Title: Rehabilitation and maintenance of buildings - 01
1Rehabilitation and maintenance of buildings - 01
- Errors in the design of structures and modern
reconstruction - Mechanical properties of cast iron, mild iron and
steel at historical structures - Causes and analysis of steel structural failures
- Assessment of load bearing structures and reasons
for refurbishment of steel structures - Overview of codes for design and actions on
structures - Inspections and material testing
- Introduction of basic methods of reinforcing
steel - Strengthening of individual members subjected to
axial load (tension, compression) elastic and
plastic check procedures - Â Strengthening of individual members subjected to
bending - Strengthening of individual members subjected to
combination of effects elastic and plastic
check procedures - Strengthening of riveted/bolted/welded
connections - Repair and reconstruction of civil structures
- Agócs Z., Ziolko J., Vican J., Brodniansky J.
Assessment and Refurbishment of Steel Structures,
Spon Press, 2005. - Mazzolani F. Refurbishment by steelwork,
ArcelorMittal, Luxembourg - Spal L. Refurbishment of Steel Structures,
SNTL, Praha, 1968. - Vašek M. Strengthening of steel structures, DOS
T 3, No. 04, CKAIT, 2000 - Háša P., Jerábek L., Rosenkranz B., Vašek M.
Collapse of boiler house roof of the power
station in Opatovice, Konstrukce No.3, 2004
- Properties of material
- Failures of steel structures
- Types of refurbishment
- Methods of reliability verification
- Basis of design of steel structures
- Assessment of steel structures
- Strengthening of members
- Strengthening and refurbishment of structures
- Refurbishment of masonry structures using
steelwork - Seismic upgrading using steel structure
5Properties of material
- Cast iron
- Wrought iron
- since 1785
- until 1892 1905
- after 1905 only exceptionally
- Mild steel
- since 1905
6Cast iron
- Fragile
- Suitable for compression, worse for bending
- High contents of C (2,1)
- Mechanical properties
- E 100 000 MPa (N/mm2)
- fu 120 140 MPa
7Wrought iron
- Production
- Temperature ? 1000oC ? doughy state
- Low charge 200-600 kg
- Mechanical reduction of undesirable elements
- ?
- Large scatter of mechanical properties
- Layered anisotropic structure
- Local defects
8Wrought iron
- Chemical composition
- Large scatter
- Lower contents of C
- High contents of P (phosphorus) could be
problem - Problems
- Uncertain weldeability
- Low strength through thickness ? Lamelar tearing
9Wrought iron
- Mechanical properties in rolling direction
- E 180 000 200 000 MPa (N/mm2)
- fy 230 MPa (mean)
- fu 340 370 MPa
- Lower ductility but still sufficient
10Mild steel
- Production
- Liquid state
- Larger charges
- Since 1905 properties similar to present steel
- E 210 000 MPa
- fy , fu similar to present S235 (Fe360)
11Properties of material
- Time of construction ? Type of material
- How to determine
- from documentation (rarely)
- verification by tests is recommended
- using tests
- Mechanical properties of iron/steel are NOT time
depending(except fatigue)
- Properties of material
- Failures of steel structures
- Types of refurbishment
- Methods of reliability verification
- Basis of design of steel structures
- Assessment of steel structures
- Strengthening of members
- Strengthening and refurbishment of structures
- Refurbishment of masonry structures using
steelwork - Seismic upgrading using steel structure
13Causes of failures of steel structures - phases
- Errors in design
- Fabrication, erection
- Operation
- corrosion
- fatigue
- high temperature
- Additional temperature loading
- Fire
- accidental events
14Causes of failures of steel structures -
- Underestimation of loading
- Discrepancy of model and reality
- Defective or inadequate material
- Stability of compression members (or beams)
- Stability of plates
- Brittle fracture
- Weak joints
- Aerodynamics
- Fatigue
- Typically Failure more than one cause
15Causes of failures of steel structures -
phenomenons Discrepancy of model and reality
- Wrong selection of details, not correspondng to
assumption (fixed/hinged) - Unconsidered eccentricity in joints
- Different load application points
- Omitted effects (torsion, secondary moments)
- Non-considered reduction of cross-section
16Malfunction of structure
- Partial collapse
- Excessive deformations
17Tay bridge 1879
- Underestimation of load wind load not considered
- Bad material piers cast iron, bracing
wrought iron with slag - Train speed 60 km/h instead of 40 km/h
18Tay bridge 1879
- Collapse in wind storm with train
- 75 died
19St. Lawrence, Quebec 1907
- Flexural buckling of compression member
- Underestimation of dead load
- Errors in the design of joints
20St. Lawrence, Quebec 1907
- Collapse in construction stage
- 86 died
21Hasselt 1937
- Brittle fracture
- Bad selection of steel
- Wrong welding process ? large residual stresses
22Hasselt 1937
- Collapse when tram crossed
23Tacoma Narrows 1940
- Aerodynamics
- Suspension bridge, span 853 m
- New bridge in 1950
- Nowadays 2 bridges (2007)
24Tacoma NarrowsAssembly
http//www.youtube.com/watch?vAsCBK-fRNRk http/
26Collapse due to plate buckling
- Vienna 1968
- Milford Haven (Wales) 1970
- West Gate Bridge (Melbourne) 1970
- 35 died
- Koblenz (Germany) 1971
- Extensive research in 1970s
- New codes with new procedures
27Milford Haven (Wales) 1970
- Eccentric load of diaphragm
- Imperfections
- Insufficient stiffening of diaphragm
- ? capacity ? 50 of actions
- 4 died
28Koblenz 1971
- Buckling of unstiffened plate
- 9 died
29Failure of roof at Opatovice power station
- Structure from 1957
- Main frame fixed columns truss girder, 27,5
m span - Collapse 11/2002
- during reconstruction of roof
- snow load
- Original documentation
- Just part was found
- Calculations missing
30Failure of roof at Opatovice power station
31Failure of roof at Opatovice power stationCauses
- Overloading by dead load
- Additional layers of concrete, water-proofing
layers - Originally under-dimensioned structure
- Very poor quality of welds
- Not-functional dilatation detail
- collapse of whole roof
- Properties of material
- Failures of steel structures
- Types of refurbishment
- Methods of reliability verification
- Basis of design of steel structures
- Assessment of steel structures
- Strengthening of members
- Strengthening and refurbishment of structures
- Refurbishment of masonry structures using
steelwork - Seismic upgrading using steel structure
33Reasons for refurbishment of steel structures
- Malfunction of structure
- Need of change
- Increased loading
- Bridges
- Buildings
- Change of use
- Need of free space
- Bridges new clear profile
- Other reasons, e.g.
- local situation (neighbour buildings)
- war
34Types of refurbishment
- Strengthening
- Strengthening/enlargement of elements/joints
- Change of static scheme
- Prestressing
- Coupling with concrete
- Indirect strengthening
- Restoration/Repair
- Replacement
- Extension
- Utilization of reserve of structure
35Utilization of capacity reserves of structure
- Detection and improvement of loading
- Pernament loading
- Climatic loading
- Service loading
- Real material properties
- More precise calculation
36Utilization of capacity reserves of
structureMaterial properties
- Tensile tests
- Real fy, fu
- Plastic reserve
- Bi-linear stress-strain relation
- MNA plastic hinges
37Utilization of capacity reserves of
structureMore precise calculation
- Calculation in accordance with
- present knowledge
- present (valid) codes
- 3D complex models
- Shell elements
- Joints
- Shell structures (silos, pipelines ...)
- Interaction of elements
- Connections
- Semi-rigid connections new standards enable to
determine joint stiffness - Column bases
- Stochastic methods of the reliability verification