Title: Spiritual Disciplines: Study, Meditation, and Memorization
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2The Spiritual Disciplines
- Habits of body and mind that allow us to
effectively cooperate with God's Spirit in the
process of character transformation
- engagement
- prayer
- worship
- service
- giving
- abstinence
- rest
- fasting
- solitude
become a DISCIPLE through DISCIPLINE
3Study, Meditation, Memorization
- Why spend your precious time in this book?
- key features
- absolutely true
Psalm 119151,160 You are near, O Lord, and all
Your commandments are truth. The sum of Your
word is truth, and every one of Your righteous
ordinances is everlasting.
4Study, Meditation, Memorization
- Why spend your precious time in this book?
- key features
- absolutely true
Mark 83133 And Jesus began to teach them
that the Son of Man must suffer many things...
And Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him.
But turning around and seeing His disciples, He
rebuked Peter and said, Get behind Me, Satan
for you are not setting your mind on Gods
interests, but mans.
5Study, Meditation, Memorization
- Why spend your precious time in this book?
- key features
- absolutely true
- unchanging
Isaiah 408 The grass withers, the flower fades,
but the word of our God stands forever.
6Study, Meditation, Memorization
- Why spend your precious time in this book?
- key features
- absolutely true
- unchanging
Matthew 518 For truly I say to you, until
heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest
letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until
all is accomplished.
7Study, Meditation, Memorization
- Why spend your precious time in this book?
- key features
- absolutely true
- unchanging
- proven
- what it offers
- path to salvation
2 Timothy 315 ...from childhood you have known
the sacred writings which are able to give you
the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith
which is in Christ Jesus.
8Study, Meditation, Memorization
- Why spend your precious time in this book?
- key features
- absolutely true
- unchanging
- proven
- what it offers
- path to salvation
- strength over sin
Psalm 11911 Your word I have treasured in my
heart, that I may not sin against You.
9Study, Meditation, Memorization
- Why spend your precious time in this book?
- key features
- absolutely true
- unchanging
- proven
- what it offers
- path to salvation
- strength over sin
- peace security
Psalm 123 But his delight is in the law of the
Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night.
He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams
of water, which yields its fruit in its season
and its leaf does not wither and in whatever he
does, he prospers.
10Study, Meditation, Memorization
- Why spend your precious time in this book?
- key features
- absolutely true
- unchanging
- proven
- what it offers
- path to salvation
- strength over sin
- peace security
- wisdom
Psalm 11998100 Your commandments make me wiser
than my enemies, for they are ever mine. I have
more insight than all my teachers, for Your
testimonies are my meditation. I understand more
than the aged, because I have observed Your
11Study, Meditation, Memorization
- Why spend your precious time in this book?
- key features
- absolutely true
- unchanging
- proven
- what it offers
- path to salvation
- strength over sin
- peace security
- wisdom
- methodically seeking to understand apply
scripture - Join a small group this fall
- Read a book on Bible study
- Kay Arthur, How to Study your Bible
- Howard Hendricks, Living by the Book
- Gather Bible study resources...
13My favorite Bible study resources...
- Websites
- net.bible.org online Bible study tool
- soniclight.org Constables commentaries
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- Blue Letter Bible
- siach to go over a matter in ones mind
Psalm 11997 O how I love Your law! It is my
meditation all the day.
- siach to go over a matter in ones mind
- hagah to read in a low voice
Psalm 12 But his delight is in the law of the
Lord, And in His law he meditates day and night.
- siach to go over a matter in ones mind
- hagah to read in a low voice
- You become what you concentrate on
- siach to go over a matter in ones mind
- hagah to read in a low voice
- Great free apps for meditation
- ESV Bible App (by Crossway)
- Reading Plan
- ebible.com
Deuteronomy 111820 You shall therefore
impress these words of mine on your heart and on
your soul and you shall bind them as a sign on
your hand, and they shall be as frontals on your
forehead. You shall teach them to your sons,
talking of them when you sit in your house and
when you walk along the road and when you lie
down and when you rise up. You shall write them
on the doorposts of your house and on your gates
- Resource Navigators topical memory system
- Top 75 verses, arranged by topic
- Go to Navigators.org
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- ? Topical Memory System
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