Risk%20and%20Return - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Risk and Return Two sides of the Investment Coin Variance and Standard Deviation Criticism of Variance and Std. Deviation It consideres all deviations, negative as ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Risk%20and%20Return

Risk and Return
  • Two sides of the Investment Coin

  • Investment decisions are influenced by various
  • Some invest in a business to acquire control and
    enjoy the prestige.
  • Some invest in expensive yatchs and famous villas
    to display their wealth.
  • Most investors however, are largely guided by the
    pecuniary movite of earning a return on their
  • For earning returns, investors have to almost
    invariably bear some risk.
  • In general, risk and return go hand in hand.
  • While investors like returns, they abhor risk.
  • Investment decisions, therefore, involve a
    tradeoff between risk and return.

  • Return is primary motivating force that drives
  • It represents the reward for undertaking
  • Sine the game of investing is about returns
    (after allowing for risk), measurement of
    realized (historical) returns (ex post facto) is
    necessary to access how ell the investment
    manager has done.
  • In addition, historical returns are often used as
    a important input in estimating future
    (prospective) returns.

The components of Return
  • The return of an investment consists of two
  • Current return
  • Capital return

Current Return
  • Periodic cash flow (income) such as dividend or
    interest, generated by the investment in various
  • Current return is measured as the periodic income
    in relation to the beginning price of the

Capital Return
  • Reflected in the price change - Capital
  • It is simply the price appreciation/depreciation
    divided by the beginning price of the

Total Return
  • The current return can be zero or positve
  • The capital return can be negative, or zero or

  • Risk refers to the possibility that the actual
    outcome of an investment will differ from its
    expected outcome.
  • More specifically, most investors are concerned
    about the actual outcome being less than the
    expected outcome.
  • The wider the range of possible outcomes, the
    greater the risk.
  • Risk is the variability in possible returns.
  • In investment analysis, its measured by
  • Variance / Standard Deviation
  • Beta

Sources of Risk
  • Risk emanates from several sources.
  • The three major ones are
  • Business Risk
  • Interest Rate Risk
  • Market Risk

Business Risk
  • Risk of poor business peformance. (Operating
  • May be caused by variety of factors
  • Heightened competition
  • Emergence of new technologies
  • Development of subtitute products,
  • Shifts in consumer preference
  • Inadequate supply of essential inputs
  • Changes in governmental policies, and so on.
  • Principle factor may be inept and incompetent
  • It can affect the interest of shareholders and
    even bond/debenture holders (default risk)

Interest Rate Risk
  • The changes in interest rate have a bearing on
    welfare of investors.
  • As interest rate goes up, the market price of
    existing fixed income securities falls and vice
  • It also affects equity prices, albeit some what
  • The changes in the relative yields of debentures
    and equity shares influence equity prices.

Market Risk
  • Changing psychology of the investors.
  • There are periods when investors become bullish
    and their investment horizons lengthen.
  • Investors optimism, which may broder on
    euphoria, during such periods drives share prices
    to great heights.
  • The buoyancy created in the wake of this
    development is pervasive, affecting almost
  • On the other hand, when a wave of pessimism
    (which often is an exaggerated response to some
    unfavourable political or economic development)
    sweeps the market, investors turn bearish and
  • Prices of almost all equity shares register
    decline as fear and uncertainty prevade the

The ebb and flow of mass emotion is quite
regular Panic is followed by relief, and relief
by optimism then comes enthusiasm, then euphoria
and rapture, then the bubble brusts, and public
feeling slides off again to concern, desperation,
and finally a new panic
You need to get deeply into your bones, the
sense that any market, and certainly the stock
market, moves in cycles, so that you will
infallibly get wonderful bargains every few
years, and have a chance to sell again at
ridiculously high prices a few years later
Types of Risk
Unique Risk Diversifiable Risk Unsystematic
  • Portion of total risk which stems from firm
    specific factors.
  • Examples of sources
  • Development of new products
  • Labour strike
  • Emergence of new competitor. Etc...
  • Events of this nature primarily affect the
    specific firm and not all firms in general.
  • Hence unique risks of a stock can be washed away
    by combining it with other stocks
  • In a diversified portfolio, unique risks of
    different stocks tend to cancel each other.

Market Risk Undiversifiable Risk Systematic
  • Portion of total risk which is attributable to
    economy-wide macro factors like
  • Growth rate of GDP
  • Level of government spending,
  • Money supply,
  • Interest rate structure
  • Inflation rate etc..
  • These factors affect all firms to a greater or
    lesser degree, investors cannot avoid the risk
    arising from them.

Measuring Historical Return
Return Relative
  • When a Cumulative Wealth Index or a Geometric
    Mean has to be calculated, we need to calculate
    Return Relative (coz, negative return cannot be

Cumulative Wealth Index
  • Total Return reflects changes in the level of
  • Sometimes its useful to measure the level of
    wealth (or price), rather than the change.
  • To do this, we must measure the cumulative effect
    of returns over time, given some stated intitial
    amount, which is typically rupee one.
  • The cumulative wealth index, captures cumulative
    effect of total returns.

Cumulative Wealth Index
  • Holding Period Return

Holding Period Yield HPY HPR - 1 1.10 - 1
0.10 10
Measures of Historical Rates of Return
  • Annual Holding Period Return
  • Annual HPR HPR 1/n
  • where n number of years investment is held
  • Annual Holding Period Yield
  • Annual HPY Annual HPR - 1

Measures of Historical Rates of Return
  • Arithmetic Mean

Summary Statistics
  • While Total Return, Return Relative, and Wealth
    Index are useful measures of return for a given
    period of time, in investment analysis, we also
    need statistics that summarize a series of total
  • Two most popular summary statistics are
  • Airthmetic Mean
  • Geometric Mean

Airthmetic Mean
  • When you want to know the central tendency of
    series of returns, the airthmetic mean is the
    appropriate measure.
  • It represents the typical performance for a
    single period.
  • However, when you want to know the average
    compound rate of growth that has actually occured
    over multiple periods, the airthmetic mean is not

  • Consider a stock whose price is 100 at the end of
    year 0.
  • The price declines to 80 at the end of year 1 and
    recovers to 100 at the end of year 2.
  • Assuming that there is no dividend payment during
    the two year period, the annual returns and their
    airthmetic mean are as follows
  • Return for year 1 (80-100)/100 - 20
  • Return for year 2 (100 80)/ 80 25
  • Airthmetic Mean Return (-2025)/2 2.5
  • Thus we find that though the return over the two
    year period is nil, the airthmetic mean works out
    to be 2.5.
  • So this measure of average return can be
  • In multiperiod context, the geometric mean
    describes accurately the true average return.

Geometric Mean
The geometric mean reflects the compound rate of
growth over time. GM 8.9 means, an
investment of Rs 1 produces a cumulative ending
wealth of 1x (1 0.089)5 Rs 1.532
  • Geometric Mean is always lower than Airthmetic
    mean, except in the case where all the return
    values being considered are equal.
  • The difference between GM and AM depends upon the
    variability of the distribution.
  • The greater the variability, the greater the
    difference between the two means.
  • The relationship between the three is given by

Real Returns
  • The returns so far discussed, without elimination
    of inflation content is called nominal returns,
    or money returns.
  • Real Return after adjusting for the inflation

Measuring Historical Risk
  • Risk refers to the possibility that the actual
    outcome of an investment will differ from the
    expected outcome.
  • Refers to variability or dispersion.
  • If an assets return has no variability, its
  • Measure
  • Variance and Standard Deviation

Variance and Standard Deviation
Criticism of Variance and Std. Deviation
  • It consideres all deviations, negative as well as
    positive. Investors however, do not view positive
    deviations unfavourably in fact, they welcome
    it. Hence, some researchers have argued that only
    negative deviations should be considered while
    measuring risk.
  • Hence some suggest the use of semi-variance.
    Semivariance is calculated the way variance is
    calculated, except that it considers only
    negative deviations.

  • However, as long as returns are distributed
    symmetrically, variance is simply 2 x
    Semi-variance and it doesnot make any difference
    whether variance is used or semi-variance.
  • When the probability distribution is not
    symmetrical around its expected value, variance
    alone does not suffice. In addition to variance,
    the skewness of the distribution should also be
  • Variance can be used by assuming that the
    historical returns of the stock are approximately

Risk Aversion and Required Returns
  • Take an example
  • You are in a game show, where you are given the
    option to open one among two boxes and take away
    whatever you find in the box.
  • One box contains Rs 10,000
  • Another box is empty
  • (Of course the expected return with equal
    probability of two outcomes is Rs 5,000)
  • You are not sure which box should you open.
  • Sensing your vacillation, host offers you a
    certain Rs 3,000 if you forfeit the option to
    open the box.
  • You dont accept his offer. He raises his offer to
    Rs 3,500

  • Now you feel indifferent between a cerain return
    of Rs 3,500 and a risky (uncertain) expected
    return of Rs 5,000.
  • This means that a cerain amount of Rs 3,500
    provides you with the same satisfaction as a
    risky expected value of Rs 5,000
  • Thus your certainty equivalent (Rs 3,500) is less
    than the risky expected value (Rs 5,000)
  • Emperical evidence suggests that most
    individuals, if placed in a similar situation,
    would have a certainty equivalent which is less
    than the risky expected value.

  • The relationship of a persons certainty
    equivalent to the expected monetary value of a
    risky investment defines his attitute toward
  • If the certainty equivalent is less than the
    expected value, the person is risk-averse
  • If the certainty equivalent is equal to expected
    value, the person is risk-neutral.
  • If the certainty equivalent is more than the
    expected value, the person is risk-loving.

  • In general, investors are risk-averse.
  • This means that risky investments must offer
    higher expected returns than less risky
    investments to induce people to invest in them.
  • However, we are talking about expected returns
    the actual return on a risky investment may well
    turn out to be less than the actual return on a
    less risky investment.
  • Put differently, risk and return go hand in hand.

Risk Premiums
  • Investors assume risk so that they are rewarded
    in the form of higher return.
  • Risk premium may be defined as the additional
    return investors expect to get, or investors
    earned in the past, for assuming additional risk.
  • There are three well known risk premiums
  • Equity Risk Premium
  • Bond Horizon Premium
  • Bond Default Premium

  • Equity Risk Premium
  • This is the difference between the return on
    equity stocks as a class and the risk free rate
    represented commonly by the return on Treasury
  • Bond Horizon Premium
  • This is the difference between the return on
    long-term government bonds and the return on
    Treasury Bills.
  • Bond Default Premium
  • This is the difference between the return on
    long-term corporate bonds (which have some
    probability of default) and the return on
    long-term government bonds (which are free from
    default risk)

Measuring Expected (ex ante) return and risk
  • When you invest in a stock, the return from it
    can take various possbile values with various
  • Hence, you can think returns in terms of
    probability distribution.
  • The probability of an event represents the
    likelihood of its occurance.
  • When you define the probability distribution of
    rate of return remember that
  • The possible outcomes must be mutually exclusive
    and collectively exhaustive.
  • The probability assigned to an outcome may vary
    between 0 and 1.
  • The sum of the probabilities assigned to various
    possible outcomes is 1.

Expected Rate of Return
  • The expected rate of return is the weighted
    average of all possible returns multiplied by
    their respective probabilities.

Variance and Standard Deviation of Return
  • The variance of a probability distribution is the
    sum of the squares of the deviations of actual
    returns from the expected return, weighted by
    associated probabilities.

Continuous Probability Distributions
  • In finance, probability distributions are
    commonly regarded as continuous, even though they
    may actually be discrete.
  • In a continuous probability distribution,
    probabilities are not assigned to individual
    points as in the case of discrete distribution.
  • Instead, probabilities are assigned to intervals
    between two points on a continuous curve.
  • Hence, when a continuous probability distribution
    is used, the following kinds are questions are
  • What is the probability that the rate of return
    will fall between say, 10 and 20?
  • What is the probability that the rate of return
    will be less than 0 or more than 25?

The Normal Distribution
  • The normal distribution, a continuous probability
    distribution, is the most commonly used
    probability distribution in investment finance.
  • Normal distribution resembles a bell shaped
  • It appears that stock returns, at least over
    short time intervals, are approximately normally
  • The following features of the normal distribution
    may be noted
  • It is completely characterized by just two
    parameters, viz. Expected return and standard
    deviation of return.
  • A bell-shaped distribution which is perfectly
    symmetric around the expected return.

  • Band Probability
  • One standard deviation 68.3
  • Two standard deviation 95.4
  • Three standard deviation 99.7
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