Title: DO NOW
Date 1/7/13 Q What is work and how is it related to force?
NEW YEARS RESOLUTION Three things I can do this semester to improve my understanding of science are 1) 2) 3)
Reminder Enter the classroom, begin the Do Now
immediately, silently and independently.
2ESSENTIAL QUESTION What is work and how is it related to force?
OBJECTIVES -Review Classroom Procedures and Expectations -Define work and examples of work.
3Classroom Expectations and Procedures
- TASK You and your table mates are in charge of
introducing a new student to the class. Create a
list of all the rules and procedures that they
would need to know to be successful in class - VOICE LEVEL 2
- Be Prepared to Share
Hardie and Hibler
4Classroom Expectations and Procedures
- TASK You and your table mates are in charge of
creating a list of rules and procedures essential
for an effective classroom. -
- Create a list of 5 essential characteristics.
- Be Prepared to Share
5Work and Force
- Pair Share
- What is work?
- Brainpop Work
- Pair Share
- Now, how would you describe work?
6Partner Read 146-147
- Expectations for Partner Read
- Voice Level 1
- Partner closest to screen starts first
- Each partner is responsible for Reading
- After Reading
- Complete the student sheet and Frayer Model
7Lets Review
ESSENTIAL QUESTION What is work and how is it related to force?
OBJECTIVES -Review Classroom Procedures and Expectations -Define work and examples of work.
Date 1/8 Q What is work and how is it related to force?
Using the work from yesterday, Describe WORK in your own words.
9ESSENTIAL QUESTION What is work and how is it related to force?
OBJECTIVES -Model work being done and not being done. -Learn to use a SPRING SCALE to measure force and calculate WORK.
10Doing WORK?
- Lift the book at your table straight out in front
of you. - -Could you feel your muscles working?
- -Did you use force to get the books straight out
in front of you? Did you use force to keep them
there? - -Did you do work to get them out in front of you?
- Did you do work to keep them there? Explain?
- REMEMBER Work is done on an object when an
applied force moves it through a distance in the
direction of the force.
11Work and Human Body Lab
- A Materials Manager
- B Recorder
- C Time Keeper
- D Lab Director
12Work and Human Body Lab
- PART 2
- Work Force X Distance
13Lets Review
ESSENTIAL QUESTION What is work and how is it related to force?
OBJECTIVES -Model work being done and not being done. -Learn to use a SPRING SCALE to measure force and calculate WORK.
Date 1/9 Q How do simple machines affect force when doing work?
Look at the picture, if you wanted to get the object into the back of the truck, what tool could you use to reduce the amount of force needed?
15ESSENTIAL QUESTION How do simple machines affect force when doing work?
OBJECTIVES -Students will investigate the effects of inclined planes on force and work.
16Inclined Plane Lab
- ARecorder
- B Time Keeper
- C Lab Director
- D Materials Manager
17Inclined Plane Lab
18Inclined Planes
- Brain Pop- Inclined Plane
19Exit Ticket Quick Write
- Quick Write Explain to the movers why using a
ramp to help them load the truck will help get
- Inclined plane, work, force, direction
20Lets Review
ESSENTIAL QUESTION How do simple machines affect force when doing work?
OBJECTIVES -Students will investigate the effects of inclined planes on force and work.
Date 1/11 Q What is the relationship between work and force?
Describe a situation where work is being done. How do you know work is being done? What body systems are involved?
22ESSENTIAL QUESTION What is the relationship between work and force?
OBJECTIVES -Grade Homework -Demonstrate our understanding of work using Top Ten