Soil Health Card - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Soil Health Card


SOIL HEALTH CARDS Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh SOIL HEALTH CARD SCHEME Issue of SHC along with soil test-based, site-specific fertilizer recommendations, once in ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Soil Health Card

SOIL HEALTH CARDS Krishna District, Andhra
  • Issue of SHC along with soil test-based,
    site-specific fertilizer recommendations, once in
    every 3 years.
  • To issue Soil Health Cards within 3 year to
    covers 100 of all the farmers in the district.
  • In Krishna 5.54 lakh Farmers are doing
    Agriculture. Action plan
  • Capacity building of progressive farmers and
    staff for promotion of balanced and integrated
    nutrient management (INM).

Sl.No. Year Target samples Analysis (Macro) Analysis Micro Total SHCs issued to farmers
1 2015 30,000 30,600 17,500 1,25,415
2 2016 (Plan ) 60,680 60,680 30,340 2,50,000
3 2017 (Plan ) 60,680 60,680 30,340 1,79,000
Total 1,51,360 1,51,960 78,180 5,54,415
Soil Sample collection by using GPS system
Cadastral mapping for selection of Survey nos
Grid selection (2.5ha for irrigated 10 ha for
A training is organized before collection of
soil samples
Collection appx.500gms of soil sample in
polythene bag with farmer details
GPS coordinates for every soil samples fixed at
Selection of homogeneous sample by quartering
Analysis of Soil Sample input supply to the
  • Soil samples analysed with the standard
    procedures for 12 parameters soil texture, pH,
    EC, Organic Carbon, available P,K, Secondary
    nutrients Sulphur Micronutrients like Zn, Iron,
    Cu, Mn Boron.

Year Target Total soil samples analysed Results of deficient of Micro nutrient Supply of Micro nutrients for reclamation ( 50 subsidy)
2014 10000 Zn 47 500 MTs
2015 30,600 (SHCs-1,25,415) Zn 45 865 MTs
2015 30,600 (SHCs-1,25,415) Boron 8 33 MTs
2015 30,600 (SHCs-1,25,415) Gypsum 10 2151 MTs
Cadastral Map GPS instrument training
Cadastral map of Kochcherla (v) in Kalidindi (m)
Type I 8 inches 1 mile Grid For Irrigated
2.5 ha 2cm 2cm (6 to 8 places) For
Rainfed 10 ha 4cm4cm (10 to 15 places) Type
2 16 inches 1 mile Grid For Irrigated 2.5
ha 4cm 4cm (6 to 8 places) For
Rainfed 10 ha 8cm8cm (10 to 15 places)
(No Transcript)
  • After analysis the results are entered into
    Online License Management System (OLMS)
  • Web generated results sent by SMS in local
    language to mobile number of farmers.

Online Soil Health Cards
  • Tracking, monitoring of all samples, Web Land
    Google Maps Integration
  • Web based Fertilizer recommendations for 6
    crops like Paddy, Maize, Cotton, Pulses, Chilies,
    Sugarcane are generated

Soil Health Card
  • Pooling of Resources
  • Agricultural scientists with soil science back
    ground from ICRISAT(2) /KVK (4) were identified
    to coordinate with Agril Dept for implementation
    of Soil Health Card scheme.
  • A comparative study of the soil samples analysis
    is made available for every year in the STLs,
  • 2. Strengthening of lab equipment to test micro
  • New Atomic Absorption spectrophotometer and U.V.
    Spectro photometers were made available in the
    Soil Testing Labs for Micronutrient analysis.

  • 3. Steps to deploy trained soil scientists to
    fill up vacancies into labs.
  • As the number of soil samples for analysis is
    high, specially trained staff staff (1-ADA, 8 AOs
    12 AEOs) have been deployed to the STLs to
    complete the process within stipulated time.
  • 4. Measures taken to complete Sample analysis in
  • The polythene covers along with Information
    sheets are required for collection of soil
    samples are supplied well in advance.
  • Transport facilities are provided to the AOs for
    immediately sending to the labs.
  • AEOs, MPEOs and AOs are deputed to work on shift
    basis to the STLs.
  • 1 or 2 computers data operators with net
    facility are arranged for speedy data entry of
    results in OLMS.

  • 5. Involvement of farmers by informing the
    schedule of sample collection.
  • Organizing the village level meetings by
    involving local public representatives the
    farmers regarding the schedule of soil sample
  • The farmers cooperated with the department field
    staff and voluntarily involved in collection of
    soil samples.
  • 6. Campaign for sample collection / card
    distribution and educating farmers.
  • Educating Farmers through Govt programmes like
    Polam Pilusthondi JBMV programme. Voice
    messages and Video.
  • Creating awareness among the farmers about the
    importance of soil testing, based on the results,
    correction of problematic soils as per the INM.

Voice Message
  • 7. Awareness on Soil Health Management
    celebration of World Soil Day.
  • World Soil Day has been celebrated on 5th
    Dec.2015, at District level as well as at mandal
  • Posters Pamphlets related to World Soil Day
    celebrations are exhibited.
  • Soil Health Cards are also distributed on the
    same day by involving Honble M.P, Ministers,
    MLAs other Public Representatives.
  • The Farmer Scientist interaction with main
    emphasis on soil health management, balanced
    fertilizer application and Micronutrient
    fertilizer usage by involving DAATTC, KVK, ARS

Honble MP, Machilipatnam, Krishna District- Sri
Konakalla Narayana Rao has distributed Soil
Health Cards to the Farmers on the occasion of
World Soil Day.
Honble MP, Eluru,- Sri Maganti Venkateswara Rao
has distributed SHC to the Farmers in JBMV at
Honble Deputy Speaker, Sri Mandali Buddha Prasad
distributed SHC in JBMV Programme at Nagayalanka
Honble Minister for Excise,Sri Kollu Ravindra
Chairman of Housing Board Corporation, AP at
Pamarru mandal
  • lnnovative Measures
  • The village wise Cadastral maps were used for the
    first time in AP to select the exact location
    for forming of grids.
  • The samples are collected by using GPS
    instrument for the first time in AP duly
    recording the longitude and latitude of the
  • Android application was also developed by the
    Agril dept, AP and the same information was
    captured in the tablets given to the field
  • Special Team was formed at District Level to
    enter the data and printing of SHCs in
    multicolour with complete information and
    recommendations for 6 crops.
  • The SHCs can be adopted for 3 cropping seasons.
  • The SHCs were laminated and distributed to the
    farmers on free of cost.
  • Voice messages
  • Grids

  • Outcome of the Scheme
  • Large area and more no.of farmers have been
    covered under soil sampling compared to previous
  • OLMS system has generated recommendations for 6
    crops in short time.
  • Excess use of fertilizers reduced leading to
    reduction of cost of cultivation.
  • Reclamation of saline and alkaline soils.
  • During 2014-15, micronutrient utilization was
    only 500 MTs. This year due to the
    intervention3000 MTs of Micronutrients were
    utilized (6 times) as a result of which,
    production increased by 15 to 20 in the area of
  • Increased awareness among the farming community
    about soil fertility importance of soil testing

  • Suggestions for improvement in the Scheme.
  • Organising more no.of trainings to both farmers
    and field functionaries is essential at village,
    Mandal District level by experts.
  • Provision of getting SHC by the farmers directly
    from mee seva centres.
  • Supply of GPS instruments atleast 10 per mandal
    due to recruitment of MPEOs in the district.
  • Providing infrastructure facilities

Soil sampling, Micronutrient deficiency status
and Recommendations
A total of 275 samples were collected and
analysed for micronutrient deficiency and
recommendations were given with soil health cards
Nutrient deficiency in Nutrient deficiency in Nutrient deficiency in Nutrient deficiency in Nutrient deficiency in
Mandal OC P P K K S Zn B Fe Cu Mn
G Kondur 82.0 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 20.0 65.0 3.0 5.0 1.0 0.0
Ghantasala 11.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Krishna District 34.0 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 7.0 37.0 1.0 2.0 0.0 0.0

Overall fertilzer recommendations Overall fertilzer recommendations Overall fertilzer recommendations Overall fertilzer recommendations Overall fertilzer recommendations Overall fertilzer recommendations Instead of DAP,SSP Used Instead of DAP,SSP Used Instead of DAP,SSP Used Instead of DAP,SSP Used
Mandal Urea DAP MOP MOP Gypsum Gypsum Zn Sulfate Borax Fe Sulfate Copper Mn Sulfate Agribor Urea SSP Gypsum Gypsum
G Kondur 97.7 49.5 39.1 39.1 3.8 3.8 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 117.1 142.4 0.0 0.0
Ghantasala 72.9 49.5 39.1 39.1 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 92.2 142.4 0.0 0.0
Krishna District 72.9 49.5 39.1 39.1 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 92.2 142.4 0.0 0.0
CCE on-going in Pilots Yield increases
Krishna district Mandal Mandal
Item G.konduru Ghantasala
Crop Paddy Paddy
Area Kharif 2014 (Ha) 704.17 5412.82
Productivity 2014 (Kg/Ha) 4158 5846
Min.Support Price 1400 1400
GVA in Crores 4.09 44.3
Area Kharif 2015 (Ha) 696.8 5354.4
Area with Micro Nutrients (Ha) 436 162
Productivity 2015 CCE with Micro Nutrients 3992 6035
GVA in Crores with Micro nutrients 2.43 1.36
Area without Micro Nutrients 260.8 5192.4
Productivity 2015 CCE with out Micro Nutrients 2951 4889
GVA in Crores without Micro nutrients 1.07 35.53
Total GVA in Crores 3.5 36.89
Change in Productivity () 35.3 23.4
Estimates done using 60 of CCE samples which may change GVA significantly Estimates done using 60 of CCE samples which may change GVA significantly Estimates done using 60 of CCE samples which may change GVA significantly
of yield increases in various crops due to
application of Micronutrient
Crop Season 2014-15 2015-16 increase in yield
Crop Season Yield (kg/ha.) Yield (kg/ha.) increase in yield
Agriculture Department Agriculture Department Agriculture Department Agriculture Department Agriculture Department
Rice Kharif 3138 3484 11
Cotton Kharif 1876 2120 13
Chillies Kharif 3600 4200 17
Sugarcane Kharif 89400 100000 12
  • Thank You
  • Babu.A
  • Collector District Magistrate
  • Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh.
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