Title: Soil Sleuths
1 Soil Sleuths
The DIRT on Soil!
- What makes up soil?
- How do living things use soil?
3- How are soils different from one another?
- How are they alike?
4Soil Investigation
Its a dirty job!
5Different Soil Types!
How does the soil look different?
6Different Soil Types!
How does the soil look different?
7Different Soil Types!
How does the soil look different?
8Different Soil Types!
How does the soil look different?
Soil scientists investigating soil in Texas.
10There are 12 soil orders (classifications) in the
world. Of these, the state of Texas has nine.
There are more than 1,300 soil series in Texas,
and each series is classified in one of these
nine soil orders.
11Entisols Galveston Series Texas Gulf Coast
Alfisols Duval Series Rio Grande Plains
Histosols Allemands Series Southeast Texas
Aridisols Upton Series Trans-Pecos Region
12Vertisols Houston Black Series Blackland Praire
Inceptisols Weswood series Central Texas
Mollisols Pullman Series High Plains
Ultisols Bowie SeriesEast Texas
13 Soil Sleuths
The DIRT on Soil!