? ?????????
  • ???????????S ?????????
  • ?G??????? ????G??F?? ?????????
  • ?????????G?? ????????? ????????? ?/?
  • ?????????G?? ????????? ??? ???????G??S
  • ????????? ?/? ??? ?????F?????S
  • ????????? ?/?, ??????????O??O? ?????O?
  • ???????????? ????????? ??? ????????? ?/?
  • ????????G?? ?????????
  • ????????G?? ?????????G?? ?????????
  • ????????G?? ????????? ??????????S
  • ?????G?? ????????G?? ?????????
  • ??????? ?????????
  • ????????? ????????????S

????? ?????????S S?????S
  • ???????????G?? ?????????G?? ?????????
  • ????????? ?????O? ???O?
  • ????????? ????????S?S ????G????O? ???O?
  • ????????? ????GOG?S ??????S?S
  • ????????? ?????????S ??????S?S
  • ????????? ?O???????S, ??????????S ????F???????S
  • ????????? S?????S?S ???????O? S?S?????O?
  • ????????? ?????F?????O? ???????O????O?

????? ?????????S S?????S
  • ????????? ?????????
  • ?.4663/1930(F??149?) "?e?? as??se?? epa????µat??
    t?? ????t???? ???a?????, ????t??t??a ?a?
  • ?.?. 16/17.3.1950 (F?? 82?).
  • ????????? 51502/1967 G?afe??? ???e?d?µ?a? ??????
    "?e?? t?? d??a??µ?t?? d?af???? te?????? ep?
    ????te?t?????? ?a? Stat???? µe?et?? ?a?
    ep?ß???e?? ????d?µ???? ?????".
  • ?.?. 472/1985 (F?? 168?) "S???es? ep?t??p?? ????
    ?a? ??? ?a? ???e? ???µ?se?? s?et???? µe t??
    efa?µ??? t?? ?????? 15,16 ?a? 17 t?? ??µ??
  • ?.?. 252/1988 (F?? 106?) "???p?p???s? ?a?
    s?µp????s? t?? d?at??e?? t?? ?.?. ap?
    13/19.2.1936, t?? ?.?. ap? 19/26.3.1938 ?a? t??
    ?.?. 328/1963, pe?? t?? as??se?? epa????µat?? t??
  • ?.6422/1934 (F?? 412?) "?e?? as??se?? t??
    epa????µat?? t?? ???a???????, t?? ??e?t???????,
    t?? ???a???????-??e?t??????? ???a????? ?a? t??
  • ?.?. 50/2003 (F?? 50?) "???p?p???s? ?a?
    s?µp????s? d?ata?µ?t??, p?? ????? e?d??e? se
    e?t??es? t?? ??µ?? 6422/1934, ?p?? ??e?
    s?µp?????e? ?a? t??p?p????e? µeta?e??ste?a, p??
    af????? st?? ?s??s? epa????µat?? t??

????? ?????????S S?????S
  • ???????????S ?????????
  • ?.?.208/1999(F??179?) "?d??s? tµ?µ?t?? st?
    ??µ????te?? ?a?ep?st?µ?? T?????".  
  • ?.?.211/1999(F??179?) "?d??s? tµ?µ?t?? st?
    ?a?ep?st?µ?? Tessa??a?".  
  • ?.?.206/1999(F?? 179?)  "?d??s? tµ?µ?t?? st?
    ?a?ep?st?µ?? ?at???".  
  • ?.4663/1930(F??149?) "?e?? as??se?? epa????µat??
    t?? ????t???? ???a?????, ????t??t??a ?a?
  • ?.?. 50/2003 (F?? 50?) "???p?p???s? ?a?
    s?µp????s? d?ata?µ?t?? p?? ????? e?d??e? se
    e?t??es? t?? ??µ?? 6422/1934,?p?? ??e?
    s?µp?????e? ?a? t??p?p????e? µeta?e??ste?a, p??
    af????? st?? ?s??s? epa????µat?? t??
  • ?.?.472/1985 (F?? 168?) "S???es? ep?t??p?? ????
    ?a? ??? ?a? ???e? ???µ?se?? s?et???? µe t??
    efa?µ??? t?? ?????? 15,16 ?a? 17 t?? ??µ??
  • ?.?. 252/1988 (F?? 106?) "???p?p???s? ?a?
    s?µp????s? t?? d?at??e?? t?? ?.?. ap?
    13/19.2.1936, t?? ?.?. ap? 19/26.3.1938 ?a? t??
    ?.?. 328/1963, pe?? t?? as??se?? epa????µat?? t??
  • ?.6422/1934 (F?? 412?) "?e?? as??se?? t??
    epa????µat?? t?? ???a???????, t?? ??e?t???????,
    t?? ???a???????-??e?t??????? ???a????? ?a? t??
  • ?.?. 16/17.3.1950 (F?? 82?)".
  • ????????? 51502/1967 G?afe??? ???e?d?µ?a? ??????
    "?e?? t?? d??a??µ?t?? d?af???? te?????? ep?
    ????te?t?????? ?a? Stat???? µe?et?? ?a?
    ep?ß???e?? ????d?µ???? ?????".

????? ?????????S S?????S
  • ?G??????? ????G??F?? ?????????
  • ????????? 20523/1977 ?p. ??µ. ????? "???a??µata
    ?p???af?? µe?et?? d?p??µat?????
    ??????µ??-??p????f?? ???a?????".
  • ????????? 66/1981 ?p. ??µ. ????? "??µ?d??t?te?
    ???. ?p?µ??a????? st?? ????d?µ???? e??as?e?".
  • ?.4663/1930(F??149?) "?e?? as??se?? epa????µat??
    t?? ????t???? ???a?????, ????t??t??a ?a?
  • ?.?. 50/2003 (F?? 50?) "???p?p???s? ?a?
    s?µp????s? d?ata?µ?t?? p?? ????? e?d??e? se
    e?t??es? t?? ??µ?? 6422/1934, ?p?? ??e?
    s?µp?????e? ?a? t??p?p????e? µeta?e??ste?a, p??
    af????? st?? ?s??s? epa????µat?? t??
  • ?.?.472/1985 (F?? 168?) "S???es? ep?t??p?? ????
    ?a? ??? ?a? ???e? ???µ?se?? s?et???? µe t??
    efa?µ??? t?? ?????? 15,16 ?a? 17 t?? ??µ??
  • ?.?. 252/1988 (F?? 106?) "???p?p???s? ?a?
    s?µp????s? t?? d?at??e?? t?? ?.?. ap?
    13/19.2.1936, t?? ?.?. ap? 19/26.3.1938 ?a? t??
    ?.?. 328/1963, pe?? t?? as??se?? epa????µat?? t??
  • ?.6422/1934 (F?? 412?) "?e?? as??se?? t??
    epa????µat?? t?? ???a???????, t?? ??e?t???????,
    t?? ???a???????-??e?t??????? ???a????? ?a? t??
  • ?.?. 16/17.3.1950 (F?? 82?).
  • ????????? 51502/1967 G?afe??? ???e?d?µ?a? ??????
    "?e?? t?? d??a??µ?t?? d?af???? te?????? ep?
    ????te?t?????? ?a? Stat???? µe?et?? ?a?
    ep?ß???e?? ????d?µ???? ?????".

????? ?????????S S?????S
  • ?????????G?? ????????? ????????? ?/?
  • ?.?. 50/2003 (F?? 50?) "???p?p???s? ?a?
    s?µp????s? d?ata?µ?t??, p?? ????? e?d??e? se
    e?t??es? t?? ??µ?? 6422/1934, ?p?? ??e?
    s?µp?????e? ?a? t??p?p????e? µeta?e??ste?a, p??
    af????? st?? ?s??s? epa????µat?? t??
  • ?.?.472/1985 (F?? 168?) "S???es? ep?t??p?? ????
    ?a? ??? ?a? ???e? ???µ?se?? s?et???? µe t??
    efa?µ??? t?? ?????? 15,16 ?a? 17 t?? ??µ??
  • ?.?. 252/1988 (F?? 106?) "???p?p???s? ?a?
    s?µp????s? t?? d?at??e?? t?? ?.?. ap?
    13/19.2.1936, t?? ?.?. ap? 19/26.3.1938 ?a? t??
    ?.?. 328/1963, pe?? t?? as??se?? epa????µat?? t??
  • ?.6422/1934 (F?? 412?) "?e?? as??se?? t??
    epa????µat?? t?? ???a???????, t?? ??e?t???????,
    t?? ???a???????-??e?t??????? ???a????? ?a? t??
  • ?.?. 16/17.3.1950 (F?? 82?).

????? ?????????S S?????S
  • ?????????G?? ????????? ??? ???????G??S
  • ?.?. 50/2003 (F?? 50?) "???p?p???s? ?a?
    s?µp????s? d?ata?µ?t?? p?? ????? e?d??e? se
    e?t??es? t?? ??µ?? 6422/1934, ?p?? ??e?
    s?µp?????e? ?a? t??p?p????e? µeta?e??ste?a, p??
    af????? st?? ?s??s? epa????µat?? t??
  • ?.?.472/1985 (F?? 168?) "S???es? ep?t??p?? ????
    ?a? ??? ?a? ???e? ???µ?se?? s?et???? µe t??
    efa?µ??? t?? ?????? 15,16 ?a? 17 t?? ??µ??
  • ?.?. 252/1988 (F?? 106?) "???p?p???s? ?a?
    s?µp????s? t?? d?at??e?? t?? ?.?. ap?
    13/19.2.1936, t?? ?.?. ap? 19/26.3.1938 ?a? t??
    ?.?. 328/1963, pe?? t?? as??se?? epa????µat?? t??
  • ?.6422/1934 (F?? 412?) "?e?? as??se?? t??
    epa????µat?? t?? ???a???????, t?? ??e?t???????,
    t?? ???a???????-??e?t??????? ???a????? ?a? t??
  • ?.?. 16/17.3.1950 (F?? 82?).
  • ????????? ?/? ??? ?????F?????S
  • ?.6422/1934 (F?? 412?) "?e?? as??se?? t??
    epa????µat?? t?? ???a???????, t?? ??e?t???????,
    t?? ???a???????-??e?t??????? ???a????? ?a? t??
  • ?.?. 16/17.3.1950 (F?? 82?).

????? ?????????S S?????S
  • ????????? ?/?, ??????????O??O? ?????O?
  • ?.?.82/2000(F??72?) "?d??s? ???? tµ?µ?t?? st?
    ?a?ep?st?µ?? Tessa??a?". 
  • ?.6422/1934 (F?? 412?) "?e?? as??se?? t??
    epa????µat?? t?? ???a???????, t?? ??e?t???????,
    t?? ???a???????-??e?t??????? ???a????? ?a? t??
  • ?.?. 16/17.3.1950 (F?? 82?).
  • ???????????? ????????? ??? ????????? ?/?
  • ?.?. 372/1997, ????? 2 (F?? 243 ?) "?et???µas?a
    tµ?µat?? ?a? ?pa??e?µat??? ?at?????s? pt????????
    tµ?µ?t?? t?? ????te??e??? ???t??". 
  • ?.6422/1934 (F?? 412?) "?e?? as??se?? t??
    epa????µat?? t?? ???a???????, t?? ??e?t???????,
    t?? ???a???????-??e?t??????? ???a????? ?a? t??
  • ?.?. 16/17.3.1950 (F?? 82?).

????? ?????????S S?????S
  • ????????G?? ?????????
  • ?.?. 50/2003 (F?? 50?) "???p?p???s? ?a?
    s?µp????s? d?ata?µ?t?? p?? ????? e?d??e? se
    e?t??es? t?? ??µ?? 6422/1934, ?p?? ??e?
    s?µp?????e? ?a? t??p?p????e? µeta?e??ste?a, p??
    af????? st?? ?s??s? epa????µat?? t??
  • ?.?.472/1985 (F?? 168?) "S???es? ep?t??p?? ????
    ?a? ??? ?a? ???e? ???µ?se?? s?et???? µe t??
    efa?µ??? t?? ?????? 15,16 ?a? 17 t?? ??µ??
  • ?.?. 252/1988 (F?? 106?) "???p?p???s? ?a?
    s?µp????s? t?? d?at??e?? t?? ?.?. ap?
    13/19.2.1936, t?? ?.?. ap? 19/26.3.1938 ?a? t??
    ?.?. 328/1963, pe?? t?? as??se?? epa????µat?? t??
  • ?.6422/1934 (F?? 412?) "?e?? as??se?? t??
    epa????µat?? t?? ???a???????, t?? ??e?t???????,
    t?? ???a???????-??e?t??????? ???a????? ?a? t??
  • ?.?. 16/17.3.1950 (F?? 82?).

????? ?????????S S?????S
  • ????????G?? ?????????G?? ?????????
  • ?.?. 50/2003 (F?? 50?) "???p?p???s? ?a?
    s?µp????s? d?ata?µ?t?? p?? ????? e?d??e? se
    e?t??es? t?? ??µ?? 6422/1934, ?p?? ??e?
    s?µp?????e? ?a? t??p?p????e? µeta?e??ste?a, p??
    af????? st?? ?s??s? epa????µat?? t??
  • ?.?.472/1985 (F?? 168?) "S???es? ep?t??p?? ????
    ?a? ??? ?a? ???e? ???µ?se?? s?et???? µe t??
    efa?µ??? t?? ?????? 15,16 ?a? 17 t?? ??µ??
  • ?.?. 252/1988 (F?? 106?) "???p?p???s? ?a?
    s?µp????s? t?? d?at??e?? t?? ?.?. ap?
    13/19.2.1936, t?? ?.?. ap? 19/26.3.1938 ?a? t??
    ?.?. 328/1963, pe?? t?? as??se?? epa????µat?? t??
  • ?.6422/1934 (F?? 412?) "?e?? as??se?? t??
    epa????µat?? t?? ???a???????, t?? ??e?t???????,
    t?? ???a???????-??e?t??????? ???a????? ?a? t??
  • ?.?. 16/17.3.1950 (F?? 82?).

????? ?????????S S?????S
  • ????????G?? ????????? ??????????S
  • ?.?. 50/2003 (F?? 50?) "???p?p???s? ?a?
    s?µp????s? d?ata?µ?t?? p?? ????? e?d??e? se
    e?t??es? t?? ??µ?? 6422/1934, ?p?? ??e?
    s?µp?????e? ?a? t??p?p????e? µeta?e??ste?a, p??
    af????? st?? ?s??s? epa????µat?? t??
  • ?.?.472/1985 (F?? 168?) "S???es? ep?t??p?? ????
    ?a? ??? ?a? ???e? ???µ?se?? s?et???? µe t??
    efa?µ??? t?? ?????? 15,16 ?a? 17 t?? ??µ??
  • ?.?. 252/1988 (F?? 106?) "???p?p???s? ?a?
    s?µp????s? t?? d?at??e?? t?? ?.?. ap?
    13/19.2.1936, t?? ?.?. ap? 19/26.3.1938 ?a? t??
    ?.?. 328/1963, pe?? t?? as??se?? epa????µat?? t??
  • ?.6422/1934 (F?? 412?) "?e?? as??se?? t??
    epa????µat?? t?? ???a???????, t?? ??e?t???????,
    t?? ???a???????-??e?t??????? ???a????? ?a? t??
  • ?.?. 16/17.3.1950 (F?? 82?).

????? ?????????S S?????S
  • ?????G?? ????????G?? ?????????
  • ?.?. 50/2003 (F?? 50?) "???p?p???s? ?a?
    s?µp????s? d?ata?µ?t?? p?? ????? e?d??e? se
    e?t??es? t?? ??µ?? 6422/1934, ?p?? ??e?
    s?µp?????e? ?a? t??p?p????e? µeta?e??ste?a, p??
    af????? st?? ?s??s? epa????µat?? t??
  • ?.?.472/1985 (F?? 168?) "S???es? ep?t??p?? ????
    ?a? ??? ?a? ???e? ???µ?se?? s?et???? µe t??
    efa?µ??? t?? ?????? 15,16 ?a? 17 t?? ??µ??
  • ?.?.388/1968 (F?? 90 ?) "?e?? s?µp????se?? ?a?
    t??p?p???se?? t?? pe?? e?????? t?? ?a?s?p???a?
    ?a? ep??e???se?? eµp?????? p????? ??µ??es?a?".
  • ?.?. 252/1988 (F?? 106?) "???p?p???s? ?a?
    s?µp????s? t?? d?at??e?? t?? ?.?. ap?
    13/19.2.1936, t?? ?.?. ap? 19/26.3.1938 ?a? t??
    ?.?. 328/1963, pe?? t?? as??se?? epa????µat?? t??
  • ?.6422/1934 (F?? 412?) "?e?? as??se?? t??
    epa????µat?? t?? ???a???????, t?? ??e?t???????,
    t?? ???a???????-??e?t??????? ???a????? ?a? t??
  • ?.?. 16/17.3.1950 (F?? 82?).

????? ?????????S S?????S
  • ??????? ?????????
  • ?.?.609/1985(F??223?) se??da 14 ??? 20 "?atas?e??
    ??µ?s??? ?????".
  • ?.?.609/1985(F??223?) se??da 21 ??? 26 "?atas?e??
    ??µ?s??? ?????".
  • ?.?.609/1985(F??223?) se??da 1 ??? 7 "?atas?e??
    ??µ?s??? ?????".  
  • ?.?.609/1985(F??223?) se??da 8 ??? 14 "?atas?e??
    ??µ?s??? ?????". 
  • ?.3518/1928  "?e?? ????se?? t?? ap? 13 ??eµß????
    1927 ?.?. pe?? ????se?? t?? ?.? t?? 20 ??eµß????
    1925 pe?? as??se?? t?? epa????µat?? ??µ????
    ???a????? ?a? ?p???e?t???? p??s???e?? ??µ???? e?
    ta?? ??µ??a?? ???µ??a??a??".
  • ?.?. 50/2003 (F?? 50?) "???p?p???s? ?a?
    s?µp????s? d?ata?µ?t?? p?? ????? e?d??e? se
    e?t??es? t?? ??µ?? 6422/1934, ?p?? ??e?
    s?µp?????e? ?a? t??p?p????e? µeta?e??ste?a, p??
    af????? st?? ?s??s? epa????µat?? t??
  • ?.?. 368/1994 (F?? 201?) "???p?p???s? ?a?
    s?µp????s? t?? ?.?.472/1985 (F?? 168??)?a? t??
    ?.?. 609/1985 (F?? 223??)".
  • ?.?. 274/1997 (F?? 195?)  "?a?a?t???sµ?? t??
    ??µ???? ???atast?se?? ?at efa?µ???? t?? ?????? 4
    t?? ?.6422/1934 (F?? ??412)?a? t??p?p???s? ?a?
    s?µp????s? t?? ap? 16/17 ?a?t??? 1950 ?as??????
    ??at??µat?? (F?? ? 82)".
  • ?.?. 252/1988 (F?? 106?) "???p?p???s? ?a?
    s?µp????s? t?? d?at??e?? t?? ?.?. ap?
    13/19.2.1936, t?? ?.?. ap? 19/26.3.1938 ?a? t??
    ?.?. 328/1963, pe?? t?? as??se?? epa????µat?? t??
  • ?.?.472/1985 (F?? 168?) "S???es? ep?t??p?? ????
    ?a? ??? ?a? ???e? ???µ?se?? s?et???? µe t??
    efa?µ??? t?? ?????? 15,16 ?a? 17 t?? ??µ??
  • ?.6422/1934 (F?? 412?)"?e?? as??se?? t??
    epa????µat?? t?? ???a???????, t?? ??e?t???????,
    t?? ???a???????-??e?t??????? ???a????? ?a? t??
  • ????????? 14/2001 "?a?a?t???sµ?? ??µ????
  • ?.?. 16/17.3.1950 (F?? 82?).

????? ?????????S S?????S
  • ????????? ????????????S
  • ?.?. 365/1993 (F??156?) "?d??s?, ??????s? ?a?
    ?e?t?????a tµ?µ?t?? st? ??µ????te?? ?a?ep?st?µ??
  • ?.6422/1934 (F?? 412?) "?e?? as??se?? t??
    epa????µat?? t?? ???a???????, t?? ??e?t???????,
    t?? ???a???????-??e?t??????? ???a????? ?a? t??
  • ?.?. 16/17.3.1950 (F?? 82?).
  • ?.?. 232/1995 (F?? 134) "?at????s? t?? ?µ?µat??
    ??µ???? ???a????? t?? ????te??e??? ???t?? ?a?
    ?d??s? ?µ?µat?? ???a????? ?e??ß?????t??".

????? ?????????S S?????S
  • ???????????G?? ?????????G?? ?????????
  • ?.?. 50/2003 (F?? 50?) "???p?p???s? ?a?
    s?µp????s? d?ata?µ?t?? p?? ????? e?d??e? se
    e?t??es? t?? ??µ?? 6422/1934, ?p?? ??e?
    s?µp?????e? ?a? t??p?p????e? µeta?e??ste?a, p??
    af????? st?? ?s??s? epa????µat?? t??
  • ?.?. 368/1994 (F?? 201?) "???p?p???s? ?a?
    s?µp????s? t?? ?.?.472/1985 (F?? 168??)?a? t??
    ?.?. 609/1985 (F?? 223??)".
  • ?.1428/1984 (F?? 43 ?) ??µet???e?s? ?at?µe???
    ad?a??? ?????? ?a? ???e? d?at??e??".
  • ?.?. 472/1985 (F?? 168?) "S???es? ep?t??p?? ????
    ?a? ??? ?a? ???e? ???µ?se?? s?et???? µe t??
    efa?µ??? t?? ?????? 15,16 ?a? 17 t?? ??µ??
  • ?.?. 252/1988 (F?? 106?) "???p?p???s? ?a?
    s?µp????s? t?? d?at??e?? t?? ?.?. ap?
    13/19.2.1936, t?? ?.?. ap? 19/26.3.1938 ?a? t??
    ?.?. 328/1963, pe?? t?? as??se?? epa????µat?? t??
  • ?.6422/1934 (F?? 412?)"?e?? as??se?? t??
    epa????µat?? t?? ???a???????, t?? ??e?t???????,
    t?? ???a???????-??e?t??????? ???a????? ?a? t??
  • ?.?. 16/17.3.1950 (F?? 82?).
  • ?p?fas? ????. ?10/G/F.11?/???.4882/1297
    (F??377/23.3.2005) ???p?p???s? ?????? 64, 98 ?a?
    99 t?? ?a????sµ?? ?eta??e?t???? ?a? ?at?µ????
    ???as??? (?.?.?.?.) (??. II-5?/F/17402/1984-F??

????? ?????????S S?????S
  • ????????? ?????O? ???O?
  • ?.?.71/1995 (F?? 49?) "?pa??e?µat??? ?at?????s?
    pt???????? ???a????? ?a?a????? ?a? ???a?????
    ????t?? ????? t?? ????te??e??? ???t??".
  • ?.6422/1934 (F?? 412?) "?e?? as??se?? t??
    epa????µat?? t?? ???a???????, t?? ??e?t???????,
    t?? ???a???????-??e?t??????? ???a????? ?a? t??
  • ?.?. 16/17.3.1950 (F?? 82?).

????? ?????????S S?????S
  • ????????? ????????S?S ????G????O? ???O?
  • ?.?.203/1999 (F?? 179?) "?d??s? tµ?µ?t?? st?
    ???st?t??e?? ?a?ep?st?µ?? Tessa???????".
  • ?.6422/1934 (F?? 412?) "?e?? as??se?? t??
    epa????µat?? t?? ???a???????, t?? ??e?t???????,
    t?? ???a???????-??e?t??????? ???a????? ?a? t??
  • ?.?. 16/17.3.1950 (F?? 82?).

????? ?????????S S?????S
  • ????????? ????GOG?S ??????S?S
  • ?.?.71/1995 (F?? 49?) "?pa??e?µat??? ?at?????s?
    pt???????? ???a????? ?a?a????? ?a? ???a?????
    ????t?? ????? t?? ????te??e??? ???t??".
  • ?.?. 372/1997, ????? 2 (F?? 243 ?) "?et???µas?a
    tµ?µat?? ?a? ?pa??e?µat??? ?at?????s? pt????????
    tµ?µ?t?? t?? ????te??e??? ???t??".
  • ?.?. 90/2000 (F?? 74 ?) "?d??s? ???? tµ?µ?t??
    st? ??µ????te?? ?a?ep?st?µ?? T?????" ".  
  • ?.6422/1934 (F?? 412?) "?e?? as??se?? t??
    epa????µat?? t?? ???a???????, t?? ??e?t???????,
    t?? ???a???????-??e?t??????? ???a????? ?a? t??
  • ?.?. 16/17.3.1950 (F?? 82?).

????? ?????????S S?????S
  • ????????? ?????????S ??????S?S
  • ?.?. 83/2000(F??72?)  "?d??s? tµ?µ?t?? st?
    ?a?ep?st?µ?? ???a??? ".
  • ?.6422/1934 (F?? 412?) "?e?? as??se?? t??
    epa????µat?? t?? ???a???????, t?? ??e?t???????,
    t?? ???a???????-??e?t??????? ???a????? ?a? t??
  • ?.?. 16/17.3.1950 (F?? 82?).
  • ????????? ?O???????S, ??????????S ????F???????S
  • ?.?. 240/1994 (F?? 135?) "?et???µas?a t??
    tµ?µat?? ????ta??a? ?a? ?e??fe?e?a??? ???pt????
    t?? ?a?ep?st?µ??? Tessa??a? ?a? epa??e?µat???
    ?at?????s? t?? pt????????".
  • ?.?.319/2001 (F?? 217?) "?et???µas?a t??
    tµ?µat?? ???a????? ????ta??a? ?a? ?e??fe?e?a???
    ???pt???? t?? S????? ?e?????????? ?p?st?µ?? t??
    ?a?ep?st?µ??? t?? Tessa??a? se tµ?µa ???a?????
    ????ta??a?, ???e?d?µ?a? ?a? ?e??fe?e?a???
    ???pt???? ".
  • ?.6422/1934 (F?? 412?) "?e?? as??se?? t??
    epa????µat?? t?? ???a???????, t?? ??e?t???????,
    t?? ???a???????-??e?t??????? ???a????? ?a? t??
  • ?.?. 16/17.3.1950 (F?? 82?).

????? ?????????S S?????S
  • ????????? S?????S?S ???????O? S?S?????O?
  • ?.?. 83/2000(F??72?)  "?d??s? tµ?µ?t?? st?
    ?a?ep?st?µ?? ???a??? ".
  • ?.6422/1934 (F?? 412?) "?e?? as??se?? t??
    epa????µat?? t?? ???a???????, t?? ??e?t???????,
    t?? ???a???????-??e?t??????? ???a????? ?a? t??
  • ?.?. 16/17.3.1950 (F?? 82?).
  • ?.?.316/1997 (F?? 223?) "?d??s?-µet???µas?a
    s????? ?a? tµ?µ?t?? st? ?a?ep?st?µ?? ???a??? ".
  • ?.3027/2002 (F?? 152?) ?????3,pa?.1?.
  • ????????? ?????F?????O? ???????O????O?
  • ?.?.316/1997 (F?? 223?) "?d??s?-µet???µas?a
    s????? ?a? tµ?µ?t?? st? ?a?ep?st?µ?? ???a??? ".
  • ?.6422/1934 (F?? 412?) "?e?? as??se?? t??
    epa????µat?? t?? ???a???????, t?? ??e?t???????,
    t?? ???a???????-??e?t??????? ???a????? ?a? t??
  • ?.?. 16/17.3.1950 (F?? 82?).
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