Title: Concrete
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2One Definition of Portland Cement Concrete
- Portland cement concrete (PCC) is a heterogeneous
system of solid, discrete, gradiently sized,
inorganic mineral aggregates, usually plutonic or
sedimentary-calcareous in origin, embedded in a
matrix compounded of synthesized polybasic
alkaline and alkaloidal silicates held in aqueous
solution and co-precipitate dispersion with other
amphoteric oxides, this matrix being originally
capable of progressive dissolution, hydration,
re-precipitation, gelation and solidification
through a continuous and co-existent series of
crystalline, amorphous, colloidal and
cryptocrystalline states and ultimately subject
to thermo-allotriomorphic alteration, the system
when first conjoined being plastic during which
stage it is impressed to a predetermined form
into which it finally consolidates, thus
providing a structure relatively impermeable and
with useful capacity to transmit tensile,
compressive, and shear stresses. - (source unknown)
3A Real Definition of PCC
- A mixture of
- Portland Cement
- Fine Aggregate
- Coarse Aggregate
- Water
- Air
- Cement and water combine, changing from a moist,
plastic consistency to a strong, durable
rock-like construction material by means of a
chemical reaction called hydration
4Further Defined
- Concrete exists in three states
- Plastic
- Curing
- Hardened
5Mix Design
- Combination of materials to provide the most
economical mixture to meet the performance
characteristics suitable for the application - Developed in laboratory - produced in a batch
plant - Mix proportions will typically vary over a range
for a given job - Required strength and exposure conditions
- Mix consistency must be ensured to guarantee
concrete performance
6Mixture Design Concepts
- Cement content
- Sacks/yd3 or lbs/yd3
- To a point, increasing cement content increases
strength and durability - Too much cement is uneconomical and potentially
detrimental - Amount of water
- Proper selection of aggregate and grading
- Admixtures?
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8Water-to-Cement Ratio
- The ratio of water-to-cement, or w/c, is the
single most important parameter with regards to
concrete quality - Theoretically, about 0.22 to 0.25 is required for
complete hydration - Practically, the useful limit is around 0.33
- Reducing the water for a given amount of cement
will move the cement particles closer together,
which in turn densifies the hydrated cement paste - This increases strength and reduces permeability
- It also makes the concrete more difficult to work
- In combination, the w/c and degree of hydration
control many of the properties of the hardened
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10Voids in Hydrated Cement
- Concrete strength, durability, and volume
stability is greatly influenced by voids in the
hydrated cement paste - Two types of voids are formed in hydrated cement
paste - Gel pores
- Capillary pores
- Concrete also commonly contains entrained air and
entrapped air
11Voids in Hydrated Cement Paste
- Gel Pores
- Space between layers in C-S-H with thickness
between 0.5 and 2.5 nm - Includes interlayer spaces, micropores, and small
isolated capillary pores - Can contribute 28 of paste porosity
- Little impact on strength and permeability
- Can influence shrinkage and creep
12Voids in Hydrated Cement Paste
- Capillary Voids
- Depend on initial separation of cement particles,
which is controlled by the w/c - It is estimated that 1 cm3 of anhydrous portland
cement requires 2 cm3 of space to accommodate the
hydration products - Space not taken up by cement or hydration
products is capillary porosity - On the order of 10 to 50 nm, although larger for
higher w/c (3 to 5 mm) - Larger voids affect strength and permeability,
whereas smaller voids impact shrinkage
13w/c 0.5
Source Mindess, Young, and Darwin, 2004
14Source Mindess, Young, and Darwin, 2004
15Source Mindess, Young, and Darwin, 2004
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17High Permeability(Capillary Pores Interconnected)
Capillary Pores
C-S-H Framework
18Low-Permeability Capillary Pores Segmented and
Only Partially Connected
Capillary Pores
C-S-H Framework
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21Dimensional Range of Solids and Voids in Hydrated
Cement Paste
Source Mehta and Monteiro, 1993
22Source Mindess, Young, and Darwin, 2004
23Source Mindess, Young, and Darwin, 2004
24Source Mindess, Young, and Darwin, 2004
25Interfacial Transition Zone
- Zone between the aggregate and bulk paste
- Has a major impact on the strength and
permeability of the concrete - The interfacial zone is 10 to 50 mm in thickness
- Generally weaker than either the paste or
aggregate due to locally high w/c and the wall
effect (packing problems) in some cases
predominately large crystals of calcium hydroxide
and ettringite are oriented perpendicular to
aggregate surface - Greater porosity and few unhydrated cement grains
- Microcracking commonly exists in transition zone
- Results in shear-bond failure and interconnected
macroporosity, which influences permeability - Modification of transition zone is key to
improving concrete
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28Entrained Air
- Provides the path for water to migrate from
larger voids to smaller voids - Water in smallest capillary/gel pores wont
freeze - For adequate protection
- 6-8 air by volume
- Entrained air spacing factor 0.2mm
29Entrained Air Measurement
- Proper air entrainment is one of the most
critical aspects of producing durable concrete - Air entrainment affects
- Strength
- Freeze-Thaw durability
- Permeability
- Scaling Resistance
- Workability
- Air content must be measured accurately at the
job site
30Air-Void System
ASTM C 231 and C 173
- Stereo Microscope ASTM C 457