Title: James 5:7-8
1James 57-8
- Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming
of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the
precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently
for it until it receives the early and latter
rain. You also be patient. Establish your hearts,
for the coming of the Lord is at hand.
2Until the Coming of the LordJames 57-8
1. Be Patient James 57-8
2. Establish Your Heart James 58
3. Look for Day of the Lord 2 Pet 310-12
4. Hasten Day of the Lord - 2 Peter 310-12
5. Proclaim Lords Death 1 Cor 1123-26
3Until the Coming of the LordJames 57-8
6. Complete His Good Work Phil 13-10
7. Be Sincere Philippians 110
8. Be Without Offense Phil 110
9. Judge Nothing 1 Corinthians 42-5
10. Keep His Commands 1 Tim 613-14
4Until the Coming of the LordJames 57-8
11. Commit Our Souls to Lord 2 Tim 112
One Day He Will Return Are You Ready for That
Day to Come?