Title: Folie 1
1Study Project TRANS-CSP Trans-Mediterranean
Interconnection for Concentrating Solar Power
(WP05 Environmental Impacts) Project for the
Research Development Programme of the German
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature
Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)
2WP05 Environmental Impacts Scope Quantify the
environmental impacts resulting from TRANS-CSP
scenario and from the infrastructure necessary
for solar electricity imports with respect to
emissions, land use and local impacts. Result
The TRANS-CSP scenario reduces the negative
environmental impacts of power generation to a
compatible level. Import solar electricity
contributes significantly to environmental
33 Sampled Sites for Solar Electricity Supply from
MENA (selected for maximum irradiance, but other
criteria possible)
Direct Normal Irradiance for CSP in kWh/m²/a.
Excluded Sites are White.
The primary solar energy resource equals 1 2
barrel/m²/y of heating oil
43 Exemplary Centres of Demand in Europe
Population Density in Persons/km² (Landscan)
53 Analysed Samples for EU-MENA HVDC
3 x 5 GW x 7000 h/y 105 TWh/y
6Acceptable Impacts of the HVDC Lines on Landscape
7Life Cycle Assessment of Materials and Emissions
of Solar Import Electricity
CEE Cumulated Energy Expenditure
8TRANS-CSP CO2 Emissions in Europe
RUE Rational Use of Energy RES Renewable
Energy Systems CCS Carbon Capture
Sequestration Avoided CO2 is calculated with
respect to a mix as in the year 2000 including
nuclear power
9Area for Renewables 1.1 Area used for Roads
Status 2050
(The European Transport System occupies 1.2 of
the Land Area)