Title: Dealing with Unhealthy Dialogue
1Dealing with Unhealthy Dialogue
2(No Transcript)
3State Standard
- 4.1
- Understand conditions, actions, and
motivations that contribute to conflict or - to cooperation.
4- When faced with a failed conversation, we are
often quick to blame someone else. - But rarely are we completely innocent.
5Seek first to understand involves a very deep
shift in paradigm. We typically seek first to be
understood. Most people do not listen with the
intent to understand they listen with the
intent to reply. They are either speaking or
preparing to speak. They are filtering everything
through their own paradigms, reading their
autobiography into other peoples lives. If they
have a problem with someone, their attitude is
That person just doesnt understand.
--Stephen Covey
6- Those who are best at dialogue work on me
first. - Heres how
- 1. Maintain focus
- 2. Keep the door of dialogue
- open.
7- Many people try to change the goal of a
conversation. - Heres why
- 1. Avoid embarrassment
- 2. Punish the other person
- 3. Revenge
- 4. Protect the self
8- Deviations from Goal
- Wanting To Win
- Seeking Revenge
- Conflict Avoiding
9- Signs of a C.C.
- Tightening of Stomach
- Emotional Responses
- (Fear, Hurt, Anger)
- Raising of Voices
- Sarcasm
10- Silence or Violence
- When fear enters a conversation, people either
attack or go silent.
11- Look for these responses in yourself and others.
- To counter, create safety.
12- Ways to Create Safety
- Non-Judgmental Tone
- Calm Voice
- Praising Good Points
- Reassuring Value of the Relationship
13- 3 Forms of Silence
- Masking Not stating true opinion through
sarcasm or sugar-coating. - 2. Avoiding Steering away from sensitive
issues. - 3. Withdrawing Pulling out of a conversation
altogether or exiting the room.
- I was angry with my friendI told my wrath,
my wrath did end. - I was angry with my foeI told it not, my
wrath did grow. - -William Blake
15Try to understand men, if you understand each
other, you will be kind to each other. knowing
a man well never leads to hate and nearly always
leads to love.
(John Steinbeck)
16- 3 Forms of Violence
- Controlling Forcing others into your way of
thinking. - Labeling Stereotyping or generalizing others for
their ideas. - 3. Attacking Trying to win by making the other
person suffer.
17- Video Clip
- Tom Cruise on the Today Show
18- Ways to Create Safety
- Clarify your real intentions.
- 2. Clarify what are not your intentions.
- Search for healthy options
- that will bring about
- dialogue.
19- Activity
- Within groups, write a scene depicting two
people engaged in a crucial conversation. One
person is practicing some of the unhealthy
behaviors we discussed. The other person uses
the CC techniques from our notes. Include a
- Divorce
- Death
- Peer Pressure
- Drugs
- Bullying
- Money
- Depression
- Eating Disorders
- Insecurity
- Self-perception
- Diseases
- Ending a relationship
- Hygiene