Title: 10 pt
Work Requirements
Instructional Activities
Room/School Areas
5 pt
5 pt
5 pt
5 pt
5 pt
10 pt
10 pt
10 pt
10 pt
10 pt
15 pt
15 pt
15 pt
15 pt
15 pt
20 pt
20 pt
20 pt
20 pt
20 pt
25 pt
25 pt
25 pt
25 pt
25 pt
2Where assignments will be returned
3What is in Monday Envelopes?
4The type of mark received for wandering around
the classroom
5What is a seat mark?
6Where Morning Work can be found
7Where is on the projector screen, the front desk,
or on student desks?
8How attendance is taken
9What is by placing a colored paper strip in my
pocket each morning?
10When planners should be filled out
11What is first thing in the morning or Mrs. Newell
or Mrs. Aldrich ask us to?
12Requirements of the heading?
13What are name, number, subject, assignment,
14Consequence for late work
15What is 50 credit the next day, and assignment
must be completed before the end of the quarter
or it becomes a zero?
16Consequence for incomplete work
17What is receive the grade with no opportunity for
18Make-up work procedure
19What is pick up work with your name on it.
Complete turn in within two days?
20When assignments are due
21What is the next day unless stated otherwise?
22Where when work is turned in
23What is passed in when finished grading or turned
in when directed to?
24When spirals are graded
25What is on the day of the test or randomly for
DOL spiral?
26Policy on talking during class
27What is okay when teacher directed, a talking
mark at any other time?
28Policy on movement around the room
29What is okay if it is not during instruction if
it is for an appropriate purpose all other times
result in a seat mark?
30How planners are graded
31What is planners are graded for correct
assignments in the planner, homework notes
parent signature?
32When pencils may be sharpened
33What is before specials during Study Hall. At
other times students must use the pencil exchange
34Consequence for leaving materials in cubby,
backpack, or other classroom
35What is you will receive a materials mark to
retrieve it?
36Policy for using the computers at non-lab times
37What is they are to be used for school related
purposes and you must sign in to the computer log?
38Policy for checking books out of the class library
39What is place your checkout stick in the books
spot (only one book at a time) check out with a
40Drinks/RR policy
41What is place the RR pass in designated spot and
sign out, or use on the way to recess or lunch
(no more than 4 per day)
42CR policy
43What is any complete assignment that had a grade
below 70 corrections must be done on a separate
page and stapled to the front of the original for
70 of new grade
44Extra credit
45- What is not much is offered
- Do your best the first time
- get help when you need it
- CR
- test essays
- RC quizzes
- some occasions come up?
46Print v. Cursive
47What is cursive is expected in spelling
language (personal exceptions will be between the
student teachers)?
48Student jobs
49What is each student has a job each week?
50Class reward system
51What is the class can earn points daily to earn a
group reward individuals can be eliminated if
they earn too many individual marks?
52Final Jeopardy Mrs. Kite
53What are the names of Mrs. Kites kids and pets?
54What are Jamie, Allie, Leah, Oreo, and Wyatt?