Midterm Review - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Midterm Review


Midterm Review Test is on Wednesday, Jan. 13 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Midterm Review

Midterm Review
  • Test is on Wednesday, Jan. 13

Georgia Geography
  • States that border Georgia
  • Florida, Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina,
    South Carolina
  • Georgias location
  • Eastern United States, South, Southeastern United
  • Northern Hemisphere and Western Hemisphere
  • North America Continent.
  • Savannah, St. Marys, and Chattahoochee.

  • Barrier Islands protect the mainland by blocking
    much of the wind, sands, and water that erode the
  • Five Geographical Regions/goods produced.
  • Appalachian Plateau/coal
  • Ridge and Valley/ carpet, textiles, apples
  • Blue Ridge/ wood
  • Piedmont/agriculture, manufacturing
  • Coastal/agriculture-fishing

  • Largest-Coastal
  • Smallest- Appalachian
  • Divided by Fall Line- Coastal and Piedmont
  • Most agricultural products- Coastal
  • Southern section of Appalachian- Ridge and
    Valley, Blue Ridge and Appalachian Plateau.

Regions continued
  • Bedrock- Ridge and Valley and Blue Ridge
  • Most populated/ most business centers- Piedmont
  • Okefenokee Swamp-
  • Size half million acres
  • Features primitive wetland home to hundreds of
    species of plants, animals (many endangered),
    giant cypress trees.
  • Location Outer Coastal Plain near Waycross and

  • Aquifers underground natural water storage
  • Cities along the Fall Line
  • Macon, Augusta, Milledgeville, Roberta, Thomson,
  • Developed because settlers could not travel over
    steep, rushing water and provided a good source
    of energy.

Prehistoric Native Americans
  • Changes- Weapons, Food and Dwellings
  • Four Groups Paleo, Archaic, Woodlands, and
  • Why little evidence found from earliest cultures
  • Moved with food
  • Why they began staying in permanent
    settlementsbegan to grow food.
  • Why archaeologists think they believed in life
    after death Burial sites with items to be used
    in afterlife
  • Mississippi Culture advanced because villages,
    dwellings, religion, farming.

Exploration and Colonization
  • Why Explore Gold, Glory, Trade Route
  • Major colonizers France, Spain, England
  • Columbus thought he was off the coast of India
    and therefore the inhabitants were called
  • Role of Missions claim land, spread religion
  • De Sotos impact killed many Native Americans
    looking for gold.
  • Mercantilism export more than import,

Geographical Differences
  • New England-cold, rugged terrain with rocky soil,
    small family farmsShipbuilding, whaling, fishing
    and furniture building
  • Middle- milder climate, rich soils, large farms,
    wheat-manufacturing, mining textiles,
  • Southern Colonies-mildest climate, rich soils,
    large plantations, tobacco, rice, silk,
    indigo-Casks and barrels made from pine forests.

Colonial Georgia
  • Oglethorpe important because of his involvement
    in the first Georgia Colony-founder
  • Oglethorpe interested because he had a friend
    that was a debtor, in prison.
  • Groups not allowed in colony-Catholics, blacks,
    liquor dealers lawyers
  • Buffer-defend from Spanish-Florida, and
    French-east from Mississippi Valley
  • Georgia Charter of 1732-21 trustees, granted
    special rights had privileges of all lands,
    between the Savannah and the Territories
  • Rules must defend colony, land could not be
    sold, must cultivate land, plant mulberry seeds,
    must obey all regulations.
  • Ship that transported-The Anne
  • Musgrove and Tomochichi- helped the Georgia
    Colony, Musgrove interpreter, Tomochichi-head of
    Yamacraw tribe.
  • First Settlement-near the mouth of the Savannah
  • Original design for Savannah four squares,
    divided into blocks (tythings,or wards)
  • Why people were discontenteddid not like-
    passing land on to male heirs only, mulberry
    trees and plant were not growing, Wanted to have
    slaves and large plantations like South Carolina

  • Groups and contributions Salzburgers-Ebenezer-mov
    ed to New Ebenezer
  • John and Charles Wesley-founded the Methodist
  • Events dealing with the Spanish threat in
    FloridaWar of Jenkins Ear-Oglethorpe took
    2000- had to retreat/Bloody Marsh
  • Governors and contributions
  • John Reynolds,
  • Changes from a Trustee Colony to a Royal Colony

Answers to Mid-Term reviewThe Revolutionary Era
  • Explain who was involved in the French and Indian
    War America, Britain, France, and Native
  • How did the war lead to the American
    Revolution/Revolutionary War? Settlers were
    angry with Gr. Britain for the taxes imposed.
    Great Britain felt a need for the taxes to help
    with debts accrued from the Fr/Indian War. Also,
    the colonists felt they should be able to move to
    areas farther west. And, the colonists were sick
    of control by Mother England and the king.

Revolutionary War - answers
  • Explain how the Proclamation of 1763 impacted
    Georgia moved out states southern boundary to
    the St. Marys River and forbade colonists to
    settle west of the Appalachian Mountains. The
    Native Americans were also forced to give up
    lands between the Ogeechee and Savannah Rivers.

Revolutionary War - answers
  • Explain the acts passed by England the reaction
    of the colonists to each Sugar Act tax on
    sugar (colonists refused to use sugar), Stamp Act
    tax on stamp placed on all legal
    documents/papers (people got angry and burned the
    effigy of the stamp master), Townshend Acts tax
    on lead, tea, paint, glass (colonists refused to
    use these items), Tea Act tax on tea (colonists
    started drinking coffee), Quartering Act
    colonists had to house and feed British soldiers
    (colonists mad at having to house the soldiers in
    their homes), and Intolerable Acts closed
    Boston Harbor, meetings watched, quartering of
    soldiers, and British officials tried in England
    instead of America.

Revolutionary War - answers
  • Explain why Georgia was less anti-British than
    many other colonies Georgia was still reliant
    financially and emotionally on England (new
    colony vs. older northern colonies)

Revolutionary War - answers
  • List Georgias representative to the 2nd
    Continental Congress Lyman Hall

Revolutionary War - answers
  • Explain the purpose of the Declaration of
    Independence and name its primary author to let
    Great Britain and the King know the colonists
    feelings on the laws he enforced and taxes he
    imposed, the author was Thomas Jefferson.

Revolutionary War - answers
  • Describe the names given to the people fighting
    on either side of the war and why colonists were
    divided Tories in favor of staying on side of
    Gr. Britain, Patriots in favor of independence
    from Gt. Britain, Fence Sitters ones still
    deciding which side to go with. Many people had
    divided families because some family members
    wanting independence and others wanting to stick
    with Gr. Britain.

Revolutionary War - answers
  • Name important Georgians during the Rev. War and
    describe their roles Nancy Hart fought
    against soldiers entering her home, Elijah Clarke
    led a militia group to victory against British
    troops at Kettle Creek and Austin Dabney fought
    at the Battle of Kettle Creek and fought for
    rights for people of color fighting in the war.

Revolutionary War - answers
  • Describe the events involved in the Battle of
    Kettle Creek and the Siege of Savannah Kettle
    Creek militia troop defeated British soldiers
    and proved to be a morale booster for American
  • - Siege of Savannah British attacked Savannah
    Americans fought back with help of French the
    Am. and Fr. lost and Savannah remained in control
    of British for the next 3 ½ years.

Government - answers
  • Name the first constitution for the United States
    and describe the weaknesses of the document the
    Articles of Confederation weak central
    government, states had too much individual power,
    no court system, each state only had 1 vote

Government - answers
  • Describe the weakness in the Georgia Constitution
    of 1777 unicameral legislature, not much power
    for other branches, legislature selected members
    of other branches instead of people voting

Government - answers
  • Describe the purposes of the Constitutional
    Convention of 1787 revise the Articles of
    Confederation (its weaknesses)

Government - answers
  • Explain the contributions of Abraham Baldwin and
    William Few to the Constitutional Convention
    Baldwin helped to resolve the large state
    representation crisis, both were representing
    Georgia at the convention.

Government - answers
  • Describe how the Bill of Rights helped in
    ratification of the Constitution people
    insisted that individual rights needed to be
    specifically protected by the Constitution

Government - answers
  • Explain why Georgia agreed to ratify the
    Constitution Georgia representatives
    unanimously vote 26 to 0 to ratify the
    constitution. Of the four Georgian delegates who
    attended the Constitutional Convention, only two
    (Abraham Baldwin and William Few) signed the
    Constitution. They liked the plans that were set
    into action with the big and little state plans,
    3/5 compromise, etc.
  • Ga. liked the document so much that they mimicked
    it with our state constitution.

Government - answers
  • Explain both separation of powers and checks and
    balances - separation of powers
    responsibilities are divided among 3 branches of
    government checks and balances
    each branch monitors the actions of the other 2
    branches to ensure that no one branch gets too

Government - answers
  • Describe the differences between the rights and
    responsibilities of US citizens, and give
    examples of each rights (guaranteed under the
    law right to a fair and speedy trial),
    responsibility (something done to make sure the
    US continues to be a democracy voting)

Government - answers
  • Describe the requirements to become a voter in
    Georgia 18 years of age, legal resident of
    Georgia and county where you vote, US citizen

Government - answers
  • Explain what the current Georgia Constitution is
    modeled after our US Constitution

Government - answers
  • Explain the qualifications, term, elections, and
    duties of members of Georgias legislative branch
    make laws, Ga. senators (25 yrs. age, citizen
    of US, citizen of Ga. for at least 2 yrs, legal
    resident of district from which they where they
    are elected. Jobs confirm appointments of the
    gov. to make executive offices.), Ga House
    Members (21 years, and rest is same as Senate.
    Jobs write appropriations (spending) bills).
    Term of office 2 years for each office. Each
    parts of the legislative branch can propose and
    pass bills.

Government - answers
  • Describe the organization of Georgias
    legislature and official name of the group
    Georgia General Assembly law makers

Government - answers
  • Describe the organization of Georgias
    legislature and the official name of the group
    The Georgia General Assembly law makers for the

Government - answers
  • Explain the sequence involved in a bill becoming
    a law
  • idea is proposed
  • copies given to one part of leg.
  • assigned to committee
  • bill voted on by committee members
  • leg. debates bill to see if changes need to be
  • bill is sent to other part of leg. for same
    process as above

Cont. with Bill Process
  • Voted on by both houses
  • If approved, sent on to Governor
  • Gov. can sign it, veto it, or ignore it (which
    will still become a law)
  • If vetoed, it can be sent back to each house for
    a 2/3 vote overrule of Governor to make bill
    approved as a law

Government - answers
  • Explain the purpose of committees in our state
    legislature makes it possible for small groups
    to really examine a bill and make changes before
    it is presented to the entire House.

Government - answers
  • Explain the options a legislative committee has
    when dealing with a bill if bill is worthy of
    going on to General Assembly, re-wording of bill
    if necessary, deciding which type of committee
    will work on the bill (long term standing
    committee or interim committee).

Government - answers
  • Describe the qualifications, term, election, and
    duties of the governor/lieutenant governor
  • Gov. elected by majority of popular vote,
    elected for 4 year term (can only serve 2
    consecutive terms), 30 years of age, citizen of
    US for 15 years, resident of state for 6 years,
    jobs include manage state budget, attend formal
    affairs, direct attorney general to act as rep.
    of the state in lower courts, making State of the
    State address, serving as commander-in-chief of
    Ga. National Guard, overseeing law enforcement

Government - answers
  • Lieutenant Governor
  • Takes over if gov. dies
  • Doesnt have to represent the same political
    party as Governor
  • Acts as President of the Senate
  • a citizen of the United States 15 years
  • legal resident of the state six years
  • shall have attained the age of 30 years by the
    date of assuming office.
  • Can have unlimited number of terms

Government - answers
  • Explain the major policy areas of the state, as
    well as which are the largest and smallest -

Government - answers
  • Explain the organization of the court system in
  • Supreme Court 7 judges
  • Court of Appeals
  • Superior Court
  • Various smaller courts including state court,
    juvenile court, probate court, and magistrate
    court (one in every county)

Government - answers
  • Describe the function of each court in Georgia
  • Supreme Court hears cases on appeal from
    lower-ranking courts, and interpret State
  • Court of Appeals also hears cases from lower
  • Superior Courts hear cases ranging from
    criminal to civil cases

Government - answers
  • Detail the election of judges in Georgia and the
    term lengths they serve judges are elected by
    popular vote for various number of years
    Supreme and Court of Appeals - 6 year terms
    lower courts elected for different numbers of

Government - answers
  • Explain the difference between trial courts and
    appellate courts
  • Trial courts are hearing cases for the 1st time
    cases may be criminal or civil in nature
  • Appellate courts are hearing cases that have
    already been heard in trial court and are on

Government - answers
  • Explain the difference between civil and criminal
  • Criminal law crime has been committed could
    be a misdemeanor or felony
  • Civil cases involving two or more people in a

Government - answers
  • Detail the steps in the justice process for
  • 1. Arrest 2. Intake 4. Transfer/Waiver 5.
    Adjudication 6. Disposition 8. Aftercare
    either prison, probation, public service hours or
    fine, or release
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