Title: The Text Analytics Market(s)
1 The Text Analytics Market(s) Competitive
landscape and trends by Curt A. Monash,
Ph.D. President, Monash Research Editor, Text
Technologies contact_at_monash.com http//www.monash.
com http//www.texttechnologies.com
28 linguistics-based businesses
- Web search
- Public-facing site search
- Enterprise search knowledge management
- Custom publishing
- Text mining and extraction
- Spam filtering
- Voice recognition
- Machine translation
3Web search
- Giant oligopoly
- It's a huge business
- It's consolidating down to two vendors that
matter - If anybody but Google matters at all
- Startups aren't gaining traction
- Three kinds of search
- Navigational
- Informational
- Transactional
4Web search vendor issues today
- Physical efficiency
- Adversarial information retrieval
- Monetization
- Regulation
- Branding
5Future web search issues
- Better popularity metrics
- Better use of context
- Geography!!
- Sub-page retrieval
- Looking through security barriers
- Better UIs
6Public-facing site search
- It has dual goals
- What the user actually wants
- What you want the user to see
- E-commerce and general search are separate
businesses - E-commerce province of smaller vendors
- General province of search, portal, or CMS
vendors - Hand-tagging is key
7Enterprise search KM (inward-facing)
- For decades there was only one kind of text
analytics - but that was asking too much of one technology
- Now enterprise search is more circumscribed
- but things are still convoluted
- Complex needs
- Multiple kinds of search
- Unique technical challenges
- Multiple purchase drivers
- Confused market
- One-size-fits-all strategy
- Users want portal integration
- Investment is fragmented
8Kinds of enterprise search
- Find a specific document
- Find an answer
- Find ALL documents
- Find an expert
9Technical challenges in enterprise search
- Documents may not exist
- Many formats
- Corpus weighting
- No good popularity metrics
- Security
- Ease of adoption!!!
10Many reasons to buy enterprise search
- General productivity
- Sure beats looking through file cabinets
- Wouldn't it be nice if ...
- KM dreams
- Compliance
- Thou shalt
- Not all the reasons are good
11One-size-fits-all didn't work
- Overreaching had a lot to do with that
- E-commerce search isn't general search
- Text mining isn't search (or clustering)
- Custom publishing isn't exactly search
12Custom publishing
- More precise than search
- Sophisticated extraction
- Focus on document parts
- Started with technical publishers (and
intelligence) - Expanded to
- Other technical documents
- Other publishers
- Players
- Mark Logic
- Various text miners
- Various search vendors
13Bollixed enterprise search market landscape
- Multiple generations of vendors flamed out
- Verity
- Excalibur (endlessly backed by Allen Company)
- Fulcrum et al.
- Google has brand name, ease of installation
- Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, and Autonomy are all
confused - Products are sold for inappropriate apps
- Compliance is driving demand
- Small vendors are ... small
14Text mining
- Really about sophisticated extraction
- Apps and verticals mirror data mining
- The action is in sentiment analysis ...
- ... and ease of use
- Otherwise the industry seems tired
15The original text mining apps Early warning
- Source July, 2006 post on Text Technologies
- Vehicle safety
- Other manufacturing/warranty analysis apps
- Reputation management
- Other customer sentiment apps
- Anti-terrorism
- Sarbanes-Oxley compliance
- (continued )
16More early warning
- ( continued)
- Antifraud
- Stopping money laundering
- Clinical applications (some)
- Early insurance risk management apps
- Early experimental hedge fund apps
- Employee (dis)satisfaction (missing from the
original list)
17Customer/market intelligence
- Now drive text mining growth
- Internal Voice of the Customer came first
- Voice of the Market has blended in
- Sales, buying, and delivery practices are in line
- Departmental buying
- SaaS delivery
- Many vendors focus(ing) on this segment
- Attensity
- Clarabridge
- Expert System S.p.A
18Three ways to use text mining
- Business intelligence
- Reports, dashboards
- Attensity, Clarabridge
- Predictive analytics
- Data mining
- Custom publishing
- nStein et al.
- Lots of partnerships
19Six trends that could shake up the market
- Web/enterprise/messaging integration
- BI integration
- Universal message retention
- Portable personal profiles
- Electronic health records
- Voice command control
20 Further information Curt A. Monash,
Ph.D. President, Monash Research Editor, Text
Technologies contact_at_monash.com http//www.monash
.com http//www.texttechnologies.com