Title: Society and cultures of Pakistan
1Society and cultures of Pakistan
- 9.2.1 Culture
- Total life style and overall behavior of society
which includes language, dress, living, habits,
customs, beliefs, and traditions etc - Diversity acceptance of positive variations,
variety in all aspects of life - Unity condition of brotherhood of respecting
each other, Urdu language, religion - National cohesion Urdu an instrument, common
script of all languages - Integration coordination of mental processes,
Urdu a national solidarity, common heritage and
struggle of freedom
2- 9.1.1. basic features of Pakistani society
- Religious uniformity and diversity
- Mixed culture (Muslim, Hindu, British)
- Dowry system
- English an official language
- Male-oriented society
- Simplicity
- Simple dress and diet
- Easy languages Dowry system
- English an official language
- Literature
- Handicrafts
- Sports
- Ulema, Mashaikh and Sufi poets
3Elements influence unity, national cohesion,
- Language
- Diversity
- Values / beliefs
- Shared resources
- Government structure
4Class difference and social inequalities
- Intolerance
- Terrorism
- Rich and poor
- Multiple standard of education, food, housing
- Posh and poor localities
- Elite
- Cantonment ? Civil line and Garibabad
- Master and servant
- Hindu caste system
- Muslim Hidden caste and class difference
- 9.1.3. Regional disparity
- Cultural dress (Provinces)
- Languages
- Cultural Festivals
- Cultural heritages / customs
- dress w.r.t climate social occasions
- Fine Art
- Handicraft
6Role and status of woman
- Important part of family manages all affairs with
the limits, household keeping, upbringing of
children - Right of education
- Right of business
- Right of property
- Right in heritage
- Right to rule the country
79. 3.1. Major features of \Pakistani culture
- History and ideology
- Attraction forces
- Dynamics of culture due to influence of other
culture - Strong religious values
- Mixed dress
- Multiple languages
- Rich literature
- Rich heritages
- Religious unity
89.3.2. Festivals
Cultural festivals Religious festivals
Sibi festival Sindh horse and cattle show Basnat Shandor polo festival Lok mela National horse and cattle show Lahore Saints mela Eid-ul-Fitre Eid-ul-Azha Milad of Prophet (PBUH) Ashoora Shab-e-Barat Shab-e-Qadr Shab-e-Meraj
99.3.4 Role of mass media in culture
- New technologies camera, phonograph, radio, TV,
dramas source of culture - culture became more democratic as modern
technology and mass media allowed it to reach
more people. - Holloywood, Bollywood cultural dominance through
mass media - Foods, dresses, hair style, language etc modified
due to mass media - Media brings diverse voice, ideas, critique of
government, trade,
109.4.1. Origin and Evolution of Urdu
- 300 years old
- Arabic, Persian and Turkish gave birth to Hindi,
Hindustani, Shahjahani and finally in Urdu - Amir Khursro, Sir Syed, Maulanai Shibli, Allama
Iqbal flourished Urdu - Urdu reached in whole subcontinent 16th century
- 1947 Urdu national language of Pakistan
11Significance of Urdu
- Vehicle of communication
- National cohesion or binding force of various
parts of Pakistan - Source of rich historical literature
- Quranic translation in Urdu
- National Language of country
- Medium of instructions in institutions
- Popular poets Amir Khusro, Allama Iqbal, Ghalib
- Popular writers Allama Iqba, Sir Syed, Deputy
Nazir Ahmed, Maulanai Hali, Maulana Shibli, - Popular folklores Arif Lohar, Noor Jehan, Lata,
139.4.5. Role of English Language as an official
- Official communitarian at local, national and
international level - Source of information
- Medium of instruction in many institutions
- Source of international trade
- Its international passport
- Important for globalization
149.5 Art and architectural heritages
- Taxila
- Kot Dijian settlement
- Mohenjodaro
- Indus valley
- Harapa
- Taxila
- Mansura, Bhambore
- Gandhra civilization
159.5.2. name and significance Archaeological and
historical sites of Pakistan
- Bambhore
- Taxila
- Harapa
- Lahore
- Thatta
- Moenjo daro
- Kot Diji
- Hyderabad
- Makil
- Karachi