The Inward Voice - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Inward Voice


The Inward Voice The Voice of the Human Spirit The natural man, The carnal man. The spiritual man. Two Experiences There is a difference. The analogy of water. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: holy | inward | life | living | voice


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Inward Voice

The Inward Voice
  • The Voice of the Human Spirit
  • The natural man, The carnal man. The spiritual
  • Two Experiences
  • There is a difference. The analogy of water. The
    living person.
  • God Abiding Within
  • Go where He goes. The inner voice will direct.
    You to stay in the light.
  • Confidence in your Spirit
  • What the Spirit knows. The Spirit leads to
  • Tenderhearted
  • Your Spirit, not the Holy Spirit. Calloused
    again? Learn to keepa tender conscience. ,
  • The Voice of the Body
  • Feeling is the voice of the body. Reason is the
    voice of the mind. Conscience is the voice of the
  • Help from Within
  • The Spirit guides, speaks, reveals, teaches,

The Inward Voice
  • As we have seen, the inward witness is God's
    primary way of guiding us. This inward witness
    could also be said to be intuition. It is more
    passive than the inward voice of your spirit.
    Your spirit has a voice. This is the conscience
    or the small still voice of the inner man. It is
    more assertive and insistent than theinward

The Inward Voice
  • Disobeying the inward Witness
  • The Holy Spirit will direct the believer either
    by an inner conviction or agreement. The inward
    voice of the conscience will be heard when we
    either disobey or ignore this inward witness.
  • The Voice of (the Human Spirit)
  • Keeping the conscience is the act of obeying the
    inward voice. Paul always followed what his
    conscience said. But the question is "Can you
    trust your conscience?".

The Inward Voice
  • The Natural Man
  • The natural man is not born again - he is still
    in the natural state. These people are
    spiritually dead in their trespasses and sins
    that is, they are dead to God and cannot hear or
    perceive the Holy Spirit. As such, they have an
    insensitive, dull and calloused conscience, which
    allows and permits anything.
  • The only guide here is
  • The course of this world
  • The prince of the power of the air
  • The lusts of our flesh

The Inward Voice
  • Often, if it is to the benefit of the flesh, the
    person will disobey the conscience for the sake
    of self-gratification. How can a conscience be
    trusted if it has not been made active through
    the new birth? It will either be under the
    influence of the flesh or logical intellect,
    otherwise known as the course of the world.
  • The Carnal Man
  • This is the Christian who is born of the Spirit
    and has received new life, but is still immature
    in spiritual things.

The Inward Voice
  • Discerning both Good and Evil
  • The carnal man cannot discern between what is
    good or evil - there is some confusion and they
    get their lines crossed.
  • The Weak Conscience
  • A weak conscience and lack of knowledge of the
    Word of God go together.

The Inward Voice
  • Bear the Scruples of the Weak
  • A weak conscience will not allow the immature
    believer to enjoy the liberty which the Word
    allows. Those who have a strong conscience should
    bear the weak.
  • The Spiritual Man
  • This is the born-again believer who has come to
    maturity and is able to responsibly and honestly
    discern between good and evil. He is one walking
    freely in the boundaries that the perfect law of
    liberty provides. He knows what goes against the
    Word and he knows what lines up with the Word,
    and his inward voice bears witness accurately and

The Inward Voice
  • One thing the new birth produces is a sensitive,
    alive and active conscience. That inward voice
    lets you know when you are right or wrong. The
    old life is seen in its true light.
  • Full of the Life of Light
  • When you have the life of the light you are no
    longer in darkness. Your conscience will not just
    permit anything! You have the life of God. You
    are alive to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
    You are quickened! Allow God's
  • Life to rule!
  • Light to rule!
  • Love to rule!

The Inward Voice
  • Two Experiences
  • There is a Difference at the new birth, the
    believer receives a measure of the Spirit, but at
    the infilling there is an overflow of the Holy
    Spirit which is seen in the utterance of
    different kinds of tongues.
  • The Analogy of Wafer At the New Birth
  • John 414 ... But whoever drinks of the water
    that I shall give him WILL NEVER THIRST. But the
    water that I shall give him will become in him a
    fountain of water springing up into everlasting

The Inward Voice
  • At the infilling of the Spirit
  • John 737-39 out of his heart will flow rivers
    of living water. But this He spoke concerning the
  • The two experiences are different. There is one
    well of water which has to be drawn out the
    other is a well spring of water from which gushes
    effervescent, living water!

The Inward Voice
  • The Living Person
  • The only thing is that the Holy Spirit is not a
    river, but a living Person Who flows "like a
    river". His purpose is to provide sustenance and
    life to the world around.
  • God Abiding Within
  • This thought is so mind boggling and difficult
    to understand that it is called a mystery. That
    is that our Body is God's home, God's vehicle and
    God's possession.

The Inward Voice
  • Go where He goes
  • Where will He go?
  • What is the law of liberty?
  • We are talking about knowing which way to go and
    not being in the dark - about being led by the
    Holy Spirit from the position of God abiding
    within in our spirit man of the heart.

The Inward Voice
  • Follow after Love
  • The still small voice of the spirit (the
    conscience) will assert itself every time we
    break the law of love. Every time we live to
    gratify self at the expense of others, be sure
    that the inward voice will be heard! Why? Because
    the conscience is filled with the Light of life
    and not the darkness of death.

The Inward Voice
  • Confidence in Your Spirit
  • There is something deep down that speaks to man,
    demanding that he have faith in God. When all
    around us crumbles, when there is nothing to
    stand on in the physical, when the mind has no
    more arguments and when the heart finally takes
    over, the cry is God-ward! Deep calls to deep!
  • What the Spirit knows
  • The spirit knows things that the head has not
    perceived it sees things the mind has no
    knowledge of. Therefore depend on your spirit.
    When there is

The Inward Voice
  • Sickness
  • Poverty
  • Calamity
  • That is when your spirit will automatically lead
    you to health, wealth and victory, do not listen
    to your head! Let God speak to your heart and
    listen to the inner voice. It is here that you
    will be led to the answers.
  • The Spirit Leads to Faith
  • When Kenneth Hagin was lying paralyzed for
    sixteen months in bed waiting to die, he finally
    believed the Scripture, and the inward voice said

The Inward Voice
  • Now you believe that you are well - get up then.
    Well people ought to be up at 10.30 in the
    morning". So he made the effort, he struggled,
    he pushed himself with unfeeling legs to stand.
    Then he felt something - the healing power of god
    began to flow until strength filled his entire
    body and he stood up. He listened to his spirit -
    the inward voice of God speaking to the
    conscience! He chose to believe God!

The Inward Voice
  • Tenderhearted
  • Whatever we cannot do with confidence, and
    without condemnation is sin.
  • Your Spirit nor the Holy Spirit
  • Your spirit convicts - it wants to school you
    back into the light. When you use profanity,
    criticism or negative talk, the new man says,
    "No!". Follow your conscience.

The Inward Voice
  • Calloused Again?
  • If the Christian continually disobeys and
    disregards this inward voice, he is cauterizing
    his heart. He renders that new born, sensitive
    heart senseless, unfeeling and calloused. He
    deadens the nerve ends. Learn to keep a tender
    consciences, especially if you want to-be led by
    the Holy Spirit break up the fallow ground rend
    your heart until it is sensitive again wait and
    listen before you act be a full time worshipper
    keep a thankful
    heart before the Lord.

The Inward Voice
  • The Voice of the Body
  • Feeling is the voice of the body
  • Reason is the voice of the mind
  • Conscience is the voice of the spirit
  • Help from Within
  • John 1613 However, when He, the Spirit of
    truth, has come, He will GUIDE YOU INTO ALL
    TRUTH for He will not speak on His own
    authority, but whatever He hears, He will speak
    and He will tell you things to come.

The Inward Voice
  • The Spirit Guides
  • It is in the nature of the Holy Spirit to lead
    and guide God's children. He takes us into
    unknown and unexplored territory.
  • The Spirit Speaks
  • He will communicate to your spirit the things He
    hears from God the Father in heaven by the inward
    witness or the inward voice.

The Inward Voice
  • The Spirit Reveals
  • He will show you personally and individually
    what direction you must take and where your life
    will lead you to.
  • The Spirit Teaches
  • He is a natural teacher living inside every
    believer. He takes hidden things and not only
    reveals them, but He also explains. Flow with the
    rivers of Living Water coming from within them.
    He adds wisdom to the knowledge.

The Inward Voice
  • The Spirit Reminds
  • He pushes the recall button inside your heart
    and mind so that the truth of the Lord Jesus is
    burnt into you!
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