Title: A Brief History of Space Exploration
1A Brief History of Space Exploration
- Focus on manned space flight
- Little emphasis on non-US contributions
- VERY limited highlights of unmanned missions
2Robert Goddard
- Father of American
Rocketry - First liquid propelled rocket - 1926
3Dr. Werner von Braun
- Leader of Nazi rocketry research
- Inventor of the V-2 Rocket
- War criminal? Victim of Nazi scorched Earth?
- American hero?
4I have learned to use the word "impossiblewith
the greatest caution.
- Slated for execution to prevent capture by the
Allies - A prize for which the Russians and Americans
competed - Surrendered to Americans
- Became the father of the U.S. space program
5Sputnik October 4, 1957October Sky
6The Space Race
- Sputnik puts America into near panic
- 4/12/61 USSR puts Yuri Gagarin into space
- America Responds with Project Mercury
7Project Mercury The Right Stuff
- Mercury Redstone Rocket
- Single astronaut
- First U.S. manned ballistic flight Alan
Shephard 5/5/61
8Astronaut and SenatorJohn Glenn
- Mercury Freedom 7
- First American to orbit Earth 2/20/62
- Oldest person to travel in space (Space Shuttle)
9Liberty 7 on the seafloor
10Project Gemini
- Titan Rocket
- Two astronauts
- First Space Walk (EVA)
- Rendezvous with Agena modules and with other
Gemini capsules
11Gemini capsule
12Ed White Gemini 4 EVA
13Mercury and Gemini preludes to Apollo Project
14Apollo 8 Liftoff from KSC12/21/68
15Earthrise from lunar orbit Apollo 8
16Apollo 11 Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, Edwin
Buzz AldrinJuly 16, 1969
17Apollo 11 LM Eagle
18Houston, the Eagle has landed.
19Neil Armstrong First Man on the Moon
20Buzz Aldrin second man on the moon
21Lunar Rock fromApollo 11 Mission
22Buzz Aldrin
23Apollo 11 American Heroes
24Earthrise from lunar orbit
25Apollo 17 Lunar Rover 12/72
26Apollo 17 Geologist Harrison Schmidt
27Apollo 17 Harrison Schmidt and Lunar Rover
28Apollo 17 Astronaut Harrison Schmitt in the field
with Oneonta Alumni and Students - 2003
29Skylab a bridge between Apollo and the Shuttle
- 1973
30Space Shuttle 1980s to present (?)
31Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster
- January 28, 1986
- Shuttle blows up 73 seconds after liftoff
- Six professional astronauts a spectrum of
America - Christa McAuliffe first teacher in space
32HST precious cargo for the Shuttle
33Hubble Space Telescope
34Hubble probes the mysteries of the cosmos
35Soyuz the Russian endeavor
36Mir a record of Russian accomplishment
37Gene and Carolyn Shoemaker
- Gene Shoemaker a would-be astronaut
- Geologist and land-based explorer of space
- Pioneer in study of impact structures
38Shoemaker-Levy 9 and Jupiter
39Scar from Shoemaker-Levy 9
40Some Current Efforts
- International Space Station
- Search for extra-terrestrial planets
- Monitoring Earths atmosphere
- Sofia Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared
Astronomy - Mars Global Surveyor
- Mars Rovers
41Unmanned Exploration
- Mars Pathfinder and Sojourner Rover
42Mars Pathfinder
43Panorama from surface of Mars
- Messenger will arrive at Mercury in 2011
- Begin 1 year orbit to image and map surface