Karma: Actions that affect your next life. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Karma: Actions that affect your next life.


Key words Judaism Abraham The founder or father of Judaism ... Was it a natural disaster that was caused by God? * Religion & the environment Stewardship ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Karma: Actions that affect your next life.

Hinduism key words
  • Brahma Creator, the god that shows the creative
    part of Brahman.
  • Shiva Destroyer, the god that shows the part of
    Brahman that ends things.
  • Vishnu Protector, the god that shows the part of
    Brahman that protects things
  • Puja The ritual Hindus use when they worship
    every day
  • Dharma Duties you must do in life
  • Atman Like a soul. Every living thing has one.
    It is the part of living things that is Brahman
  • Karma Actions that affect your next life.
  • Brahman The one god or great Power. The energy
    that is in everything.
  • Moksha Escaping the cycle of rebirth. Becoming
    one with Brahman.
  • Om/Aum The sacred sound that Hindu prayers begin
  • Trimurti 3 gods that represent or show different
    parts of Brahmans personality.
  • Reincarnation The idea that when you die, your
    atman will be reborn into another living thing
  • Samsara The whole cycle of rebirth

Key words Judaism
Abraham The founder or father of Judaism (made the covenant with God)
Synagogue Jewish Holy Building
Hebrew Jewish writing
Torah A scroll. The Jewish Holy Book
Shabbat Jewish Holy Day. Sundown Friday to Sundown Saturday
Menorah Seven-branched candlestick
Star of David The symbol of Judaism
Kippah A skull cap worn by Jewish men in the synagogue (and some Jews wear them all the time)
Tallit A prayer robe
Circumcision Where a small piece of skin is removed from a baby boy.
(No Transcript)
Jews believe that the 10 plagues of Egypt were sent by God to punish the Pharaoh for keeping his Chosen people (the Jews) as slaves. Others believe science can explain everything! Jews believe that the 10 plagues of Egypt were sent by God to punish the Pharaoh for keeping his Chosen people (the Jews) as slaves. Others believe science can explain everything!
Religious View Natural or scientific explanation
God was angry because the Jews were being kept as slaves A volcano erupted in Santorini around the time that the plagues were thought to have happened. The effects of it could have spread as far as Egypt
Nile to blood There had been a volcano and the ash had changed the water so that red plants would grow
Frogs The plants poisoned the fish so they couldnt eat the frog spawn
Lice then flies The frogs died and attracted them
Death of cattle boils The lice and flies carried diseases and they bit animals and people
Hail and thunder The Ash from the volcano made huge clouds that caused storms
Locusts They find damp ground to lay eggs. The ground was damp because of the hail
Darkness The ash and smoke from the volcano covered up the sun
Death of the first born He was special and got all the grain. The grain was poisoned from the other plagues
Was it God? It says so in the Bible. Was it nature? It can be explained by a natural disaster. Was it just a coincidence (happened that way by chance) that it happened when the Jews needed it? Was it a natural disaster that was caused by God? Was it God? It says so in the Bible. Was it nature? It can be explained by a natural disaster. Was it just a coincidence (happened that way by chance) that it happened when the Jews needed it? Was it a natural disaster that was caused by God?
Religion the environment
  • Christianity
  • Pope John Paul II said that the earth was a gift
    from God and should be looked after we should
    always be aware of our actions.
  • Stewardship we should take care of the world
    because it comes from God.
  • Stewardship
  • - Humans have been given the responsibility to
    care for the environment for future generations
    so they can enjoy it.
  • Sacred
  • - Something really special and holy because it is
    given by God.
  • Interdependence
  • - all parts of the environment (including us) are
    connected and depend on each other.

  • Judaism
  • There is a Jewish story of a young man planting a
    tree that will not bear fruit for another 70
  • When asked he explains that he is planting the
    tree because his ancestors planted fruitful trees
    for him, now he wants to do the same for his
  • Stewardship we should look after the world for
    people in the future.

  • Islam
  • The prophet Muhammad said that when you plant
    trees or grow crops you are showing love to the
  • He also said that the earth is beautiful and God
    appointed humans to be stewards over it.
  • Stewardship God asked people to look after the
    world. Its what God wants.
  • Hinduism
  • Hindu teachings say that God lives in every
    corner of existence this makes the whole of
    creation sacred.
  • Interdependence everything in the world is part
    of God and people are all part of the world.
    Everything in the world should work together

  • Native American beliefs
  • Chief Seattle said that the earth does not belong
    to humans. Humans belong to the earth.
  • We are all connected by nature so what ever we do
    to nature, we do to ourselves.
  • Interdependence we all need each other. We
    should look after the environment because it
    affects us, and because we are all equal. Humans
    are not better and are not in charge. They
    cant use the environment however they like.

Christianity and war In favour of war
  • Attack the land of your enemies. Pursue, kill
    and completely destroy them,
    declares the LORD. Do everything I
    have commanded you. (Jeremiah 5021)
  • God allowed war against enemies
  • An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth
    (Exodus 2124)
  • The Bible says you can fight back and take
  • Defend people
  • Its right to protect yourself and others that
    cant protect themselves (protecting Gods
  • It could be a last resort
  • As long as all other ways for making peace
    have been tried first (so evil
    doesnt spread, and to make peace?)

Christianity and war against war
  • Do not take revenge on someone who wrongs you.
    If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, let him
    slap your left cheek also (Matthew 539)
  • It says in the Bible not to fight back
  • Blessed are the people who make peace because
    they are Gods children (Matthew 59
  • God will treat everyone like his child if they
    try to make peace instead of fighting. This means
    He will look after them
  • put down your sword, for those who live by the
    sword, die by the sword (Matthew 2652)
  • God warns that people who spend their time
    fighting will die in wars
  • It wont solve things
  • If people keep taking revenge then there will
    always be fighting

Should we be able to use animals to help humans?
  • For food?
  • As guide dogs?
  • Dogs used in the Armed Forces to sniff out
  • Dogs used to find survivors of disasters?
  • Eggs?
  • To test medicines?
  • To test cosmetics (make-up, shampoo etc)?
  • As pets?
  • To entertain us? (e.g. in zoos, circuses, riding
  • For clothing? (wool, fur, leather)
  • To work for us?
  • To watch in sports? (horse racing, dog racing?
  • Are people more important?

  • Yes
  • Animals may enjoy the sports/entertainment
  • Guide dogs help people and are well looked after
  • Dogs in the armed forces protect people
  • Eating free-range eggs doesnt damage the chicken
  • Medicines can make peoples lives better
  • People need to use cosmetics and keep clean, so
    they have to be safe
  • No
  • Animals cant tell us if theyre unhappy
  • They may not want to. It can be scary in loud,
    busy places
  • They could get hurt and they havent chosen it
  • Some chickens are kept in small spaces all their
  • They can get hurt/killed. They may not have the
    same effect on humans.
  • Cosmetics dont save lives. We dont NEED them.
    Animals arent meant to wear make-up!

  • Yes
  • Pets are well looked after and are part of the
  • Its entertaining and zoos can protect endangered
  • Making wool from sheep doesnt hurt them and
    leather is what is left over from eating beef
  • Lots of animals only exist because they are bred
    to work
  • Sports provide exercise for the dog and
    entertainment for people
  • No
  • Pets are sometimes treated badly and have to be
  • Circuses make animals do things they wouldnt do
    in the wild. Can hurt them to make them work
  • Animals are killed just for their fur and fur
    belongs on the animal
  • What will happen when the animal can no longer
  • Do the animals have any choice? What will happen
    when they cant perform the sport any more?

Some people think
  • Stewardship means that
  • People are in charge so can do what we want with
  • People are in charge and come first so we should
    use animals but still respect them
  • People have a duty and responsibility to look
    after all members of the environment equally.
    Animals should be treated equal to humans
  • Interdependence
  • We are all part of the same natural world so
    should be treated equally
  • We are all part of the same natural so have a
    responsibility to each other. Animals should work
    with and for people, and people should work with
    and for animals

Should everyone be a vegetarian?
  • No
  • Meat contains phosphorous. good for creating
    bones. Helps keep the kidney, brain and heart
  • It contains Amino Acids Helps your body create
    the energy it needs.
  • It contains vitamin B12 which gives healthy hair
    and nails
  • All these can be found in vegetables but contain
    more and are easier for the body to use if you
    get them from meat
  • Yes
  • We can get all the vitamins and minerals we need
    from things other than meat
  • We need fibre. Meat doesnt contain any of this
  • Also it is very high in saturated fats which
    arent very good for your heart.
  • It is expensive to keep animals in lots of space.
    Many meat farmers dont do this because customers
    wont pay that much for meat

  • No
  • The animals we eat are only here because they are
    bred for food
  • We can eat animals that have been kept in good
  • Stewardship means that we are in charge and can
    use them for food
  • Interdependence means that we are all part of the
    natural world and we can eat animals just like
    other animals eat each other
  • Yes
  • They are living things with feelings so they
    shouldnt be used for food
  • Because they are only seen as a product, they
    arent always treated well
  • Stewardship means that we have a duty to look
    after animals and eating them is not part of
    looking after them
  • Interdependence means that we are all equal in
    the natural world. Just as we dont want to be
    eaten, we shouldnt eat animals
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