Title: The CropLife Network
1The CropLife Network
European Crop Protection Association
- CropLife Latin America
- CropLifeamerica.org
Japan Crop Protection Association www.jcpa.org
Crop Life International
www. croplife.org
Crop Life Asia www.croplifeasia.org
Crop Life Africa Middle East www.croplifeafrica.or
Crop Life Latinamerica www.latinamerica.org
2What is CropLife Latin America?
Is the Regional Association representing the
Plant Science Industry in Latin America
- The Plant Science Industry invents, develops,
manufactures and sells products and services
designed to improve the global production of
food, feed, fibre and other useful products in a
sustainable way. (i.e. Insecticides, Herbicides,
3National Associations NetworkCropLife Latin
4Companies Network
CropLife Latin America
- Arysta LifeScience
- Bayer CropScience
- Dow AgroSciences
- DuPont
- Monsanto
- Syngenta
5A Safe Workplace for the Salvadoran Agricultural
- Dra. Sandra Villafuerte de MarroquÃn
- Health Minister
- Ing. Oscar Figueroa Albanes
- APA/CropLife
6The Process
National Committee of the Project
National Coordinator
Project Coordinator
Ministries of Health, Labor and Agriculture
Master Trainer from all Ministries
Fall Education Effect
Target Group
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
- Task Force
- Strategic Alliances
- Actions
- Timeline
- Budget
- Support
- Risk Map
8Considerations to Fall Educations Effect
- Political Lobbying/ Public Relations
- Master trainer
- Strategic Alliance
- Authorities
- Training to Build Local Expertise / Health
Promoter - Technical and financial support
National Coordinator and project coordinator
9 Target Group
- Farmers
- Growers
- Students
- Health promoter
- Housewives
- Political leaders
- Agricultural Technicians
- Doctors
10Strategic Actions
- Alliance ( National farmers associations)
- Build local expertise
- Build task force
- Fall educations
- Time line
- Assessment project
- Financial support
- International cooperation
- Safe use educations
- Container management program
11National Committee Activities
Master Trainers Activities
12Studies are Used in Occupational and Consumer
Risk Assessments
13Poisoning Situation by Pesticides in El Salvador
2005 - 2006
San Salvador, January, 2007
14Public Health Vigilance Epidemiology
- The purpose of epidemiological surveillance is
not only to collect and analyze data, but also to
guide political action to public action. - The surveillance of public health is defined as
information to action.
15The epidemiological vigilance is how to treat the
poisoning of pesticides.
- The surveillance systems can determine who the
population is, especially related to the people
who work with pesticides, the geographic regions
where they work and what products they use - Is necessary to take into account the operating
definitions to get good results.
16Operations Definitions
- Case Definition
- Intoxications by pesticides
- Epidemiological Alert
- Edidemiological Alert Judgment
- Control Areas
17Pesticide Surveillance Systems
- A good system can allow you to
- - Map the cases
- - Take a weekly incident
count - - Epidemiologic curve
- - Prevent incidents through
outreach - Analyze causes
of posioning - - Raise the awareness of the
patient -
Determine what to recomend
18Casos y tasas de Intoxicaciones por plaguicidas
según año de ocurrencia año 1998-2006
Fuente Ficha de Reporte por intoxicaciones por
19Casos de Intoxicaciones por plaguicidas, según
sexo durante año 2005-2006
Tasas por 100,000 habitantes
20Casos de Intoxicaciones por plaguicidas, según
grupos de edad durante años 2005 y 2006
21Casos de Intoxicaciones por plaguicidas según
modo durante año 2005-2006
22Casos de Intoxicaciones por plaguicidas Según
meses del año año 2005-2006
Fuente Ficha de reporte de intoxicaciones por
23In general
- 22 cases per week (3 per day)
- Mortality standard 14, 3 deaths per week
- Decrease 15 from 2005
- 76 of the poisoning occurs in rural areas
- 1 female poisoning for every 3 male poisonings.
- 3 times more likely that the incident occured in
a rural area than in an urban area.
24Tasas de Intoxicación por plaguicidas Por
Departamento de domicilio
Risk Map
Tasa x 100.000 habitantes
Año 2006
Source Health Minister
25Tasas de Intoxicación por plaguicidas Por
Departamento de Intoxicación
Risk Map
Source Health Minister
26Deaths from Pesticide Poisonings, By mode of
intoxication 2005-2006
Fuente Ficha de Reporte por intoxicaciones por
27Muertes por Intoxicaciones por plaguicidas
según Mes de notificación año 2005-2006
Fuente Ficha de Reporte por intoxicaciones por
28Muertes por Intoxicaciones por plaguicidas
según cinco nombres comerciales año 2005-2006
Fuente Ficha de Reporte por intoxicaciones por
29Accidental form
30Accidental Incidents by Sex 2005-2006
31Accidental Incidents by Age 2005-2006
32Accidental Incidents by Route of Exposure
33Accidental Incidents by Location of
Exposure 2005-2006
34Accidental Intoxications
- The probability of accidental intoxication is
twice more likely with men than women - 46 of incidents obtained the product in another
location - 61 of intoxications are oral
- 74 of cases were at home, 15 while working
- There was a 14 reduction from 2005 to 2006
36Casos de Intoxicaciones por plaguicidas según
modo intento de suicidio y grupos de edad año
37Casos de Intoxicaciones por plaguicidas según
modo intento de suicidio y sexo año
38Casos de Intoxicaciones por plaguicidas según
modo intento de suicidio y Procedencia año
Fuente Ficha de Reporte por intoxicaciones por
39Intentional Intoxications (Suicide)
- 97 were intoxicated through oral ingestion
- 136 deaths reported
- Most used products PhostoxÃn (24) Gramoxone
(28) - 18 reduction from the previous year
- 85 of events were in the home
- For every woman, there were 2 men who tried to
commit suicide
40Intentional Intoxications (Suicide)
- 42 obtained the product from an agroservices
dealer and 54 in another location - 7 of cases had previous suicide attempts
41Suicide Incidents by Hospital, 2005-2006
Fuente Ficha de Reporte por intoxicaciones por
42Form Laboring
43Work-related Incidents by Age, 2005-2006
44Casos de Intoxicaciones por plaguicidas según
modo laboral y Procedencia año 2005-2006
Fuente Ficha de Reporte por intoxicaciones por