ECON 101 Tutorial: Week 8 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ECON 101 Tutorial: Week 8


LUMS Maths and Stats Help (MASH) Centre. Are you mystified by maths? Stuck with statistics? The LUMS Maths and Stats Help (MASH) Centre for LUMS undergraduate ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ECON 101 Tutorial: Week 8

ECON 101 Tutorial Week 8
  • Shane Murphy
  • Office Hours Monday 300-400 LUMS C85

LUMS Maths and Stats Help (MASH) Centre
  • Are you mystified by maths? Stuck with
    statistics? The LUMS Maths and Stats Help (MASH)
    Centre for LUMS undergraduate students opens this
    week. Every Monday (16.00-18.00) and Friday
    (10.00-12.00), you can drop-in to LUMS B38a or
    book an appointment to see a student mentor and
    get help with maths and stats

  • Roll Call
  • Bonus
  • Problems
  • Discussion

  • Box of Lies
  • Melissa McCarthy
  • Emma Stone
  • Kate Hudson
  • Channing Tatum
  • Tina Fey
  • Jennifer Lawrence
  • Julie Bowen
  • Kerry Washington
  • Kate Hudson
  • You pick

Exercise 1
  • If a player has a dominant strategy in a
    simultaneous-move game, then she is sure to get
    her best possible outcome. True or false?
    Explain and give an example of a game that
    illustrates your answer.
  • False. The Prisoners Dilemma is a counter

Exercise 2
  • Consider the following simultaneous game
  • Find the Nash equilibrium or equilibria.
  • A up B left
  • Which player, if any, has a dominant strategy?
  • A up B none
  • Write down the extensive form for this game,
    played with simultaneous moves.
  • Suppose the game is now sequential move, with A
    moving first and then B. Write down the extensive
    form for this sequential move game.
  • Write down the normal form for the sequential
    move game. Find all the Nash equilibria.

Player A\B Left Right
Up 3, 3 5, 1
Down 2, 2 4, 4
Exercise 2
  • Consider the following simultaneous game
  • Write down the normal form for the sequential
    move game. Find all the Nash equilibria.
  • There are 2 Nash Equilibria
  • A Up and B Left Up, Left Dawn
  • A Down and B Left Up, Right Down
  • This is also a subgame perfect equilibrium

Player A\B LeftUp LeftDown LeftUp RightDown RightUp LeftDown RightUp RightDown
Up 3, 3 3,3 5, 1 5,1
Down 2, 2 4,4 4, 4 4,4
Exercise 3
  • Two classmates A and B are assigned a group
    project. Each student can choose to Shirk or
    Work. If one or more players choose Work, the
    project is completed and gives each student some
    credit valued at 4 payoff units each. The cost of
    completing the project is that 6 total units of
    effort (measured in payoff units) are divided
    equally among all the players who choose to Work
    and this is subtracted from their payoffs. If
    both Shirk, they do not have to expend any effort
    but the project is not completed, giving each a
    payoff of 0. The teacher can only tell whether
    the project is completed and not which students
    contributed to it
  • Find the NE
  • Both Shirk
  • Find the Dominant Strategy, what game is this
    similar to?
  • Shirk for both This is equivalent to the PD

Player A\B Shirk Work
Shirk 0,0 4,2
Work -2,4 1,1
Exercise 3
  • Two classmates A and B are assigned a group
    project. Each student can choose to Shirk or
    Work. If one or more players choose Work, the
    project is completed and gives each student some
    credit valued at 4 payoff units each. The cost of
    completing the project is that 6 total units of
    effort (measured in payoff units) are divided
    equally among all the players who choose to Work
    and this is subtracted from their payoffs. If
    both Shirk, they do not have to expend any effort
    but the project is not completed, giving each a
    payoff of 0. The teacher can only tell whether
    the project is completed and not which students
    contributed to it
  • Find the NE
  • Both Shirk
  • Find the Dominant Strategy, what game is this
    similar to?
  • Shirk for both This is equivalent to the PD

Player A\B Shirk Work
Shirk 0,0 4,2
Work -2,4 1,1
Exercise 4
  • Verify the following game is a version of the
    Prisoners Dilemma

Player A\B Confess Silent
Confess 0, 0 3, -1
Silent -1, 3 1, 1
Exercise 5
  • Im not comfortable teaching this, luckily we are
    low on time and can skip it.

Exercise 6
  • Identify Nash equilibria in pure strategies (if
    any) and explain your findings. In particular,
    consider whether players know which (if any) Nash
    equilibrium will result.
  • Two NE Firm 1 Enters, Firm 2 does not
  • Firm 2 Enters, Firm 1 does not
  • Without collusion, we dont really expect either
    to occur.

Firm 2\Firm 1 Do not enter Enter
Do not enter 0, 0 0, 1
Enter 1, 0 -1, -1
Exercise 7
  • Belgium has few traffic signs or signals and does
    not have a give-way rule. A driver in Belgium who
    stops to look both ways at an intersection loses
    the legal right to go first. Using the Game of
    Chicken, explain why Belgium has more per capita
    accidents at unmarked intersections resulting in
    bodily injury compared to neighbouring countries
    which have more stop signs and traffic lights and
    explicit rules about right of way.
  • What?!? In America we have stoplights. This
    question is crazy
  • When a man and a woman approach a door at the
    same time, it is customary for the man to let the
    woman go first. Use the Game of Chicken to
    explain this social convention.
  • What?!? I dont see gender. I only see souls.

Exercise 8
BA\Air France QA 96 64 48
QB 96 0, 0 3.1, 2 4.6, 2.3
64 2, 3.1 4.1, 4.1 5.1, 3.8
48 2.3, 4.6 3.8, 5.1 4.6, 4.6
  • Above is the normal-form representation of a game
    between British Airways and Air France where each
    chooses between three possible actions fly 96,
    64 or 48 thousand passengers between Manchester
    and Paris, with payoffs as m profits per
  • Is there a strictly dominant strategy for this
  • No.
  • Use iterated elimination of strictly dominated
    strategies to find an outcome for the game
  • AFs QA96 is strictly dominated by QA 64
  • BAs QB 96 is strictly dominated by QB 64
  • From what remains, 48 is dominated by 64 for
    each firm.
  • So the equilibrium is QA QB 64
  • List the assumptions you made to discover the
    game outcome.
  • The iterated approach relies on
  • the belief that players wont choose strictly
    dominated strategies.
  • Players possess common knowledge that they are
    payoff maximising
  • Players know that other players are payoff
  • etc

Exercise 9
  • The entrant moves first and the incumbent
    observes the entrants decision. The entrant can
    choose to either enter the market or remain out
    of the market. If the entrant remains out of the
    market then the game ends and the entrant
    receives a payoff of 0 while the incumbent
    receives a payoff of 2. If the entrant chooses to
    enter the market then the incumbent gets to make
    a choice. The incumbent chooses between fighting
    entry or accommodating entry. If the incumbent
    fights the entrant receives a payoff of -3 while
    the incumbent receives a payoff of -1. If the
    incumbent accommodates the entrant receives a
    payoff of 2 while the incumbent receives a payoff
    of 1. Solve this game.

Exercise 9
  • The entrant moves first and the incumbent
    observes the entrants decision. The entrant can
    choose to either enter the market or remain out
    of the market. If the entrant remains out of the
    market then the game ends and the entrant
    receives a payoff of 0 while the incumbent
    receives a payoff of 2. If the entrant chooses to
    enter the market then the incumbent gets to make
    a choice. The incumbent chooses between fighting
    entry or accommodating entry. If the incumbent
    fights the entrant receives a payoff of -3 while
    the incumbent receives a payoff of -1. If the
    incumbent accommodates the entrant receives a
    payoff of 2 while the incumbent receives a payoff
    of 1. Solve this game.

Dont Enter
I 2, E 0
I -1, E -3
I 1, E 2
Exercise 9
  • The entrant moves first and the incumbent
    observes the entrants decision. The entrant can
    choose to either enter the market or remain out
    of the market. If the entrant remains out of the
    market then the game ends and the entrant
    receives a payoff of 0 while the incumbent
    receives a payoff of 2. If the entrant chooses to
    enter the market then the incumbent gets to make
    a choice. The incumbent chooses between fighting
    entry or accommodating entry. If the incumbent
    fights the entrant receives a payoff of -3 while
    the incumbent receives a payoff of -1. If the
    incumbent accommodates the entrant receives a
    payoff of 2 while the incumbent receives a payoff
    of 1. Solve this game.

Dont Enter
I 2, E 0
I -1, E -3
I 1, E 2
Exercise 9
  • The entrant moves first and the incumbent
    observes the entrants decision. The entrant can
    choose to either enter the market or remain out
    of the market. If the entrant remains out of the
    market then the game ends and the entrant
    receives a payoff of 0 while the incumbent
    receives a payoff of 2. If the entrant chooses to
    enter the market then the incumbent gets to make
    a choice. The incumbent chooses between fighting
    entry or accommodating entry. If the incumbent
    fights the entrant receives a payoff of -3 while
    the incumbent receives a payoff of -1. If the
    incumbent accommodates the entrant receives a
    payoff of 2 while the incumbent receives a payoff
    of 1. Solve this game.

Dont Enter
I 2, E 0
I -1, E -3
I 1, E 2
  • Box of Lies
  • Melissa McCarthy
  • Emma Stone
  • Kate Hudson
  • Channing Tatum
  • Tina Fey
  • Jennifer Lawrence
  • Julie Bowen
  • Kerry Washington
  • Kate Hudson
  • You pick again!
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