Minor Project on Vertical Take-off Landing System - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Minor Project on Vertical Take-off Landing System


Statement About The Problem-existing System. In contrast to terrestrial mobile robots, for which it is often possible to limit the model to kinematics, the control of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Minor Project on Vertical Take-off Landing System

Minor Project onVertical Take-off Landing System
  • SHUBHAM SHARMA (10710102811)
  • ABHISHEK ARORA (11410102811)
  • VIBHANSHU JAIN (11610102811)
  • RAZI AHMAD (13210102811)

  • About VTOL Systems
  • Objective of our Project
  • About VAAYU(Our Prototype)
  • Statement About The Problem-existing System
  • Simulation using Simulink
  • Results
  • Working Model of VAAYU-UAV
  • Future Plans
  • References

About VTOL Systems
  • A vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft
    is one that can hover, take off, and land
    vertically. This classification includes
    fixed-wing aircraft as well as helicopters and
    other aircraft with powered rotors, such as
    cyclogyros/cyclocopters and tilt rotors.
  • A quad copter, also called a quad rotor
    helicopter, quad rotor, is a multicolor
    helicopter that is lifted and propelled by four
  • Next Slide has a picture of Quadcopter.

About VTOL Systems
  • The Picture of a VTOL-

Objective of Project
  • Objective Modeling and PID Controller Design
    for a Quadrotor Unmanned Air Vehicle
  • Our Project presents the modeling of a four rotor
    vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) unmanned air
    vehicle known as the quadrotor aircraft. It
    presents a new model design method for the flight
    control of an autonomous quad rotor . The dynamic
    model of the quad-rotor, which is an under
    actuated aircraft with fixed four pitch angle
    rotors, will be described. This paper explains
    the developments of a PID (proportionalintegral-
    derivative) control method to obtain stability in
    flying the Quad-rotor flying object. The model
    has four input forces which are basically the
    thrust provided by each propeller connected to
    each rotor with fixed angle. Forward (backward)
    motion is maintained by increasing (decreasing)
    speed of front (rear) rotor speed while
    decreasing (increasing) rear (front) rotor speed
    simultaneously which means changing the pitch
    angle. Left and right motion is accomplished by
    changing roll angle by the same way. The front
    and rear motors rotate counter-clockwise while
    other motors rotate clockwise so that the yaw
    command is derived by increasing (decreasing)
    counter-clockwise motors speed while decreasing
    (increasing) clockwise motor speeds.

  • VAAYU-UAV is a multirotor which represents a
    technological dream achieved by a team of
    undergraduate of AIACTR students with the aim to
    develop a VTOL system for Aerial Surveillance.
  • The VAAYU has been designed by fusion of research
    work in the field of mechanical, electronics ,
    control system, and embedded programming.

Statement About The Problem-existing System
  • In contrast to terrestrial mobile robots, for
    which it is often possible to limit the model to
    kinematics, the control of aerial robots
    (quadrotor) requires dynamics in order to account
    for gravity effects and aerodynamic forces . In
    general, existing quadrotor dynamic models are
    developed on the hypothesis of a unique rigid
    body which is a restrictive hypothesis that does
    not account for the fact that the system is
    composed of five rigid bodies four rotors and a
    crossing body frame. This makes the explanation
    of several aspects, like gyroscopic effects, very
    difficult. Additionally, simplification
    hypotheses are generally introduced early in the
    model development and leads in general to
    misleading interpretations

Simulation Using Simulink
Simulation Using Simulink
Simulation Using Simulink
Simulation Using Simulink
Simulation Using Simulink
Working Model-VAAYUBelow is the CATIA Design of
Quad copter created to calculate Moment of
Inertia and Center of Mass of the VTOL System.
Working Model-VAAYU
Working Model-VAAYUPicture of Arduino IDE
Future Plans
  • Simulink Graph Plot
  • Perfect Calibration
  • Navigation and collision avoidance
  • Active/passive vibration suppression
  • User interface/mission management
  • Testing and applications
  • Camera Integration
  • GPS Point selection Navigation

  1. P. I. Corke, Robotics, vision and control
    fundamental algorithms in MATLAB, ser. Springer
    tracts in advanced robotics. Berlin Springer,
    2011, no. v. 73.
  2. M. D. L. C. de Oliveira, Modeling,
    identification and control of a quadrotor
    aircraft, Ph.D. dissertation, Czech Technical
  3. Hamel T. Mahoney r. Lozano r. Et Ostrowski j.
    Dynamic modelling and configuration
    stabilization for an X4-flyer. In the 15éme IFAC
    world congress, Barcelona, Spain. 2002.
  4. UAVs. New world vistas Air and space for the
    21st centry. Human systems and biotechnology
    systems, 7.01718,1997.
  5. Pounds, P., Mahony, R., Hynes, P., and Roberts,
    J., Design of a Four- Rotor Aerial Robot,
    Australian Conference on Robotics and Automation,
    Auckland, November 2002.
  6. Bouabdallah, S., Murrieri, P., and Siegwart, R.,
    Design and Control of an Indoor Micro
    Quadrotor, ICRA, New Orleans, April 2004.

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