Title: University%20of%20California,%20Berkeley%20Space%20Sciences%20Lab
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2University of California, BerkeleySpace Sciences
- Established 1958
- Supports science by UCB faculty
- Balloons, rockets, and satellites
- SETI_at_Home
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7CHIPSA NASA University ExplorerAstronomy
- Will Marchant
- UC Berkeley Space Sciences Lab
8CHIPS Program Overview
- PI-Mode Mission awarded in 99 to UCB Space
Science Lab - Principle Investigator Dr. Mark Hurwitz
- Management, Systems Eng., Instrumentation,
Mission Ops at SSL - Spacecraft Bus provided by SpaceDev, Inc.
- Small 64kg SC carrying a single extreme
ultraviolet (EUV) Spectrometer - First University Explorer (UNEX) to make it to
orbit - Launched from VAFB on January 12th, 2003
- Secondary Payload on a Delta II Launch Vehicle
- Mission Objectives
- Measure extreme ultraviolet emissions from the
interstellar medium (90 to 260 Å) - Test competing theories on the formation of hot
interstellar gas plasma surrounding our solar
system. - Initial science results presented at AAS High
Energy Astrophysics Division, March 2003.
9Soft X-ray Sky Map (from ROSAT)
Soft X-ray sky map of Snowden et al. Most of the
diffuse local emission is believed to arise in a
hot (106 K) plasma within the nearest 100 pc.
Discrete features include supernova remnants,
etc. The diffuse background brightens generally
near, but not precisely at, the Galactic poles.
10Emission Line Spectrum of 106 K Gas with Local
ISM Attenuation
Emission spectrum of 106 K gas attenuated by
local cloud of 2E18 cm-2. Solar abundance and
collisional ionization equilibrium are assumed.
Brightest lines Fe X 174.6Å, Fe IX 171.1Å, Fe
XI180.4Å, Fe XII 186.9Å
11CHIPS Observational / Science Goals
- Perform spectroscopic sky mapping at EUV
wavelengths (90 - 260 Å) of diffuse emission from
hot plasma in the local bubble. - Characterize properties of the local hot plasma
(temperature, abundances, ionization state /
history, density / morphology, etc.). - Test models of the cooling rate of hot plasma in
the local bubble, and by inference, elsewhere.
12Spacecraft Bus
- 70 kg
- 3-axis stabilized
- /- 2 attitude
- no propulsion
- survival solar panels
- S-band links
- Full hemisphere RF
- 18 month design
13Spacecraft 1
14Spacecraft 2
15Spacecraft Block Diagram
16Science Instrument Layout
17Science Instrument Layout
18CHIPS Instrument Summary
- Six entrance slits (adjustable closed / wide /
narrow limited cycles) - Three pick-off mirrors to coalign fields of view
in one dimension - Six identical replica cylindrical VLS
diffraction gratings - Master ruled by Hitachi Naka Works
- All substrates, replication by Hyperfine Inc.
- Single MCP detector XDL anode thin-film
filters - Filters by Luxel Corp.
- Once-open vacuum box door
- All actuators shape-memory alloy
19CHIPS Diffraction Grating Array
The six credit-card sized diffraction gratings of
the CHIPS spectrograph
20CHIPS Detector Door
21Calibration Image Spectrum Coordinate System
Field of view filled w/ collimated beam sweeps
multiple source spectra coadded
22Field of View
4.5 º
25 º
23CHIPS Performance Overview
- Field of View 5º x 25º no imaging within
field - Useful Bandpass 90 260 Å
- FWHM Spectral Resolution
- Narrow Slits 1.4 Å peak 2 Å at bandpass
edges - Wide Slits 3.7 Å
- Sensitivity to Key Iron Lines in Sky Survey
Resel 15º x 25º - Narrow Slits 26 photons / (cm2 sec ster)
- Wide Slits 12 photons / (cm2 sec ster)
24Satellite During Environmental Testing at KAFB
25Integration with Launch Vehicle
CHIPS integration into DPAF lower cone
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29Launch VAFB 12 January 2003
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31Deployment Sequence
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33Key Event Time-Line
- Launch 1/12/03
- First Communication with Spacecraft 1/12/03
- SC commanded from Safehold to Nominal Mode
1/15/03 - SC commanded to Detumble Mode 1/20/03
- SC commanded to Pointing Mode 1/23/03
- CHIPS Instrument powered on 1/24/03
- Vacuum Box Door opened 1/26/03
- Instrument High Voltage turned on 1/29/03
- All Covers opened to wide slits 2/01/03
- 1st Lunar Pointing 2/15/03
- 1st Lunar Calibration 3/17/03
- All Covers moved to narrow slits 4/07/03
- 2nd Lunar Calibration 4/16/03
34Early CHIPS Targets
35Flight Detector Image (wide slits)
He II Lyman ? and ? (256, 243 Å)
Hot spot removed in ground s/w
36Preliminary Limits on Raymond Smith Undepleted
- Emission measure lt 0.0004 cm-6 pc (95
confidence) at low / moderate galactic latitudes - Equivalently, combined strength of iron features
lt 20 photons / cm2 sec ster (95 confidence)
37How Do We Know CHIPS is Working as Designed?
- Pre-flight calibration of components showed
fair-to-average efficiencies not unrealistic /
overly optimistic values - Pre-flight end-to-end calibration in excellent
agreement (15) with product of components
despite months of abuse (repeated vibration
tests of optical subsytem, etc.) - Instrument purged with N2 virtually continuously
after end-to-end calibration. TQCM data show
negligible contamination during thermal-vacuum
test. - On-orbit response to geocoronal He II Lyman
series consistent with nominal response curve - On-orbit response to stray He I (in aluminum
panels) consistent with nominal response curve - On-orbit response to full moon consistent with
nominal response curve
38Spectrum of Full Moon 3/18/03 (10,500 s)
39More Recent CHIPS Target on ROSAT 0.1 2 keV NGP
l 90
l 0
40Mission Operations
- End-to-end use of the Internet
- Early systems integration
- Test the same way youll fly
- Appropriate levels of security
41Description of Ground Segment
- CHIPSat uses the Internet as the backbone for
carrying telemetry and commands to and from the
spacecraft - In addition, the RF link is IP-based
- Ground stations contain a router and Switchbox
connected to the Internet - Security provided by VPN to ground stations
- Ground stations
- BGS at UC Berkeley (aka the R-HESSI station)
- ITR at Univ. of S. Australia (aka the Adelaide
station) - WFF (Wallops Flight Facility)
42How It Stacks Up
Satellite RF
Ethernet or HDLC
Custom Sockets SNTP
Downlink FTP - Stored Science Data FTP - Stored
H/Keeping Data Uplink FTP Stored timed-file
Downlink UDP - Real-Time Science Data UDP -
Real-Time H/Keeping Data Uplink UDP - All
real-time commanding
43Ground Segment / Communications Overview
SpaceDev Router
MCC client
MCC server
MCC client
SpaceDev Router
(e.g.) Adelaide (ITR)
44Satellite Ground Track
45MCC S/C Core Telemetry Page
46MCC ACS Telemetry Page
47MCC S/C Core Telemetry Line Graphs
48Flatsat and Hardware In the Loop (HWIL or HITL
or HWITL) ACS Simulator
- Any new command, script, or software change is
tested on the s/c flatsat and ACS HWIL simulator
prior to be sent to CHIPSat - ACS sensor/actuator simulator provides ability to
test a variety of environmental scenarios on the
ACS code - Flatsat has its own MCC and Router for end-to-end
49Secure Networking I
- VPN utilizes multiple Internet Protocol Security
(IPSec) tunnels - Provides Authentication and Encryption
- As used in corporate transactions
- Only pre-authorized computers have access to s/c
resources - MCC Computers are password protected
- Written details of architecture secure
- Implementation can be at any site with a fixed
IP-address, PC and Windows OS
50Secure Networking II
Features are Ground Segment Wide
51UCB Operations Center
BGS Antenna, Equipment Racks and FOT Workstations
at the UCB Mission Operations Center
52Missions Supported
Launch 21 Aug 1996 05 Feb 2002 13 Jan 2003
Duration 2 Years 2 Years 1 Year
Orbit 345x3820 km, 83 565x590 km, 38 575x590 km, 94
BGS Passes 1 / Week 6 / Day 2-4 / Day
Support Type TLM / CMD TLM / CMD TLM / CMD
Max Data Rate 2250.0 kbps 4000.0 kbps 115.2 kbps
Data Volume 20 Gbits / Day 11 Gbits / Day 166.4 Mbits / Day
FAST mission operations transferred from GSFC
to UCB in October 1999. Current Orbit
Geometry. FAST science and engineering data
recovered at Poker Flat, Wallops Island and
McMurdo Base with typically 11 passes / day. BGS
is back-up ground station.
53UCB Operations Center
Dedicated, Secure 600 ft2 MOC Facility at UCB/SSL
54Berkeley Ground Station
- Technical Highlights
- Antenna
- Model 300 Pedestal (L-3 Com, EMP Systems)
- 11-m Parabolic Reflector with Prime Focus Feed
- Three Axis Drive System
- Azimuth / Elevation / Cross-Elevation
- Autotracking with Conical Scan Feed System
- RF Systems
- S-Band Telemetry and Command Capabilities
- Receive Polarization Diversity
- Figure of Merit (G/T) gt 24.0 dB/K at 5 º
Elevation - Transmit Power 100 W (63 dBW), LHCP or RHCP
- Data Processing
- Dual CCSDS Frontend Processors
- IP Router for Internet-in-space Communications
- Telemetry Data Routing
55Network Configuration
56NASA Ground Network
- http//www.wff.nasa.gov/code452/
- Primarily government LEO
- Small (8 to 11 meter) dishes
57IT Security
- IT Network Security Plan In Place
- Following NPG 2810.1, NPD 2810.1 and IONet Access
Protection Policy and Requirements (GSFC 290-004)
- Covers FAST and RHESSI Operations
- New Revised Version Includes CHIPS Operations
- Secure Computer Network and T-1 Line to GSFC
- Restriction of Physical Access to MOC
- Cardkey Entry System
- Access to MOC Controlled by U.C. Police
Department - Access Restricted to Personnel Essential for
Flight and Ground Station Operations - Alarm System Tied into U.C. Police Department
- Video Surveillance Systems Record Activities
58Normal Operations
- Highly Autonomous Operations Planned for CHIPSat
- 4-8 Passes per day
- 2-4 Automated BGS passes per day daytime passes
staffed during week days - 2 Automated Wallops passes per day lights-out
unless command support - 2 Automated Adelaide passes per day lights-out
unless command support - Use Internet-in-space technology
- Stored files downlinked automatically using ftp
- CHIPS batch files are uplinked automatically
using ftp - All real-time and stored SOH processed by
TlmMonitor and RedMonitor - Limit violations result in email and pages sent
to FOT - FOT produces and analyzes spacecraft trend plots
- Mission Operations Manager present during any
unusual commanding
59Contingency Operations
- Anomalies May be Detected in Real-time or by
TlmMonitor - Spacecraft Controller on-shift/on-call evaluates
severity of anomaly - Two-way alpha-numeric pager provides information
on limit violated - Controller can view recent telemetry on-line
- Controller notifies Mission Operations Manager
- Instrument specialists or spacecraft engineers
called in as necessary - Mission Director, PI and Project Managers
notified in a timely manner - Anomaly Resolution
- Spacecraft Controllers are trained and authorized
to respond immediately to anomalies when
necessary - With short passes, controllers must be ready to
safe the spacecraft quickly, before seeking
outside authorization - Anytime the spacecraft is not in immediate
danger, Mission Operations Manager will be
contacted before proceeding - New contingency procedures developed and
implemented with system experts, on an as needed
basis - Lessons learned used to update existing
contingency procedures
60Data Archiving- Telemetry
- Stored on spacecraft until downlinked
- Manual delete after confirmation
- MCC backup on removable optical media
- Permanently stored on command SOC computer
- Permanently stored on data SOC computer
- Daily backup to disk
- Weekly backup to tape
- Weekly off-site backup of tape
61Data Archiving- Science Products
- Daily backup to disk partition
- Weekly backup to tape
62Data Processing- Engineering
- Spacecraft to SOC is fully automated
- S/C ? MCC?cSOC ?dSOC
- Engineering pipeline on dSOC produces
- Limit scans and notifications
- Engineering summaries- text and graphs
- FITS format raw photon lists for further science
63- Read in basic parameters from file- Load the
Distortion Maps and Detector XY scale ratio-
Read a CHIPS photon-event FITS file in snapshot
format- Use the Stim pulsers to correct the XY
data for thermal drift.- Determine the deadtime
from the Stim pulsers- Determine the exposure
time- Bring the XY data to a common plate
scale- Apply the detector distortion
correction- Rotate the XY pairs to bring a
monochromatic spectral image into the Y
direction- Display a detector image for
convenience- Exclude all events beyond a given
radius near hot spots- Apply time filters-
Apply Pulse Height Thresholds- Extract raw
counts Spectra- Subtract dark counts spectra, if
set- Create fluxed spectra (divide by
effective area, effective field of view, and
exposure time)- Write out spectra in FITS
format coadd as required
Science Data Reduction
64-Read in coadded spectra in FITS format
-Generate backgrounds during characteristic
periods High particle count-rate High scattered
light-Generate model spectra Raymond Smith
plasma emission lines Solar spectrum convolved
with predicted lunar albedo-Fold through
instrument response Wide- or narrow-slit
sensitivity (from preflight calibration) Wide-
or narrow-slit line spectral line profiles (from
raytrace)-Compare models with data
Science Data Analysis
65-Have proposed preliminary archiving plan to MAST
(Myron Smith is point of contact)-Final data
reduction tools still evolving-All instrument
data is available real time on publicly
available web site
Science Data Archiving
66Web Access to CHIPS Data 1
67Web Access to CHIPS Data 2
- Education Public Outreach
- Receiving Review
- Dr. Nahide Craig E/PO Scientist
- UCB/SSL 22 April 2003
69- Phase E Plans
- Educational Brief for K-14 and Educators
- Exploring the Interstellar Medium
- Dissemination of resources
- Teacher professional Workshops NSTA/AAPT
- Printable PDF Science Journal to use with web
lesson and activities includes vocabulary and
questions from lesson - Summer 2003 _at_UC Berkeley
- Academic Talent Development Program for 8-10
graders-w/ High School Teacher Collaboration - Short Course at NSTA 2004 for Educators
- Accomplishments
- CHIPS E/PO website
- http//cse.ssl.berkeley.edu/chips_epo/
- Coordination w/ SEU Education Forum
- CHIPS Lithographs
- The Local Bubble
- What are the ISM and the Local Bubble?
- CHIPS presentation for SEU Ambassadors at
Sonoma State - CHIPS Launch
- Collaboration with Science_at_NASA
- Near-Earth Supernovas
- Launch Media Coverage
- CAL Day Open House
- Guided Tours of MOC/SOC
- PI and scientist participation
PI Dr. M. Hurwitz participating in public events
CHIPS Teacher professional development workshop
70CHIPS coverage
- Integration times greater than 150,000 seconds
- Coadded targets within 10
- 20 of celestial sphere
71Observatory Status
- Narrow slits in April 2003
- Wide slits in January 2004
- One short duration HVPS anomaly
- Pulse height filtering software added
- 6 resets (radiation?)
- Spurious Engineering
- Several per week?
- Data storage good
- Several dropped files
- Communications good
- Pointing good
- One reaction wheel showing communications retries
- Power good
- Thermal good
- Lunar pointing good
- Daylight scattering
72IP Protocols
- Mission going well!
- No problems with time synchronization
- Real time data via UDP minor dropouts
- Real time commands via UDP minor drops
- FTP transfers work well 16 MB/day
73Ground Station Network
- Minor issues
- Adelaide, Australia
- RF moved low noise amplifier closer to antenna
- Several antenna tracking problems
- Several power outages
- Berkeley, California
- Several antenna tracking problems
- Several power outages
- Several network outages
- NASA Wallops Flight Facility
- Amplifier
- Manual configuration
- Antenna ran to limits
74Control Center Status
- Several minor issues
- Mission Control Center
- Several network outages
- Science Operations Center
- Several network outages
- Public Server at SSL
- Public server hack
- Configuration control on software installs
75EUVE comet Hyakutake
76CHIPS the future
- CHIPS initial results are puzzling and exciting.
The Fe line cluster is far fainter than
expected, and appears dominated by a single,
surprisingly cool ionization state (Fe IX). - Make pioneering measurements of three comets in
the EUV (NEAT C/2001 Q4 and LINEAR C/2002 T7)
and comet 9P/Tempel 1 that is the subject of
NASAs Deep Impact mission. - Carry out a study of He emission from Earths
77Summary / Conclusions
- CHIPS is on orbit and working well
- IP protocols and tools work well
- Adds complexity because of factors not under
project control wiring, routers, power, etc. - Reduces costs of special infrastructure
- Increases flexibility
- Preliminary constraints well below the reported
detection of iron line complex by McCammon et al.
(Ap.J. 576, 188) - Tight constraints on strength of iron emission
line near 170-180 Å - Canonical sun-centered local hot bubble seems
ruled out unless abundances and/or ionization
conditions anomalous - Observational challenges posed
- Properties of hot gas in the local cavity
- What ionizes the helium and other elements in
warm interstellar clouds?
CHIPS Science Web Page chips.ssl.berkeley.edu Uni
versity Class Explorers Office www.wff.nasa.gov/pa
ges/code850.html GSFC OMNI Project Ipinspace.gsfc