Title: Digital Electronics
1Digital Electronics
2Chapter 3
Gate-Level Minimization
3Karnaugh Maps
Simplify F A'B'C A'BC' AB'CA'BC ABC
Simplify F A'B'C A'BC' AB'CA'BC ABC
5K-Map with dont care
Simplify F(w,x,y,z) S (1,3,7,11,15) d(w,x,y,z)
S (0,2,5)
F z (y w' )
6DeMorgans Picture!
Two Equivalent Representations
7How Bubbles Move !
Three equivalent representations of F AB CD
8NAND Implementation
F xy' x'y z
9Designing for Equivalence
Design a circuit to check if x y
10Hint Review XOR and XNOR
XNOR will be high if x y
11Odd and Even Functions
(a) Checks for odd number of 1s (b) Checks for
even number of 1s
12Parity Generator / Checker
Even Parity Generator Even Parity
Checker P 1 if x,y,z have odd number of 1s so
that the four bits, x, y, z, and P have an even
number of 1s C 1 if there is error, that is if
the four bits received have an odd number of 1s
Verilog Hardware Description Language
// A simple example module my_example
(A,B,C,x,y) input A,B,C output x,y wire e and
g1 (e,A,B) not g2 (y,C) or g3 (x,e,y) endmodule
14Comments on my_example
// indicates a comment line statements are
terminated with endmodule has no
semicolon keywords like module, input etc. must
be in lowercase gate declarations must have the
output first then the inputs separated by commas
15Circuit Diagram of my_example
16Thats All Folks!