- Barbara Pennipede
- Associate Director of Assessment
- Office of Planning, Assessment and Research
- March 2002
- What is assessment?
- Why is assessment important to Pace University?
- Why assessment in Administrative and Educational
Support Units (AES) - Steps in developing an assessment plan for your
3What is assessment?
- Assessment is the systematic collection, review
and use of information about educational programs
undertaken for the purpose of improving student
learning and development. (
Marchese 1987)
4The Importance of Assessment to Pace University
- To improve the effects of teaching on student
learning and development - To examine and enhance institutional
effectiveness - To advance the reputation and image of Pace
through the quality of its programs
5The Importance of Assessment to Pace University
- To attract and retain qualified students
- To maintain and strengthen its standing among its
competitors - To satisfy the requirements of accrediting
6Statement by the Middle States Commission
- An accredited institution is characterized by
- Linkage of outcomes assessment to the
institutions ongoing planning and resource
allocation process and to strategic efforts to
improve institutional quality.
7Why Assessment in Administrative and Education
Support Units?
- To know if we are offering the right services and
how well we are providing them
8Reasons Often Cited
- Effective linking of AES services to academic
programs - Accreditation requirements
- Continuous quality improvement
- Institutional effectiveness
9Administrative and Education Support Units
- Educational Support
- May not be primarily instructional or academic
- Contributes directly to student learning or
- Administrative
- Provide services which maintain the institution
- Are essential to its operations
- No direct impact on instructional programs
10Underlying Assumptions for Assessment in AES
- The primary aim of assessment is the continuous
improvement of campus operations, especially as
they support and promote the Universitys
teaching and learning environment - Assessment is to be embedded as part of the
normal order of business - Assessment will be a cyclic process and an
ongoing unit or programmatic activity.
11Steps for Assessment Process
- Establish a linkage to the Universitys Mission
and Goals - Prepare the Unit Mission Statement
- Formulate Measurable Objectives
- Identify Activities and Strategies to Achieve
Objectives - Identify Unit Means of Assessment and Criteria
for Success - Conduct Assessment Activities
- Document use of Results for Service Improvements
12The Pace University Mission Statement
- In keeping with its motto, Opportunitas, Pace
University offers qualified students the
opportunity to discover and fulfill their
potential. At Pace, supportive and challenging
programs prepare graduates for meaningful lives
and successful careers in a rapidly changing
world. The Universitys commitments combine
respect for traditional academic values with
readiness to meet the challenges of the future
with energy and innovation.
13Pace Mission Statement Core Values
- Giving highest priority to teaching and learning
- Placing the liberal arts and sciences at the
center of undergraduate education - Stressing critical thinking, communication, and
technological competence as essential skills - Fostering intellectual growth, ethical maturity,
and civic responsibility
14Core Values continued
- Balancing theory with practical applications
- Responding to the individual needs of an
increasingly diverse society and global economy - Preparing students for an increasingly diverse
society and global economy - Emphasizing service as an integral part of
teaching and life-long learning
15Pace Mission Statement Commitments
- Access and opportunity for qualified students of
diverse backgrounds - Maintaining collegiality and the free exchange of
ideas - Engaging students actively in the learning
process - Involving students and faculty in decision-making
16Pace Mission Statement Commitments continued
- Managing the University responsively,
effectively, and with financial responsibility - Providing an excellent, affordable private
education - Continuing experimentation in the use of new
technologies to support more effective teaching
and extend educational opportunities
17Pace Mission Statement
- Our assets, values, and commitments enable us to
further individual opportunities to learn, teach,
and expand knowledge. Thus, Pace University
continues to embody Opportunitas, renewing this
theme for new generations to whom we offer an
education focused on student achievement and the
promotion of patterns of living and learning that
will enlighten and endure.
18Characteristics of Unit Mission Statement
- Describes the purpose of the unit, services and
clients - Is brief in length
- Provides linkage to and support of University
mission and goals - Is understood and accepted by employees within
the unit
19Examples of AES Mission Statements
- Career Center
- Library
- Accounting Office
20Formulate AES Objectives
- Purpose of objectives
- support the Units mission statement
- provide the linkage to the means of
- assessment
21Types of AES Objectives
- Process Oriented
- Volume of unit activity
- Efficiency
- Compliance
- Outcomes Oriented
- Effectiveness
- Attitudinal Oriented
- Satisfaction
- What unit intends to accomplish
- What clients are able to do after receiving AES
services - How satisfied are clients with AES services
22Formulating Unit Administrative Objectives
- Administrative Objectives should be
- Linked to the Unit Mission Statement
- Realistic
- Limited in number
- Measurable
23Choosing the Short List of Administrative
- Administrative Objectives initially chosen should
be - Targeted on those areas that can be improved
using currently available resources and personnel - Related to the services the unit provides
- Relatively easy to assess within one cycle
- Directly under the control of the AES unit
24Identifying the Means of Assessment
- When will assessment activities take place?
- Where will we find information that will reflect
accomplishment of our objective? - Exactly How will the assessment be
accomplished? - How well should the unit perform on the means
of assessment identified, if the unit is
functioning the way it should?
25Common Assessment Activities
- Client satisfaction measures
- Direct counts
- Results of external evaluation
- Outcome measures
26Unit Criteria of Success
- Identify a reasonable level of service
improvement to expect given the resources and
personnel of the unit - Set performance levels as reference points or
benchmarks - Select a percentage of improvement for its
services - Use peer institutions who provide the same
service to help identify
27Use of Results for Service Improvement
- Changes in organizational structure
- Changes in process procedures
- Relations with the constituencies
- Changes in assessment procedures
- Changes to comply with regulatory requirements
- Internal resource reallocation
- Justification for additional resources