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Political Demography: Ethnic, National and Religious Dimensions – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


 Political Demography Ethnic, National and
Religious Dimensions
Believing in Belonging a qualitative analysis of
being Christian for the 2001 census
  • Abby Day
  • Religious Studies
  • Lancaster University
  • PhD Funded by Arts and Humanities Research

Research context
  • UK 2001 Census 72 Christian
  • Less than 7 attend church regularly

Research problem
  • What do people believe in nowadays and how do we
    find out?
  • Implication what do we understand about
    religious affiliation and its impacts on social,
    political and policy decisions?

  • Avoid self-selection by religion or spirituality
  • Avoid overtly religious questions - about God,
    church, religion, ghosts.
  • In depth qualitative tease out meaning

(No Transcript)
260 Informants
  • Aged 14 83 bulge in the middle
  • Male/female
  • Socio-economic majority middle/lower SEGs

Data gathering
  • 68 face-to-face interviews recorded, transcribed
  • Participant observation
  • Group discussions

  • Content what do they believe in
  • Resource where did they source them
  • Practice what do they do with them
  • Salience how and why is this important?
  • Function what does this belief do and why?

Opening question
  • 1. What do you believe in?

Jordan, 14
  • A What do you believe in?
  • J Nowt.
  • A Sorry?
  • J I dont believe in owt. I dont believe in
    any religions.
  • A You dont believe in any religions.
  • J No. Im Christian but I dont believe in owt.

  • What are rights and wrongs for you? Examples?
  • Have they changed for you?
  • How do you know those things?
  • How do you put that into practice?
  • Has there ever been an inspirational figure to
    you, real or fictional?
  • Are there any books, movies, TV programmes which
    have significance for you and influenced you?

Meaning Transcendence
  • When are you happiest?
  • When are you must unhappy?
  • What happens to you after you die?
  • What frightens you?
  • What do you do to comfort you during those times?
  • What, or who, is most important to you in your

Influence and Control
  • How much influence or control do you think you
    have over your life?
  • Do you ever think about the purpose or meaning in
    life? If so, what?
  • No one can say for certain how it all began, but
    I wonder what your thoughts might be on how the
    universe came into being?

Believing in belonging
  • Affective, reciprocal human relationships
  • the main site for sourcing and expressing
  • meaning, morality and transcendence.

Us and others
  • Young - rude, disrespectful, dangerous
  • Not English criminals, immoral, dangerous
  • Non-traditional female rude, disrespectful, bad
    mothers, dangerous.

Final question
  • Census For the first time there was a question
    about peoples religion - none Christian, Hindu,
    Muslim, Sikh, Jewish, Buddhist or you could say
    other and write something different or you didnt
    have to answer it. What did you say? Or, a
    variation for students do you know what you
    would have said?

68 Interviews
  • 20 None
  • 2 Buddhists
  • 1 Muslim
  • 4 Other
  • 4 Dont know
  • 37 Christian

Why Christian?
  • 37 Christians
  • 18 Adherent
  • 19 Nominalists

Nominalist Christians (19)
  • Ethnic Christians
  • Natal Christians

Terry, 47
  • Well, I believe in fate, luck. Were doing what
    we do and we are what we are randomly. If that
    makes sense. I dont believe in one great deity
    whos pulling strings up in sky.

Why did he say Christian?
  • Well, only because they asked us to, not
    because, we wouldn't have any qualms, but thats
    the British way, isnt it? If people are not
    religious, theyre C of E. Church of England.
    Weddings, funerals and christenings.

Alien culture
  • T I mean, theres a bit of anti-Muslim feeling
    as anywhere else.
  • A There is around here?
  • T Oh, aye. But thats because they read bloody
    stupid newspapers like Sun and all that. Which
    stir it up, dont they? I mean, I wouldnt go
    shoot somebody just because he was a Muslim, but
    that is an alien culture to our culture, isnt
    it? Or is it? Am I just taking the same fears up
    as other people?

May and Robert, 70s
  • M Yeah, yeah, we would be Christian. Definitely.
  • A You would have ticked the box that said
  • M Yeah.
  • A And -
  • R Was it on that census where you were British,
    you could be British but not English or
    something. Is that what theyre talking about
    bringing in?

Why did they say Christian?
  • A Do you think thats different than other
    peoples outlooks who wouldnt be Christian?
  • R In some cases, yes, yeah. I dont want to
    bring racism into it, but its difficult not to
    in certain cases. But Id class the treatment of
    females by the Muslims, and Im afraid this is
    the Kilroy Silk situation coming out, but I think
    its always been my belief that the women are
    trodden into the ground in the Muslim world,

Chris, 42
  • A What about other people who arent Christian?
    Dont they have those beliefs?
  • C Well, I dont know. I dont really know any. I
    dont have anything to do with, um, any other
    religions people. No doubt Pakistanis, and
    Hindus and Muslims and whatever have their own
    thoughts on it. Probably very nice people, I just
    think theres too many of them in our country.

Not believing in owt but birthright
  • J No, I dont, but my Grandma and Granddad do.
    Theyre like Irish and really strong Christians.
  • A And so they believe in - ?
  • J The whole bible thing.
  • A And God, and Jesus?
  • J Yeah.
  • A So those people are Christians and they
    believe in all that stuff, and youre a Christian
    but you dont believe in that stuff.
  • J No.

Certified by Birth
  • A What makes you think or say, or describe
    yourself as Christian?
  • J Well, on my birth certificate it says Im
    Christian, so.

Kathleen, 15, student
  • Christian. Cos I definitely would never be,
    well, Im definitely not Sikh or a Muslim or
    whatever, and I dont think, I think being
    atheist is probably very close-minded, really. If
    you dont believe in anything then thats a bit
    sad, really, if you dont have any beliefs,
    whatsoever at all. So Id probably put Christian
    cos thats what my parents are and thats, if I
    was anything, like I said before, Id be
    Christian. That would be the thing that
    definitely, if I decided I believed in anything
    then Id become Christian, like thoroughly.

  • Christian identity is important as a matter of
    immediate, engaged faith for some
  • As ethnic and natal identity for others

Further research
  • If half the Christians in my study are in name
    only, what does this tell us about the results
    of larger surveys?
  • Do we need to question implications of religious
  • Are there better ways to find out what people
    really mean?
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