Title: Week 3
1Week 3
- Ethics, stakeholders and the social contract
2There are few circumstances among those which
make up the present condition of human knowledge,
more unlike what might have been expected, or
more significant of the backward state in which
speculation on the most important subjects still
lingers, than the little progress which has been
made in the decision of the controversy
respecting the criterion of right and wrong.
- John Stuart Mill (1863) - Utilitarianism
3Licensed to Kill Inc.incorporated and licensed
in Virginia, March 2003
- Purpose, as written in articles of incorporation
- the manufacture and marketing of tobacco in a
way that each year kills over 400,000 Americans
and 4.5million other persons worldwide
4What is a stakeholder?
- those groups without whose support the
organization would cease to exist - any group or individual who can affect or is
affected by the achievement of the organization's
5Stakeholder categories
- Voluntary involuntary
- Internal - external
6Stakeholder groups 1
- Managers
- Employees
- Customers
- Investors
- Shareholders
- Suppliers
- Government
7Stakeholder groups 2
- Society
- The local community
- The environment
- The future
8Multiple stakeholding
- Customer
- Employee
- Shareholder
- Member of society
- Member of local community
9Stakeholder objectives
- Return on investment
- Low price
- Quality
- Security
- A pleasant environment
10Stakeholder ownership
- legal v actual ownership
- composition of the firm
- power and influence
- quasi-ownership of stakeholders
- power of internal stakeholders
- power of external stakeholders
11Why a concern with stakeholders?
- Ownership of the firm
- accountability
- improved performance
- natural justice
- the future
12Stakeholder Theory
- All stakeholders considered in decision making
- Why
- Morally ethically correct
- Benefits shareholders
- What actually happens
13Stakeholder importance for companies
14Rationale for Stakeholder Theory
- Maximising wealth for shareholders fails to
maximise wealth for society and all its members - Only a concern with managing all stakeholder
interests achieves this
15Effects of an organisations activities
- the utilisation of natural resources as a part of
its production processes - the effects of competition between itself and
other organisations in the same market - the enrichment of a local community through the
creation of employment opportunities - transformation of the landscape due to raw
material extraction or waste product storage - the distribution of wealth created within the
firm to the owners of that firm (via dividends)
and the workers of that firm (through wages) and
the effect of this upon the welfare of individuals
16Spatial externalisation
- environmental degradation though spoil heaps or
through increased traffic imposes costs upon the
local community through reduced quality of life - causing pollution imposes costs upon society at
large - waste disposal problems impose costs upon whoever
is tasked with such disposal - removing staff from shops imposes costs upon
customers who must queue for service - just in time manufacturing imposes costs upon
suppliers by transferring stockholding costs to
17Temporal externalisation 1
- deferring investment to a future time period and
so increasing reported value in the present - failing to provide for asset disposal costs in
capital investment appraisal and leaving such
costs for future owners to incur - failure to dispose of waste material as it
originates and leaving this as a problem for the
future - causing pollution which must then be cleaned up
in the future
18Temporal externalisation 2
- depletion of finite natural resources or failure
to provide renewable sources of raw material will
cause problem for the future viability of the
organisation - lack of research and development and product
development will also cause problem for the
future viability of the organisation - eliminating staff training may save costs in the
present at the expense of future competitiveness
19The Social Contract
- obligations to individuals
- obligations to groups and organisations
- obligations to government
- obligations to society
- obligations to self
20(No Transcript)
21Organisational ideologies
- dominant ideology shapes activities
- operational foundation
- ethical foundation
- external relations
- relationship with stakeholders
- social contract
- standards of fair trading
22Ethical foundation 2
- internal relations
- corporate culture
- contractual obligations
- standards of employment
23Social responsibility and organisational values
- business ethics
- agency theory
- stakeholder theory
- corporate governance
- Combined Code of Corporate Governance
24Ethics and control systems
- the nature of control systems
- organisations v individuals
- facilitating goal congruence
- organisational and individual goals
- reward structures
- coercion and manipulation
- behaviour modification
25Arguments against business ethics
- added cost
- legal and regulatory framework
- collective responsibility
- decisions taken by groups
- groupthink / risky shift
- individual ethics
- conflict between individual freedom and corporate
26Ethical standpoint and the individual
- loyalty to employers
- reciprocation?
- loyalty to profession
- codes of conduct
- future career
- loyalty to self
- core values
- self actualisation
27Determinants of ethical stance
- social constraint
- obedience to the law
- social expectations
- obedience to social norms and values
- social concern
- long term perspective
28Reasons for unethical behaviour
- lapses in individual ethics
- legitimating decisions through public acceptance
- ruthless pursuit of self interest
- outside pressure
- the bottom line
- responsibility shifting
- organisations are externalising machines
29No hiding place
- the veil of incorporation
- ultra vires
- collective v individual responsibility
- ignorance is no defense
- professional codes of conduct
- the Panopticon