Title: What Everyone Should Know
1What Everyone Should Know
Manteno Community Unit School District 5
2Sexual Harassment
- Is the unwanted or unwelcome sexual advances,
requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or
physical conduct of a sexual nature constitutes
sexual harassment when submission to or rejection
of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects
an individuals employment, unreasonably
interferes with an individuals work performance
or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive
work environment. - Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
- Sexual harassment of a student can deny or limit,
on the basis of sex, the students ability to
participate in or receive benefits, services, or
opportunities in the schools program. - Anybody who sees sexual harassment occur should
report it to a responsible school employee.
4Examples of Sexual Harassment
- Telling off-color jokes
- Gestures
- Physical Contact / Touching
- Comments That Denigrate
- Terms of Endearment
- Questionable Compliments
- Often OFFENDERS dont realize the offense.
- TELL them they offend you!
5Types of Harassment
- Quid pro quo This for that
- Teacher offering better grade for sex
- Hostile environment
- Affects physical or mentalwell-being.
6In the Workplace The Gender Matrix In the Workplace The Gender Matrix In School Districts The Environment Matrix In School Districts The Environment Matrix
Offender Victim Offender Victim
Male Female Employee Student
Male Male Student Employee
Female Female Student Student
Female Male Administrator Employee
Employee Administrator
Employee Employee
Any Indirect Victim
7Conditions for Sexual Harassment
- Must be unwelcome
- Perception / intent
- Reasonable person standard
- One time event or repeated events?
- What circumstances?
- Position of power/authority?
- Affect on the alleged victim?
8How to Deal with Sexual Harassment
- Tell the harasser to STOP the behavior
- Document the situation
- Follow one of the grievance procedures
- Report it to your principal or supervisor
- Report it to one of the Districts Complaint
managers, Josh Ruland or Cathy Allers. - Download the Universal Grievance Form (Board
Policy 2260), complete it, and send it to the
District Office
9How to Deal with Sexual Harassment Continued
- Keep copies of your employment record and
complaint at home. - If the victim is a student, immediately step in,
remove the student from the situation, and take
the student to the office. - Give full details of the situation to the
building principal.
10Indications of Victimization
- Look for a change in behavior
- Inattentiveness
- Truancy
- Withdrawal
- Irritability
- Depression, anxiety.
11Corrective Action
- After investigation and due process there may
be - Disciplinary action
- Permanent separation,
- or
- Counseling
12Think About Your Words Actions
- Does your behavior contribute to the mission of
the Manteno School District? - Could your behavior offend anyone?
- Could your behavior be misinterpreted?
- Does your behavior treat people unequally?
- Might your words or actions be offensive to
13Sexual Harassment
- Will not be tolerated.
- Complaints will be investigated.
- Appropriate action will be taken.
14Sexual Harassment Your Responsibility
- Protect and remove students from situations that
are questionable. - Report any instances or occurrence to school
authorities. - Protect student and employee rights to privacy
- Cases under investigation carry the burden of