Spinal Cord Compression: A Case Study - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Spinal Cord Compression: A Case Study


Title: Spinal Cord Compression as an Oncological Emergency By Lisa Warren Author. Last modified by: Francisco Felix Created Date: 11/30/2003 4:50:54 AM – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Spinal Cord Compression: A Case Study

Spinal Cord Compression A Case Study
  • Angie Angeles-Lo, SN,
  • Kathy Berliner, SN
  • Anthony Bodestyne, SN
  • Lisa Warren, SN

Spinal Cord CompressionPatient History
  • Pt Demographics 55 year old female, diagnosed 1
    year prior with metastatic colon cancer. This
    patient had a section of colon removed in 11/02
    she now has a permanent transverse colostomy.
    She was admitted to Kaiser South San Francisco on
    11/20/03 for Spinal Cord Compression with
    paralysis of the lower extremities.

Spinal Cord CompressionPatient History
  • History of Present Hospitalization In 9/03,
    multiple retroperitoneal nodes were discovered on
    CT. On the advice of the physician, the pt flew
    to El Salvador to visit family. On 11/19, pt
    awoke with severe 10/10 back pain accompanied by
    b/l weakness of the lower extremities. She was
    seen in the ER in El Salvador where she received
    epidural analgesia in order to sit through the
    flight back to the U.S. By the end of the
    flight, the pt had no sensation or movement of
    the lower extremities.

Spinal Cord CompressionDiagnostic Tests
  • CT Scan A scan of the thoracic spine done on
    11/20. The impression showed probable metastatic
    disease to the thoracic spine. Air was seen
    within the epidural space at the lower thoracic
    level. Exact etiology is unknown.
  • MRI A follow up MRI was done of the thoracic and
    lower spine that same day. The impression showed
    extensive metastatic tumor involving the
    cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral vertebrae,
    with evidence or spinal cord compression at T2
    and T9.

Spinal Cord CompressionPathophysiology
  • Definition Spinal cord compression damage occur
    when a tumor directly enters the spinal cord or
    when the vertebral column collapses from tumor
    entry. Tumors may begin in the spinal cord but
    more commonly spread from other areas of the body
    such as the lung, prostate, breast, colon.

Spinal Cord CompressionPathophysiology
  • Direct compression or distortion of the spinal
    cord may result from neoplastic infiltration of
    the vertebral bodies or paravertebral spaces.
  • Rarely, cancerous growths may originate from
    structures within the epidural space.
  • Nerve tracts most vulnerable to mechanical
    pressure include the corticospinal and
    spinocerebellar tracts and the posterior spinal

Spinal Cord Compression Pathophysiology
  • Spinal cord compression usually follows
    hematogenous dissemination of a malignancy to the
    vertebral bodies, with subsequent expansion of an
    epidural mass. Generally, metastatic seeding
    appears in the thoracic spine 70 of with the
    lumbar spine being the next most involved
    site.The cervical spine is affected in
    approximately 10 of cases.Multiple spinal levels
    are affected in about 30 of patients.
  • Systemic cancers with a tendency for spinal cord
    metastasis include the following breast,
    prostate, renal, or lung neoplasms lymphoma
    sarcoma and multiple myeloma.

Spinal Cord CompressionPathophysiology
  • Spread into the epidural space may occur by means
    of tumor extension through the intervertebral
    foramina or hematogenous spread by way of the
    Batson venous plexus. Additionally,
    gastrointestinal and pelvic malignancies tend to
    affect the lumbosacral spine lung and breast
    cancers are more likely to affect the thoracic

Spinal Cord CompressionPathophysiology
  • Leptomeningeal metastases spread by means of
    diffuse or multifocal seeding of the meninges
    from systemic cancer (eg, lung or breast cancer,
    melanoma, lymphoma). Consequent signs and
    symptoms are referable to the brain, cranial
    nerves, or spine. Evidence of spinal compromise
    includes lower extremity weakness, paresthesias,
    reflex asymmetry, and spinal pain.

Spinal Cord CompressionSigns and Symptoms
  • Signs and Symptoms Spinal cord compression
    causes back pain, usually before neurologic
    deficits occur. Neurologic deficits are related
    to the spinal level of compression and include
    the following
  • 1. Numbness
  • 2. Tingling
  • 3. Loss of urethral, vaginal and rectal
  • 4. Muscle weakness
  • 5. If paralysis occurs, it is usually permanent.
  • 6. Valsalva maneuvers, such as coughing,
    sneezing, or straining, may exacerbate radicular
    back pain.

Spinal Cord CompressionTreatment
  • Nurses caring for clients with spinal cord
    compression must recognize the condition early.
    The nurses assesses the client for neurologic
    changes consistent with spinal cord compression.
    The nurse also teaches clients and families to
    recognize the symptoms of early spinal cord
    compression and to seek medical assistance as
    soon as possible.
  • Treatment is largely palliative. High-doses
    radiation is usually administered to reduce the
    size of the tumor in the area and relieve
    compression. Radiation may be given in
    conjunction with chemotherapy to treat the total
    disease. Surgery is occasionally performed to
    remove the tumor from the area and rearrange the
    bony tissue so less pressure is placed on the
    spinal cord. External back or neck braces may be
    prescribed to reduce the weight borne by the
    spinal column and to reduce pressure on the
    spinal cord or spinal nerves.

Spinal Cord CompressionPatient Medications
  • Dexamethasone- Management of cerebral edema and
    spianal compression .Potent, locally acting
    anti-inflammatory and immune modifier.Action-suppr
    esses inflammation and the normal immune
    response. Dosage-0.75-9mg PO/IV/IM daily IM, IV
    (Adults) Dexamethasone phosphate10 mg initially
    IV, 4 mg q 6 hr, may be decreased to 2 mg q 812
    hr, then change to PO. Adverse reaction- nausea,
    dizziness, HA Serious reaction -anapyhaxis.
    Implication- Assess patient for changes in level
    of consciousness and headache throughout therapy.
  • Protonix- For hypersecretory condition, GERD
  • Dosage 40-120mg PO BID Max240 mg/d. Infodo not
    crush, cut chew ActionInhibits gastric parietal
    cell hydrogen-potassium ATPase (proton pump
    inhibitr) Adverse RXN HA, diarrhea Serious side
    effect Anaphylaxis Implicationmonitor for and
    immediately report SS of angioedma or severe
    skin reaction

Spinal Cord CompressionPatient Medications
  • Fentanyl Patch For Chronic Pain
  • Dosage 25-100 mcg/hr patch q72h Action Binds
    to various opiate receptors, producing analgesia
    and sedation. Adverse reaction dry mouth,
    euphoria. Serious side effect respiratory
    depression, severe HTN. Implicationevaluate
    pain relief. Monitor VS, O2 Sat, bladder
  • Heparin-DVT Tx/prophylaxis
  • Dosage 5000 U SC q8-12h Action with antithrobin
    III and heparin cofactor, inhibits thrombin and
    Factor Xa and inhibits conversion of fibrinogen
    to fibrin Adverse reaction Prolonged clotting
    time, bleeding Serious reaction hemorrhage
    ImplicationMonitor patient for hypersensitivity
    reactions (chills, fever, urticaria). Report
    signs to physician.Monitor platelet count every
    23 days throughout therapy.

Spinal Cord CompressionPatient Medications
  • InsulinDue to glucocorticoid administration.
  • Dosage Sliding Scale before meals and bedtime
    Action Lower blood glucose by increasing
    transport into cells and promoting the conversion
    of glucose to glycogen Adverse reaction rebound
    hyperglycemia (Somogyi effect), hypoglycemia
    Serious reaction-anaphylaxis Implications Check
    type, species source, dose, and expiration date
    with another licensed nurse. Do not interchange
    insulins without consulting physician or other
    health care professional.

Spinal Cord CompressionRadiation Therapy
  • Radiation treatment to areas of tumor compression
    should be pursued after appropriate imaging and
  • Cord compression from an epidural tumor is
    considered one of the few emergencies in
    radiation oncology.
  • Spinal cord tolerance to radiation depends on the
    fraction size and cumulative dose.

Spinal Cord CompressionRadiation Therapy
  • Radiation treatment affects normal cells while
    damaging cancer cells. Sometimes this effect on
    normal cells and tissues can cause pain and
  • Skin dryness, difficulty in swallowing or skin
    sores may occur. The radiation therapy specialist
    can recommend a program to care for the skin to
    alleviate these side effects.
  • Fatigue can be a disabling side effect of cancer,
    cancer treatments and dealing with pain. It
    restricts a person's ability to manage their
    usual activities.
  • This patient was receiving external beam
    radiation for 8 days as palliative treatment to
    shrink the tumor that invaded the spinal column.

Spinal Cord CompressionNursing Assessments and
  • Monitor and document vital signs.Rationale
    Obtain info on patients overall condition
  • Assess neurological status including limb
    strength, sensation, bladder and bowel
    functionRationale Establish patients level of
    consciousness. Ascertain any evidence of
    increasing spinal cord compression as indicated
    by motor dysfunction, weakness, ataxia, sensory
    loss, numbness, tingling, loss of sensation to
    pain and temperature, constipation and urinary

Spinal Cord CompressionNursing Assessment
  • Monitor blood chemistry and patient for signs of
    hypercalcemia, such as confusion, drowsiness and
    lethargy. Rationale Elevated calcium levels may
    be associated with bone mets causing spinal cord
  • Assess alterations in elimination of urine and
    feces in terns of urgency, frequency, level of
    control over function, retention, constipation
    and incontinence. Rationale Early autonomic
    and nervous system involvement results in
    constipation and urinary retention. Bowel and
    bladder incontinence develop with advanced
    autonomic nervous system involvement.

Spinal Cord CompressionNursing Assessment
  • Assess patients pain level. Assess for
    duration, location, type, intensity and quality.
    Assess pain interventions. Consider
    non-pharmacological interventions such as
    relaxation, therapeutic massage and adjustment of
    patients position.
  • Assess patients skin as there are at risk for
    impaired skin integrity. Rationale Maintain
    good body alignment at all times to decrease the
    risk of further injury to spine.

Spinal Cord CompressionNursing Assessment
  • Assess for signs and symptoms of deep venous
    thrombosis due to activity. This can lead to
    pulmonary embolism, which can be a lethal
    complication. Many die within one hour of onset
    of symptoms or before it has been suspected.
  • For a DVT assess for calf and groin tenderness,
    pain, sudden onset of unilateral swelling of leg
    and positive Homans sign. Symptoms of pulmonary
    embolism include dyspnea, chest pain,
    restlessness, cough and hemoptysis. Signs
    include tachypnea, crackles, pleural friction
    rub, tachycardia, diaphoresis, fever and
    petechiae over chest and axilla.

Spinal Cord CompressionNursing Assessment
  • Assess and monitor patient and familys
    psychological status and adaptation to diagnosis
    and implication on lifestyle. Feelings of
    helplessness, hopelessness and depression are
    common. Bed bound patients become withdrawn and
    lose motivation.

Spinal Cord CompressionNursing Diagnoses and
  • Impaired physical mobility related to
    neuromuscular impairment. Interventions include
    maintain proper body alignment, ROM exercises,
    adequate nutrition, teach patient how to move in
    bed, monitor skin area over pressure areas.
  • Risk for falls related to decreased or absent
    lower extremity sensation and strength.
    Interventions include bed in low position, side
    rails up, keep frequently used items within
    patients reach, provide assistance with

Spinal Cord CompressionNursing Diagnoses and
  • Risk for impaired skin integrity related to
    physical immobilization and loss of bladder and
    bowel control. Interventions include Active or
    passive range of motions, ambulate to the extend
    possible, change positions every 2 hours, reduce
    pressure using things like pillows, air
    mattresses and bed cradles, maintain good body
    hygiene, encourage adequate fluid and nutritional
  • Bowel incontinence related to loss of rectal
    sphincter control. Interventions include Keep
    area clean and dry. Monitor anal and genital
    skin integrity. Record each episode including
    when it occurs, amount, color and consistency.
    Provide emotional support for patient.

Spinal Cord CompressionNursing Diagnoses and
  • Ineffective Individual Coping related to
    inadequate level of confidence in ability to
    cope. Interventions include maintain
    consistency in approach and teaching whenever
    interacting with patient, monitor for and
    reinforce behavior suggesting effective coping
    continuously, assist patient to identify and use
    available support systems before discharge from
    hospital and help patient evaluate which methods
    he or she have used that have not been successful
    or have been only partially successful.
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