Title: Ancient Egypt and Nubia
1Chapter 3
2The Geography of the Nile
- I. Nile is the worlds largest river
- A. Flows from central Africa to Mediterranean
Sea (4,000 miles)
3The Geography of the Nile
- B. Two main sources White Nile and Blue Nile
- C. Flows North to Mediterranean Sea
4The Geography of the Nile
- D. Cataracts a rock filled rapid in a river
5The Geography of the Nile
- 1. Lower Nubia between First and Second
Cataracts - 2. Upper Nubia between Second and Sixth
6The Geography of the Nile
- 3. Upper Egypt North of the First Cataract
- 4. Lower Egypt further north fertile marshy
7The Geography of the Nile
- E. Delta the place at the mouth of a river
where it splits into several streams to form an
area shaped like a triangle
8The Geography of the Nile
- F. Silt rich, fertile soil deposited by the
flooding of a river
9The Geography of the Nile
- G. Floods deposit rich soil ideal for farming
- H. Black Land and Red Land
10The Geography of the Nile
- 1. Called land Kemet the black land
- 2. Dark soil left by flooding
11The Geography of the Nile
- 3. Desert the red land
- a. Beyond fertile river banks
12The Geography of the Nile
- b. Useless for farming
- c. Protection from invaders
13The Geography of the Nile
- II. Civilizations
- A. Communities along Nile delta in lower Egypt
4000 B.C.
14The Geography of the Nile
- B. Communities in Nubia 3800 B.C.
- C. Importance of trade
15The Geography of the Nile
- 1. Nile River
- 2. Caravans to Mesopotamia
- 3. Gold, silver, copper, and pottery
16The Geography of the Nile
- D. Trade in Egypt possible by sailing upriver or
downriver - E. Trade in Nubia possible by land only due to
17Egypts Kings and Queens
- I. Important terms
- A. Dynasty a family of rulers
18Egypts Kings and Queens
- B. Pharaoh the title of the kings of ancient
Egypt - 1. Had absolute power over their people
19Egypts Kings and Queens
- 2. Decisions became law
- 3. Were also religious leaders
20Egypts Kings and Queens
- C. Regent someone who rules for a child until
the child is old enough to rule
21Egypts Kings and Queens
- II. Important Kingdoms and Rulers
- A. Menes
- 1. Began first dynasty
22Egypts Kings and Queens
- 2. United Upper and Lower Egypt
- 3. Built city of Memphis
23Egypts Kings and Queens
- B. Old Kingdom
- 1. Good rulers
- 2. Well-run government
24Egypts Kings and Queens
- C. Middle Kingdom
- 1. Restored order after end of Old Kingdom
25Egypts Kings and Queens
- 2. Sponsored irrigation projects
- 3. Built canal between Nile and Red Sea
26Egypts Kings and Queens
- 4. Lost control to foreign invaders
27Egypts Kings and Queens
- D. New Kingdom
- 1. Drove out invaders
- 2. Developed large armies
28Egypts Kings and Queens
- E. Hatshepsut
- 1. Stepmother of Thutmose III
- 2. Appointed regent
29Egypts Kings and Queens
- 3. Had herself proclaimed pharaoh
- 4. Ruled during time of peace and economic
30Egypts Kings and Queens
- F. Thutmose III
- 1. One of the greatest pharaohs of New Kingdom
31Egypts Kings and Queens
- 2. Conquered many lands for Egypt
- 3. Educated man studied plants
32Egypts Kings and Queens
- 4. Treated conquered people with mercy
33Egyptian Religion
- I. Important Terms
- A. Afterlife the next life, in which the dead
are believed to live again
34Egyptian Religion
- B. Mummy a dead body preserved in lifelike
35Egyptian Religion
- C. Pyramid a huge building with four sloping
outside walls shaped like triangles. In Egypt,
pyramids were built as royal tombs.
36Egyptian Religion
- II. Religion
- A. Polytheistic society
37Egyptian Religion
- B. Religion explained workings of nature
- C. Tried to please gods
38Egyptian Religion
- D. Gods
- 1. Osiris god of living and dead afterlife
39Egyptian Religion
- 2. Amon-Re chief god
- 3. Isis wife of Osiris
40Egyptian Religion
- III. Afterlife
- A. Bodies mummified to exist in afterlife
41Egyptian Religion
- B. Pyramid tomb for pharaoh
- a. 20 or more years to build
42Egyptian Religion
- b. West bank of Nile
- c. Hard and dangerous work
43Egyptian Religion
- d. Possessions buried with pharaoh
44Culture of Egyptians
- I. Key Terms
- A. Hieroglyphs a kind of picture writing in
which some pictures stand for ideas or things and
others stand for sounds
45Culture of Egyptians
- B. Papyrus an early form of paper made from a
reedlike plant found in the marshy areas of the
Nile delta
46Culture of Egyptians
- C. Astronomer A scientist who studies the
stars and other objects in the sky
47Culture of Egyptians
- II. Social Classes
- A. Pharaoh
- B. Upper Class
48Culture of Egyptians
- 1. priests
- 2. members of pharaohs court
- 3. nobles
49Culture of Egyptians
- C. Middle Class
- 1. merchants
- 2. skilled workers
50Culture of Egyptians
- D. Peasants
- 1. farm labor, built roads and temples.
- 2. by far the largest class
51Culture of Egyptians
- E. Slaves
- 1. prisoners from wars
- 2. a separate class
- 3. had some rights
52Culture of Egyptians
- F. Women
- 1. had most of the rights of men
- 2. noble women had special rights
53Culture of the Egyptians
- III. A land of great learning
- A. Writing
- 1. keep track of growing wealth
- 2. make new symbols for complicated ideas
54Culture of Egyptians
- 3. began writing on papyrus
- a. Much more convenient than clay tablets
55Culture of Egyptians
- 4. Rosetta stone discovered in 1799
- A. Found near city of Rosetta
- B. Translated hieroglyphs into Greek
56Culture of Egyptians
- B. Science
- 1. Astronomers used skies to determine when Nile
would flood - 2. Found 365 days make a year
57Culture of Egyptians
- C. Medicine
- 1. Performed surgeries
58Culture of Egyptians
- 2. Set broken bones and treated spine injuries
59Culture of Egyptians
- 3. Practiced herbalism
- a. Creating medicine from plants
60Culture of Egyptians
- Artisans a worker who is skilled in making