Title: Greenhouse Gas Calculator for Biodiesel
1Greenhouse Gas Calculator for Biodiesel
- Heike Hintze-Gharres
2Framework and targets- combat climate change
- Kyoto Protocol - commitment to reduce GHG
emissions - UK committed to a 12 reduction by 2008-2012
- EU target to reduce carbon dioxide emissions 20
by 2020 - UK Climate Change Bill Reduce CO2 emissions
80 by 2050 - 20 of all EU energy to come from renewables by
2020 - 15 of all UK energy to come from renewables by
2020 - EU target of 10 road fuel from biofuels by 2020
(by energy) - 10 of UK electricity supply from renewable
energy by 2010, rising to 20 by 2020
3Regional UK biodiesel production - four biodiesel
plants currently in operation
Plants in Operation Plants in Operation Plants in Operation Plants in Operation Plants in Operation
1 Ebony (Rapeseed Soyabeans) Ebony (Rapeseed Soyabeans) Ebony (Rapeseed Soyabeans) Cheshire
2 Greenergy (Rapeseed) Greenergy (Rapeseed) Greenergy (Rapeseed) Immingham
3 Biofuels Corp (Rapeseed) Biofuels Corp (Rapeseed) Biofuels Corp (Rapeseed) Middlesborough
4 Argent (Tallow, Cooking Oil) Argent (Tallow, Cooking Oil) Argent (Tallow, Cooking Oil) Motherwell
Plants under Construction / Planning Plants under Construction / Planning Plants under Construction / Planning Plants under Construction / Planning Plants under Construction / Planning
5 5 ABS Biodiesel Avonmouth Avonmouth
6 6 Tees Valley Middlesborough Middlesborough
7 7 INEOS Grangemouth Grangemouth
8 8 DMF Rosyth Rosyth
9 9 Goes On Green Tyne and Wear Tyne and Wear
More than 50 cereals 40-50 cereals 20-40
cereals Less than 20 cereals
Source HGCA
4 UK biodiesel production capacity- was just
2.6 of EU biodiesel output in 2007
EBB estimates in 2005, 2006 and 2007 FO
Licht forecasts from 2007 prior to 2005 less
than 50,000t produced f Forecasts
Sources EEB, FO Licht, HGCA
5Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO)- in
force since 15 April 2008
- Obligation for fuel suppliers to ensure certain
volume percentage of their aggregate sales is
from biofuel - 2.5 for 2008 (1.07Mt biofuels)
- 3.75 for 2009 (1.6Mt biofuels)
- 5.0 for 2010 (2.5Mt biofuels)
- But Gallagher Review recommends to slow
introduction of biofuels in UK - 2.5 for 2008
- 3.0 for 2009
- 3.5 for 2010
- 4.0 for 2011
- 4.5 for 2012
- 5.0 for 2013 Recommendations still out for
public consultation
Estimates based on 2005 fuel sales (Dft)
Sources Dft, HGCA
6First quarterly UK RFA report- increased use of
biofuels in road fuel, but majority of feedstock
is imported
- Biodiesel made up 4.20 or 363.4M litres of
diesel for road transport - Bioethanol accounted for 0.92 or 69.4M litres
of petrol for road transport -
- Biofuel accounted for 2.67 of road fuel, above
the RTFObligation of 2.5 for 2008
- Overall GHG reduction in Q1 was 44 (target
40), with UK biofuels averaging GHG savings gt 75
Source RFA
7HGCA Greenhouse Gas Calculator (GHG)-
calculating the carbon footprint of biofuels made
from UK feedstock
- The GHG calculator is an interactive
demonstration tool for calculating GHG emissions
resulting from the production and use of fuel
from rapeseed and wheat from the UK - The calculator is designed for use on farm and
throughout the supply chain - It uses detailed information from every stage of
the production process for biofuel gt Farming - Pre-processing
- Feedstock transport
- Conversion
- End fuel transport
- It generates a report on the GHG emissions which
is then compared to emissions from production and
use of diesel -
8Farm Audits- allowing GHG emissions for
biodiesel feedstock to be calculated at farm level
- developed, as a possible bolt-on to the Assured
Combinable Crops Scheme (ACCS) audits
- Audit questions on
- Cultivations
- Soil type
- Fertiliser usage
- Pesticide usage
- Grain nitrogen
- Grain drying
Source HGCA
9HGCA Greenhouse Gas calculator- developed for
rapeseed to biodiesel and wheat to ethanol
- Inputs
- Fertiliser
- Seeds
- Pesticides
- Fuels
- Straw
- Crop Yield
Defaults are a combination of farm audit,
historical and IPCC data
Source HGCA
10HGCA Greenhouse Gas calculator- transport and
- Diesel fuel consumed transporting rapeseed to
Source HGCA
11HGCA Greenhouse Gas calculator- processing
Oil Extraction
Energy for Processing
End Fuel Transport
12HGCA Greenhouse Gas calculator- summarising GHG
Nitrogen inputs account for over 90 of on-farm
GHG emissions, of which 60 is due to nitrous
oxide (N2O)
On-farm fuel, pesticide and seed supply based
emissions account for about 20 of farm GHG
Source HGCA
13HGCA Greenhouse Gas calculator- comparing GHG
Lower GHG emissions of between 18 - 39 have been
calculated for the production of biodiesel when
compared to fossil fuel-derived diesel
Source HGCA
14Carbon and energy saving - benefits of biodiesel
versus conventional diesel
Source NE Associates 2007
15Future development?- ongoing improvement of GHG
- Specific research needed in the following areas
- Farm audits
- Greater use of / development of N20 fertiliser
abatement technology in the manufacture of N
fertiliser - Indirect land use change
- Co-product allocation
- Crop Breeding
16Thank You Heike.Hintze_at_hgca.com 00 44 20 7520 3957