- LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the end of this topic,
you should be able to - Define the term factors of production.
- Briefly describe the production process.
- Identify the four factors of production.
- State the characteristics of land.
- Briefly explain what is meant by the law of
diminishing returns.
- Factors of production are the resources used to
produce goods and services. - Question
- Identify the resources used to make a cake.
- The production process involves the manufacturing
and distribution of goods produced and the
provision of services. - Question
- Where is manufacturing done?
- How is distribution carried out?
- What type of services are provided to (1) satisfy
peoples wants and (2) aid production?
- There are basically four factors of production
which are required for the production process to
take place. They are - Land
- Labour
- Capital
- Enterprise or entrepreneurship
5The nature of Land
- Land refers to all natural resources found in the
sea and on land. The range of natural resources
has some influence on the capability of the
economy to produce different goods and services.
6Land includes
- Raw materials e.g. copper, timber and rubber
- Landscape e.g. mountains, valleys and hills
- Ports e.g. natural harbours
- Climatic conditions e.g. the seasons
- Geographical location e.g. continents or islands
- Mostly immobile Some land such as climatic
conditions and landscape are immobile as they
cannot be transferred from one place to another. - Limited in supply Although land is limited in
supply, some can be increased by man-made
efforts. For example, land area can be increased
by reclaiming land from the sea. Some examples of
countries that reclaimed land from the sea
include Singapore and the United Arab Emirates.
8Characteristics of Land
- Gift of nature Climatic conditions, geographic
locations, natural deep harbours and mineral
deposits are all gifts of nature. - Land is subjected to the law of diminishing
returns. This hypothesis states that if one
factor of production is fixed in supply (i.e.
land and / capital in the short run) and extra
units of another factor (i.e. labour ) are added
to it, then the extra output or returns gained
from the employment of each extra unit of this
factor must, after a time, go down or diminish
9The law of diminishing returns
- This hypothesis states that if one factor of
production is fixed in supply (i.e. land and /
capital in the short run) and extra units of
another factor (i.e. labour ) are added to it,
then the extra output or returns gained from the
employment of each extra unit of this factor
must, after a time, go down or diminish
10Lesson 2 The nature of Labour
- At the end of this topic, you should be able to
- Define the term labour
- State the characteristics of labour.
- Describe the classification of labour
- Define the term labour force
- Identify and describe those factors which affect
the supply of labour - Identify and describe those factors which affect
the productivity of labour
- According to the British economist, Alfred
Marshall (1842-1924), labour can be defined as
any exertion that the mind or body has undergone,
either partly or totally, with the view of
earning some other good other than the pleasure
derived from the work itself. - Thus labour involves the physical and mental
efforts of individuals as they convert the
resources of nature into goods and services. It
therefore would include all forms of work needed
to transform natural resources into a form useful
to man.
- A labourer sells his services only.
- Labour services cannot be separated from the
worker. - Labour services cannot be kept or stored like
goods. - Labour is provided by human beings. They are not
machines and must be treated with dignity and
respect. - Labour has greater mobility than land as it is
easy to import labour from another country. - Labour is not a homogeneous product as each
person is unique and different people have
different skills and attitudes.
- Identify some skills required to cook a family
meal, for example, the Sunday lunch. - Is this labour as Alfred Marshall defined it?
- Unskilled - there is no special ability required
to perform tasks, for example, men who carry
buckets of cement on a construction site. - Semi-skilled -- the ability to do a particular
task is - only partially developed. These workers need to
get further training to be able to perform the
task really well. An example would be practical
nurses or nurses aides in a hospital. They have
basic training but need further training to
develop nursing skills. - Skilled - there is a special ability to do a
particular job. These skills required may have
been developed through specialised training
following prescribed courses or developed on the
job during employment.
- The supply of labour in a country or the
country's labour force refers to all those people
who are either employed or seeking employment.
16Factors which affect the supply of labour
- The labour force of a country is affected by a
number of factors, which may either cause the
supply to increase or decrease. Among these
factors are - The size of the population Populations that are
large tend to have a greater supply of labour
than populations that are small. The birth rate
does affect the size of the population and hence
the labour force. - The age distribution of the population This can
affect the labour force in that if the population
is old, (the majority of the citizens are retired
or near retirement) or if the majority of the
population is young (that is of school age) then
the labour force may be small.
17Factors which affect the supply of labour
- The compulsory school leaving age and retirement
age If young people leave school early for the
working world this means that more labour is
available to, the country. Also if retired
persons are allowed to work this again
contributes to an increase in the labour force. - Social habits In some countries married women
may not be allowed to work and this would reduce
the supply of labour.
- The productivity of labour is affected by its
efficiency. There are a number of factors that
may affect the productivity of labour.
19The productivity of labour
- The level of education of the worker This factor
affects whether the worker can be trained further
in a particular area or in a new area.
'On-the-job' training may assist in advancing the
productivity of the worker. - The standard of health of the worker Healthy
individuals are far more efficient than sick
ones. The adequacy and efficiency of the health
services will also determine the extent to which
sick persons are restored to health and assume
their productive roles.
20The productivity of labour
- The attitude of people towards work If persons
are responsible and apply themselves to the task
that they are engaged in then this would affect
their productivity in a positive way. - Wages Workers are motivated to perform by
income, thus allowing them to improve their
standard of living and their health. A system of
paying workers called 'piece rate' is known to
increase productivity.
21Productivity of labour
- The transportation system available to assist
workers in getting to and from work If the
transportation system is efficient it means their
workers will be able to get to work on time, less
fatigued and result in an increase in their
productivity. - The mobility of labour If persons are willing
move to new areas to find work or move into new
occupations, then it is likely that their
productive ability will be utilised.
22Productivity of labour
- The organisation of the workplace Good
organisation means that raw materials will
available and machines will be in proper working
order. This means also that careful instructions
will be given so that there is no loss of time
and waste of resources in the productive process. - Working conditions The layout of the factory,
the lighting and ventilation of offices are areas
to examine. If workers have to leave the plant
purchase lunches because there is no canteen
facilities available this may prevent them
returning to work on time or be stressed out on
the job, hence reducing their efficiency.
23Productivity of labour
- Offering promotion opportunities to workers
This acts as a challenge to workers. Workers will
be motivated to perform at their jobs. - Providing sufficient education and proper
training opportunities Provide opportunities
for workers to upgrade themselves by attending
courses either locally or overseas. On-the-Job
training programmes can also enhance the
productivity of workers.
24Productivity of labour
- Injecting new blood into the organisation Young
people are more receptive to new ideas and bring
with them new thoughts and ideas that might
benefit the organisation. - Ensuring good management The good management of
human resource development is vital in any
organisation. For example, in Japan, the emphasis
of workers' welfare has resulted in happier and
more dedicated staff. This has helped increase,
25Productivity of labour
- Provision of social services by the government
Provision of social services such as medical,
housing, transportation and educational
facilities by the government will ensure that
most people will be able to afford them. As the
well-being of the labour force improves,
productivity will increase.
- Can your productivity be increased?
- Suggest some ways that this may be done.
27Lesson 3Mobilisation of Labour (Migration and
the Labour Force)
- Define the term migration
- Identify and describe the types of migration
- Identify the reasons for migration
- Describe the effects of migration
- State the obstacles to mobility of labour.
- State the advantages and disadvantages of
division of labour.
28Migration defined
- MIGRATION is the permanent movement of people
from one area to another or from one country to
another. A person leaving one country to reside
permanently in another is called an emigrant and
when he arrives in that country he is termed an
immigrant. Today the term migrant is used to
represent both.
29Internal migration vs External migration
- When an individual leaves the rural areas to
settle permanently in the city this is called
in-migration or internal migration. If an
individual leaves one country to reside in
another country this is called out-migration or
external migration.
- Migration affects the labour force in that it is
one of those factors affecting population growth
or decline in some countries. It is used to
preserve the balance between the birth rate and
the number of inhabitants that a country can
support. If more persons leave a country than
those coming in or being born, this will prevent
this country from achieving maximum economic
growth. Too few workers will halt development and
industrial production.
31Effects of migration
- On the other hand if a country has more
inhabitants than it can support this will cause
average output and standard of living to be low
and there will be great demand for social
amenities. Governments find themselves spending a
great deal on public relief payments or food
imports instead of harnessing this expenditure
for industrial development.
32Migration and the Caribbean
- Many Caribbean countries face the problems
mentioned above. However, when many educated
persons such as our professionals, lawyers,
doctors, managers, teachers, nurses and other
skilled persons leave, this results in the pace
of industrialization and development in Caribbean
countries slowing down. Many of these
individuals have been trained in the Caribbean
from meagre scarce resources. This "brain drain"
as it is called, has a negative impact on the
- To increase material wealth e.g. better homes
and cars - To increase living space
- To find better jobs and higher living standards
- To make use of better educational opportunities
- Health reasons
- To escape political and economic pressure.
- There are negative as well as positive affects of
migration - both on the country from which
persons leave and on the one where they settle.
35Effects of migration
- If the persons are skilled professionals then
they will add to the quality of the human
resources of the country where they settle. On
the other hand, they reduce 'the quality of the
human resources of the country they leave. - If the population of the country where they leave
is small this further adds to the reduction in
labour necessary for development. On the other
hand, if the population is large, then the
government may find that less is spent on social
programmes and the money saved in this way can be
used towards development. - If the country where the migrant settles is
over-populated, then there is going to be more
spending on social welfare programmes and less
spent on development.
36Effects of migration
- The migrant may also find difficulty in getting
work in his new country because - There may be sex, class or race discrimination
- His/her educational qualifications may not be
recognized, hence further studies will have to be
undertaken - There are language difficulties to contend with
or - He/she suffers from lack of knowledge of the
different systems in the new country.
- Mobility of labour refers to the movements of
labour. - Question
- Can you identify any person or persons who have
moved from their home country to another for the
purpose of employment?
38Types of Mobility of labour
- There are two types of mobility of labour
occupational mobility and geographical mobility, - Occupational mobility of labour This refers to
the transfer of labour resource from one
occupation to another, either horizontally or
vertically. - Horizontal mobility would involve a change of job
involving a change of duties. - Vertical mobility would involve a change of job
involving a change in the level of responsibility.
39Geographical mobility of labour
- This refers to movements of labour from one place
to another, either locally, regionally, or
crossing national boundaries.
- Lack of necessary skills and qualifications For
example, to become a doctor, one needs to be
professionally trained as one. - The age factor Older workers are generally less
mobile than younger workers. - Sentimental reasons Having close ties with
colleagues and supervisors might be a factor
causing one to stay on in a job. - Insufficient information about job availability
Due to lack of information, availability of jobs
in other fields is not known to job-seekers.
- Unwillingness to take risks by changing job or
environment The worker may be very familiar with
his present job and does not want to move out of
his comfort zone as he does not know what to
expect in the new Job. - Entry requirements and restrictions for certain
occupations To be qualified for certain jobs,
one would need to fulfil certain criteria. For
example, to be a pilot, one needs to be of a
minimum height and have good eyesight. - Contractual obligations Being under a contract
or bond would make changing Jobs difficult.
42Obstacles to geographical mobility
- Financial constraints the cost of moving is a
major factor which restricts geographical
mobility. - Political instability war, riots, or political
upheavals in a country would discourage people
from moving into a country. - Sense of belonging to ones country family and
friends and a sense of belonging to ones country
(patriotism) would make people think twice about
uprooting themselves.
- Increase in output The concept of division of
labour was first introduced by Adam Smith who
proved that with division of labour, output will
increase. - Requirement of specialists Because of the
specific tasks involved, people with the
necessary skills and knowledge are needed. Thus
the company has to employ specialists so that
operations for the production of goods and
services can be carried out.
- Use of machinery Some tasks can be performed
more efficiently by machines. The division of
labour makes possible the use of machinery to
accelerate the production of goods. This will
enhance productivity of labour. - Increase in productivity Workers performing
repetitive tasks will soon become experts. They
know the tasks they perform well and are more
efficient. Productivity thus increases.
- Saving of time With division of labour, more
time will be saved as workers do not have to move
from one place to another to perform different
operations. The saving of time, in turn, helps
the company to become more cost-effective. - Diversification of employment With
specialisation, more job opportunities are
created, each requiring different skills. For
example, as firms mechanise and computerise,
workers trained in these areas are required.
This will create new employment opportunities.
- Doing repetitive work might be boring and
monotonous Due to the repetitive nature of the
job, workers may find their jobs uninteresting
and unchallenging. The workers may also feel
alienated from one another as they work alone
with minimal interaction with co-workers. - Lack of ownership As the workers do not create a
product from start to finish and only contribute
a portion towards the production of the product,
they do not feel a sense of ownership towards the
- Retards creativity Because of the repetitive
nature of the job, there is little room for
creativity and workers might become bored. - Causes immobility of labour The workers, being
specialists, are easily made immobile if they are
retrenched or if their jobs are being made
redundant because of technological advances. They
will have difficulties in looking for other kinds
of jobs because their specialised skills might
not be relevant in other jobs.
- Define unemployment
- Identify and describe the types of unemployment
- Describe possibly ways to reduce these types of
unemployment - Describe unemployment in the Caribbean
- Define underemployment
- Describe self-help and community work
- Identify some of the agencies that provide
training for self-help and community work - Identify the types of training received by these
- Unemployment is a situation where there are more
people seeking jobs than there are jobs
- There are different types of unemployment caused
by different situations. The following are the
main types of unemployment - Cyclical
- Frictional
- Structural
- Technological
- Seasonal
- Casual
- Disguised
- Residual
- Cyclical unemployment refers to the booms and
slumps that occur in the level of industrial
activity which has occurred over the past
centuries. - In boom periods there is a general rise in demand
for products thus causing industries to expand
and employ more workers and this may happen over
an extended period of time - several years.
However, this general increase in demand does not
continue forever and is usually followed by a
general fall in demand for goods and services. - This period is described as a 'slump'. When this
occurs, industries react by laying-off workers.
Note that this type of unemployment is due
primarily to a general fall in demand for goods
and services that is, the majority of industries
experience this fall in demand at the same time.
- Some economists like Lord Beveridge feel that
since cyclical unemployment was brought about by
inadequate demand in the economy on a whole, then
polices must be put in place to increase overall
demand for goods and services. - One suggestion to increase demand is to increase
spending, both in the public and private sectors.
The view is that if government spent more on
social programmes and the like, this would
provide income for persons who would create
demand and thus cause more job expansion. The
same would also be true of the private sector. - It has been recognized 'that a low level of
unemployment cannot be achieved simply by demand
management. This is largely due to the fact that
inflation follows a high level of demand.
Therefore more attention must be paid to reducing
unemployment by creating conditions which
stimulate existing firms to expand and new firms
to enter production.
- Frictional unemployment is the time lapse between
a person losing one job and gaining another. - Unless the economy is completely static there
will always be people changing their jobs. Some
may desire a change of employment or a move to a
different part of the country. In certain
occupations, such as unskilled labour in the
construction industry, workers are not employed
regularly by any one employer, so when a
particular contract is completed labour is made
- Since frictional unemployment is due to a time
lapse between losing employment and gaining
employment as a result of structural or
technological changes, then a way to reduce this
type of unemployment would be to create
opportunities for people to move from one job to
another. - Occupational mobility is possible if workers can
be retrained for jobs, for example, accounting
clerks can be trained to operate computers.
On-the-job training can be provided for workers
prior to new technology being introduced by firms
to reduce the level of friction.
- Sometimes unemployment is caused by a fall in
demand for a particular product. This may be due
to a fall in the price of a substitute for this
product, or for example, people may demand one
product over another because it is heavily
advertised, or because of a change in taste. This
will lead to a shift in production.
- Structural unemployment may be reduced to some
extent if there is less localization of
industries. If a number of different types of
industries were located within the same general
area then there would be greater mobility of
workers reducing the level of structural
unemployment. - Additionally there is the question of good
transportation, and cheaper housing as motivating
factors for workers to either travel long
distances to work or settle in new areas where
jobs are available.
- Technological unemployment may be due to a firm
using a new technique or the latest technology in
its operation thus having to lay off workers in
the process. For example, an accounting firm may
opt to use computers in its operations and lay
off a number of accounting clerks.
- The demand for some goods and services and the
availability or supply of others are seasonal in
nature. For example, some agricultural products
like sugar cane, apples and mangoes are available
at certain times of the year, thus workers are
required to harvest these, but during off-season
periods they are temporarily unemployed. - In some countries winter or bad weather may
prevent roadwork and other out-door construction
from taking place. - In most Caribbean countries there is the tourist
season when many are employed in hotels and guest
houses across the islands as entertainers, cooks,
housemaids, and so on, but are laid off during
off-season periods.
- Seasonal unemployment is unavoidable but it can
be reduced. One major way is by mixing or
combining jobs, for example, a cane cutter may be
used in a factory to do other jobs when cane
cutting is over, or hotel workers may become
store assistants during off season periods. - The difficulty, however, is that It is not easy
to make the switch from one area to another. For
example, a farm worker cannot become a taxi
driver if he does not have a certified driver's
- This type of unemployment includes part-time
workers and those who do not have steady jobs.
- This term is used to describe situations of
reduced output where individuals are being paid
but are not working. Unemployment is seen here as
- If the situation causing unemployment cannot fit
into any of the categories described above then
it is considered as residual. This category would
include individuals who, because of being
handicapped (mentally of physically), are not
employable due to their perceived inefficiency. - Additionally, there are those individuals who
work only to satisfy a certain need or desire and
choose not to work after that has been met.
- Apart from the types of unemployment mentioned
above, there are other factors that contribute to
the high levels of unemployment that exist in
Caribbean countries.
64Factors affecting unemployment in the Caribbean
- A large section of the labour force is engaged in
agriculture. Agriculture is very fragile, thus
any factor reducing demand or supply of
agricultural products can affect the level of
unemployment, for example, drought, crop failures
or worsening terms of trade. - High growth rate of the population leads to a
large labour force and not enough jobs being
created in the long run to deal with the demand.
65Factors affecting unemployment in the Caribbean
- Unemployment is further worsened by the
unbalanced wage structure in the Caribbean where
a few are employed and paid high salaries. Trade
unions try to bridge this gap by seeking better
salaries for those at the lower end of the scale.
Some employers react to this by laying-off
workers thereby aggravating an already bad
situation, - The nature of our formal and informal education
is of such, that youngsters feel that only some
types of jobs are worthwhile. Hence, many prefer
to remain unemployed than seek jobs that they
consider below their status.
- Underemployment is a situation where either
persons are working less than the normal work
week and are seeking additional employment or are
doing a job that is below their level of ability.
- Self-help and community work may be one response
to reducing unemployment. Additionally, cottage
and linkage industries could also reduce the
level of unemployment. - Self-help and community work are potent forces
with respect to their economic contribution in
assisting in reducing the levels of unemployment
within Caribbean economies. There are many
private and public agencies that are responsible
for the training of persons within these
economies. Later these individuals in turn are
able to provide employment for themselves as well
as spearhead employment for others in their
communities. Some individuals form co-operatives
or engage in cottage production.
- Social Development Commission
- Service Clubs
- Church Groups
- Citizens Associations
- Dressmaking and Tailoring
- Catering
- Basketry
- Ceramic and Pottery making
- Floral decoration
- Welding
- Masonry and Block making
70Lesson 5 Capital as a factor of production
- Learning objectives
- Define the term capital
- Identify and describe the two forms of capital
- Describe the nature and importance of capital
71Capital as a factor of production
- Capital as a factor of production includes money
used to acquired natural and human resources as
well as all other assets which are employed in
the process of production, such as the tools,
equipment, buildings, and any improvement to
existing structures or plant and machinery to be
used to improve production.
72Forms of capital as a factor
- Capital as a factor of production takes two basic
forms - Fixed capital and
- Working capital.
73Fixed capital
- These include buildings, machinery and other
equipment that are used repeatedly in the
production process and the creation of wealth.
74Working capital
- Working capital includes stocks of raw materials,
cash, bank balances and other items needed for
the day to day running of the business and which
are constantly used up in this process.
75Capital goods as the basis for production
- Capital goods or producer goods are defined as
goods that are used to produce other goods. - They include all machinery and tools which are
used in the production process in the act of
creating more goods.
76The importance of capital goods
- Firms need to have appropriate equipment and
technology to foster efficiency and productivity. - Firms must keep pace with the changes in
equipment and machinery and the techniques in
their different fields of endeavour so as to
increase productivity. - Obsolete technology and backward techniques will
not foster growth and development.
- Define the term entrepreneur
- Describe the nature of entrepreneurship
- Describe the role of the entrepreneur.
78Entrepreneurship defined
- Entrepreneurship or organisation involves the
co-ordinating of all the other factors of
production in the quantities desirable in order
to achieve production.
79The Entrepreneur as a factor of production
- The entrepreneur is the person who starts the
business and determines whether its succeeds or
fails. - Several institutions have been set up to assist
with the development of entrepreneurial skills. - These include UWI (St. Augustine, Mona and Cave
Hill), Business Development Centre (formerly
SBDC), etc. These institutions offer training
courses to assist in acquiring business skills.
80The nature of entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurs are the owners of the business and
their role is to take on the risks of business
and make decisions so that production can take
place efficiently ahead of demand.
81The nature of entrepreneurship
- The entrepreneur is a risk-taker and a
decision-maker. - Successful decision-making results in profits but
losses will accrue if poor decisions are made.
82The role of the entrepreneur
- Entrepreneurs must be willing to carry out the
following activities in order to succeed - To raise capital either from savings or borrowing
to invest in the business - To organise the different types of labour
required - To make any change that are necessary in order
for the business to grow and develop - To identify and clarify decisions related to the