Title: Welcome to
1Welcome to Bedfordshire Police
2We are pleased to share
some important news
3Latest figures
Show overall crime has fallen by 10 in the 12
month period to June 2012
which has pushed the Force up the national
performance rankings
4Success looks like
Domestic burglary down 19 Violence against
person down 11 Sexual offences down 10
Bedfordshire has seen some of the largest
reductions in crime rates in England and Wales.
Overall crime levels are again less than the
national average.
5The Force remains determined to drive down those
crimes that most harm communities as well as to
bringing to justice those responsible.
Chief Constable Alf Hitchcock
6Our move to a revised policing model
Makes us even more effective
And more efficient
Overall crime falling by 6.5 per cent
7We put resources where they are most needed
8We are clear on our aims
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11Contacting Bedfordshire Police is simple...
12101 is our new non-emergency number
- You should call 101 to report crime and other
concerns that do not require an emergency
response. - For example
- Stolen cars
- If you suspect drug dealing/taking
- To give information about crime in your area
- To speak to your Local Policing Team
13Thank You for your interest
14Created by Internal Communications
Keeping it Simple
Images by Bedfordshire Police Photographic