Title: James Kretzschmar - An Experienced Dentist1
1James Kretzschmar
2Worked On Several Military Patients
James Kretzschmar has published several medical
articles, including The Natural Tooth Pontic and
The Role of Oncogenes in Cancer. James
Kretzschmar served in the military for 25 years.
He was a qualified doctor of dental surgery who
worked on several military patients throughout
his career.
3Director Of Base Dental Services
James Kretzschmar is the former Director of Base
Dental Services at Shaw AFB in South Carolina. He
now works at the University of Wyoming. James
Kretzschmar is an experienced dentist and has
authored several academic articles featured in
leading dentistry journals.
4Lecturer At The University of Wyoming
James Kretzschmar is a Temporary Lecturer at the
University of Wyoming. He gained this role in
January 2020 and is well-settled at the college.
James Kretzschmar served in the military before
beginning his work in academia. He has 25 total
years of active duty in the Army and Air Force.
5A Retired United States Air Force
James Kretzschmar is a retired United States Air
Force Colonel. He now works at the University of
Wyoming. He is a temporary lecturer in provost
office. James Kretzschmar has worked in several
other educational establishments, including the
Wake Forest University School of Medicine.
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