Peer Review Process - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Peer Review Process


Peer Review Process & Alignment Study Joe Willhoft Assistant Superintendent of Assessment and Student Information Yoonsun Lee Director of Assessment and Psychometrics – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Peer Review Process

Peer Review Process Alignment Study Joe
Willhoft Assistant Superintendent of Assessment
and Student Information Yoonsun Lee Director of
Assessment and Psychometrics Office of
Superintendent of Public Instruction
  • Peer Review
  • Purpose of Peer Review
  • NCLB Peer Review Components
  • WA Peer Review Results
  • Alignment Study
  • Alignment Method
  • Alignment Study Example

NCLB Accountability Requirements
  • NCLB requires states to
  • Establish challenging standards
  • State must apply the same academic standards to
    all public schools and public school students
  • Standards include description of the knowledge,
    skills, and levels of achievement expected of all
  • Include at least mathematics, reading or language
    arts, and science
  • Develop aligned assessments
  • Build accountability systems for districts and
    schools based on educational results

NCLB Peer Review
  • Each states standards and accountability program
    is subject to review and must be approved by a
    panel of peers
  • Panels consist of three assessment professionals
  • States submit documentation that the state has
    met the requirements for each of seven critical
  • Categories of approval Not Approved, Approval
    Pending, Approval Expected, Fully Approved (with
    or without recommendations)

NCLB Peer Review
  • Review August 6, 2008 Letter

Seven Peer Review Critical Elements
  1. Challenging academic content standards
  2. Challenging academic achievement standards
  3. System of annual high-quality assessments
  4. System of assessments with high technical quality
  5. Alignment of academic content standards, academic
    achievement standards, and assessments
  6. Inclusion of all students in the assessment
  7. An effective system of assessment reports

Seven Peer Review Critical Elements
  • Each table discuss two elements
  • Table 1 Discuss Elements 1 2
  • Table 2 Review Elements 2 3
  • Table 3 Review Elements 3 4, etc.
  • Discussion
  • 1. What does this element mean?
  • 2. How does Washington addresses this element?
  • 3. What impact does this element have on schools?
  • Be prepared to report out

Table Discussion
  • Challenging academic content standards
  • Challenging academic achievement standards
  • System of annual high-quality assessments
  • System of assessments with high technical quality
  • Alignment of academic content standards, academic
    achievement standards, and assessments
  • Inclusion of all students in the assessment
  • An effective system of assessment reports
  • What does this element mean?
  • How does Washington addresses this element?
  • What impact does this element have on schools?

NCLB Peer Review
  • Review May 5, 2006 Letter

1. Challenging Academic Content Standards
  • States must develop a set of challenging academic
    content standards. Standards must
  • develop grade specific expectations in addition
    to its standards
  • define the knowledge and skills that are expected
    of all students prior to graduation (high school
  • be rigorous and encourage the teaching of
    advanced skills
  • Standards review by external panel
  • Careful review of the grade level expectations
    development process with curriculum and
    assessment personnel
  • Online survey to gather feedback on refinements
    to the standards

2. Challenging Academic Achievement Standards
  • Academic achievement standards must
  • include at least three achievement levels (e.g.,
    basic, proficient, and advanced). Proficient and
    advanced must represent high achievement and
    basic must represent achievement that is not yet
  • Include descriptions of the content-based
    competencies associated with each level.
    Cutscores must be established through a process
    that involves both expert judgments and
    consideration of assessment results.
  • Be aligned with the states academic content
    standards in that they capture the full range and
    depth of knowledge and skills defined in the
    states academic content standards.

3. Alternate Academic Achievement Standards
  • A state is permitted to define alternate
    achievement standards to evaluate the achievement
    of students with the most significant cognitive
    disabilities. Alternate academic achievement
    standards must
  • Be aligned with the states academic content
    standards for the grade in which the student is
  • Be challenging for eligible students, but may be
    less difficult than the grade level academic
    achievement standards
  • Include at least three achievement levels
  • Be developed through a documented and validated
    standards setting process that includes broad
    stakeholder input.

4. System of Annual High-Quality Assessments
  • NCLB requires states to develop a single
    statewide system of high quality assessments. All
    public school students must participate in this
    assessment system including those with
    disabilities and those who are not yet proficient
    in English.
  • Reading and Mathematics components of the
    assessment systems in place by the 2005-2006
    school year (science by 2007-2008) and must be
    administered annually to all students in each of
    grades 3-8 and at least once to students in the
    10-12 grade range.

4. System of Annual High-Quality Assessments
  • The States assessment system should involve
    multiple measures that assess higher-order
    thinking skills and understanding of challenging
  • WASL includes multiple measures (multiple choice,
    short answer, and extended response items) to
    assess higher order thinking skills and different
    levels of cognitive complexity.

System of Assessments with High Technical Quality
  • The Standards for Educational and Psychological
    Testing delineates the characteristics of
    high-quality assessments and describes the
    processes that a state can employ to ensure that
    its assessments and use of results are
    appropriate, credible, and technically
  • Validity
  • Reliability
  • Other dimensions of technical quality

System of Assessments with High Technical Quality
  • Validity Whether the State has evidence that the
    assessment results can be interpreted in a manner
    consistent with their intended purpose(s).
  • Evidence based on test content
  • Evidence based on the assessments relation to
    other variables
  • Evidence based on student response processes
  • Evidence from internal structure

  • Evidence based on test content (Content
    validity) alignment of the standards and the
  • Content validity is important but not sufficient.
    States must document not only the surface aspects
    of validity illustrated by a good content match
    but also the more substantive aspects of validity
    that clarify the real meaning of a score
  • For WASL, content validity is confirmed by
    content specialists (teachers, curriculum and
    assessment specialists) by examining if each item
    is aligned with content standards.

  • Evidence based on the assessments relation to
    other variables Demonstrate the validity of an
    assessment by confirming its positive
    relationship with other assessments or evidence
    that is known or assumed to be valid.
  • If students who do well on the assessment in
    question also do well on some trusted assessment
    or rating such as teachers judgments.

System of Assessments with High Technical Quality
  • Evidence based on student response processes
    Eliminate sources of test invalidity during the
    test development process through reviews for
    ambiguity, irrelevant clues, and inaccuracy.

  • Evidence based on internal structure Use
    statistical techniques to study the structure of
    a test.
  • Item correlations
  • Generalizability analyses
  • Factor analysis

  • Reliability is defined with consistency,
    stability and accuracy.
  • States assessment systems are obliged to
  • Make a reasonable effort to determine the types
    of error that may distort interpretations of the
  • Estimate their magnitude
  • Make every possible effort to alert the users to
    this lack of certainty

  • Traditional methods of portraying the consistency
    of test results are
  • Reliability coefficients
  • Standard errors of measurement
  • Actual level of accuracy
  • Actual level of consistency

Other Dimensions of Technical Quality
  • Fairness/Accessibility
  • Do the items and tasks provide an equal
    opportunity for all students to fully demonstrate
    their knowledge and skills?
  • Are the assessments administered in ways that
    ensure fairness?
  • Are the results reported in ways that ensure
  • Are the results interpreted or used in ways that
    leads to equal treatment?

Other Dimensions of Technical Quality
  • Comparability of results
  • Comparability from year to year, from student to
    student, and from school to school
  • Procedures for test administration, scoring, data
    analysis, and reporting
  • Are the assessments properly administered?
  • Are directions followed?
  • Are test security requirements clearly specified
    and followed?

Other Dimensions of Technical Quality
  • Interpretation and use of results
  • Do the results reflect the goals of instruction,
    especially those related to higher-order thinking
    and understanding?
  • Use of accommodations
  • Are appropriate accommodations available to
    students with disabilities and students covered
    by Section 504?
  • Are appropriate accommodations available to
    limited English proficient students ?
  • Do scores for those students (disabilities,
    limited English proficient) allow for valid
    inferences about students knowledge and skills
    and can be combined meaning fully with sores from
    none-accommodated administration circumstances?

5. Alignment of academic content standards,
achievement standards, and assessments
  • Do a States assessments adequately measure the
    knowledge and skills specified in the States
    academic content standards?
  • Do the assessments cover the full range of
    content specified in the States academic content
  • Do the assessments measure both the content and
    the process aspects of the academic content
  • Do the assessments reflect the full range of
    cognitive complexity and level of difficulty of
    the concepts and processes descried in the
    States academic content standards?

5. Alignment of academic content standards,
achievement standards, and assessments
  • Alignment studies should
  • Demonstrate the breath and depth of the match
    between assessments and content standards.
  • Demonstrate that the performance descriptors are
    consistent with the demands of the test content
    and content standards.
  • Document the link between alternate assessments
    based on alternate achievement standards and
    grade level content standards.

6. Inclusion of All Students in the Assessment
  • Inclusion of all students in a States system of
    standards, assessments, and accountability
  • For students with disabilities and for students
    who are not yet proficient in English,
    participation in the States assessment system
    may require special considerations.
  • For LEP students who have been in school in the
    U.S. for less than 12 months, regulations permit
    the State to substitute participation in the
    Sates English proficiency test for participation
    in the grade level reading test for one year only

7. An effective system of assessment reports
  • Do a parent, educator, or other stakeholder find
    answers to questions about how well a student or
    group of students is achieving, as well as
    important information on how to improve
    achievement in the future?
  • Do States produce reports at the individual
    student, school, LEA, and State levels?
  • Reports must include scores that are aligned with
    the Sates academic content standards.

Peer Review Process
  • To determine whether or not states have met NCLB
    standards and assessments requirements, the U.S.
    Dept. of Education use a peer review process
    involving experts (peer reviewers) in the fields
    of standards and assessments.
  • Peer reviewers examine characteristics of a
    States assessment system that will be used to
    hold schools and school districts accountable
    under NCLB.
  • Peer reviewers advise the Dept. of Education on
    whether a State assessment system meets a
    particular requirement based on totality of
    evidence submitted.

WA Peer Review Results
  • In August, 2008 Washingtons standards and
    assessment system were approved.
  • The decision was based on input from peer
    reviewers external to the U.S. Dept of Education
    who reviewed the evidence demonstrating that
    Washingtons system includes academic content and
    student academic achievement standards in
    reading, mathematics, and science alternate
    academic achievement standards for students with
    the most significant cognitive disabilities in
    those subjects.

  • WA Alignment Study

Science Alignment Study
  • How does the WASL align with Essential Academic
    Learning Requirements (EALRs) and Grade Level
    Expectations (GLEs) in science at the 5th, 8th,
    and 10th grade levels?
  • Panels of educators participated in this study.
  • The primary task was to evaluate how well score
    points from the WASL science assessments matched
    the state GLEs in terms of content and cognitive

  • Frisbie (2003) Webb (1997)
  • Judgments
  • Cognitive complexity of GLEs and EOLs
  • Cognitive complexity of score points for each
  • Content fit of score points with GLEs and EOLs
  • Scoring guides and exemplar responses for score
    points were available for review by panelists
  • Two-stage procedure
  • Independent judgment
  • Group consensus discussion and recommendation

  • 14 science educators participated in the
    alignment study based on geographic information
    and school size.
  • The participants had content and assessment
  • The panelist review was facilitated by an
    independent contractor, who also wrote the
    summary report

  • Panelists were asked to rate the cognitive
    complexity for each GLE and Evidence of Learning
    (EOL). Three levels of complexity were used
  • Level1 - Conceptual understanding and
    comprehension Assessment items, GLEs, or EOLs at
    this level focus on remembering facts,
    comprehension of concepts, recognizing attributes
    of a process and understanding ideas. Assessment
    items at this level might ask examinees to
    identify, recognize, recall, classify, summarize,
    or compare.

  • Level 2 Application, analysis, synthesis, and
    evaluation Assessment items, GLEs, or EOLs at
    this level focus on application of concepts and
    ideas to human problems and situations through
    predictive analysis, synthesis of information and
    evaluation of situations or problems. Assessment
    items at this level might ask examinees to
    conclude, plan, differentiate, critique, create
    new ideas or meaning, design, explain, evaluate,
    or organize.
  • Unclassifiable This level applies when a GLE or
    EOL is worded so ambiguously that it is not
    possible to determine how students are expected
    to interact with the content.

  • After rating the cognitive complexity for each
    GLE and Evidence of Learning (EOL), panelists
    evaluated the degree of fit between item (or
    score point for CR items) and the EOL the item is
    designed to assess. Three levels of fit were
  • C Complete fit the main content required to
    answer the item correctly is contained in the
    GLE/EOL. If the student gets the item right, this
    is one relevant piece of information about the
    students level of achievement of the content
    stated in the GLE/EOL

  • P - Partial fit A significant portion of the
    content required to answer the item correctly is
    embodies in the GLE/EOL. But there is additional,
    significant understanding required that is
    represented by some other GLE/EOL. If the student
    gets the item (point) right, it is because the
    student has some other significant knowledge that
    is not part of this GLE/EOL
  • S - Slight fit There is some relationship
    between the item content and the content of the
    EOL, but much more is needed to answer the item
    correctly. Alignment would probably be more
    complete with some other GLE/EOL, or it might
    take several GLE/EOLs to cover the content of the
    item sufficiently.
  • X - No fit the item does not fit the content of
    any GLE/EOL

2007 Results Grade 5
  • Overall
  • All score points judged to align to one GLE
  • Coverage is balanced across content and cognitive
  • Systems of Science
  • 20 score points
  • Inquiry in Science
  • 20 score points
  • Application of Science
  • 9 score points

2007 Results Grade 8
  • Overall
  • All score points judged to align to at least one
  • Coverage is balanced across content and cognitive
  • Systems of Science
  • 27 score points
  • Inquiry in Science
  • 24 score points
  • Application of Science
  • 12 score points

2007 Results Grade 10
  • Overall
  • All score points judged to align to at least one
  • Coverage is balanced across content and cognitive
  • Systems of Science
  • 31 score points
  • Inquiry in Science
  • 27 score points
  • Application of Science
  • 9 score points

  • Results suggest increasingly challenging content
    standards across grade levels.
  • Score points were balanced across GLEs on content
    and cognitive complexity.
  • Panelists evaluation ratings and comments were
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