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Destruction of a country s economy is the minor effect of these threats. ... TERRORISM: ... Pakistan has faced the threat of terrorism due to intolerance, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • The term security is often observed in the
    narrow-minded context, rarely do we go into the
    conceptual framework. Security is generalized in
    military suggestion but with the rapid
    developments in the existing world, different
    dimensions of it have come to the
    forefront.Security is an overriding priority
    for all nations. It is also fundamental for both
    disarmament and development. Security consists of
    not only military, but also political, economic,
    social, humanitarian and human rights and
    ecological aspects.

  • Internal threats are threats which a
    country has to face within its territory. These
    threats are more common rather than any other
    threats and have outrageous and destructive
    effects. Destruction of a countrys economy is
    the minor effect of these threats. These threats
    not only destabilize a country but also present a
    bad image of that country in front of the world.
    Most of the problems hurried interstate tensions
    and threats are created from within, by its
    geopolitics, its location

  • Pakistan has fallen a prey of
    internal threats badly since coming into
    existence. The challenges of threats faced are,
    old as well as new. Along with its religious
    identity Pakistan is also a multi-ethnic,
    multi-lingual and multi-cultural state. These
    characteristics have created problems for her. As
    a consequence, it has experienced all varieties
    of internal conflicts, i.e. tribal insurgencies,
    ethnic and sectarian struggles, civil war, border
    conflicts, and conventional war. Few of the
    threats which confuse the internal security are
    from the history of disputable boundaries,
    cross-border diffusion of ethno-linguistic and
    religious groups, conflicting economic interests,
    problems in nation building and economic
    development. These internal threats lead to
    external interference in internal affairs.
    Pakistan due to its location in the region has
    been involved in major coalitions with big powers
    which create problems for Pakistan for their
    personal motives.


  • Pakistans internal security
    problem has been spoiled by the
    religious/sectarian problem. The sectarian threat
    poses a great danger, and could possibly be
    devastating for the country. Pakistan has been
    regarded by some observers as a weak and
    vulnerable state threatened by the force of
    ethnicity and sectarianism.

  • Another danger
    is the problem of ethnic unrest. Punjab, with
    almost 60 percent of the population, dominates
    almost all aspects of national life. Smaller
    ethnic groups, all of who have at one time been
    actively dissident, resent this fact.
    Sindh, one of the most
    industrious provinces of Pakistan faces a divide
    between urban prosperity and rural deprivation as
    no other province in Pakistan. Sindh is the most
    ethnically diverse of four provinces, due to both
    international transfers of peoples into the
    province during and subsequent to partition in
    1947 and to domestic internal migration.

  • The problem of refugees in
    Pakistan is a complex issue for Pakistan. It has
    further enhanced the already existing problems.
    It poses a serious threat to the security at
    various levels. The main invasion of refugees
    came from Afghanistan during the Soviet Unions
    invasion of Afghanistan. All the people who ran
    away for their lives entered Pakistan through the
    border at the North West Frontier Province
    (NWFP). About 3.5 million Afghan refugees entered
    into Pakistan over the last two decades.
  • The presence of these Afghan
    refugees poses threat to the security of Pakistan
    at different levels. At the social level, the
    presence of Afghan refugees led to disturbance in
    the law and order situation, increasing violence
    and criminal activity, and aggravated ethnic
    tension in the NWFP as well as the Balochistan.
    The Afghan refugees do not form a group, as they
    belong to various tribes, with different tribal
    and judicial system, which results in tensions
    and conflict within groups and leads to

  • Arms. The refugees they brought illegal arms,
    without any license, which resulted in an
    abundance of small arms in Pakistan. The guns and
    small arms that the refugees brought with them,
    they sold it into the open market at very low
  • Drugs Another cause for concern was the
    involvement of the refugees in drug trafficking.
    They had free access to drugs like heroin that
    they smuggled through the borders into Pakistan.
    This made all these drugs easily accessible to
    the local society, which, resulted in increase of
    drug addiction. Economy of
    Pakistan is deeply affected by the refugees as
    well. In the early 80s the amount spent on these
    refugees per day crossed well over one million
    dollars per day. Though foreign donors funded
    half of this amount, some of the burden fell on
    the Pakistani economy. The government had to
    provide food, shelter for these refugees.

  • Terrorism, use of
    organized pressure, has been a major threat to
    Pakistans internal security. Pakistan has faced
    the threat of terrorism due to intolerance,
    suppression, and excessive violence, and economic
    and political discrimination, religious and
    ethnic division. Terrorism basically exists in
    two forms in Pakistan. The religious extremist
    groups, which have been outlawed and have been
    involved in sectarian killings or violence fall
    in this category, whose prime target is not
    foreign commercial targets but challenge the writ
    of government and the second one is supported by
    external sponsorship.
    Pakistan has been hostage to terrorist activities
    carried out by ethnic and religious groups. The
    religious groups used religion as a tool and
    expressed that due to control of not being free
    to actively practice religion, a reaction has
    occurred. The continued criticism of the
    pro-western policies. In reaction and to
    discourage the governments to go all out for
    those policies they create trouble by working
    into terrorist activities


  • Poverty and population interlinked, pose another
    threat to Pakistans internal security. There
    could be problems, which facilitate the growth of
    the other. The present rate at which Pakistan is
    developing in terms of its population growth rate
    it is estimated that in the year 2025, the
    population of Pakistan will be 263 million. This
    growth will lead to other problems for the
    country. With the proposed growth rate, the
    problems of meeting the basic needs of the
    citizens will be difficult. The average person
    living well below the poverty line will be
    further drawn into the turbulence of economic
    deprivation and embedded further deep into
    poverty. It will be difficult for the state to
    provide the basic services, which will require

  • External threats are those threats which a
    country has to be faced by other countries. As
    discussed in internal security threats that
    Pakistan has to face so many internal security
    threats. So, to control these internal threats
    Pakistan may be needed a lot of money and to
    obtain the money she may have to beg for the
    foreign aid in front the foreign country. The
    beggar country may be compiled by the foreign
    country who use to aid. So, as the foreign
    country wants, it would do.
  • In terms
    of Pakistan's external security, the US using
    Jundullah through Balochistan to destabilize Iran
    undermines the socio-historical, cultural and
    political Pakistan-Iran relationship and creates
    its own destabilizing dynamics within Pakistani
    society. Perhaps the silliness of the US
    ignorance is reflected most clearly now in the
    statements coming from Obama's Special Envoy for
    this region, Richard Holbrooke. He showed it
    after his visit to Pakistan when he talked about
    people not being able to walk independently in

  • 13th February, 2009
  • I rise to
    inform the House of developments since this House
    last considered the result of the dishonorable
    terrorist attack on Mumbai. On December 12, 2008
    this House resolved, in a serious Resolution
    that "India shall not cease in her efforts until
    the terrorists and those who have trained, funded
    and supported them are exposed and brought to

  • RECOMMENDATIONS for remedies

  • According to all of the above scenario, there are
    many things which have to be change. But I like
    to suggest a few things in order to help remove
    these threats from the country. These
    recommendations are as follows
  • The first effort
    should be on the educational front. Pakistan has
    made significant improvement in its literacy rate
    in the last ten years. There is a popular
    national consensus about the importance of
    education. It is important to develop the
    curricula and syllabi of the first twelve years
    of education and to rewrite books on Islamic
    studies, social studies, history, Urdu, and
    English for all school levels to strengthen the
    elements which deal with, the rights of others,
    tolerance, justice and love

  • The quality of
    governance needs to be improved. The weak
    political institutions need to be developed, in a
    manner that the evolutionary process of democracy
    takes a smooth walk. Bold and decisive leadership
    that can make the hard choices between
    consumption and investment, education, defense
    spending, economic and human development needs to
    be there. Leadership that shows integrity in its
    personal and public dealings, and that make
    policies, which are free of all misconducts and
    Civil and military relations needs to be
    addressed, a harmony between them needs to be
    created to create a pleasant political
    environment. Social, diplomatic, military and
    economic policies should be formulated between
    the two which guard the national interest of the
    state and which in the long-term perspective does
    not pose a threat.

    An ongoing dialogue between the leaders of the
    two groups at a national as well as at the city
    level is important. Many times, culprits of the
    violence between the two groups have been unknown
    gunmen who have killed at either Sunni or Shia
    Masjids with no one claiming any responsibility.
    Most leaders from both sides are not involved in
    the violence. Most Masjids do not preach violence
    against any group. Then who starts these fights?

    Civil leadership should
    facilitate dialogue between the ethnic groups in
    Sindh to create a balance and harmony. Contact
    should be established between the ethnic groups
    so that they can talk out their grievances and
    redress the situation. A common cause for the
    betterment of the society should be established
    between the two.
    The minorities should be treated
    appropriately. Positive relationship should be
    worked out between the Muslims and the
    non-Muslims. A pleasant environment should be
    created where the minorities do not feel
    neglected and contribute in building Pakistan as
    a better state

  • Internally Pakistan
    should deal with sectarianism as that is posing a
    lot of terrorist threats to the security. With
    emphasis on controlling internal threats of
    terrorism, external the threats should also not
    be ignored as they act as feeders to the internal
    The Iranian connection to supporting the
    danger of terrorism could not be ruled out. They
    are funding the sectarian groups who are
    following their agenda.

    Whether its the border
    with India, Afghanistan, Iran, or the seashores,
    with the exception of the northeast, Pakistans
    borders are by and large only monitored on road
    crossings. This leads to the general problem of a
    growing illegal population and penetration.

    Smuggling also flourishes in Pakistan due to the
    border situation. There are well-known bazaars
    throughout the country, which sell smuggled
    goods. Last year in Zhob, which borders
    Afghanistan, I found pickup trucks, which were
    ten percent of the cost of these vehicles in
    Karachi. You can find cheaper and better cows
    closer to the borders of India in Sindh, where
    people smuggle grain and oils to India in
    exchange for cows, which Hindus dont want to
    slaughter themselves
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