Title: Physics Concepts
1Physics Concepts
- Classical Mechanics
- Study of how things move
- Newtons laws
- Conservation laws
- Solutions in different reference frames
(including rotating and accelerated reference
frames) - Lagrangian formulation (and Hamiltonian form.)
- Central force problems orbital mechanics
- Rigid body-motion
- Oscillations lightly
- Chaos
2Mathematical Methods
- Vector Calculus
- Differential equations of vector quantities
- Partial differential equations
- More tricks w/ cross product and dot product
- Stokes Theorem
- Div, grad, curl and all that
- Matrices
- Coordinate change / rotations
- Diagonalization / eigenvalues / principal axes
- Lagrangian formulation
- Calculus of variations
- Functionals and operators
- Lagrange multipliers for constraints
- General Mathematical competence
3Correlating Classical and Quantum Mechanics
- Correspondence Principle
- In the limit of large quantum numbers, quantum
mechanics becomes classical mechanics. - First formulated by Niels Bohr, one of the
leading quantum theoreticians - We will illustrate with
- Particle in a box
- Simple harmonic oscillator
- Equivalence principle is useful
- Prevents us from getting lost in quantum chaos.
- Allows us to continue to use our classical
intuition as make small systems larger. - Rule of thumb. System sizegt10 nm, use classical
41-D free particle
Classical Lagrangian and Hamiltonian for free 1-D
Schroedingers equation for free particle
5Hydrogen Atom
Classical Lagrangian and Hamiltonian
Schroedingers equation for hydrogen
6Hydrogen Atom
Schroedingers equation for hydrogen
7Particle in a box
8Particle in a box
N1, no match between quantum and classical
N51, Averaged quantum probability approaches
classical constant probability.
9Simple harmonic oscillator (SHO)
10Expectation values
Bra-ket notation and Matrix formulation of
QM All wave functions may be written as linear
combination of eigenfunctions. Thus effect of
operator can be replaced by a matrix showing
effect of operator on each eigenfunction. All QM
operators (p, L, H) have real eigenvalues They
are Hermitian operators
11Expectation values
Bra-ket notation and Matrix formulation of
QM All wave functions may be written as linear
combination of eigenfunctions. Thus effect of
operator can be replaced by a matrix showing
effect of operator on each eigenfunction. All QM
operators (p, L, H) have real eigenvalues They
are Hermitian operators
12Spin Matrix
13Wind up
Classical mechanics is valid for In other
words almost all of human experience and
endeavor. Use it well!