- through the
- Acute and the Rehabilitative Phases of Nursing
2Risk Factors for SCI
- Each year, 11,000
- people experience a SCI.
- 200,000 more people are living with spinal cord
injury results - Statistics show that males are highest number.
Ages 16 30 y.o. Why do you think that is so?
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Sports Injuries
Violent Acts
Falls / Accidents
Data taken from 126 patient admissions
3Examples of Injury
- Accidents (45)
- Car, van, coach 16.5
- Motorcycle 20
- Bicycle 5.5
- Pedestrian 1.5
- Helicopter 1.5
- Domestic / Industrial Accidents (34)
- Sport Injury 15
- Diving 4 vertical compressions
- Rugby 1
- Horse Riding 3
- Other 7
- Assault 6
- Self Harm 5
- Assaulted 1
4Profound Health Care Effects
- Average cost of care for a person with a cervical
injury - 572,178 first year
- 102,491 each year after
- Economic Hardship
- High cost of rehab and long term care effects
- 90 of discharged SCI patients go home
- 10 of dishcarged SCI patients go to nursing
home, chronic care facility, group home
5Lifelong Needs of SCI
- Physical
- Psychosocial
- Financial
- Vocational
- Social Functioning
- T.W. is a 22 yo male patient fell 50ft from a
chairlift while skiing and landed on hard snow.
He was found to have a T10-11 fracture with
paraplegia. He was admitted to the ICU and place
on high doses of steroids for 24hrs. He was taken
to surgery for external spinal stabilization. He
spent two days back in the ICU, 5 days on Step
Down, and is now ready to be transferred to your
rehab unit. He continues to have no movement to
the lower extremities.
71 Goal of Treatment in Acute Phase
- Pathophysiology immediate mechanical disruption
of axons as a result of a laceration, stretch,
tear, or sever - Primary Injury / Secondary Ongoing Injury
- Normal blood flow is disrupted to area
- Spinal cord deprived of O2 .ischemia and cell
death Within four hours - Free Radicals released
- Hemorrhage in area causes edema and compression
further damage to axons bleeding appears within
one hour this can spread the area of injury and
damage - The longer this process, the more permanent
damage CNS does not regenerate!
81 Critical Nursing Care / Goals
- Immediate Stabilization to prevent further
injury, trauma, and cascade of secondary injury - How do we do this?
- Survive the Injury
- Maintain physiological stability through spinal
- The extent of damage results from the primary and
secondary injury and can be devastating if
stabilization and early treatment were not
started - Prognosis / Recovery most accurately determined
72hrs or more after injury
102 Steroid Therapy Benefits
- High dose IV steroids (Solumedrol) given within
frist 8hrs of injury - Reduce damage to cell membranes and decrease
inflammation. - Found in the early 80s to be highly effective to
reduce the length of time for spinal shock and to
reduce degree of injury - Side Effects decreased immune response, risk
for infection, increase serum glucose, induce
depression, psychosis, risk for GI bleed
113 What is Spinal Shock?(AKA Neurogenic Shock)
- Temporary Condition / Acute Phase
- Sympathetic function / communication is impaired
below the level of injury Sympathetic nerves
leave the spine at thoracic and lumbar areas - Parasympathetic function takes over
- Vasodilation , Venous Pooling, Decreased
Cardiac Output - VS Changes Hypotension, Bradycardia,
Temperature fluctuations, Flushed extremities,
Hypoxia - Loss of Spinal Reflexes
- Loss of Sensation
- Flaccid Paralysis below injury
- Time Frame one week to six months
- Masks the extent of injury
- Spinal Shock Resolves Reflexes return
123 Nursing Support
- Bradycardia
- Anticholinergic Atropine
- Temporary Pacemaker
- Hypotension
- Fluids
- Dopamine
- Careful monitor of ABCs. Any increase of vagal
response can further increase bradycardia and
cause cardiac arrest.
134 Post Acute Phase
- Stabilizing the spine and resolving spinal shock
will allow for early mobilization. - Early mobilization prevents further
complications. - What system by system complications are we
concerned with ? - Cardiovascular
- Respiratory
- Gastrointestinal / Nutrition
- Elimination
- Musculoskeletal
- Integumentary
14Respiratory Complications
- Major cause of death in the acute phase!
- Pulmonary support
- Suctioning / Postural Drainage / Turning
- Coordinate with RT
- O2 support
- Ventilator? Ambu at bedside
- Trach needed?
- Monitor ABGs gas exchange
- Breath sounds / breathing patterns / sputum
production - Poor cough effort
- Atelectasis / Pneumonia
- Higher the level injury, the higher the risk!
- Above C4 / Below C4 (Phrenic nerve at
diaphragm. Intercostal muscle impaired)
15Cardiovascular Complications
- Hypotension
- Bradycardia
- Decreased Cardiac Output
- Venous Pooling
- Impaired Tissue Perfusion
- Risk for Deep Vein Thrombosis DVT Prophylaxis!
16Gastrointestinal / Nutrition Complications
- Paralytic Ileus
- Septic Bowel
- Necrotic Bowel
- Stress Ulcers
- Malnourishment
- What does the nurse assess? What does the nurse
- monitor? Abdominal assessment? NGT to suction?
17Elimination Complications
- Loss of Bladder and Bowel control
- Neurogenic B/B
- Risk for Impaction / Retention / Incontinence /
Urinary Tract Infections
18Musculoskeletal Complications
- Risk for Contractures
- Muscle spasticity
- Contractures .. Loss of function
- Bone loss
- Muscle Atrophy
19Skin Complications
- Patients who do not have an ulcer state
- that nurses in the ICU turned them every 2
- hours after injury
- Research shows that patients go to rehab with
- ulcers already formed DISGUSTING nursing
- care!
- Risk factors for skin breakdown?
- Interventions? Skin Inspections?
205 Rehabilitative Needs
- Self Actualization
- (4) Community Integration
- (3) Adjustment to living at home
- (2) Accomplishment of ADLS
- (1) Stabilization of Physiological Systems
216 Self Care Abilities of T10-11
- Level of T2 T12 should be independent with the
wheelchair - May even walk short distances with orthotics and
crutches - Manage their own ADLs
- Manage their B/ B routine
- Symptoms, degree of paralysis, extent of injury,
and disability depends on the level of cord that
is injured - Cervical / Thoracic / Lumbar
- Cervical (C1 T1)
- - Tetraplegia (arms are rarely completely
paralyzed) - Thoracic / Lumbar (T2 lumbar)
- Paraplegia (full us of arms)
23- Complete vs. Incomplete
- Complete Total loss of sensory and motor
function below the level of injury - Incomplete Mixed loss of voluntary and
involuntary activity and sensation - Cervical Injuries
- C1-2 limited head and trunk control , requires
w/c with breath controls - C3-4 Dependent with ADLs, may still need
ventilator support - C4 and above some sort of lifelong ventilatory
support - C5 elbow flexion
- C6 wrist extension
- C7 finger control
- Independence increases from C6 down
247 Bladder Function
- SCI above T12 Spastic or Reflexic Bladder
- Characterized by involuntary bladder contractions
with uncontrolled voiding and incontinence. - SCI below L1 Areflexic or Flaccid Bladder
- Absent bladder contractions resulting in high
volumes of residual urine and urinary retention - Risks Renal Calculi , UTIs
- Goals Avoid bladder infections. Increase fluids.
Bladder program
25- Pt Teaching
- s/ sx of infection
- Intermittent cath program
- Medications to help bladder with tone
- Stimulate urine flow
- Increase fluids
- Indwelling catheter irrigations
- Cranberry juice
- Meds
- Anticholinergics to suppress contraction
- Antispasmotics to decrease spasticity
268 Bowel Training
- The bowel has its own neural control that
responds to distention. This is what helps SCI
patients regain control of emptying. - Train the bowel a predictable pattern of emptying
- Meds
- Stool Softeners
- Stimulant Laxatives
- Diet
- Fiber, fluids
- Digital stimulation (avoid enemas)
- Positioning
- Abdominal Massage
- Valsalva
- 43 yo male pt entered the hospital with a left
ischial - pressure sore stage IV. He is a Incomplete C5
C6 level of - injury for 20 years after suffering a SCI after a
diving - accident. He has a history of pressure ulcers.
- Vital Signs T 96.0, BP 88/42, P52, RR20
- He also has a history of Autonomic Dysreflexia
- Take a look at his medication regiman.
- Full head, neck, and shoulder control
- Diaphragm control
- Should not need respiratory support
- Elbow flexion with some wrist extension
- Assistive devices for fine motor skills
- Independent feeding, grooming, bathing,
wheelchair on even surfaces, drive with hand
controls - Assistance Transfers, dressing
292 VS Changes in SCI
- Autonomic Nervous System effected with injuries
above the T6 level. - There can be a loss of communication within the
body with the ANS. - Inability to autoregulate particularly VS
- Low BP, Low Pulse, Poiklothermia (taking on the
temp of the room with periods of flushing and
inability to sweat)
304 Medication Regimen
- Muscle Spasticity
- Baclofen
- Flexeril
- Valium
- Vitamins
- Pain and Muscle Relaxation
- Neurontin
- Bladder Care
- Detrol
- Ditropan
- Bowel Care
- Colace
- Suppository
315 Autonomic Dysreflexia
- Abnormal ANS response in SCI pts with a T6 or
higher - Patho ANS cannot decipher stimulus responses
rapidly coming up the spinal tract causing an
abnormal ANS response flight and flight - Precipitated by noxious stimuli below the level
of injury - Congested communication in spinal tract
- Can be Life Threatening cause increased ICP,
hemorrhage, Seizure, Stroke - Medic Alert!
32- AD is usually brought on by B / B distention,
UTI, spasms, pressure sores, infection, ingrown
toenail, insect bite, dysmennorhea, surgery site,
constrictive clothing - Assess fast!
- Headache
- Flushing
- Sweating
- High BP
- Blurred vision
- Nausea
- Act fast!
- Elevate HOB, contact MD, monitor VS, identify
noxious stimuli, treat cause
336 Lets Talk About Sex Baby!
- Reflex erection is possible with upper motor
neuron lesions - Orgasm and ejaculation is not usually possible
- Drugs or surgery for erectile dyfunction option
- Poor sperm quality
- Usually remain fertile and can have children
- Uterine contraction not felt
- Allow venting of feelings, offer support, suggest
counseling, educate
- What can you come up with???
35Collaborative Goals with SCI
- Maintain optimal level of wellness
- Maintain optimal functioning
- Minimal or no complications of immobility
- Learn new skills, self care
- Return to home
- Integrate back into community